The Bedford Beauty (A Regency Novella) (2 page)

BOOK: The Bedford Beauty (A Regency Novella)
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Treading the waters
of the ton, while trying to secure a titled husband was a challenge she had not
relished. Alice managed to draw some male attention even though her dowry was
only two thousand pounds. But she wanted more than interest and friendship from
a marriage. She had no idea what love felt like, but wanted to experience it
before she was swept to the altar. A husband whom she could love and met her
family's approval was a dream she held close. A difficult dream as her first
season came and went without a single tug at her heart and more than a few
moments of mortification.

“With Alice’s
beauty she was quite sought after. A viscount and a baron showed a great deal
of interest in her,” Mother boasted.

“Yes, but we
did not suit,” Alice added quickly, wishing the conversation would change directions.

Yes, a baron
and a viscount had flatteringly shown interest in her, until the ton dismissed
the country mouse with their hurtful whispers and snubs. Mama and Papa would
have whisked her away from it all if they had known, but Alice knew how
important her marriage to a titled gentleman was to them. She hid her hurt
feelings, burying them behind a smile and a pretty dress. All the while she secretly
nourished her belief love existed out there like in Mrs. Radcliffe's novels.

She promised
herself she would try to find love before committing herself to marriage.
Perhaps it was a foolish, childish desire to want love, but she could wait a
little longer to find it. Mother and Papa told her they could afford one more
season so she had more time to improve her chances of finding her perfect lord.

“Alice had
several offers you know,” Mother exclaimed with pride.

“Did she
now?” Dayton drawled mischievously, giving her a wink.

Alice scowled
at him and added, “None to my liking.”

“Why?” asked
the deep, smooth voice across from her. Her widened eyes met Blake's and she
blushed. His countenance held genuine interest, and he spoke so rarely his
question startled her.

“She asked me
to allow her more time. We indulged her, of course, because none of them had
titles to speak of,” Mother rattled on. And it was before she was labeled an
unpolished, country mouse. Thank goodness her suitors weren’t titled or Mother
and Papa would have wheedled her into accepting one of them had they proposed.

She glanced
up at Blake to see if Mother's explanation satisfied him, and he met her eyes
with a questioning look. What was he thinking? Why was he interested in her

“Of course, I
am determined to see she gets ample notice from Lord Bedford at the assembly.
He would be a fine catch, an Earl with ten thousand pounds a year,” Mother
exhibited a rare moment of excitement.

Alice could
hear the hopefulness in her mother's voice and sighed. She liked Lord Bedford,
but had not spent enough time with him to determine if the rapturous feeling of
love would appear.

She looked up
from her plate and noticed Blake was ready to explode. He locked his jaw and
she could practically see the tension rolling off his body. Was he upset at Mother
playing matchmaker?

He looked
away from them, but not before she caught the wounded look in his eyes. Alice
ached to reach across the table and reassure Blake, but it wouldn't be proper.
Instead she fretted over him through dinner as the conversation turned to Bedford

When it was
time for Blake to take his leave, she and Dayton walked him out to the stables
to request a horse be saddled. Blake lived a mile away on a neighboring farm
and his father, Mr. Hadley, must be eagerly awaiting his return.

Blake murmured
something to Dayton, who replied, “I'll fetch them.”
Dayton ran back toward the house, leaving
Alice alone with Blake.

She lifted
her eyes to find him staring at her again. What was he thinking? She clasped
her hands together to keep from fidgeting.

“I am glad
you are home Blake. Life here in Bedford has not been the same without you and
Dayton.” She smiled nervously at him. He stepped closer and touched her cheek
with his warm, bare hand.

“I've missed
you. You embody innocence and I could not have survived those years at war
without thoughts of you to see me through,” he solemnly replied.

Alice caught
her breath and let the warmth of his hand and his words sink into her being.

“I have
always been Dayton's troublesome little sister who followed you around. Surely
you never saw me as more than a nuisance, but I am glad if I helped in some
small way during those awful times.”

“I-”, Blake
would have said more but the arrival of Dayton stopped the flow of his words,
and he dropped his hand from her face.

Alice wanted
to glare at her brother for the untimely interruption, but he handed Blake his gloves
completely unaware he’d interrupted an intimate moment.

“There is an
assembly in town on Saturday next. I do hope you will be there Blake,” she
smiled at him warmly.

“I would not
miss it,” he replied,
since you'll be
was implied in his expression. Alice shivered at the longing in his
eyes. Her heart thumped faster than it ever had in the presence of a man. No
London gentleman gave her a breathless, giddy feeling like she felt now with
Blake's eyes trained upon her. This must be a strange reaction to his prolonged
absence. It had to be for he was simply Shadow, her brother’s best friend.


Alice walked along
the well-trod path toward the lake eager to escape the manor. She entertained
alongside Mother all morning due to the endless stream of visitors come to
welcome Dayton. After hours of smiling Alice’s cheeks were sore, but she was happy
to escape the house after the inflow of guests ebbed.
Dayton was not so fortunate being the center
of attention and she doubted he minded, especially with plenty of home cooked
food to avail himself of.

Nothing was better
than afternoon swims during summer time. The countryside was always so quiet
and peaceful, unlike London where one was never alone. Of course, Mother would
have an apoplexy if she knew her daughter partook in afternoon swims. The lake
came into view and she sighed with contentment. A trickle of sweat rolled down
the back of her neck and her face was damp with perspiration.

The lake
sparkled and little waves lapped gently against the grassy shore practically
begging her to jump in. Alice striped off her shoes, stockings, gown, and petticoat.
Only her thin white chemise remained as she waded into the lake. The cold water
shocked and invigorated her body. She loved being outdoors like this. She
dunked her head under the water and rose up with a great inhale. Water dripped
down her nose and chin. She wiped a hand over her face and combed fingers
through her long ginger hair. Dayton’s hair looked more blond than red now,
probably from the sun.

She waded
back to shore and sat on her favorite rock which perfectly fit her bottom. Stretching
her arms into the air, she looked up and closed her eyes taking a deep breath
of warm summer air. Then she let her arms fall to her sides in a relaxed pose.
The sun warmed her chilled skin. It was heavenly. She did this twice a week
during the summer months. There was only so much ladylike behavior she could
take, and only so many opportunities for her to slip away from the manor
undetected. She would be able to sneak away like when she was married, she
thought sadly.

The crunch of
leaves and a low, choking sound nearby caught Alice by surprise. Her eyes flew
open and landed on Blake Hadley who watched her from not five paces away near
the trees.

“Oh lord!

shielded her breasts with her arms. She had never been so embarrassed in her
life. She knew he could see all the contours of her body as the chemise clung
to her skin, outlining every curve. She groaned thinking he'd seen her nipples
and breasts pushed up against the chemise as she raised her arms. What a wanton
creature she must look like!

Blake stepped
closer but didn't say anything nor took those incredible dark eyes off her.

something. Can you hand me my gown please?” Alice tried to keep her voice even,
but his silence unnerved her. Her cheeks were on fire, despite the chill to her

“I apologize
for interrupting you.” He walked over to her garment, picked it up, and
sauntered over to her. She was aware of how his brown breaches molded to his
hard thighs as he approached her. All the while his eyes remained riveted on
her face. She noticed he did not apologize for catching her half naked and his
lips were quirked in a slight smile. He was dressed casually in a white linen
shirt and navy waistcoat. His coat was draped over one of his arms and his
midnight hair hung loose nearly touching his broad shoulders. He looked so
ruggedly handsome.

She nodded as
she accepted her white muslin gown and crushed it to her chest.

“Would you
please turn around?”

Blake gave
her a slow grin and turned at the same slow pace.

In an attempt
to overcome her mortification, she engaged him in conversation. She knew the
boy he used to be, but this Blake was different, and she wanted to know him

“What brings
you to the lake on such a fine day, sir?”

“I was
walking back to Hadley Place after returning your horse,” Did his voice sound

“Oh yes, of
course. It's a beautiful day. Did you ever swim here? I don't recall us
swimming together as children.” She attempted to shimmy and shift into the
dress but it stuck to her wet skin.

He cleared
his throat. ”Many times with Dayton but never with you.”

conversation lapsed, as she made no progress getting her gown over her wet
chemise. Alice shifted and grunted and managed to get a question out.

“How is your
father? I’m sure he was very happy to see you last night.”

“My father is
well and relieved I’m home to help with the farm,” Blake replied glancing to
the side like he wanted to peek. “How are you progressing?”

“Oh drat! Can
you assist me?” Alice nearly whined. “There is nothing harder than putting on
dry clothes over wet skin.”

Blake turned
and his eyes blazed with heat. She'd never seen such intensity in his gaze
before and she couldn’t breathe as he moved closer to her.

“How can I be
of service, Alice?”

Her name on
his lips made her mouth go dry. She wanted him to rip her clothes off rather
than help her into them. She wanted to touch him, those full lips and firm jaw.
How soft would his hair be if she touched it? Stop it. This was Blake, not a
seducer of helpless women.

“Close your
eyes,” she commanded, embarrassment coursing through her.

His nostrils
flared and he sucked in his breath.

“Don't look
at me as you assist me,” Alice insisted, clenching her fists around the bunched
up gown.

“That depends
on what you need assistance with,” Blake replied, keeping his eyes trained on
her face.

“Can you tug
on the bottom hem of my dress while I pull from the waist?” she asked, trying
to stay calm.

Blake knelt
at her feet, gripped the edges of her gown, his fingers grazing her thighs as
he firmly pulled down. She heard his ragged breathing and her heart sped up as
the gown slipped into place. Unthinking, she reached out a hand to assist him
back to his feet.

Blake gripped
her hand and kissed it with warm, gentle lips. Her breath sucked in too
sharply, too audibly and he grinned. He rose to his feet but didn't move away
from her nor did he release her hand. Tension lined the air around them. God,
she wanted him to kiss her, but he didn't move.

couldn't hold his gaze any longer else she’d throw herself at him. She pulled
her hand free and straightened and smoothed the front of her gown with stiff,
fumbling fingers.

“You've grown
into a beautiful woman. I knew you would. I...,” Blake couldn't seem to
complete his thought.

observed he was as affected as she was. His breathing was harsh through parted
lips, and he looked from her eyes to her mouth leaving no doubt to the
direction of his thoughts.

Her own lips
parted and she licked them while he watched. A groan escaped him as he bent his
head and touched his mouth to hers.

Blake’s satin
soft lips played with hers in a delightfully wicked way. His tongue parted her
lips and entered her mouth as he reached out and pulled her close. Excitement
coursed through her, and she heard soft little sounds escape her throat
increasing his ardent response.

His lips and
tongue lapped at hers, stroking while his hands moved along her body caressing
her arms, back, and bottom. He was warmth and strength and Alice melted into
him. Her hands were in his hair, gripping and stroking it, amazed at the

Then he
pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. Their ragged breaths were
audible while he held her in his arms. Alice could not believe she kissed Blake
and what a kiss. It was hard to describe the feeling of passion and heat she
felt as his lips had fused onto hers. She had never been kissed with such
passion and intensity before.

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