The Belial Origins (23 page)

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Authors: R. D. Brady

BOOK: The Belial Origins
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s Laney jogged next to Mustafa, she watched the SIA agent from the corner of her eye. He was glancing around constantly, checking for signs of danger. Laney had seen him in action in Egypt, and she knew she could trust him in a fight. But could she trust him with Max and Victoria?

Ahead, Jake stopped at the corner of the building. When Mustafa and Laney caught up to him, Laney peeked around it. “What do we know?”

“The entrance is only a few meters down,” Mustafa said. “There were two guards stationed there.”

“Were?” Laney asked.

“The Fallen took care of them,” Mustafa said, his mouth grim.

The security perimeter had been extended to this point—sawhorses blocked the way. The SIA had moved two vans to block the alley leading to the side of the temple. Two SIA agents were shooing away any tourists who happened to wander over. Not great, but better than she had expected.

Laney turned back to Mustafa. “Make sure your men know the priority is getting Max and Victoria out.”

Mustafa opened his mouth, and Laney knew he was going to argue with her. She cut him off with a shake of her head, and when she spoke, she left no uncertainty in her tone. “No. They
the priority. They come before anything,”

Mustafa hesitated, then nodded with a bow. “Very well.”

To Maddox, Laney said, “You get Max and get out. That is your
priority. We’ll meet you back at the safe house. For now, you and Henry need to stay out of their range. We can’t take the chance of them sensing you.”

Maddox nodded, his jaw taut.

Laney looked at Henry, Ralph, and Jake. “We’re in charge of Victoria. Okay?”

Mustafa’s radio burst to life. “We have Max. He’s alone. We’re coming out with him.”

“Go,” Laney yelled at Maddox, but he was already sprinting for the door. The Fallen would know they were there, but Max had to come before that. And she knew without a doubt that Victoria would agree.

Seconds later, Maddox was on his way back. He came to a halt in front of them, Max clutched tightly in his arms.

Laney reached up and hugged him. “Max.”

He hugged her back. “Victoria’s still in there.”

“We’ll get her,” Laney promised, nodding at Maddox. “Go.”

Maddox needed no further urging. He disappeared in a blur.

Laney turned to Jake, who gave her a grin. “One down…”

“One to go,” Laney said.

“They’re coming out. Two in front,” the voice called through Mustafa’s radio. “I think they’re looking for Max.”

“Hold until they’re outside,” Laney ordered, and she and Jake ran for an old produce truck that SIA agents had maneuvered into the alley earlier. They leaned on the hood of the truck, taking aim at the entrance. Mustafa was right behind them, speaking quietly into the radio.

“Remember, “ Jake said, “center mass.”

Laney nodded, not taking her eyes from the entrance. Electric tingles ran over her as she lined up the door in her sight. Two men stepped out.

Laney pulled the trigger over and over again. The two men collapsed. The SIA agents hidden on either side of the door pulled the men away from the doorway, put their weapons to the men’s chests, and emptied them. Then they shoved the men against the temple wall.

Jake winked at Laney. “Nice shooting.”

She smiled. “I had a good teacher.”

“The rest are coming out. Victoria is with them,” Mustafa said.

Laney took position again, and they waited.

Soon, more electric tingles ran over Laney. “Here they come. Everyone hold until Victoria is out the door.”

Yelling from the right drew Laney’s attention. The commandos from the temple security were rounding the corner.
Damn it.
“Mustafa, what’s going on?”

“My man spoke with the commander. But he won’t play ball, especially after finding out two of his men were down. He notified security and ordered us to stand down.”

“Like hell. Make sure Victoria is protected. Just try not to kill any of the security guards,” Laney said, her heart racing into overdrive.

Mustafa relayed the instructions into the radio just as the first Fallen stepped out of the entrance.

At the same moment, the commandos barreled down the alley toward them, shouting something Laney couldn’t understand.

“No, no, no,” Laney whispered, picturing the bloodbath that was about to occur.

More Fallen appeared at the entrance; they immediately opened fire on the commandos. Laney, Jake, and the SIA opened fire on the Fallen, just as the last of the Fallen stepped out—along with Samyaza and Victoria.

A blur appeared to Laney’s side. From the sharp pain that jolted through her, she knew it was Ralph. He sprinted past the Fallen and pushed Victoria to the ground, then shielded her with his body.

“Take them now!” Mustafa yelled over the radio.

Laney wasted no time. She lined up Elisabeta and got her in the shoulder. Elisabeta flew back with the force of the hit.

Two of the Fallen grabbed Elisabeta and took off at a run. The third Fallen fell in line behind them.

“Don’t let them escape!” Laney yelled.

But it was too late. The Fallen blurred and disappeared.

Two of the commandos lay on the ground, blood pooling around them. Two more were storming toward Laney, Jake, and Mustafa, their guns raised. “Hands up! Get your hands up!” one of the men yelled, his face contorted with anger.

Jake cursed and dropped his weapon on the hood of the car.

Laney did the same, then put her hands in the air. Her eyes were focused on where Ralph lay.

Slowly Ralph stood up. He reached down and helped Victoria to her feet. She dusted herself off and then gave Ralph a grateful smile.

A call came over the commandos’ radios, and the looks on their faces went from angry to disbelieving to seriously ticked off.

One of them glared at Laney and Jake. “You can put down your hands. And we’re…” He growled, obviously reluctant to say the next words. “We’re sorry for any problems we may have caused.”

Laney raised an eyebrow. “No problem.” She quickly walked around the truck.

Ahead of her, Henry reached Victoria and pulled her into a hug. Laney felt a tremor run through her.
She’s all right.

Laney reached the two of them and Henry stepped back. Laney looked into Victoria’s face. She was pale, and a little dirt smudged her cheeks, but her eyes were bright.

“You’re okay?” Laney asked, surprised at how shaky her voice was.

Victoria pulled Laney into a hug. “I am now.”










ake spoke with temple security and quickly got permission to leave the scene. One of the SIA agents would stay behind to answer any questions.

Henry and Ralph took up position on either side of Victoria as they made their way to the cars. Laney and Jake followed behind. Mustafa’s people had cleared out the exit route.

Sitting in an alley a few blocks away were two late-model Renault Dusters. Henry headed for one. One of the SIA agents moved to the driver’s door.

“No,” Jake said. “We’ll follow you.”

The agent gave a short bow and headed to the other car. Laney piled into the back with Victoria and Henry. Ralph took the passenger seat up front. Less than a minute later, they pulled out behind Mustafa.

The car ride was tense. No one said much of anything as they raced through the tight streets. They were pretty sure the Fallen had fled, but no one was taking any chances.

A few times, crowds and traffic jams stalled them, but Mustafa’s driver always seemed to know how to get around them. Twenty minutes later, they were away from the city, and Laney felt her shoulders relax a little.

Mustafa’s voice came over the radio. “I just had a call. The Fallen have taken off on their plane.”

“Did your people get a chance to put a tracker on it?” Jake asked.

Laney glanced at him in surprise. She hadn’t even thought of that.

“Yes. But the Fallen must have found it. My agent saw the plane take off, but the tracker showed it was still on the ground. All we know is that they’re heading north. We’ll let you know when we have a better indication of their destination.”

Laney reached up and touched Jake’s shoulder. “Jake?”

He gave her a nod and slowed down a little. “We’re clear for now.”

Laney sat back against the seat and looked out the window. A bull was being led down the side of the road by a kid no more than thirteen. She shook her head. It always amazed her how life could be normal only a few miles from the craziness that was her own life.

Victoria took both Laney’s hand and Henry’s. “I knew you would come.”

Laney felt relief that Victoria was back. But she also felt the same old confusion about what this was really all about. And she knew she couldn’t put off the conversation any longer.

She squeezed Victoria’s hand but spoke to Jake. “How long until we get to the safe house?”

“About thirty minutes,” he said, his eyes meeting hers in the rearview mirror.

Taking a breath, Laney turned to Victoria. “I think it’s time we talked.”










aney would have liked to have had this conversation while sitting in a nice parlor, maybe with a steaming cup of coffee and some pastries. She hadn’t pictured finding out her mother’s identity while on the run and squished in the back of an old Renault. But as with so many things in her life lately, she wasn’t given a lot of options.

Victoria nodded. “Yes. It is past time.” Then she fell silent.

Henry shifted so he was facing Victoria. “We know Ralph is an archangel.”

Victoria looked between Henry and Laney. “I thought you would know by now. You felt the charge, didn’t you?”

Laney nodded. “Yes.”

Victoria sighed and looked past Laney out the window. “First, you need to understand why I have kept my identity from you. It’s not because I didn’t trust you. It’s because I didn’t want to burden you with it.”

“How can an identity be a burden?” Jake asked.

Victoria gave a mirthless laugh. “Oh, you’d be surprised. How did you find Max and me, by the way?”

Laney knew Victoria was stalling, but honestly, Laney needed a moment to prepare herself for what she was going to hear. “The last archangel who guarded the tree told us.”

Victoria’s eyebrows rose. “You went to see Drake?”

Drake?” Laney asked. It was hard for her to envision her mother spending time with the over-the-top Drake.

“Ralph and I have seen his show a few times.”

Laney’s jaw dropped open. Her mother? In Vegas? Sightseeing? She glanced at Ralph, who was busy scanning both ahead of them and behind for any threat.

“I guess what happens in Vegas really does stay in Vegas,” Jake muttered.

Laney shoved the unwanted image of her mother playing roulette at a casino with Drake and Ralph cheering her on out of her mind.

“Mom,” Henry said, “we need to know.”

Victoria’s eyes roamed from Henry to Jake to Ralph, who looked back and gave her a subtle nod. Then, taking a breath, she turned to Laney. “I’ve imagined telling you, all of you, for so long... and now that the moment is here, I’m not sure how to begin.”

“Well, how about we start with something easy,” Henry said. “Like your name.”

Victoria smiled. “You’d think that would be easy. But I’ve had more names than I can remember.”

“And more lifetimes?” Laney asked quickly.

Victoria hesitated a moment. “Yes.”

Laney could feel her hands grow damp and her heart rate quicken. “Okay, well how about we start with the first name you can remember.”

Victoria looked out the window. “This is a beautiful country. I’ve always loved the flowers here—the nilofar, the water lilies. Did you know the water lilies here come in an array of colors?”

No one answered Victoria’s question, and Laney knew she hadn’t expected one. As much as Henry, Laney, and Jake had to prepare themselves for this conversation, Laney knew that Victoria did as well. It was as if everyone in the car was collectively holding their breath.

Victoria’s voice was soft. “No matter where I was born, or in what country, I have always found a way to have a garden.”

Laney swallowed, staying silent.

Finally, Victoria turned back to them. She took a shuddering breath. “I am the first woman. Two of us were created—a man and a woman.”

Jake’s eyes flicked to Ralph, his tone hardening. “You said she wasn’t Eve.”

Victoria gave a small smile. “I’m not Eve.”

Laney watched her for a moment, her disbelief growing. Her mother, who seemed to know everything about the past. Her mother, who knew even before Laney was born that she would face an important destiny. Her mother, whom Cleo had called the mother of all.

Laney felt lightheaded when the truth crashed down on her.
Why didn’t I see it sooner?

Victoria’s striking purple eyes held Laney’s gaze, and she gave her a nod. “Yes,” she said softly.

Henry looked between the two of them. “Who is she?” he asked.

Wonder filled Laney’s voice—and just a trace of fear. “She’s Lilith.”

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