The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series) (4 page)

BOOK: The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series)
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“You can do this, Ms. Engles. He’s a good man.”

“I’m really not feeling well. I’m seeing things.”

“It’s probably nerves. I get that way sometimes.”

“You do?”


She sighed and squared her shoulders. Somberly staring at Javier’s eyes in the rearview mirror, she said, “I’m ready.”

“Good. You’ll be fine.” He smiled, got out
, and opened her door.

Her face flushed
, she shambled up the steps to greet her host. Wearing soft linen slacks and a short sleeved blue and gold checked shirt, he regarded her with the same expressionless, somber reflection of the stone lions at the entrance to the driveway. She faltered, caught herself, and continued up the steps as Javier drove away. Her eyes darted back to look at the retreating car. She sighed and continued up the steps.

“Ms. Engles,” Daniel said. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, fine,” she mumbled. “I, uh, I had a sudden headache. I thought it might be a migraine.”

Oh, I’m sorry. Is everything okay now? Can I get you anything?”

No, I’m fine.”
Her face reddened even more.
Liar, liar, liar!
“I’m just a little nervous, that’s all.”

Don’t be. I’m glad to see you. But if you need anything – anything at all  – please let me know.” He extended his hand.

A sizzle of electricity shot up her arm. She snatched her hand back
. “It’s you, isn’t it?” she said.

His eyebrows arched in question.

“You’re the electrical current, aren’t you?”

“Perhaps it’s you.”

“I don’t usually have that effect on people.”

“What makes you think I do?” A slight smile curved his handsome face.

She shook her head. “Okay, maybe it’s just what happens between you and me. Maybe we’re just pure combustion.” She smiled.

Could be.” He cocked his head slightly. “But look at us…we’ve already dispensed with formalities. I’m Daniel Navid. My apologies for not properly introducing myself earlier – I was pretty taken aback by our meeting.” He reached his hand back in her direction.

hesitated. “I’m not so sure.”

“Think I’m a rattlesnake, ready to strike?” His smile widened. “Live a little.”

“That’s what you said before. Live a little. I’m perfectly alive, I assure you.”

“Well? What are you waiting for?”

She took a deep breath and clasped his hand. This time, the vibrant touch rolled up her arm like a thousand butterflies fluttering along her skin with their wings. Her eyelids fell closed.
There it is again…the sea…the goddess…she’s looking at me from beneath the sea.  
She opened her eyes, puzzled. Daniel watched her, his expression completely unreadable. She swallowed, licked her lips, and released her grip.

He stepped aside and gestured toward the open door. “Please. Welcome to my casa.”

Marissa inhaled, filling her lungs with courage, and stepped across the threshold.   “Oh!” she exclaimed as she took in the enormous room. The great room ceiling was a mixture of angles and lines, gesturing to this corner or that one. It framed fine furniture arranged in cozy clusters. The furniture rested on colorful rugs in designs of the Zapotec Indians. Her parents had rugs like that when she was young. She used to arrange her dolls on the designs, pretending they marked the edges of the doll’s homes. “It’s beautiful!”

Her eyes skipped along the various arrays before settling on the vista. Floor to ceiling windows stretched along the length of the room, overlooking the Puget Sound. The windows appeared to open with a push of the hand, pivoting on slender silver poles that went from top to bottom, piercing the center of the glass. Some of the windows angled outwards, inviting entrance onto the wrap-around deck. Marissa immediately made her way outside. Leaning on the railing, she turned her head from right to left, marveling at the dark crystalline expanse of water. Clouds lined the horizon, and the sun
slid toward the horizon. Boats and ferries moved in the distance like tiny toys.


Daniel’s voice swirled around her back like a caress. Instinctively, she tugged at her top, trying to lessen the low “V” in the back. She bit her lip and waited.

“Do you like it?” Daniel came up beside her and his arm brushed hers.

“It’s beautiful!” She stared out at the shimmering water.

sure is.”

She could feel the burn of his gaze, searing into her profile.

“Would you like something to drink? Dinner won’t be ready for another hour or so.”

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “Yes. That would be lovely.”

“Please sit. I’ll tell Karin we’re ready. Sit anywhere you like.”

After Daniel left, Marissa regarded her seating choices. Facing the
water lay something that looked like a teak, half-circle, day bed. Two small teak coffee tables stood to either side. Long, elegant rods extended from the smooth, wooden sides of the day bed, suspending turquoise fabric which draped over the top. The delicate fabric cascaded over the sides and down the back like a waterfall. Lined with cozy, colorful Zapotec-designed pillows, the seat could easily accommodate two persons, enveloping them in intimacy. She shook her head and scrutinized her other choices.

Two huge hammocks, their metal frames shaped like the big, curling waves that Jason liked to surf, flanked either side. If she sat in one of those, Daniel would have to sit in the other hammock, and she wouldn’t be able to see him with that day bed thing between them. Either that or he’d
have to snuggle in beside her.
Not a bad thought, but too soon.
She smiled. Clearly, the furniture was designed for intimacy.
Who sits here when I’m was not here?
She perched at the edge of the curvy day bed, hoping she didn’t look too ill at ease.  

A few minutes later, Daniel joined her on the deck. “Relax, Marissa. Take in the view. Karin will be out
in a minute with our refreshments.” He climbed inside the day bed opening, settled his frame opposite her, and encouraged her to lean back into the pillows.

“Javier tells me you are a graphic artist.” He patted the red fabric bolster, inviting her to enter.

“How could he tell you that? I only told him on the way up here, and he’s gone.” She scooted back slightly, her legs sticking straight out like a child’s. She stared at them as if they had betrayed her by propelling her backwards into this spider’s nest of an enclosure.

“He called
while I was in the kitchen with Karin. He found you as beguiling as I do.”

Marissa’s head spun to look at him, a deep flush creeping up her cheeks. “Yes, that’s right, I work for PS Publishing.”

He smiled reassuringly. “It’s a good firm to work for.”

“How do you know?”

“I have contacts all over the city.” He gave her a bemused smile. “This seat is far more comfortable if you lean back into the cushions. I should know. I spend a fair bit of time out here on the deck.”

She turned to regard the enclosure, wondering if it was a trap of some kind.

“Well?” Daniel asked.

She couldn’t put her shoes on this fine fabric. He hadn’t. Instead he’d deftly kicked his loafers from his feet when he assumed his position on the lounge. She wiggled one foot and kicked the shoe off. It landed on the deck with a thwack.

“That’s one,” he said. He looked at her encouragingly.

She hesita
ted before kicking off the next. Carefully scooting back, she let the edge of the heel push against the cushion and the shoe toppled to the wood below.

“And that’s two.”

She settled stiffly into the cushions. She folded her hands primly in her lap and stared down at his foot. Thoughts fluttered in her head like birds.
His ankle. I want to drape my hand on his ankle like I’m the shaft of his boot. I want to own him. I want to possess him. I want to stroke my fingers between his toes and along the arch of his foot.
She released the grip of her hands and inched one along the seat. A giggle burst from her mouth.
I have no self-control, I have no self-control, I have no self-control, I have no…

“More amusement?” he asked. “I don’t recall any previous girlfriends finding me so funny.”

Marissa’s eyebrows shot up. “Are there a lot of them?” She clapped a hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry. I’m really nervous.”

“I can see that. What are you afraid I’ll do?”
he asked kindly.

“Nothing. I’m just nervous.”
It’s more like what I want you to do.
Her foot took up a jittery rhythm, wiggling to and fro.

struck the deck. “Mr. Navid?”

“Just put them here, Karin. On the side tables…”

A small, trim brunette in a blue dress appeared. She looked in at Marissa and nodded sternly. “Your refreshments.” She placed a tray on the table and reached for a long, slender wine class. “Would you like to taste, Mr. Navid?”

“No, Karin, just pour away.”

Karin plucked the cork out of the wine bottle and poured a generous amount of white wine in each glass.

“Here you go, sir.
Miss…” Karin handed the stem to Marissa and quietly whisked away.

“She’s stern.”

“A bit. She’s good at what she does.”

Marissa’s hand shook as she held the stem.

“Easy, there. I don’t bite. And there aren’t any others in case you were wondering.”

“Any what?” she asked.

“Any other girlfriends. I haven’t dated for a while.”

“That makes

“And why is that?”

“Because you’re so handsome.” The words tumbled from her mouth like small boulders cascading down the side of a hill. She groaned and fell back against the cushions, spilling wine out of her glass. A small shriek left her lips as the cold wine splashed on her neck and chest. “Oh, Engles!” she chided.

Daniel spluttered w
ith laughter. “Ms. Engles, you’re a bundle of nerves. I’m really not that scary.” He reached out to grab a white cloth napkin and managed to dab it along her neck without spilling his own wine.

Inches away from her face, her breath quickened.
He’s close enough…close enough to…to…
Her eyes closed, her lips parted.

She breathed in his smell, a heady mixture of something earthy, subtle perspiration
, and a slight fragrance of some kind. He moved closer…his warm breath puffed rhythmically along her neck…his face radiated heat along her cheek…and then he moved away. Her eyes sprang open in surprise.

“Take it slow, Ms. Engles. We haven’t even had the pleasure of a toast yet,” he said, a
nother mischievous smile playing along his face. “And I like to savor beautiful things, not rush them.”

“I’m not a thing.”

“Point taken. Forgive me.” He touched the tip of his tongue to the corner of his mouth and lifted his crystal glass. “To nerves and their quelling.”

She tapped her glass to his and sipped the wine. “Mmm, this is good.” She took another sip. “It’s really good, in fact. What is it?”

“It’s a 1999 Sine Qua Non Tarantella. A
good wine.” He took some into his mouth and relished it, rolling it over his tongue.

Marissa took a larger swallow. She rarely drank, and she’d never tasted wine this good.

That same puckish smile played along Daniel’s face. “I’d ease up a notch, if I were you. This beauty needs to be appreciated.”

“Oh, you’re right. It’s just that it tastes so
But then, I’m really hungry. I haven’t eaten all day. In fact,” she said, swaying slightly. “This wine is already going to my head.” She touched her pulsing third eye with her fingertips. The crack in the sidewalk flashed in her memory.

“Here, I have just the thing.” Daniel leaned out of their cozy surroundings and retrieved a tray of fruit, cheese, and crackers. He plucked a butter knife from the tray, peeled back the wrap, and spread some gooey
, creamy cheese, along the side of a halved strawberry. “Try these. Just picked today. They’re delicious.” He popped the succulent fruit into her open mouth.

he sweet red juices of the berry exploded in her mouth, colliding with the sharp, tangy cheese. “Mmm,” she uttered, closing her eyes. She rolled the fruit and velvety cheese back and forth in her mouth before allowing it to slide down her throat. “More, please.”

“You looked like you enjoyed that.” He reached for another berry.

“I did.”

“You have quite an appetite,” he said. “Open wide.”

Her mouth fell open, and he placed another berry at her lips. “Eat.”

She nibbled the tip of the fruit, taking a small, sweet bite.

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