The Bastard Prince (67 page)

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Authors: Katherine Kurtz

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HALEX, Father—Abbot of
Arx Fidei
Abbey, a

HENRY of Rutherford, Sir—a knight in Rhun's service.

HOMBARD of Tarkent—Torenthi envoy in service of Prince Miklos.

HRORIK of Eastmarch, Lord—Earl of Eastmarch; middle son of Duke Sighere, uncle of Duke Graham, husband of Sudrey, father of Stacia.

HUBERT MacInnis, Archbishop—Primate of Gwynedd and Archbishop of Valoret, one of Alroy's former regents; younger brother of Earl Manfred and uncle of Bishop Edward.

IMRE, King—fifth and last Festillic King of Gwynedd (900–904); father of Marek of Festil by his sister Ariella.

IMRE of Festil, Prince—infant son of Marek and Princess Charis of Torenth.

IOSIF—a guard at Rhemuth Castle.

IVER MacInnis—son of Manfred; Earl of Kierney by right of his wife, Lady Richeldis MacLean.

JAMES, Master—a Court physician.

JAMES Drummond, Lord—deceased father of Michaela and Cathan Drummond.

JAVAN Jashan Urien Haldane, King—clubfooted younger twin of King Alroy, whom he succeeded; reigned 921–922. Treasonously slain in battle and succeeded by his younger brother, Prince Rhys Michael.

JERVIS—household steward at Lochalyn Castle.

JESSE MacGregor, Sir—Deryni adept, eldest son and heir of Gregory of Ebor; part of Joram's underground.

JORAM MacRorie, Father—Deryni adept and youngest son of Camber; brother of Evaine; priest and Knight of the Order of Saint Michael; now coordinating resistance to the former regents and plotting to restore independence of the Haldane crown.

JOSHUA Delacroix, Lord—
captain-general at Ramos.

KENNET of Rhorau, Sir—nephew of Termod of Rhorau and brother of Sudrey; killed with Duke Ewan's party in 918.

KENNET Howell—infant son of Stacia of Eastmarch and Corban Howell.

KIMBALL, Father—
Abbot of Saint Cassian's.

KINEVAN, Dom Queron—see
Queron Kinevan, Dom

KYLA, Lady—a poet.

LIESEL—alias used by Rhysel Thuryn.

LIOR, Father—Inquisitor-General of the
Custodes Fidei

LIRIN Udaut, Lady—daughter of Constable Udaut; wife of Richard Murdoch, Earl of Carthane.

LORENZO, Brother—a bookbinder.

MACGREGOR—surname adopted by Jesse, son of Gregory of Ebor.

MACGREGOR, Bishop Ailin—see
Ailin MacGregor

Edward, Hubert, Iver
, and
Manfred MacInnis

Camlin, Giesele
, and
Richeldis MacLean

MACRORIE—surname of Camber's family. See
Ansel, Camber, Evaine
, and

MAGAN, Father—a young
priest, assistant to Lior.

MANFRED MacInnis, Lord—Earl of Culdi of second creation; a former regent; elder brother of Archbishop Hubert and father of Iver and Bishop Edward.

MARCUS Concannon, Father—Chancellor-General of the
Ordo Custodum Fidei
, in charge of all seminaries and other institutions of education in Gwynedd.

MAREK of Festil, Prince—Deryni posthumous son of Imre and his sister Ariella, and carrier of the Festillic line after his parents' deaths.

MICHAELA Drummond, Queen—daughter of Elinor and James, sister of Cathan; wife and queen of Rhys Michael Haldane; mother of Prince Owain Haldane.

MICHAELINES—priests, knights, and lay brothers of the Order of Saint Michael, a militant fighting and teaching Order, predominantly Deryni, formed during the reign of King Bearand Haldane to hold the Anvil of the Lord against Moorish incursions and defend the sea-lanes; suppressed under the Regency of King Alroy and outlawed thereafter.

MIKLOS von Furstan, Prince—Deryni younger brother of King Arion of Torenth, ally of Marek of Festil.

MURDOCH of Carthane, Lord—slain father of Richard Murdoch, Earl of Carthane; formerly a regent of King Alroy.

MURRAY—an Eastmarch captain.

NIALLAN Trey, Bishop—outlawed Deryni Bishop of Dhassa; a confidant of Father Joram MacRorie.

NICHOLAS—a retainer at Lochalyn Castle.

NIEVE Fitz-Arthur, Lady—Tammaron's countess and mother of four sons by him; widow of the late Earl of Tarleton, by whom she bore Peter (later known as Lord Albertus) and Paulin (of Ramos).

O'NEILL, Lord Tavis—see
Tavis O'Neill, Lord

Custodes Fidei

ORDO VERBI DEI—Order of the Word of God.

ORIEL, Master—a Healer in the forced service of the great lords, slain during palace coup of 922.

ORISS, Archbishop Robert—Archbishop of Rhemuth and member of royal council.

OWAIN Javan Cinhil Haldane, Prince—four-year-old Crown Prince of Gwynedd, son of Rhys Michael and Michaela.

PAULIN (Sinclair) of Ramos—younger son of the Earl of Tarleton and stepson of Earl Tammaron; briefly Bishop of Stavenham before his resignation to head the
Ordo Custodum Fidei
; brother of Albertus (Peter Sinclair), the Order's first Grand Master.

infirmarian at Saint Cassian's Abbey.

QUERON Kinevan, Dom—former Gabrilite Healer-priest and founder of the Servants of Saint Camber; confidant of Joram.

QUIRIC Fitz-Arthur—a squire at Court, son of Tammaron.

REGINA, Sister—a nun at Saint Ostrythe's.

REVAN, Master—human charismatic preacher working with a Deryni faction to save Deryni by blocking their powers via a kind of “baptism.” Slain in 922 by his own former followers.

RHUN of Horthness, Lord—called the Ruthless; Earl of Sheele of second creation and a former regent for King Alroy; husband of Agnes Murdoch; Vice-Marshal of Gwynedd.

RHYSEL Thuryn, Lady—daughter of Rhys Thuryn and Evaine MacRorie; as “Liesel,” sent secretly to infiltrate Court as a maid to Queen Michaela.

RHYS MICHAEL Alister Haldane, King—youngest of King Cinhil's three sons; succeeded his brother Javan as King Rhys (reigned 922–928); husband of Michaela Drummond and father of Prince Owain.

RICHARD Murdoch, Lord—Earl of Carthane, eldest son of Murdoch.

RICHELDIS MacLean, Lady—Countess of Kierney in her own right, wife of Iver MacInnis.

RICKART, Dom—Healer to Bishop Niallan and part of Joram's staff.

RONDEL, Sir—aide to Manfred.

SECORIM, Father—abbot of the
chapter at Rhemuth.

SEAN Coris, Sir—son of Sighere, Earl of Marley.

SIGHERE, Lord—Earl of Marley; brother of Hrorik and uncle of Duke Graham; father of Sir Sean Coris.

SINCLAIR—surname of the Earls of Tarleton.

STACIA, Lady—daughter of Hrorik and Sudrey; Heiress of Eastmarch; wife of Corban and mother of Kennet.

STEVANUS, Master—a
battle surgeon.

SUDREY of Rhorau, Lady—widow of Hrorik of Eastmarch; niece of Termod of Rhorau and therefore a distant cousin of Marek of Festil; mother of Stacia.

TAMBERT Fitz-Arthur-Quinnell, Duke—First Duke of Cassan, now ten; son of Fane Fitz-Arthur and Princess Anne Quinnell.

TAMMARON Fitz-Arthur, Earl—Chancellor of Gwynedd and a former regent for King Alroy; father of Fane, Fulk, and Quiric and grandfather of Duke Tambert.

TAVIS O'Neill—former Healer to Prince Javan and one of the few Healers able to block Deryni powers.

TIEG Thuryn—Healer son of Rhys Thuryn and Evaine MacRorie.

TOMAIS d'Edergoll, Sir—former aide to Prince Rhys Michael, slain during coup of 922.

UDAUT, Lord—Constable of Gwynedd; father of Lirin.

VALENTIN—Marek's most senior captain.

WINIFRED, Sister—a nun at Saint Ostrythe's Convent.

An asterisk indicates a character mentioned only in passing, possibly deceased.



ALL SAINTS' CATHEDRAL—seat of the Archbishop of Valoret, Primate of All Gwynedd.

BELDOUR—capital of Torenth.

CAERRORIE—formerly Camber's principal residence as Earl of Culdi, a few hours' ride northeast of Valoret; now the seat of Manfred MacInnis, Earl of Culdi of the second creation.

CARTHANE—Richard Murdoch's earldom, south of Rhemuth, whose capital is Nyford.

CASHIEN—episcopal see to the west of Rhemuth.

CASSAN—former petty princedom ruled by Prince Ambert Quinnell; now a duchy of Gwynedd under its first duke, Tambert Fitz-Arthur-Quinnell.

CLAIBOURNE—principal city of Old Kheldour and first duchy of Gwynedd; seat of Graham, Third Duke of Claibourne.

CONNAIT, The—barbarian kingdom to the west, famous for its mercenaries.

COR CULDI—hereditary ancestral seat of the Earls of Culdi, near the city of Culdi, on the Gwynedd-Meara border.

CULLIECAIRN—Haldane stronghold—castle, town, and garrison—guarding the Coldoire Pass between Eastmarch and Tolan.

DESSE—port town south of Rhemuth.

DHASSA—traditionally neutral episcopal see east of Rhemuth, in the Lendour Mountains.

EASTMARCH—earldom held by Hrorik, middle son of Duke Sighere of Kheldour.

EBOR—earldom north of Valoret, now in abeyance, formerly held by Gregory, Jesse's father.

GRECOTHA—university city, former site of the Varnarite School; seat of the Bishop of Grecotha.

GWYNEDD—central of the Eleven Kingdoms and hub of Haldane power since 645, when the first Haldane High King began to unify the area; seat of the Festillic Dynasty, 822–904; restored to the Haldane line in 904 with the accession of Cinhil Haldane.

HORTHNESS—Barony of Rhun the Ruthless.

HOWICCE—kingdom to the southwest of Gwynedd; loosely allied with Llannedd.

KHELDISH RIDING—viceregality broken off Kheldour after its annexation by Duke Sighere and King Cinhil in 906.

KHELDOUR—small kingdom north of Gwynedd, now comprising the Duchy of Claibourne and the Earldoms of Marley and Eastmarch.

KIERNEY—earldom north of Culdi.

LLANNEDD—kingdom southwest of Gwynedd; loosely allied with Howicce.

LOCHALYN CASTLE—seat of Hrorik, Earl of Eastmarch.

MARBURY—episcopal see in the earldom of Marley.

MARLEY—small earldom carved out of Eastmarch for Sighere, youngest son of Duke Sighere.

MARLOR—barony of Manfred MacInnis.

MEARA—kingdom/princedom northwest of Gwynedd; nominally a vassal state of Gwynedd.

MOORYN—province at the far south of Gwynedd, including Carthmoor and Corwyn.

NYFORD—port city south of Rhemuth, seat of the Earls of Carthane; episcopal see for Carthane.

RAMOS—abbey town southwest of Valoret, where the Council of Ramos convened, winter of 917/918.

RHEMUTH—ancient capital of Gwynedd under the Haldanes; abandoned during Festillic Interregnum; restored under Cinhil and Alroy; secondary archbishopric for Gwynedd, junior to Valoret.

RHENDALL—lake region north of Gwynedd; territorial title given to the heir of the Duke of Claibourne.

House on the Plain of Iomaire.

SAINT JARLATH'S ABBEY—Mother House of the Order of Saint Jarlath, on the southwestern edge of the Plain of Iomaire.

SAINT MARK'S ABBEY—monastery near Valoret.

SAINT NEOT'S ABBEY—stronghold of the Order of Saint Gabriel the Archangel, an all-Deryni esoteric Order specializing in the training of Healers; located in the Lendour highlands; destroyed by troops led by the Regent Rhun on Christmas Eve, 917.

SAINT OSTRYTHE'S CONVENT—small religious house lying between Ebor and Sheele.

SHEELE—seat of the Earldom of Sheele, north of Valoret.

STAVENHAM—episcopal see in the far north of Kheldour.

TOLAN—marriage portion of Princess Chans of Torenth, who married Marek of Festil; now a duchy.

TORENTH—powerful kingdom to the east of Gwynedd; origin of the Festillic line, who were rulers of Gwynedd 822–904; currently ruled by King Arion.

VALORET—Festillic capital of Gwynedd, 822–904, from which springs the primacy of its archbishop.

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