The Beauty Detox Solution (45 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Snyder

BOOK: The Beauty Detox Solution
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Michael Pollan,
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
(New York: Penguin, 2008), 115.

In Defense of Food,

Dr. Gabriel Cousens,
Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine
(Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2003), 68–79.

David Steinman,
Diet for a Poisoned Planet: How to Choose Safe Foods for You and Your Family
(New York, NY: Avalon, 2007).


Robert O. Young,
The pH Miracle
(New York: Wellness Central, 2002), 20.

Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II,
The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implication for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health
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Joel Fuhrman,
Eat to Live
(New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2003), 20.

Claudia Kalb, “When Drugs Do Harm: A New Study Says that Some Medicines, Even if Properly Prescribed, May Kill as Many as 100,000 Americans a Year,”
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Dr. William G. Crook,
The Yeast Connection and Women's Health
(Jackson, TN: Professional Books, Inc., 2005), 17.

Some of the below information was paraphrased from these books: Viktoras Kulvinskas,
Survival into the 21st Century
(Wethersfield, CT: Omangod Press, 1979), 193; and Adina Niemerow,
Super Cleanse
(New York: HarperCollins, 2008), 70.

Humbart Santillo,
Food Enzymes: The Missing Link to Radiant Health
(Prescott, AZ: Hohm Press, 1993).

Tom Bohager,
Enzymes: What the Experts Know
(Prescott, AZ: One World Press, 2006), 55.


Dr. William G. Crook,
The Yeast Connection and Women's Health
(Jackson, TN: Professional Books, Inc., 2005), 17.

Dr. Edward Howell,
Enzyme Nutrition
(New York: Avery, 1985), 142.


This book, and everything that led up its creation, was inspired and supported by many extraordinary people along the way. By God's grace, I am incredibly humbled and grateful to be the channel through which this information can flow to others.

The person who deserves the most thanks, and who I am forever humbly indebted to, is my partner in everything, John P. Thank you so much for your tireless belief in me, and being my ever-patient and loving rock of support as I strive to achieve all my dreams and goals. I love you eternally! I have truly met my match in you. My parents, Bruce and Sally Snyder, deserve an incredible amount of thanks. They are the most amazing and wonderful people I could ever ask for to be my parents. They have given me unlimited and unconditional support and love, even when I have done a few things in my life (like wander around the world for a few years) that some might consider crazy! I love you! Thank you to Auntie Lourdes, who also gave me incredibly warm love and encouragement for my entire life. Also thank you to Poppop, Nana, and beloved Uncle Craig—you inspired and mesmerized me, at age 5, with your travel stories, long bike treks and Asian medicinal studies through Nepal and China. I have always believed that I inherited my insatiable travel bug and wanderlust from you. A huge shout out for my editor at Harlequin, the incredible Ms. Sarah Pelz. If I lined up
single editor on the planet and met with each one, I am sure I would not find a more perfect fit for me than Sarah. Sarah, thank you so much for your tireless patience and support for me as I wrote this book, and giving me all the freedom in the world to create my vision. You are incredibly talented and awesome. I absolutely adore you! Thank you also to Deb Brody, Tara Kelly, Margie Miller, Shara Alexander and the rest of my beloved Harlequin family! You guys rock. Thank you for allowing the book to come to life! I also happen to have the best literary agent on the planet—Ms. Hannah Brown Gordon. Hannah, you always believed in me as an author. Thank you so much for your guidance, your perseverance and your friendship. Thank you to Rebecca Searle, my yogi-project manager who helped keep me on track with my schedule and writing deadlines, and was a constant support in believ
ing in my message. Thank you to Curt Altmann, who is a genius designer and dear friend, and who created all the illustrations in my book. Thank you to my favorite photographer in the world, Lenka Drstakova, makeup artist Lindsay Hile and stylist Kent Cummins. I'd like to thank my business partners and team at KS 1Life, which include Rowland, David, Steve, Harry, Tony, Daniel, Curt, Sharon and Brad. I want to thank all my teachers, the Great Ones that came before, as well as friends that have supported me in various ways along my path to write this book, which include (but are not limited to!): Dr. Ann Wigmore, Dr. Norman Walker, Professor Arnold Ehret, Dr. Edward Howell, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, John Robbins, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. John Strobeck, Linda Strobeck, Fay, David, Gil Jacob, Sri Dharma Mittra, Dr. Jedediah Wooldridge, Shiva Prasad, talented photographer and dear friend JC Rimbert (and family), Sri Aikalesh, Wesley Adams, Michelle Pelletier, Jimbo Rumpf, Sarah Parker, Maggie Kinnealey, Kari Pricher, Michelle Pulfrey, Maura Mandt, Stacy and Sebastian Wahl, Leila Zimbel, the beautiful and amazing Drew Barrymore, Jeff Lewis, Jillian Barberie, Jon Favreau, Josh Duhamel, Justin Long, Kevin James, Kristen Bell, Olivia Wilde, Owen Wilson, Peter Farrelly, Star Jones, Vince Vaughn, and all of the other celebrity and other clients I have had the honor of working with, my loyal and beloved blog reader family and the thousands of friends I made across the world, from Mongolia to Thailand and beyond, who traveled with me, or took me into their homes and allowed me to be a part of their lives and learn. First, last, and intertwined throughout everything in between, I am eternally and humbly indebted to my beloved guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. Om Namah Shivayah.


Live the KS 1Life Lifestyle!

KS 1Life is a lifestyle company dedicated to giving you the knowledge and tools to help you live your best life. Our holistic approach provides information on how to improve your inner health, wellness, nutrition and beauty practices - the cornerstones of the KS 1Life lifestyle. The result? A healthy mind, body, spirit and planet.

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KS 1Life's mission is rooted in founder Kimberly Snyder's philosophy that Outer Beauty is a Reflection of Inner Health. The core principles of KS 1Life are: Caring for Yourself, Caring for Others, Caring for the Earth.

On this website you will discover:

• An entire line of KS 1Life health and beauty products developed exclusively by Kimberly

• Products & services recommended by Kimberly

• Breaking news on nutrition & health

• Information on local farmers' markets

• Yoga products and information, including Kimberly's yoga video

• Meet new friends in the KS 1Life community

• Interact directly with Kimberly on her personal blog

• Much, much more!

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