The Bed and Breakfast Star

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Authors: Jacqueline Wilson

BOOK: The Bed and Breakfast Star
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Epub ISBN: 9781407045368
Version 1.0
For Frances Stokes
(Froggy to her friends)
A CORGI YEARLING BOOK : 9780440867609
First published in Great Britain by Doubleday
an imprint of Random House Children’s Books
Doubleday edition published 1994
First Corgi Yearling edition published 1995
This Corgi Yearling edition published 2006
3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
Copyright © Jacqueline Wilson, 1994
Illustrations copyright © Nick Sharratt, 1994
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I think Elsa is one of the cheeriest, kindest children I’ve ever invented. She has such a tough time too. Her mum is so tired and depressed she hasn’t got much time for her and her stepdad is a bit of a scary nightmare. Elsa is expected to look after her half-siblings Pippa and Hank and generally make herself useful. It’s very grim losing your house and having to stay in bed and breakfast accommodation but Elsa adapts rapidly and makes the best of the situation.
Sometimes she’s a little
relentlessly cheery. She wants to be a comedian when she grows up so she tries her hardest to be funny all the time, endlessly cracking jokes. She’s not very good at making up her own jokes just yet so she tells really awful old corny jokes that make you groan.
I’m not very good at making up jokes either. I knew I’d need lots and lots of silly jokes for Elsa, and wondered what I was going to do. Then one day when I was giving a talk to some children I told them I was writing a new book about a funny girl who kept cracking jokes and asked if anyone knew a really good joke. There was suddenly a forest of waving hands. I got out my notebook and started scribbling down all these suggestions. I couldn’t write all of them down. The funniest were frequently too rude and naughty to be put in a children’s book!
I used to live in a street where there were several bed and breakfast hotels for homeless families. I could see it was very tough for any adults in that situation, but the children seemed to be able to make the most of it and have fun, just like Elsa. I used to meet up with them in the sweet shop and the video and DVD shop and have a little chat. They’d often make me crack up laughing.
They were always eating chocolate and crisps and chips, quick easy food. Elsa has a very healthy appetite (though her diet isn’t exactly a healthy one!) It was fun choosing all the food she’d like best. Then at the end, when the whole family is staying in the swish Star hotel I loved deciding what they’d all choose for their very elaborate breakfasts.
Elsa ends up a real heroine and gets to be on television, interviewed by a lady who cares passionately about children and has a weakness for silly jokes herself. I based her on the well known television personality, Esther Rantzen. I’d never met her when I wrote the book, but now I’m proud to say that I’ve been given a special Childline award and Esther has become a special friend.
Jacqueline Wilson
Illustrated by Nick Sharratt
Do you know what everyone calls me now?
Bed and Breakfast
. That’s what all the kids yell after me in the playground. Even the teachers do it. Well, they don’t say it to my face. But I’ve heard them. ‘Oh yes, that Elsa. She’s one of the bed-and-breakfast children.’ Honestly. It sounds like I’ve got a duvet for a dress, cornflake curls, two fried-egg eyes and a streaky-bacon smile.
I don’t look a bit like that. Well, I hope I don’t! I’m Elsa.
Do you like my name? I hope you do like it or Elsa’ll get upset. Do you get the joke? I made it up myself. I’m always cracking jokes. People don’t often laugh though.
I bet you don’t know anyone else called Elsa. There was just this lion called Elsa, ages ago. There was a book written about her, and they made a film. They sometimes show it on the television so maybe you’ve seen it. My mum called me after Elsa the lion. I was a very tiny baby, smaller than all the others in the hospital, but I was born with lots of hair. Really. Most babies are almost bald but I had this long tufty hair and Mum used to brush it so that it stood out all round my head like a lion’s mane. I didn’t just look like a lion. I sounded like one too. I might have had very tiny little lungs but I had the loudest voice. I bawled day and night and wore all the nurses out, let alone my mum. She says she should have left me yelling in my hospital cot and slipped off out of it without me. She was joking. Mum’s jokes aren’t always funny though – not like mine.
That was my very first BED.
It’s not very comfy-looking, is it? No wonder I bawled.

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