Read The Battle for the Golden Egg Online
Authors: Nick Falk
Famous move #73:
Flying Flipper Attack
Famous move #26:
Bristly Chin Stance of Strength
Saurus Street 1: Tyrannosaurus in the Veggie Patch
Saurus Street 2: A Pterodactyl Stole My Homework
Saurus Street 3: The Very Naughty Velociraptor
Saurus Street 4: An Allosaurus Ate My Uncle
Saurus Street 5: A Plesiosaur Broke My Bathtub
Saurus Street 6: A Diplodocus Trampled My Teepee
Billy Is A Dragon 1: First Bite
Billy Is A Dragon 2: Werewolves Beware!
Billy Is A Dragon 3: Shadow Shifter
Billy Is A Dragon 4: Eaten Alive!
Troggle the Troll
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The Race for the ShÅgun's Treasure
Watch out for Samurai vs Ninja books 3 and 4 in July 2015!
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Version 1.0
Samurai vs Ninja 1: The Battle for the Golden Egg
Copyright © Nicholas Falk 2015
Illustration copyright © Tony Flowers 2015
The moral right of the author and illustrator has been asserted.
A Random House Australia book
Published by Random House Australia Pty Ltd
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060
Random House Books is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at
First published by Random House Australia in 2015
National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication Entry
Author: Falk, Nicholas
Title: The battle for the Golden Egg [electronic resource]
ISBN: 978 0 85798 606 1 (ebook)
Series: Samurai vs ninja; 1
Target Audience: For primary school age
Subjects: Samurai â Juvenile fiction
Ninja â Juvenile fiction
Other Authors/Contributors: Flowers, Tony
Dewey Number: A823.4
Cover and internal illustrations by Tony Flowers
Internal design by Tony Flowers
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