The Beast (The Bad Boys Series) (7 page)

BOOK: The Beast (The Bad Boys Series)
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“Are you okay?” he asked. I was more than okay.

I undid my jeans, pushing them down and kicking them away. His gaze travelled over my body and he murmured, his fingers curling under my underwear and then pulling them down over my thighs, stopping at my ankles. He
didn’t take them further, instead twisting them around my feet until I couldn’t move them apart.

“So gorgeous.
Such a beauty.”

My fingers moved lower, tugging at his trousers, searching for the fastening. He grabbed my hand and pushed it back onto the bed beside me, his lips hovering close to mine again. With his other
hand, he undid his pants and they fell to his knees before he kicked them off.

I could feel his hardness against my thigh and I parted my legs as far as I could. I wanted him to fall in between and take me now. Take me hard.
But he wasn’t in any hurry.

His gaze lowered to my breasts and he pushed me up the bed until his mouth could reach each nipple, hungrily taking them in his mouth one by one, swirling them around like candy and sucking them until I
couldn’t bare it any longer.

“Oh god.”
I moaned. “I want you now.” I clawed his back, trying to pull him back up. I could feel my nails scratch into his flesh but he wasn’t stopping. Instead, he grazed his teeth over my hardened nipples.

“You like that?”

“Yes,” I said, breathlessly.

“What about this?” His warm strong fingers slid over my stomach and grazed against my clit. I gasped at the sudden jolt of electricity that pulsed through me.

He trailed his kisses lower, his warm lips leaving me wanting him hard and fast. The heat inside of me was ablaze with desire. I reached down feeling for his manhood; wanting to touch his cock, letting it slide through my fingers, perhaps taste him. But he wasn’t having any of it. He grabbed my hand and held it tight to the bed as he kissed lower.

His tongue flicked at my clit, swiping up and down. I groaned and closed my eyes letting this man do whatever he wanted to me. I spread my thighs further, giving him better access to my secret parts. I almost
wasn’t prepared when he slipped a finger inside me.

“You’re wet,” he said, slipping a second finger inside me. “You like this.”

“Oh, oh, yeah,” I mumbled, not caring what he was saying. His tongue flicked my clit again and then he began to suck the swollen nub between his lips as he continued to move his fingers in and out of me. “Oh, my, oh, oh.”

I was about to climax when he pulled away. “I want to see your face when you come. I want to see you.”

“Okay,” I whispered, pulling him closer so I could kiss him.

He reached bedside the bed and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “Do you trust me?”

“Not in the slightest,” I said breathlessly, lifting my good arm to the bed head. He clipped my hand in one side and then fastened the steel to the bedpost.

“Pity we couldn’t do both. You are so fucking gorgeous.
So sweet, so delicious.”

“If you don’t take me right now, I’m going to scream.”

“Promise?” His hardness hovered between my thighs; I was throbbing with need, desperate to feel him inside me. I arched my back as his smooth cock delved into my depths.

“Oh. Yes!”

Nick took his time, his hardness sinking into me over and over. Slow, fast. Deep, shallow. He reefed away the underwear that still tied my ankles and grabbed my hips, tilting them closer so he could reach my g-spot with his magnificent cock.

I licked my lips as his hands continued to explore the rest of me.
Caressing my breasts, squeezing my ass. Then he was back above me, his tongue exploring my mouth.

All I could do was lie back and take this wonderful assault.
This was what good sex was supposed to be like. Sudden, urgent, delirious.

My stomach began to tighten and the fire inside me was spreading fast. All he had to do was continue what he was already doing. He must have sensed how close I was as he sped up, grinding his pelvis against my clit with each thrust. This
guy was good.

I began to shake, the sensations exploding throughout my body in one giant climax. I cried out, thrashing against the bed as the orgasm pulsed through me.

He continued to fuck me, riding the waves of my pleasure until at last he groaned, pulled out, and sprayed his sticky seed on my stomach.

I lay there, gasping for air, as he rolled to my side. We both stared at the ceiling, still not
sure what just happened. This wasn’t my usual mojo. I don’t know what came over me, but I knew I wanted to do it again.

It was that reason I had to get out of here. If my body was beginning to crave his touch, then I had to run. Fast. “Are you going to let me go now?” I pulled on the handcuffs, rattling them against the post.

“I need to give you something first.”

“Didn’t you already give me something?” I grinned.

He shook his head and smiled. “I’ve never met anyone like you.” He curled a strand of my hair behind my ear. “You look like an angel, so sweet.”

“Looks can be deceiving.”

“Looks are always deceiving.” He stood up and grabbed another towel from the bathroom, cleaning his seed from my stomach and throwing the towel aside.

I rattled the handcuffs against the
bedpost again to hurry him along.

He watched me for a moment, admiring my spent nakedness and then turned to the message board above his desk. He pulled it away from the wall.

Behind the board was a wall safe. An old fashioned one with a knob rather than a keypad.

I watched him carefully.
Turned three times to the left. Stopped on three. Twice around to the right onto one. A quick turn to eight, then back to one. The safe opened.

were four neatly stacked bundles of money. I guessed around ten grand apiece, which meant forty grand altogether. There was also a pistol and some ammo. Nick picked up a stack and pulled three grand out of it, then shut the safe back up.

“I’m going to fix this,” he said. “Once I pay them, they’ll leave you alone.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Of course I do.”

“Can you let me go first?”

He looked thoughtful, as if contemplating my request, but then shook his head. “I can’t trust that you’ll stay here and stay safe. I
don’t want you going back out there and facing them. You don’t know what they might do.”

“You can’t leave me here.”

“I’ll be back soon.”

“Nick. Unlock me, right now.”

He picked up the keys to the handcuffs and set them down on the desk. “I promise. As soon as this is over, I’ll set you free. I’m doing it to keep you safe.”


He walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.
Damn it



Chapter 13


Pulling the cuffs hard against the
bedpost didn’t work. All it did was bring back the throbbing in my shoulder. The damn numbing lotion obviously didn’t last long which was especially inconvenient when I was trying to use force to break a wooden post and free myself.

I lay back down, planning how I was going to get the handcuff keys and unlock myself. The desk was too far way to reach easily, even so, I stretched out my body trying to use my leg to reach it, but it was useless. With my injured
arm, I threw the bed sheets toward it, hoping to snag them and pull the keys closer. They just ended up tangling on the floor and now I was uncovered.

couldn’t wait for Nick to return. What if he never did? There was a strong chance of that since those bikers where unlikely to be up for a pleasant chat and negotiation with him, especially since they’d have no idea who he was. They’d be mad as hell and would shoot first and ask questions later. And they wouldn’t give up easily. I knew that to be true.

A crash downstairs of the front door bursting in made me jump. My heart pounded.
Double Damn it
. I searched the room for an escape as slow footsteps made their way up the stairs. There was only one set of footsteps. One person I could deal with. Maybe. They stopped when they reached the landing, probably listening for any sound. The light to the bedroom was on and even though the door was closed, Nick hadn’t locked me in. Not that a lock would have stopped whoever was outside anyway.

The footsteps started up again, walking slowly toward my door. I turned to my side to cover my nakedness some, looking as demure and innocent as I could as the doorknob began to turn.

Colt walked in. His hair was unkempt and it looked like he’d had less sleep than I’d had. Maybe he’d had none. He wasn’t surprised to see me naked on the bed. In fact he seemed amused by the situation.

Ain’t karma a bitch,” he said. “You leave me tied up back at the motel and then I find you got left that way here. Kind of ironic, don’t you think?”

I smiled sweetly. “Life is full of irony.”

He chuckled and scanned the room, nodding toward the safe on the wall. “You better know the combination; otherwise you’ll be in a lot of pain very soon.” His gaze travelled over the bandage on my shoulder. “Well, more pain than you already are, anyways. Unless you get off on the pain. Yeah, that might be your deal.”

“I know the combination.”

He walked over to the bed and sat down beside me, tracing his finger over my cheek and down my body. “That’s good, because it’d be such a shame to waste a body like this.” He leaned down and bit my nipple. Not hard, but certainly not gentle either. “Like candy from a beauty.” He laughed.

I smiled sweetly. “I’ll give you the combination if you give me the handcuff keys.”

“You want me to free you, do you? And why would I do that?”

“Because you’re such a fine upstanding member of the community who wouldn’t dare leave a lady in distress or danger.”

He laughed. “There ain’t no fine folk in this room. We both know what we are, but okay, I’ll agree to your deal, but safe combo first, then I’ll give you the keys.”

I lay
back, parting my legs slightly so he couldn’t help looking there, then gave him the combination. “You got that, did you?”

“Sure did. You
ain’t that distracting.”

“That isn’t what you said last night.” I ran my tongue over my lips.

He grinned and turned to the safe, entering the combination. It opened first try. “Well there you go. And here was I thinking you’d give me the wrong numbers and I’d have to rough you up. I was looking forward to that.” He picked up the bundles of cash. “This’ll make the boys very happy.” He stuffed the cash into his shirt and then closed the safe leaving the gun inside.

“Deals a deal.”
I said, pointing to the keys.

He shrugged.
“Why not? It’s more that you did for me, but then again, you knew I’d escape.”

“Of course I did.”

He threw the keys to the end of the bed. I could reach them with my toes.

“You and
me could have had a lot of fun if the circumstances were different.” He walked over to the bed and leaned down, kissing me, his warm tongue parting my lips. It took all my willpower to not bite his tongue right off. “So tasty,” he said. He stood up and walked to the doorway, giving me a wink before disappearing.

As soon as he was out of sight, I grabbed the keys with my toes and unlocked the cuffs.
My wrist had a bright red mark around it and was throbbing slightly. I rubbed it as I moved swiftly off the bed and raced toward the safe. I entered the combination and grabbed the gun, filling it with ammo. I had six shots which would be enough, even though I hoped I didn’t have to use any.

My clothes
were wrecked. I stuffed them in by backpack then opened Nick’s closet. Not much would fit me, but I found a dark colored jumper and some sweat pants. Not the most glamorous of attire, but it was warm and I could move easily in it. It’d have to do. I put on my boots, the leather jacket, and grabbed my backpack and phone and bounded down the stairs after Colt.

I tried to ignore the deepening throb in my injured shoulder.



Chapter 14


I heard a single gunshot in the distance, but nothing more. It came from my left but closer to the road.   I couldn’t investigate that right now. I shivered into the jacket, probably a combination of shock and the cold night air. I’d have to hurry. I checked Colt’s location on my phone. The GPS icon still showed, he didn’t know I could track him. Fool.

for me he wasn’t hurrying. I could catch him if I ran, although I knew my chances of a successful ambush relied on stealth and surprise.

I jumped over branches and ducked around trees, alternating watching Colt’s
location, and my terrain so I didn’t knock myself out on a low hanging branch. That was all I needed. I wondered how Colt would have found the house. I guess it wasn’t too much of a stretch, after all I’d stumbled across it.

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