The Beast of Renald (The Northern Knights) (14 page)

BOOK: The Beast of Renald (The Northern Knights)
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He cut her off and pressed his body down upon hers. ‘I said it was nothing. Furthermore, how is it you heard me from your chamber?’  

Heat suffused her cheeks, she was caught. ‘Did we not hear Kelbie’s cries the other eve?’ she replied with her lie. His cries had been that loud.

‘That is not what I meant, wife. Were you not abed? Why were you not asleep? And no guard followed you? The hour is well past late.’

Caroline tried to squirm from beneath him. ‘If you would but let me up, I can explain.’  

‘You can explain right where you are, demoiselle.’ 

Why was he angry with her? She’d done nothing wrong. What had he been dreaming about? Caroline turned the subject back to him. ‘Are you not the least curious as to what it was you cried out in your dream, my lord?’

‘Stop calling me that!’ his warm breath fanned her face with his deep growl.

Stunned, Caroline asked, ‘What am I to call you, then?’

He made a sound of disgust and rolled off her. The draft in the room covered her damp and trembling flesh. Being close to him and his nakedness, though the fur covered his lower half, she had hard time breathing. Passion pooled in her stomach and she moved to scramble off the bed, but he caught the hem of her gown and held fast.  

‘Darc. Always.’ he murmured huskily. After a long pause, he asked his voice quiet and the anger gone. ‘What was it I said?’ 

Caroline lifted her head and met his gaze. The mighty beast looked vulnerable in that moment. She should have been glad. But for some reason she wasn’t. No one deserved amusement in a moment like this.

His fear and terror had been real. She knew the feeling all too well. And the words he’d spoken. Caroline shivered with the memory and her decision made, she told him what he had said.

He stared at her for so long she did not think he believed her. Then his fingers went to her throat and he asked hoarsely, ‘I did that?’ 

She nodded as his fingers moved over where they had been just moments ago.

‘I bruised you.’  

She shivered under his gentle caress and wondering about the woman he had dreamed about. She could not stop herself from questioning him. ‘Who was she?’

He said nothing and Caroline stood still as his hand slid around to the back of her neck. The feel of his fingers and the tiny circle pattern he administered to her sensitive skin drove her mad with need. She was embarrassed by the heat that pooled so quickly in her belly. Had she no control when it came to this man? Her breath came heavy as he stood.

She was trapped.

His one hand on her neck, the other still had the hem of her gown gripped in his fist.  Her knees shook and she opened her mouth to tell him it would best if she left when his head came down. 

His mouth slanted hard across hers. 

Caroline basked in the luxurious feel of his hot mouth and when he sought the inner recesses of her mouth with his tongue, she heard a sound and realized the soft moan came from her. He pulled her against him and deepened the kiss.

She enjoyed his kisses immensely and her body was quick to agree with her about it.  

What was she doing throwing herself at him like a starving wanton wench for just one of his delicious intoxicating touches?

And besides she was still mad that he’d not kept his word to her. ‘Twas not right. She had wanted to comfort him but not in this way.

Even though her mind protested the burning fire humming through her veins, her body yearned for it. The room spun and she could not stop. Her hands found their way to his shoulders and wound around his thick neck. The feel of his naked flesh brought reality crashing back to her.

She pushed away from him. They both nearly stumbled, taken by surprise from her movement.

Caroline managed to free her gown from his hand. He stared at her and then his gaze darkened as the passion glowed brightly in his eyes.   

Her gaze dropped below his waist to that beautiful part of him she had so enjoyed.

He was thoroughly roused and her lips parted on a hot gasp. She wanted him.  

Her eyes shot back up to his.

He wanted her. 

He took a step towards her and Caroline, her heart pumping, turned and fled.




He hadn’t come after her last eve and Caroline was glad. But she was not so sure how she would be able to face him this morning. She had been a bundle of emotions and the words he’d spoken while trapped in his night terror…

What really had happened with him and his first wife? Had he driven the woman to her death? By the sounds of the dream it had not sounded that way.

She knew it was not right she found Darc’s touch exciting but the more she thought of his skilled and hot caresses, the warm flush that came to her skin spread all over and always left her trembling. And telling her that she enjoyed him touching her. Aye she had enjoyed their union immensely.

Mayhap a bit too much.

Was she supposed to be so wanton?

She had listened ofttimes to Helen about the pleasure Cedric had given her, but it sounded naught at all like what Darc had done to her. Caroline felt a hot flush come to her cheeks.

So what if she enjoyed it? Had he not said himself the act was performed for ages? Women had a right to enjoy it too.  

Aye, the whores back at Halvard’s had not always been faking. This Caroline knew for some of their shouts and cries of pleasure were deep like her own. But how much experience did she really have to know such things? She only knew she could not get enough of the Norman. He was her husband now and ‘twas his right to take from her as it was her right to take from him.

And she had wanted to make things easy, keep the peace and any harm at bay, had she not? And for her to deny herself some of the sweet torture, why that was not fair, was it?

Caroline shook her head and pushed the irrational and curious thoughts aside and focused on what next she had to do for the day.

She entered the room he had allotted them for her to instruct Kelbie in his education.  Kelbie had broken his fast earlier with Laur and now he waited for her to start his lesson. 

She groaned and looked up, taking note again of the increased guard inside the castle. That same feeling that had assailed her yestereve returned. Something was indeed afoot.


By the time dusk had fallen Caroline was good and mad that she had yet to see her husband all day and that he had not sought her out to talk about last night. His nightmare. Her lips tingled at the memory of the kiss they’d shared. She didn’t realize she had her fingers pressed to her them until Laur entered her chamber later with a woman at her side. 

‘Mildred!’ Caroline exclaimed. The gray-haired woman rushed the rest of the way into the room and Caroline, excited, hugged her close.  

‘My lady.’  Mildred said happily.

Caroline stepped back and clasped Mildred’s hands in her own ere she turned back to Laur. ‘Thank you, Laur. That will be all.’ 

The older servant made a sound and left the room. Caroline turned back to Mildred’s beaming face. ‘Are you faring well, Mildred?”

‘Aye my lady? I was so happy when word came that you asked for me to come serve you. Thank you.’

‘I have no number in friend’s here anymore than I had at Halvard’s. You were very kind to me and protected me when it counted, Mildred and I shall never forget that. I need someone I can trust and I see in you that I can. How do the rest of Halvard’s’ people fare?’

‘Well, my lady. My lord saw to everyone’s needs and no one goes without. He may be called a beast, but he is fair thus far to all of us.’

Caroline frowned at the woman.  ‘Is that so?’ 

‘And far better than your former husband. Pardon me, my lady. My lord came himself he did to seek me out with your wish.’  

Caroline arched a brow and asked, ‘Truly?’  

‘Aye. He right did.’  

Caroline felt her anger at her husband subside a little. So it took him time, but he had kept his word.  The peculiar way Mildred glanced around at the guards in the hall drew Caroline from her musings and she noticed how nervous the woman truly was acting. She was holding something back. She knew something.

Caroline closed the chamber door a little and pulled Mildred aside.  

‘Mildred. I want you to trust me too. You would tell me if something else was bothering you, wouldn’t you?’  

Mildred hesitated and shook her head. Caroline pressed her other hand to the woman’s shoulder when she made to turn away from her gaze. ‘Mildred. What you tell me shall remain in this room.’  

Mildred lifted her teary-eyed gaze to hers and dropped to her knees before her, her head pressed against the back of Caroline’s hands clasped in hers.

‘My lady, there is unrest among many of us. Nay. ‘Tis not because of the new lord. When word reached us that Lord Halvard’s cousin had arrived. Fear ran wild in many. Lord Cedric is-‘ Mildred lowered her head again, pausing. ‘Forgive me, my lady, for being so bold.’

Caroline pulled her up, worried by the woman’s stark expression, and wanted to assure her. ‘Mildred. ’Tis no secret Cedric is no better than Halvard was. We do not know yet what shall become of him. But we must trust my husband will do what is necessary.’ She spoke firmly, even though she herself had not yet fully come to trust Darc fully.

‘There is something else. The horrible thing that happened in the village.’ Mildred cast her eyes to the floor.

Caroline patted her hands, thinking it was naught more than the mixing of the serfs. ‘What has happened?’

‘I do not wish to cause any trouble. I assumed you already knew, my lady.’

‘Knew what?’

‘You do not know. I shouldn’t have said aught, my lady. I see I’ve erred and fear I’ve spoken too much already. .’

‘Mildred. What is it? You must speak of it now.’

Caroline felt bad at Mildred’s chastised expression that crossed her face. She had not meant to raise her voice and speak so sharply to the woman but the uneasiness that had hung around her neck like dead weight since yesterday rose up in her again. That chill came back to her and Caroline searched Mildred’s fear-filled gaze. The woman whispered so low at first she thought she’d misheard. But when she looked in Mildred’s eyes again she knew she had not. ‘Murders?’ The word froze on her tongue.

‘Three serfs, my lady. Yestereve. Throats slit and no one knows why or who did it.’

Stunned beyond words, Caroline wondered why Darc had not spoken of it with her. She wondered if it had something to do with his nightmare.

She opened her mouth to question Mildred more when Kelbie’s cry came from the other room. They ran out to see him playing and running from a smiling Laur. When the older servant spotted Caroline, she stopped and regained her stiff posture again and pretended as if nothing had been afoot. Caroline gave the servant an odd look and took Kelbie by the hand.

‘Bed time for you little fellow.’

‘But, Mama, we just started.’ Kelbie gave her a pleading look with his lip pushed out.

She ruffled the curls on top of his head. ‘Started what?’

Kelbie turned to look at Laur, his young face waiting for her permission. The old servant grunted, mumbled something incoherent in French and quit the room. Caroline frowned. ‘What were you and Laur doing, Kelbie?’

‘Nothing, Mama.’ He sucked in his top lip and his eyes went wide.

‘Kelbie?’ Caroline leaned near him.

‘I’m ready for bed now.’ he pulled his hand out of hers and raced into the chamber.  Caroline gave Mildred a mystified look.

Mildred shrugged. ‘She only pretends to be ill-natured but your son is softening her.’

Caroline rubbed her forehead. Indeed Kelbie had taken a shine to the older servant from the first and seemed to enjoy his time with her. Still, she would have to speak with Laur. She gave a small smile to Mildred.

‘Can I ask a favor of you, my lady?’ Mildred asked, following behind her as they walked into the room after Kelbie into the bedchamber.

Caroline stopped. ‘Of course. What is it?’

Mildred stepped closer and wrung her hands. ‘I don’t wish an upset between you and my lord, my lady.’

She knew what Mildred meant. The murders. Caroline reassured her.

Nay, she would not get the kind Mildred into trouble.

She would leave the revealing of the murders to her husband. He should have told her in the first place.

‘I am sure my husband will speak of it as soon as I see him.’

Mildred’s relieved nod made her smile. Caroline prayed for forgiveness over her lie. She’d seen him last night and he’d said naught of it. Renewed anger at him flared again.




The frigid dawn and news of the murders in the village brought a somber mood over Castle Renald and to the servants as they moved about whispering among themselves doing their chores. Caroline was on edge because she had not yet seen her husband. The upset she felt last eve was still seething in her blood.

Kelbie was taking a noon nap now and she planned to use the time to explore the castle for Cedric. Damn Darc to hell!

He probably would not return again until night, she believed. Caroline moved to clear their half-eaten platter of food from the noon day meal from the table just as Mildred entered the room.

‘Oh, my lady, I will see to that. Looks like he ate a bit more today, hmm?’

Caroline sighed heavily, ‘Aye. He did better than he did this morn.’ She smiled, ‘I am very pleased.’

Mildred smiled and opened her mouth to respond, but her gaze fell on something over Caroline’s shoulder.

An unnamed feeling slammed her gut and she turned to see Darc, a dark scowl on his scarred face and his gaze on her. She swallowed.

‘Leave us. And take the boy with you, Mildred.’ He ordered the servant.

 Caroline, ready to protest, but thought better of it at his fierce countenance and stance. Something dangerous blazed in those blue eyes that seemed to glitter from the sunlight shining through the window of the room.

She walked over to the bed and picked up Kelbie and placed him in Mildred’s arms. He stirred slightly before quieting again. Mildred nodded and exited the room on the other side.

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