The Beauty Detox Solution (10 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Snyder

BOOK: The Beauty Detox Solution
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The first time I talked publicly about how to eat fruit was on one of my segments for
Good Morning America.
Millions of people watched the show, and dozens of people wrote to me
afterward, fascinated to know more about how to properly eat fruit. It's very simple: eat fruit on an empty stomach.

True Beauty Story

nutritional consultations over the phone. She was concerned about a lack of energy and motivation in life in general. She has two teenage sons and a husband who works in construction and does not consider a meal to be “real” if there's not a hunk of meat on the plate. She does not have the money or the time to make separate meals for herself and her boys every night.

Other than adding some veggie sticks to her mornings, we changed only the
and order of the foods she was already eating. She did
have to increase her food budget or slave away making double meals. Within weeks Clara reported back that she had lost eight pounds, felt completely energized during the day and was sleeping much better! She even reported that her eyes were looking brighter and one of her neighbors asked her if she had had Botox injections, since her face had already started to look fresh and years younger!

Fruit is considered the most divine and pure food on the planet. Fruit increases our vitality and delivers key vitamins, minerals and pure, filtered water into our bodies. However,
we eat fruit is key. So, you may think you're opting for the healthy choice when you go for the fruit salad for dessert, but you're just going to make digestive trouble! Fruit breaks down the quickest of all foods; it is out of the stomach in twenty to thirty minutes. If it has to sit on top of foods that take longer to digest and leave the stomach, namely, concentrated foods like starch and protein, it will ferment and acidify the whole meal.

Beauty Food Pairing Cheat Sheet

Starches DO mix with vegetables

Proteins DO mix with vegetables

Proteins and starches DO NOT mix

Different starches DO mix

Different proteins DO NOT mix

Fats DO NOT mix well with protein; pair moderately

Fats DO mix with starches

Fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach

Fruit DOES mix with raw greens (except melons)

Fruits (except for melons) combine well with fresh, raw greens. Fruits and greens form the perfect pair in the Glowing Green Smoothie and the Glowing Green Juice, which we'll discuss later on in the Beauty Minerals section.


Good Beauty Food Pairing Dishes

Even if you aren't yet eating according to the Beauty Food Circle, you can still benefit from Beauty Food Pairing. These examples are to show that
of us, no matter what kind of diet we are currently eating, can start practicing Beauty Food Pairing right now.

Avocado sushi rolls

Grilled fish on a bed of mesclun greens

Guacamole with salad and corn chips

Steak with slightly sautéed spinach

Bagel with organic butter

Apple, followed by scrambled eggs twenty minutes later

Baked chicken with broccoli

Pasta primavera

I am
excited for you to try out Beauty Food Pairing and experience the spectacular results for yourself. I have done my best to present to you the research and science that are out there to support Beauty Food Pairing, but remember that the best study out there in regards to this principle is to try it out for yourself! In a short amount of time you will see how well it truly does work. And isn't that the most important thing? There will always be conflicting and confusing reports of “scientific evidence,” or lack thereof, with regard to nutritional information
. But if you try something for yourself, and you see that it truly helps you lose weight and look and feel amazing—the way Beauty Food Pairing does—who cares about all the “noise” out there?
Use it to your personal beauty and health advantage.

Now you have the basic guidelines to free up major amounts of Beauty Energy and greatly promote digestion, which you probably weren't even aware you were hindering before. If this seems confusing to you, don't worry, because the meal plans in Part 2, Your Beauty Solution, are all designed with Beauty Food Pairing in mind. You can also photocopy the Beauty Food Pairing Cheat Sheet and keep it at your desk or in your purse.

Beauty Food Pairing alone will help you lose weight, look younger and more alive, and have much more energy!





How Water Fits In

We've all heard how important it is to stay hydrated, and we all need pure, filtered, non-tap water. However, when we start eating the Beauty Detox way, we will be getting water from lots of water-containing fruits and vegetables, so we may not all need to adhere to the general recommendation of eight full glasses of water a day. Individualize and drink the amount your body needs.

It is important to drink water when we wake up and throughout the morning so we start our day hydrated. Just by ensuring we are hydrated like this will give us more energy.

Drink significant quantities of water at least half an hour
your meals or an hour
meals. During mealtimes, we must drink as little as possible. Too much liquid with meals dilutes our digestive juices and delays digestion considerably. What happens when digestion is delayed? It contributes to the dreaded sludge by increasing the chances that putrefaction and fermentation will occur.

Get in the habit of squeezing some liver-supporting, vitamin C-filled lemon in your water for an added benefit!

Remember, Beauty Food Pairing is not an all-or-nothing endeavor. It does not mean that if you improperly combine foods at a meal, you are doomed.
Combine well where you can, and proceed at your own pace.
The more motivated you are and the more you practice proper food combining, the better your results will be. Beauty Food Pairing alone will do wonders to help reduce the girth of our bellies. It is not just excess weight pushing our bellies out, but also distension from gas pressure and bloating created from poor food combinations.

Think about all the energy you've spent trying to digest hard-to-break-down food combinations. All that energy can now be redirected toward detoxifying your body and subsequently losing weight, building strong nails, growing healthy, thick hair and creating glowing skin.


Nipping Acne in the Bud

Our skin is our biggest organ, and it is also our largest detoxifying organ. We expel pounds of waste and toxins through our skin daily. When our skin erupts into chronic acne, the allopathic approach is to assume something is clogging the skin's surface locally and to use prescription topical creams. The issue with that, as with all medications, is that piling them on or in the body merely suppresses the symptoms. They don't get to the root cause.

I am a huge advocate of using the right products on your skin, but if you are using the right cleansers and other good, non-clogging products and you
have an acne issue that is affecting your self-esteem and you are considering trying a prescription medication or even antibiotics, then there is probably a much deeper problem going on.

Our skin is like an external monitor that provides us with information about the internal state of our liver, our blood and our colon. Acne is often a symptom of something happening inside, so we need to treat the
and not just the effect.

When our skin has to pour out so many toxins that it erupts into acne, that is a red flag that toxicity, bacteria, and/or yeast is overwhelming the body. Usually, our liver eliminates toxins and impurities by pushing them into the colon. But this works only when the colon is clean and functioning optimally. If the colon is clogged and backed up (which can happen on a deeper level even if we are regularly going to the bathroom), and/or if our bodies have become overly acidic and a fertile breeding ground for unfriendly bacteria, our liver will get clogged and backed up, and toxins will be pushed out through the skin…and then the acne shows up!

We will uncover how you can cleanse the body internally with nature's strongest food scrubs and probiotics to kick your acne out once and for all. And when acne crops up, you will know what that indicates and how to eat and cleanse your way back to clear skin.


Now that we've learned about Beauty Food Pairing together, here is the next piece that we need to put the methodology into practice: Light to Heavy
It is not just
we eat that matters, or even just the combination, but also the
in which we eat our food.

Like Beauty Food Pairing, Light to Heavy is designed to make food move as quickly as possible through our bodies. As we've been stressing throughout the book, it is all about speed: we want nutrients in the food to absorb quickly and the rest of the food to pass through. Speed reduces fermentation, putrefaction, gassiness and bloating—not to mention wasted Beauty Energy…all the things that contribute to aging.


Imagine if there was a Porsche, a Land Rover, and a sixteen-wheel truck on the highway, and you were the traffic marshal that had all the authority to position each vehicle along the highway to avoid traffic. How would you position the vehicles so that traffic would move efficiently down the highway?




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