The Bedford Boys: One American Town's Ultimate D-day Sacrifice (38 page)

BOOK: The Bedford Boys: One American Town's Ultimate D-day Sacrifice
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Bedford Bulletin-Democrat
, June 23, 1982, “Liberty Bicentennial Edition.”

. Norman D. Cota, Maj. Gen., US Army, Ret., letter to Kenneth E. Crouch, July 10, 1954.

. Major General D. W. Canham, letter to Parker-Hoback Post, April 30, 1954.

Bedford Democrat
, June 6, 1994.

. Mary Daniel Heilig, interview with author.

Potomac News
, June 5, 1994.

. Verona Lipford, interview with author.

. Bettie Wilkes Hooper, interview with author.

. In the meantime, most D-Day veterans had died.

Baltimore Sun
, June 6, 1998.

Bedford Democrat
, June 6, 1994.

. Lynchburg
News & Advance
, June 3, 2001.

. Ibid.

. Bob Slaughter, interview with author.

. Ibid.

. “D-Day Memorial to Salve Town’s Terrible Loss,”
Washington Post,
January 8, 1998.

. Various broadcasts as well as the
New York Times
, June 7, 2001.

. “Talk of War Where One From Past Still Haunts,”
New York Times,
September 15, 2001.

. Ibid.

. Ibid.

. Bob Sales, interview with author.

. Verona Lipford, interview with author.

. Elaine Coffey, interview with author.

. Ibid.

. Mary Daniel Heilig, interview with author.


Abbott, Dickie
Abbott, Leslie
Abbott, W. B.
ACTs. See Assault training centers
Afrika Korps
Allied Armed Forces Inter-Army
          championship baseball
Amphibious troops
Anderson, Alfred
Army of the Shenandoah
Assault training centers (ACTs)
Astor, Lady Nancy
Atlantic Wall
Ayers, Lloyd

Baltimore News-Post
Bandages, rolling,
Bangalore torpedoes
Barnes, John
     after D-Day
     in containment camp
     in England
on HMS Empire Javelin
Omaha Beach
, approach to

     and Omaha Beach, battle for

Basham, Melba

Battle of Britain
Battle of Manassas, reenactment of

Battle of the Atlantic
Battle of Trafalgar
Baumgarten, Hal
     in containment camp
     in England
     on HMS Empire Javelin
     and Omaha Beach, battle for

     at Slapton Sands
Bedford, Virginia
     after the war
     and casualties, news of
     D-Day in
     and memorial letters and poems

     rationing in
Bedford boys
     and invasion, reason chosen for

     memorial to
     and Omaha Beach, return to
     and reburial at home
     and return home
     See also
Company A
Bedford Bulletin

Bedford farmers
Bedford Fireman’s Band
Bedford High School
Bedford pool hall
Bee, Bernard
Belding Hemingway
Black soldiers
Blitzkrieg attacks
”Blue and Gray, The”
Blue Ridge Mountains
Boggess, Lucille Hoback

Bornstein, Edith
Boutwood, John
Bowman, Ned
Bradley, Omar N.
Bradshaw, Kathleen
Breeden, Cecil

British Expeditionary Force
British Royal Navy
Brooke, Sir Alan
Brookings Institution
Broughman, Cedric
B–29 bomber Enola Gay
Burnette, Laura
Burrow, Richard
Bush, George W.
Butcher, Harry

Camp A. P. Hill
Camp Blanding
Camp Kilmer
Canham, Charles
     after D-Day
     in containment camp

     and D-Day memorial
     in England
     and invasion plan
     and Omaha Beach, battle for

Capa, Robert
Cape Henry
Carder, Harry
Carder Funeral Home
Carney, Eugene
Carter, Wallace

     news of, in Bedford

     and Western Union telegrams

CCC. See Civilian Conservation Corps
Chamberlain, Neville
Chicago Cubs,
Churchill, Winston

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Civil War
Clifton, John
     in England
     and Omaha Beach, approach to
     and Omaha Beach, landing on

Clifton, Minnie Lee
Coffey, Elaine

Coleman, Andrew
Coleman, Sibyle Kieth
Coleman family
Colleville sur Mer
Company A
     after D-Day
     after the war
     at Camp Blanding
     at Camp Kilmer

     at Cape Henry
     and casualties

     and combat experience
     in containment camp
     departure of
     in England
     and farewell party
     and first wave
     at Fort Meade
     on HMS Empire Javelin
     induction of
     and Ivybridge
     and medical examinations
     mobilization of
     and moorland
     in North Carolina
     and Omaha Beach, approach to

     and Omaha Beach, battle for

     and Omaha Beach, casualties

     and Omaha Beach, landing on

     and Omaha Beach, return to
     and Operation Overlord, role in

     and Operation Tiger
     and replacements
     at Slapton Sands
     at Tidworth Barracks
     See also
Bedford boys
Company B
Company C
Company D
Congress, and selective service bill
Conscientious objectors
Containment camp, Company A in

Cota, Norman
     in containment camp
     in England
     and invasion plan
     and Omaha Beach, battle for

Cottrell, Marguerite
Craters, for shelter
Crayton, H. W.
Crouch, James
Crouch, Kenneth
Cundiff, Helen
Curtis, Joseph O.

Dallas, Thomas
     in Bedford
Great Britain
also Normandy invasion; Omaha
          Beach; Operation Overlord
Dean, John
Death notices
D’Este, Carlo
Detroit, race riots in
DeWitt, William O.
DiMaggio, Joe
Dittmar, Robert
Dog Green beach
Donaldson, Harold
Dorsey Tommy
Draper, David
Draper, Frank, Jr.

     and baseball
     in containment camp
     on HMS Empire Javelin

     and Omaha Beach, approach to
     and Omaha Beach, battle for
     and Omaha Beach, landing on

Draper, Frank, Sr.
Draper, Gamiel
Draper, Mary
Draper family
Dutch East Indies
Dutch Inn

Eisenhower, Dwight

     and Higgins boats
     and invasion, postponement of

     and invasion plan
     and Operation Tiger
Elle River
England, Company A in
 “England’s Own,”
English Channel
Enola Gay
Ewing, Joseph
“Exercise Beaver,”
Expert Infantryman’s Badge

Factories, and wartime production

Fellers, Bertie
Fellers, Janie
Fellers, Peter Anson
Fellers, Taylor
     in containment camp
     in England

     on HMS Empire Javelin

     and invasion plan
     and Omaha Beach, approach to

     and Omaha Beach, battle for
     and Omaha Beach, landing on
     and Operation Tiger
     at Slapton Sands
Fellers family
Fergusson, Lieutenant
1st Division

First wave
Fizer, Charles

Fizer family
Forth of Clyde
Fort Meade
4th Division
Fourth War Loan Drive
Foutz, Elsie
     liberation of
Frank, Anne

Garbed, Robert
Garden of the Missing
Gearing, Edward
     after D-Day
     in containment camp
     on HMS Empire Javelin
     and Omaha Beach, battle for

George VI
Gerhardt, Charles
     in containment camp
     in England
     and invasion plan
     and Omaha Beach, battle for
     at Slapton Sands
German artillery
German E-boats
German Panzerfaust
German POWs
German prisoners
German 352nd Division

German 716th Division
German U-boats
     and HMS Queen Mary
surrender of
     See also
Nazi Germany
Gerow, Leonard
Gillaspie, J. W.
Gillaspie, Nicholas
Gillette, Douglas
Goggin, Booker
Gold stars
Goode, Dorothy Wilkes
Goode, Robert
Grattidge, Harry
Gray Ghost, . See also HMS Queen
Great Britain
Great Depression
Green, Jimmy
     on HMS Empire Javelin
     and Omaha Beach, approach to

     and Omaha Beach, battle for
     and Omaha Beach, landing on
Green, William
Greenbrier Hotel
Greens drugstore
Grey, J. H.
Gubernot, Joe
Guderian, Heinz

Hamlett, Warner “Buster,”
Hampton Looms
Hanks, Tom
Hardy, Ralph H.
Harris, Jack
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Harvey, Mrs. Keith
Hawthorn hedgerow. See Bocage

Heilig, Mary Daniel, . See also
          Parker, Danny
Hickam Field airbase
Higginbotham, Clarence
Higgins, Andrew
Higgins boats
Hitler, Adolf
     and Atlantic Wall
     and HMS Queen Mary
HMSCuracoa, and HMS Queen Mary, collision with

HMS Empire Javelin

HMS Obedient
HMS Queen Elizabeth
HMS Queen Mary
     and HMSCuracoa, collision with

Hoback, Bedford

     in containment camp
     in England
     on HMS Queen Mary
     and Omaha Beach, battle for
Hoback, John Samuel
Hoback, Lucille

Hoback, Mabel
Hoback, Macie
Hoback, Rachel
Hoback, Raymond

     in containment camp
     in England
     and Omaha Beach, landing on
     at Slapton Sands
Hoback family
     and casualties, news of

Hoboken, New Jersey

Holmes Lieutenant
Hooper, Bettie Wilkes
     and Omaha Beach, return to
     See also Wilkes, Bettie
Hooper, Lewis
Horne, Mr
Hound of the Baskervilles
Huddleston, Allen

     in containment camp
     and D-Day memorial
     in England
     on HMS Queen Mary
Huddleston, Geraldine
Huebner, Clarence R.

Illingworth, Gordon
Infantile paralysis
Israel, Roy

Jackson, Thomas J.
Jacksonville, Florida
     surrender of
Jodl, Alfred
Jones, Jesse
Jordan, Ivylyn
Jubelin, André

Kessup, Private
Korean War

Laird, John
Land Army
Landing craft assault (LCA)
Landing ship tanks (LSTs)
Lane, Mrs. H. M.
LCA sinking of

Lee, Clifton
Lee family
Leftwich-Fellers, Annie Elizabeth
Leigh-Mallory Trafford
Letters, to and from home
Letters and poems, memorial
Lewis, John L.
Liberty, Virginia
Liberty magazine
Liberty Theater
Life magazine
Lions Club
Lipford, Verona

     and casualties, news of
     and D-Day
Lockard, Rebecca
LSTs. See Landing ship tanks
Lunscomb, Mrs.
Lyle, W L.
Lynchburg, Virginia

Maissey le Grand
Marshall, George C
Marshall, Jim
Marsico, Hazel
Marsico, John
Marsico, Tony
Martin, Allin
McCauley Ellen
McCauley Mr.
McCloy John J.
McKinney, Nellie
McNair, Lesley
Memorial, D-Day

Memorial letters and poems
Mental exhaustion
MG-42 machine gun
Military prison
Miller, Elva
Miller family
Ministerial Association
Mitchell, Jack
“Moaning Minnies,”
M-1 Garand rifles
Monte Cassino
Montgomery, Bernard

Mortar fire
Mud Alley Wildcat baseball team
Mullens, Thomas
Murdock, Gil

Nance, McHenry
Nance, Ray
     in containment camp
     and D-Day memorial
     in England
     on HMS Empire Javelin
     on HMS Queen Mary
     and invasion plan
     and Omaha Beach, approach to
     and Omaha Beach, battle for

     and Omaha Beach, landing on
     and Operation Tiger
     and return home
     at Slapton Sands
Napoleonic Wars
National D-Day Foundation
National D-Day Memorial. See Memorial, D-Day

National Guard
     after the war
National Guard Memorial

National Socialism
Nazi Germany
and Poland, attack on
     See also Germany
Nelson, Horatio
New Brunswick
Newbury airfield
Newcomb, Earl

     after D-Day
     in containment camp
     in England
     on HMS Queen Mary
     and return home
Newcomb, Elva
     and casualties, news of
     and D-Day
Newcomb family
New Deal
New London Academy
Newman, Naomi
Newman, William Henry
New York City
New York Times
New York Yankees
911 terrorist attack
Normandy invasion
     and Bedford boys, reason chosen for

     postponement of
     See also Omaha Beach; Operation
North Africa
North Carolina

Office of Price Administration
Office of Production Management
Office of War Information
Omaha Beach
     after D-Day

     approach to
     battle for
     and Bedford boys, return to

     and Company A, return to
     dress rehearsal
     landing on
     and medics
     See also Normandy invasion; Operation
146th Special Underwater Demolition
116th Infantry Regiment
Yankees, . See also Baseball
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Bolero
Operation Fortitude
Operation Fox
Operation Neptune
Operation Overlord,

     and Company A, role in
     invasion plan
     See also Normandy invasion; Omaha
Operation Tiger
Operation Torch
Oran, Algeria
Oslo, Norway
Overstreet, Glenwood “Dickie,”
     in England
     and Omaha Beach, battle for
     and Omaha Beach, landing on

     and return home
Overstreet, Wilton

Padley James
Parker, Billy
Parker, Danny (later Mary Daniel Heilig)

          . See also Heilig, Mary
Parker, Earl

     in containment camp
     in England
     on HMS Empire Javelin
Parker, Joseph
Parker, Mrs. George

Parker, Viola

     after the war
     and casualties, news of

     and D-Day
Parker family
     and casualties, news of
     and D-Day
Parker-Hoback post
Pas de Calais
Patton, George S.
Peake, Mickey Muriel
Peaks of Otter
“Peaks of Otter Rifles, The,”
Pearl Harbor, bombing of
Perkin, Julian
Physical exhaustion
Piccadilly Circus
Pickett, Russell

Piedmont Label Company
Pledge of neutrality
Plot cultivation
Plymouth, England
Point du Hoc
     and Nazi Germany, attack on
     surrender of

Powers, Clyde
     after D-Day

     in containment camp
     and D-Day memorial
     in England
     on HMS Empire Javelin
     and Omaha Beach, approach to

     and Omaha Beach, battle for

     and return home,

Powers, Eloise
Powers, Jack
     in containment camp
     in England
     on HMS Empire Javelin
Powers, Marie
Powers family
Presidential citation
Presley, “Big Bill,”
Proffit, “Chubby,”
Purple hearts
Pyle, Ernie

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