The Beast of Bracksley Woods (13 page)

BOOK: The Beast of Bracksley Woods
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“That I don’t know,” Kevin said, “I’ll see what I can find out.” With that Kevin got back in his van saying “I’ll be back later to pick matey up and take him to a more suitable residence.

“Well, please don’t leave it too long before you come back. If there is one thing I can’t handle, it’s a snake. Kevin laughed at her, waved and calling “See you soon, my sweet Debbie,” and drove off.

For a long time Debbie stood rooted to the ground trying to make sense of what Paul had said. Where on earth had he got the idea that she was about to get married. For the life of her she couldn’t work that one out. Now he says he will be going away, what ought she to do. After dinner tonight she would mull it all over and try to come to a decision. The question was should she tell him she was pregnant with his baby, or let him think it was the invisible boyfriend’s offspring? She would have to come to a decision pretty soon because it wouldn’t be long before everybody could see for themselves. .


Kevin was about to get into his van when he saw Albert making his way towards him. “What do you want Albert,” he called. “I’m just about to go down to the kennels. You know we have got our open day on Monday and we are all working flat out.”

“That poacher’s back. He’s got a big dog with him. I think it’s the one you’ve been looking for. You should come and help me catch the bugger. He’ll be putting down traps in Bracksley woods tonight. This time don’t get caught by surprise,” he grinned at Kevin.

“Sure, I know that dog is around again because we have already had a few casualties. We will get me laddo eventually never fear. if you are sure of your facts this time, you cunning old bugger, I’ll be up there tonight and this time I’ll have my Danny with me ’un all. If I don’t catch him, Danny is bound too. You make sure you’re up there ’un all. No bloody skiving, I need a bit of backup with catching me laddo because he can get rough. If you are right about the rumours of running fighting dogs then it is doubly important that we get him so make sure you are around,” Kevin told him emphatically. Kevin got back in the van and drove off towards the kennels.

The place was alive with activity. Two days to go before the grand opening. Debbie and Betty were hard at work in the kitchen baking buns and cakes. She had already baked a special cake to be used in guess the weight of this cake competition. She had iced it and imposed little tiny photographs of small animals round the edges of the cake in the icing like tiny dogs cats rabbits birds etc. and in the middle she had written Broadmead Animal Rescue Centre RSPCA. She had finished it off by tying a blue band round the cake with a big bow on the side to decorate it. She approached Salina Mason, a big film star at the time who lived locally in Bedford. Debbie asked sweetly if Salina would act as an attraction to the open day and open the fate for the RSPCA, also present prizes. Debbie wondered politely if Salina would agree to taking her special cake round for the guess the weight competition so that she could meet some of the locals.

Amazingly, the great lady agreed to all of it and offered to sell her autograph for 50P as her contribution towards fundraising. Debbie had also been lucky enough to trace an old farmer in the area who still had a pony and trap. He had promised to come and give the kids rides. This news had delighted Tracy but she said excitedly that she would preferred to ride the pony and give the trap a miss. Debbie had also been round the town and several shopkeepers had donated packaged sweets for them to sell off for the children. They had also acquired a large bag of apples and decided to make them into toffee apples.

Debbie’s powers of persuasion had even extended to the supermarkets where she begged for soft drinks and other small items due for the land fill sites. They had organised a tombolo and a skittle game. Apart from Debbie’s efforts her little band of volunteer workers had been round the town sticking up posters advertising the opening day, and handing out leaflets as well as placing an article in the local newspaper about the work of the RSPCA and at the same time taking the opportunity to advertise the fate to be held at Broadmead Farm in support of the animal rescue Centre. Debbie was delighted when a lady called at the farm to see her offering her services. Her name was Rosemarie Hardwick and she ran local obedience classes for all breeds of dogs. She was also somewhat of an expert on animal behaviour. Rosemarie also generously offered to run an obedience class free of charge and arrange several fun races and games that all pet dogs could join in. Things like throw a sausage and see which dog gets it first. How about a doggy dance she suggested.

Debbie laughed with delight as she pitched other fun idea for the dogs. Debbie stopped at nothing to make the day a success. She thanked Rosemarie for her generosity and liked her even more for her kindness in helping.

The marquee had to be put up and Kevin had been elected to supervise this task with the boys. There were a hundred and one things to be done and everybody was working flat out.

All the time the extra work was going on the ordinary everyday tasks still had to be fitted in. Dogs had to be walked, animals had to be fed and cleaned out. People arrived to choose a pet or pay a bill or simply have a look round. At the end of the day everything got done somehow but the team were well and truly exhausted.

Debbie and Kevin stayed on with Greg after the rest of the team left. The two friends sat enjoying a well-earned whisky together while Kevin told Greg that he was spending the night under the stars watching out for the Bracksley beast. Debbie sat quietly listening to their conversation sipping a cup of tea and resting her feet as the two men discussed the matter. Outside the night was chilly and it was pitch dark. No moon or stars to brighten up the skies and Debbie felt reluctant to leave.

She had not bothered bringing the car that morning thinking the weather would hold out and she could easily walk back if necessary. Now she asked “I hate to break the party up but could you give me a lift home Kevin? I didn’t bring my car this morning and I certainly didn’t expect to feel so tired. I thought I had more energy than I actually have. My feet really ache,” she looked appealingly a Kevin hoping she could twist him round her little finger.

“Of course I will. I can always come back and stay with Greg until later. I’ve got a date in Bracksley woods, don’t forget,” He grinned.

When Debbie finally persuaded Kevin to move asking “where is the van?”

“I left it up by the marquee sure, if you just wait by the gate I will fetch it down and meet you there,” he answered fishing out his keys.

Debbie went outside to wait and as she stood by the gate a sudden loneliness swept over her. She gazed into the darkness seeing nothing but feeling total isolation – so alone. Mike had gone from her. Sheila had also gone now Paul had gone just when she thought maybe things were going to change for her. She could not explain the sheer emptiness and hopelessness she felt. At that precise moment she would have welcomed Mike’s or Paul’s arms round her or anybody else for that matter. What she wanted right now was someone to love her. Someone to laugh and cry with. Someone to share her life with. Where had Mike gone? One night with Paul – What kind of a fool was she? Just as the tears started to sting behind her eyes she heard the distant hum of Kevin’s van approaching. It seemed to take hours before she heard the van stop alongside her. She took in a gulp of air and blinking back the tears, she shrugged her shoulders as she reached out for the door handle as she registered that Danny was sitting on the front seat and Kevin was getting out of his driving seat on the opposite side of the car. It was then that it happened.

Danny pushed the door wider as he leapt out growling ferociously and dashing off into the darkness. Debbie staggered backwards in shock. “Holy Mary! Kevin shouted. “Danny leave!” Debbie heard a piercing whistle and then a gun shot. There was a loud yelp from a dog and then running feet as Kevin took off down the lane. Then she heard a vehicle start up and Kevin came running back breathless shouting at her to get back in the house and tell Greg to call the police. Momentary paralysed with shock it took Debbie a few seconds to make her legs work. Then the front door open and Greg was on the scene.

“What the hell is going on! Where did that Gunshot come from?” Greg asked anxiously.

“Kevin. Are you all right? Was it “Animals Rights” or something, after you?” Greg asked not understanding the situation.

“I’d like to know that,” Debbie said breathlessly, “It all happened so fast.”

“‘it’s me laddo,” Kevin answered. Give me a hand. We’ve got two injured dogs here Greg. I don’t know how bad it is. I’m not quite sure which dog got hit either, come to that ’un all. Get me a mussel out of the van mate please. Let’s get the pair of them inside and ring for Paul and the police at the same time.”

Greg found what was needed and each of them carried a large dog into the kitchen. Kevin made sure that the strange dog was immobilised by tying his back and front legs loosely. It was the stranger’s dog that had the gunshot wound and was still unconscious. Danny had been viciously bitten and was bleeding quite badly. As soon as Kevin had examined the dogs he rang Paul. “Paul is coming. He won’t be long,” he announced.

Debbie put the kettle on and made a cup of tea for each of them as they waited. As good as his word Paul was at the door in fifteen minutes. He bustled in with his bag and looked at the animals closely. “I’ll have to take them both in Kev,” he said. “Unfortunately, Angela has gone away for Easter so I am on my own. “How do you fancy given me a hand Debbie and becoming a nurse just for a little while.” “Why? I have no experience. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

“That’s all right. Just do what I tell you.”

“Please do it for me Debbie Darlin’. I couldn’t bear to watch Paul operating on my best friend,” Kevin spoke, his voice choked with emotion.

“Debbie glimpsed his face and saw the pain. Her heart melted for him knowing what he must be going through.

“Okay Kevin. Just for you. I hope Paul is going to be patient with me. He hasn’t been very friendly with me since I came back from Sandy you know and I haven’t a clue what I have done to upset him.”

“Maybe this is an opportunity to sort it out then,” Kevin answered looking at Paul sternly.

“Come on. Let’s not waste time. Get these animals in the van so we can get them back to the surgery where I can treat them,” Paul said all efficient.

“Okay. Sure, I’ll see to them but I’ll have to stay here and wait for the police. They’ll need to speak to me if they are to pick me laddo up.”

Kevin soon had the dogs in Paul’s vet car. Debbie quickly got into the passenger seat and drove away with Paul at the wheel. As soon as they reached the surgery Paul got out and fetched a trolley. Wheeling both dogs inside separately he handed Debbie a white coat. “I think Danny needs attention urgently so I’ll see to him first.

The other one has had an injection which should keep him quiet for some time. Come with me and I will find a tray for you. Everything is on the tray already so all you need to do is to give me whatever I ask you to pass over. Child’s play,” Paul said emphatically. “If you can’t bear to watch just look at something else and I’ll tell you when I’ve finished. Right. Is that okay?” he asked.

Debbie’s throat went dry. She did manage to jerk out “Yes. I’ll do it.”

“I am going to anaesthetise Danny first so I want you to keep a strict eye on this dial and make sure it stays where I’ve put it. You will have to watch the mask doesn’t slide off his nose as well. Do you think you are going to be all right with that?”

“Of course.”

“Okay. Let’s get started.” Paul worked on in silence while Debbie watched the dial and the mask at the same time. “He’s got some nasty neck wounds and also a vicious bite in the throat area. Poor old boy. It’s a wonder that brute didn’t catch is jugular. He only just missed it, Danny would be dead by now if he had caught it,” Paul murmured to himself. “Swabs please,” He said urgently. Obediently Debbie passed them over. Thread and needle, was his next request. “Shaver,” he called. “Antiseptic spray,” then he seemed to be done. He pulled the mask away from Danny’s nose and turned off the anaesthetic machine. “Well, that’s done. That wasn’t too bad, was it?” he asked looking at Debbie closely.

“No. I hope I gave satisfaction,” she answered. Privately, she couldn’t help admiring the way Paul worked. He was so confident in what he was doing and so skilful as he mopped up blood and stitched poor Dannay together. Oh dear my girl what kind of a fool are you to fall in love with him”. The question went round and round in her head. She jumped when Paul spoke again and brought her attention back to what he was doing.

Paul pretended not to notice the tone in her voice.

“Right. Danny can recover in the other room and we can get the next one in. If you fetch the trolley for me I’ll transfer Danny over and put him on a bed while I collect the other one,” Paul stated. Off she went again to do his bidding and fetch the trolley. If he thought she was going to handle the other mutt he had another thought coming, she resolved. Paul managed the trolley and both dogs with manly strength. The dog was awake and growling. “All right old boy, no one is going to hurt you,” he said soothingly and stroked the big dog’s head. It quietened down at his tone and Paul looked more closely. After a few minutes he said quietly “Something is not quite right here, “The micro-chip has been gouged out of the animal. He has a whole load of old bites.”

He lifted one ear of the dog and looked in closely. “Oh my god.” He whispered to himself,” “Thought so,” he muttered, “Watch this.” Clicking his fingers he said in a commanding voice Scott stand. On guard.” The huge dog attempted to get to its feet whimpering and Debbie moved back smartly to the wall. “Okay. Down. Paul said in less of a commanding way.” The dog sank down to the table. Debbie looked on in amazement when the big dog licked Paul’s hand. “Thought so — I think I know this dog — I think we ought to try and save him and trace him back. I believe he may be a stolen police dog. It does happen you know.” Debbie couldn’t believe what Paul was saying. Put it down. The animal is a menace. Her whole being yelled silently at Paul. “It has a terrible reputation, I know but it has been brutalised. Poor old chap, what have they done to you?” he asked as if he expected an answer. “I’ll put him under and see what I can do for him. First of all, we had better get the slug out. The poor animal will probably never be able to walk properly again. Do you know, this sort of thing makes me so cross. I hate to see animals brutalised in this way. I hope that poacher gets his just deserts.” He sighed heavily. “Let’s see what proper treatment and some TLC will do for him, at least we can try and bring him back into line. Everybody deserves a second chance Debbie. Don’t you agree,” Paul murmured placing the mask on the dog’s nose and looking at her meaningfully as he switched the machine on. “Watch that again for me Debbie. Just pass whatever I ask you to pass. You are doing fine. This dog has been starved. It is nothing but skin and bone. I would go so far to say that it has been starved deliberately. Do you know if Kevin got a look at the van. I don’t suppose he could see the number in the dark,” Paul went on quietly muttering away to himself while Debbie stood there watching and waiting for his next instruction. “Still, never mind. Let’s hope the cops will get him and when they do, I sincerely hope they throw the book at him. The man is a criminal. He needs to be taught a lesson.” He worked on silently asking for things every now and again. At last the job was done and Paul breathed a sigh of relief. He trundled his patient into the recovery room and came back to where Debbie still stood. For the life of her, she couldn’t believe that Paul was paying so much attention to the dog that was causing all the trouble in the first place. He should have put the dog down, she thought bitterly but not in her presence she shuddered. “Take that white coat off now and come and sit down. Thank you so much for your help tonight. I live on the premises and my flat is upstairs. Let’s just wash our hands and then we will go up and have a well-earned cup of tea because I really need to talk to you very seriously.”

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