The Bass (8 page)

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Authors: Moira Callahan

BOOK: The Bass
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Chapter Thirteen


Saturday morning was a bit gloomy on the weather front. The muted light
coming through the windows had Cateline snuggling in closer to the warm male
body next to her. Shade was still sound asleep, but his arm tightened slightly
around her in a silent reprimand to stay still. Smiling, she brushed a kiss to
sleeping kitten tattoo on his chest, and then rested her cheek to the spot over
his heart.

The sounds of the rain hitting the window pane, and his heart beating, slow
and steady under her ear began to lull her back into a light doze. She could definitely
get used to spending mornings like this with him. It would suck when he left
the country. Cat knew it would be the first test for them. She’d lived without
Shade for too many years already. She didn’t know if she could handle not
having his arms around her each night in the coming years.

Slipping her arm around his waist, Cat breathed in the scent that
belonged to her sexy rocker. She’d have to see about stealing a couple shirts
to tide her by when he headed off. Or maybe his pillow. Not like he’d miss it
or his shirts while he was on the road.

She must have finally dozed back off because when she next opened her
eyes, there was muted light straining to get into the room. Lifting her arms
over her head, she had a lazy stretch before kissing Shade’s chest, and wiggled
free from his hold. He grumbled and tried to drag her back.

“I have to pee, babe. Trust me on this one; you don’t want to go
squeezing me now.”

His lips twitched slightly at her words. He also let her loose.
Scrambling off the bed, she made a mad dash for the bathroom. When she was done
Cat returned to the bedroom to find Shade on his stomach, tightly holding the
pillow she’d slept on.

She couldn’t stop the smile if she’d wanted to. Which she didn’t.
Grabbing a t-shirt from the drawer, she tugged it on. Since it fell practically
to her knees she didn’t worry about putting anything else on underneath before
heading to the kitchen.

Some coffee was needed, and maybe she’d get started on breakfast. The
time on the clock had her changing that idea to brunch. Not like they had any
plans today beyond being together. Shade had mentioned going for a drive, but
it wasn’t something set in stone.

After she got the coffee going, she pulled out the items to make up an
omelette. She snagged the sausages too, and got those cooking while she chopped
some vegetables. Humming softly under her breath while she worked, Cat smiled
suddenly. Shade was in the room.

Her internal radar gave the alert which meant she didn’t hit the ceiling
when his arms slid around her waist. The heat along her back from where his
body pressed to hers had all her feminine parts sighing in pleasure. “Sleep
well?” she asked setting the knife aside. Turning to face him, Cat slipped her
arms around his waist.

“I thought you were going to the bathroom.”

“I did, and then my belly started to make noises. Figured it was a good
idea to feed the beast before it went full on Cujo.” Rubbing her nose to his
bare chest, Cat tightened her arms around him not surprised when he returned
the favor.

“It does get temperamental when denied sustenance too long.”

“Now there’s an understatement.” Leaning her head back with a laugh, she
looked up into his pretty brown eyes. “Pretty sure my gut could audition for a
role in a monster movie, and beat out all the competition without issue.”

“Don’t know about that. There are some CGI beasts that are pretty

Cat let out a laugh. “You may have a point there. But I’m fairly certain
I could at least give them a run for their money.” Her gut chose that moment to
show Shade what it could do, and embarrass her in the process. Pressing her
hand to her belly, she didn’t know what to say then.

Shade shook his head slowly. “Jesus, kitten.” Moving his hands to cup
her cheeks, he leaned in to kiss her gently.

“I do believe an ‘I told you so’ fits here.” With a grin she pointed him
to the stove. “Go keep an eye on the sausages. I’ll get the omelettes started
in the meantime.”

Shade let her slip around him. Happy on a level she didn’t know how to
explain, Cat threw the vegetables into the small pan to cook up while she beat
the eggs into submission. Humming to herself once more she checked the sausages’
progress before pouring the eggs into the largest frying pan she had heated on
the stove.

Ten minutes later they were sitting down to enjoy the meal side by side.
She loved any time she had with Shade, but the quiet moments sitting together
were among her favorite. Whether over a meal, watching a movie, or each reading
a book, the silences were comfortable. Cat never felt the need to fill those
moments with words. They didn’t need to be filled.

After breakfast, they got dressed and headed out. Shade still wanted to
go for that drive. She was game to go, anything to spend more time with him.
They almost made it to his truck, but were stopped by a shout.

Turning, she spotted Jennifer jogging their way. The woman blew out a
breath when she reached them, and held up a finger while she sucked in some

“You okay, Jen?” Shade asked with a grin.

The other woman nodded, and rolled her eyes. “This is why I don’t run,”
she muttered. “Lance tried giving you a call earlier, but you were obviously
otherwise occupied.”

Cat’s grin likely matched Shade’s. He gave a shrug. “I only have a short
amount of time with my girl. No way am I wasting a single second.”

“Totally get that,” Jennifer said. “The point is, Christine’s called a
meeting for tomorrow at lunch. She’ll be at Jeremy’s to update us on everything
for the coming tour. She wants your input along with the others before she sets
everything in motion to finalize whatever she’s potentially got going on.”

Shade didn’t look happy at the news. “We were planning to be at Jeremy’s
for lunch tomorrow anyway,” Cat said. She slipped her arm through his, and gave
his bicep a squeeze with her fingers. “It will be nice to see Christine again

“I suppose.” Blowing out a breath, Shade nodded. “Better to do it all
now. I need to make sure she’s not going to fuck up my plans for us over

She smiled up at him, and gave his arm another squeeze. “Now you’re
thinking this through. No way am I letting her muck up whatever it is you have
planned. You are going to tell me eventually right?”

Shade smiled. “We’ll see you all tomorrow, Jennifer.”

“Have fun you two. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” the other woman
called. With a laugh, she headed back toward Lance’s home.

Shaking his head, Shade tugged her to his truck, and then helped her up
into the passenger seat. “Are you planning on telling me what you’ve cooked up
for our Christmas?” she asked once he was seated next to her.

“Where would the fun be in that, kitten?”

He had a point there, and she did like his surprises. With others, she
was not a fan, but Cateline trusted Shade like no other. Didn’t mean she was
going to let him off the hook with the easy answer. “Well how else will I know
what to bring along? I mean do I bring the lingerie set I’ve been eyeing up at
my favorite shop, or do I bring full winter gear? A girl needs to have some
idea of what she’s getting into. I need to be properly prepared for your master

With a wave to the guards, they slipped off the property, and onto the
street. She watched Shade while he drove. She could tell he was weighing his
answer carefully. Never one to give away too much information, she knew
whatever he said would be only enough and nothing more.

“Lingerie, hell yeah. Full winter gear is likely unnecessary, though I
would bring a winter jacket, and perhaps mittens. It can get chilly in Paris
during the winter months. Other than that, bring what seems appropriate.
Anything special I will ensure you have.”

Which told her next to nothing about his plans. “Well that’s not helpful
in the least, Shade.”

“I know.” The smug little smirk he shot her made her want to kiss him
silly. He knew how to keep her guessing, she’d give him that. Folding her arms
over her chest, Cat narrowed her gaze on his profile. He shot a look her way,
and then reached over to brush his knuckles to her cheek. “Don’t be mad,
kitten. I swear to you that you’ll love what I have planned. This is my way to
make up for all the Christmases we weren’t together these past years. Let me
have a little fun doing it.”

When he put it that way it made her seem churlish for putting up stink
about it. Sighing, she caught his hand to press a kiss to his knuckles.
“Promise me that in your planning you’ll leave me a day to do the same for you

His smile was her reward for asking. “Always, kitten. I will make sure
that you have a day to spoil me like I plan to spoil you.”

Resting their joined hands on her thigh she dropped her head to the
headrest. She’d known he’d agree to her request. Now all she had to do was
figure out what the fuck she was going to do. She had a feeling it was easier
said than done.


Chapter Fourteen


The night before Victorious was to leave town, Shade waited down in the
parking area. Cat was coming over to allow them to spend the night together.
She’d arranged with her boss to go in late tomorrow giving them all the time
they could manage before the flight out. His phone buzzed in his pocket.
Digging it out, he saw it was a text from the guard shack letting him know she
was on her way up.

Anticipation hummed through his veins while he made his way to the spot
she always took. Smiling when he saw her, he waited until she’d parked her car.
He pulled her door open, and wrapped her up in his arms the minute she was outside
the vehicle. Pressing his face into her neck, Shade soaked up her warmth.

Cat’s arms came around his shoulders, and one hand burrowed into his
hair. “I can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow.”

“I know, kitten.” He hated the idea he’d be leaving her behind. Giving
her a squeeze, he brushed a kiss to her lips. “Let’s go to the house. We’re
doing dinner with the gang, but the night is ours.”

Taking her overnight bag once she pulled it from the car, Shade laced
their fingers together for the short walk. He found he needed to keep in
contact with her. The clock was ticking, and he didn’t plan to waste any time
they had.

Once they reached his place, he put her bag by the stairs and tugged her
with him to the greenery room. Settling down in the large armchair, Shade pulled
her into his lap. “How was work today?” he asked softly.

“Good, pretty relaxed actually,” she told him. Wiggling in closer, she
pressed a kiss to his throat. “We had a light day today, mostly housekeeping.
It’s early still, but whenever we have a moment we like to update everything.
That way when tax season rolls around we’re not all running around like
chickens without heads. It was nice to do something a little less stressful
than normal.”

“Simon’s still okay with you going in late tomorrow?”

She nodded with a smile he could feel on his skin. “He’s good with it. I
think he’s getting a kick out of the fact that I know you all. Will you
autograph something for me to give to him?”

Shade snorted at that, and squeezed her closer. “You don’t have to ask,
kitten. I’ll dig something out to take with us over to dinner. The guy’s will have
some fun with this.”

“Is he still trying to buy the land?”

“Not recently, he hasn’t. If he did I’d sic you on him for daring it.
You’d go in and smack him for me, right?”

“You know I would.” Shifting in his lap, she pressed a hand to his
cheek, and drew him in for a kiss. “I’d kick his ass for you, babe.”

Shade couldn’t help the smile against her lips. “My feisty little
kitten.” Sliding his hand into her hair, he took control. She met him straight
on, her tongue sliding over, tangling with, and dancing with his. Her low,
needy moan had him changing the angle to deepen the kiss further. Had him
demanding more from her until she wiggled around to straddle his lap.

Soon she was rocking against his aching cock, her hands up under his
shirt, lightly scraping her short nails to his skin. Breaking the kiss to suck
in a breath, Shade pressed more kisses down her throat. He had her shivering in
need when he flicked out his tongue to stroke the hollow of her throat.

“Shade, how long until dinner?”

Her question pulled his mind back to the present, and made him shoot a
look to his watch. “If we’re quick we can both have what we want, grab a
shower, and make it there with time to spare.”

His answer was apparently what she wanted to hear. She slid off his lap,
and began to strip down. Shade could only watch for a minute, letting his gaze
coast over all the skin she’d bared for his pleasure. Only when she dropped her
bra did he jump to his feet to shed his own clothing, collecting the condom
from his pocket. He’d taken to carrying at least one, usually two, around with
him at all times.

Rolling the condom on, he sat back in the chair. Cat climbed onto his
lap again, and leaned in to kiss him. Cupping her ass, Shade drew her in
tighter, kissing her the entire time. She rubbed her pussy to his cock in a
manner designed to push him to the edge. Not that she seemed to be having
better luck. By the color rising up her chest, he was sure she was on the edge

He wasn’t about to have that happen. Lifting her enough to get his cock
in place he bit her lip. “Grab my cock and guide me in,” he demanded.

Shade should have known better than to have her put her hands on him.
Cat wrapped her slim fingers around his cock. Then the little witch tapped her
fingertips up the length, back down, and grabbed on to squeeze. All he could do
was hold her ass tighter, and let out a strangled sound.

She gave a laugh, another squeeze, and then pressed his cock head to her
pussy. Cat rubbed him up and down her wet folds. Finally she pressed him to her
opening, and slid down an inch. All she could manage with his death grip on her
ass. He knew he had to be leaving finger-sized bruises on her, but he couldn’t
quite dredge up the inner strength to loosen his grip. His brain’s primitive
side liked the plan to mark her up a little too much.

He let out a string of curses when she pressed down against his hold to take
his cock in deeper. Halfway down, Shade lost it, and yanked her down while
lifting his hips to push his cock in fully. They both let out sounds filled
with need and want. Wrestling for control, Shade pressed a hard kiss to her
lips. “Cat?” Her name was all he could get out.

“More. Now.”

She wrapped a hand around his neck, her nails biting into his flesh. She
used her other hand to scrape down his chest, leaving a burning path. With a
growl, Shade lifted her up. Then he began to fuck her hard and fast.

Cat was right there with him. Moving up and down his cock. She made the
little needy sounds that drove him crazy each time he bottomed out inside her.
Throwing her head back, she began to circle her hips slightly.

Shade peeled a hand off her ass to press flat to her lower belly. He
worked his thumb between her folds to find the swollen nub hidden there. Flicking
his calloused thumb to the tender flesh caused Cat’s inner muscles to clamp
around him hard. The inarticulate sound she let loose pushed him to new levels.

Sinking deeper into the sensations, he let them guide him and allowed everything
else go. No thoughts, no worries, only the feelings right there and then. Her
pussy gripped at his cock tighter like a vise, and her nails dug even deeper into
his back to pull him closer.

When she shattered, he followed her into the abyss. Her name tore from
his throat on a bellow that might have rattled all the windows. Not that he
could tell given the buzzing in his ears. His vision wavered for a moment. It
had been the hardest orgasm he’d ever experienced.

Shade caught Cat to him, pulling her in tight to his chest when she
would have fallen backward. Burying his face in her throat, he wrapped her up
tight. Her pussy continued to clench rhythmically around his cock through the
cool down from the mind-blowing orgasms they’d shared.

Gently, he stroked his fingertips up and down her spine, eliciting the
occasional shiver from her. When he had the energy to do more than fight for
air, Shade eased her head back to run his gaze over her face. “You okay?” he
asked. He hadn’t been anywhere close to gentle with her. Cat was quite tiny in
comparison to him and he worried about hurting her when he lost control. She
seemed to like it, but this today had been a whole new level for them both.

She hummed out a sound, her lips curling up into a beautiful smile. “If
I didn’t feel like I needed a nap, I’d say again. But I know we have to go to
dinner. With that in mind may I make a reservation for another round like that

The laughter that popped out surprised him, but he couldn’t help to nod.
“You most definitely may, kitten. Anything my girl wants my girl can have.”

She snuggled closer and pressed a kiss to his throat. “Good, I’ll take
another serving later then.”

Unable to resist, he hugged her closer and pressed an open mouth kiss to
her neck. He held her tight for a couple more minutes. When their bodies began
to cool, he helped her off his lap. Removing the condom, he grabbed up his
clothing and then followed her up the stairs. He snagged her bag before jogging
up on her heels.

In the shower Shade wrapped her up close in his arms. The need to hold
her close and never let go was riding him hard. He didn’t want to leave her
behind. Yes, she would be with him soon enough, but all those days in between
were days he wouldn’t or couldn’t see her.

She rubbed a hand to his arm, and leaned her head back to brush a kiss
to his jaw. “I know, babe. I know.”

Closing his eyes, he figured she did. His kitten was one smart and
intuitive woman. Somethings didn’t need words. Like the fact he was already
missing her, and they hadn’t actually separated yet.

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