The Bastard (45 page)

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Authors: Inez Kelley

Tags: #Adult, #Angels, #Bad Boy, #Demons, #Paranormal Romance

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IMMUNITY – A natural resistance that builds in the soul after being Tasted by a Soul-Leech. It requires forty-days to reach maximum protection levels but then renders the Tasted impervious to change.

IRIN/WATCHERS – Often called Nephilim (Holy Bible, Genesis 6:1-4) - Offspring of a male Vangeli and a mortal woman. The Book of Enoch says the Irin were “savage giants who pillaged the earth and endangered humanity”. They were bound ‘in the valleys of the Earth’ and became the Watchers. Watchers view their rape-begotten lines through a mystic well and record each birth and death in the
Eyts Vangelus.

KARETH – (derived from the Hebrew verb
‘to cut off’) - In Rabbinical literature it is the extinction of the soul. If soul-dust is not returned to the Sacred Wall or collected by an Awoken, it is equivalent to that soul being erased. There is no recovery from Kareth.

LEAP – Physically transferring one’s body from one location to another with a thought. Leaping can cover great distances but it is impossible to Leap into a man-made structure. Once inside, one can Leap at will but cannot Leap to the outside.

MINION – A Scion who has been Awoken by Samael or one of his Chiefs and now serve evil. Heavenly equivalent – Seraphim.

SACRED NICHE – Resting place in The Hall of Infamy for the soul-dust of fallen Forsaken

SACRED VAULT – Guarded center of the Sacred Wall where Scion soul-dust is housed.

SACRED WALL – Location in Paradise where mortal souls await the End of Days. As Earth-bound warriors, the Forsaken have their own version of the Sacred Wall, located beneath their compound called the DREGS.

SATAN – The embodiment of evil. Once called
The Ha-Satan
, Samael was the first Vangeli created. Also called: the devil, Kölski, Shaitan, Mephistopheles, Baphomet, Iblis, Ahpuch, Cimeries, O-Yama, Set, and various other names throughout time.

SCION – Mortals who carry the blood of Vangelus. Most bloodlines have died out but a few still remain. Scion souls can be transformed through torture after First death. If they swear allegiance to Samael, they are Awoken as Minions.

SCIONIM – Descended from one of the Seven, only Scionim can be transformed into Chiefs.

*Note: Presently, there are only two known Scionim alive, Lacy and Annie Cooper.*

SERAPHIM – Heaven’s military guards. Evil equivalent – Minions.

SOUL-DUST – The physical remains of the mortal soul upon First Death. Invisible to the mortal eyes, gathered by the Gleaners unless intervention from Samael’s forces or Vangelus.

SOUL-LEECH/LEECHES – Mortal souls who have been transformed by evil and now serve Samael. The lowest tier of his stolen army. Heavenly equivalent – Cherubim.

TASTED – When a Soul-leech attempts to enthrall a mortal soul but is interrupted before harm was done, the mortal is then called Tasted. This triggers Immunity into development.

The equivalent is the RIGHTEOUS MARK, stemming from Michael’s handprint on his group’s chest, a reminder to stay true to their Awoken Vows.

THE PATRICIUS – The elite group of Vangelus originally created in Heaven numbered at seven female and seven male Vachangeli. Six followed Samael and were cast out, leaving only The Seven.

THE SEVEN – the remains of what was called The Patricius: Michael, Gabriel, Josiel, Raphael, Uriel, Camiel, and Sariel.

THE THIRD – Collectively, all souls who now serve Samael, so named because originally their number was one-third that of Heaven’s number.

VACHANGELI - Elite of all Vangelus, commonly mistranslated as Archangels.

VANGELI – Beings created by the Creator of All, commonly mistranslated as Angels. The plural is VANGELUS.



Table of Contents

Praise for THE BASTARD

Title page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Forsaken Cheat Sheet

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