Read The Baller's Baby Online

Authors: Cristina Grenier

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

The Baller's Baby (16 page)

BOOK: The Baller's Baby
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The Heat was offering something similar, but threw in a condo on the beach as well. Stacey looked up the fair market value of the condo and seeing that it alone was priced at over two million, told Cole exactly what she thought. “The Pacers offer is weak, I'd scratch them. The Suns really want you and are willing to pay out for your name on the roster, but the Heat will match their salary and give you a condo on the beach that's easily two million just in investment property.”

“So you think we should go with the Miami Heat?”

“I think you should go where your heart is leading you,” Stacey said sitting all three contracts in front of him.  Cole spent some time alone, thinking. He didn't just have himself to consider now. He was engaged to the most amazing woman he'd ever known, had a baby on the way and needed something solid that would care for them. Still, Stacey's agency was centered in New York. Would she make the switch to go with him? Could he ask that of her or was that selfish?

“Stacey!” Cole called. She came to sit by him, feeling anxious and excited.

“What's up?”

“I really want the Miami Heat,” Cole said, picking up his proffered contract. “However, I need to know how you feel about it.”

“It's an amazing offer, Cole; we can both readily admit that. Not to mention we'd have housing set up when we arrived, which for me is a big bonus.”

“But your agency?”

“It already in the process of becoming Stern and Baxter,” Stacey said with a contented smile. “I sold my agency to Jack and Steve. “They were willing to take my other clients, including Michael, promising to keep me apprised of any issues that come about and to call if they needed advice. I need to be where you are Cole, doing what you love to do. With our baby coming along in a few short months, we need to be settled somewhere and I can't think of any place better than the beach in Miami Florida.”

“I...I can't believe you sold your agency,” Cole said, feeling incredibly loved. “You adored that job, the work, and your clients.”

“Yes,” Stacey said, getting a little teary eyed. “I love them and my job very much. However, I love you and this baby so, so much more. Right now, I need to be with you, to build my life with you, to share in the joys of this sweet baby and to be settled in a place to raise this munchkin.”

“You're absolutely sure?” Cole said, still dumbfounded by her sacrifice.


“Oh god Stacey,” Cole said, his hands shaking, “I'm going to be a small forward for the Miami Heat!”

“Fantastic,” Stacey smiled, “Now calm down before you sign that.”



Cole spent the next week in Miami finalizing the transition of the condo, acquiring the proper paperwork for moving both himself and Stacey there, and the minute details of his contract as a Miami Heat small forward. Each year of his three year contract was for eighty-two games, assuming that Cole would play some in each game, even if he was just a substitute. After the three years, Cole would be eligible to renew or renegotiate his contract depending on his player status within the team. The day he signed his official contract Stacey flew down to finish moving their belongings into the condo.

That spring, Stacey and Cole were married on the beach with their close family and friends in attendance. Gerard walked Stacey down the isle and gladly gave her to Cole. Michael and Nina were able to attend and Stacey shared tidbits of information with Nina. Stacey and Cole spent two weeks on the beautiful waters of the Atlantic Ocean in a yacht they rented and had plenty to times to reminisce about how they'd ended up five months pregnant. Stacey learned how to fish for large trophy style fish, although she much preferred watching Cole do it, not particularly fond of slimy, fishy smelling ocean life.

Stacey had been adamant about keeping track of Michael and Nina, who were hoping to marry that fall if everything kept going well. Michael had moved through the ranks quickly and with relative ease as he fought his way to the top of his weight class. Octagon fighting was his specialty and fans raved about how amazing and diverse he was compared to some of the fighters. Within three months Michael had saved enough to put a down payment on Stacey's townhouse, which she'd gladly parted with. They decided to keep Cole's place just in case they visited or needed to be in New York for a game.

Cole did so well during his first three games, that Coach Erik Spoelstra started Cole during the next home game. From the free throw line Cole went six for six, he nailed three pointers, drew three fouls for other players and did exactly what the coach wanted him to, help the Heat win.

By the time summer rolled through it was apparent to everyone that Stacey was very pregnant. She waddled when she walked, whether it was simply down the steps to check the mail or to take
their Australian Sheppard puppy for a walk.

Cole was at practice when Stacey called to tell him her water had broken and while he seemed unsettled, telling her over the phone to just breathe through the worst contractions, Stacey was relatively calm, informing him that she'd called their midwife who was on her way over.

“I'm not having contractions yet,” Stacey laughed.

“I'm coming,” Cole practically shouted at the phone as he tossed it into the passenger side seat. “I'll be there as soon as I can.”

“Take your time Cole,” Stacey said firmly. “First babies typically take a little while. You've got plenty of time. The midwife is on her way and you need to make sure you get here in one sexy piece.”

“How can you joke at a time like this?”

“Would you like me to plug my head in the sand and pretend this isn't happening?”

“You know what I mean,” Cole said, frustrated as he peeled out of the parking garage at the stadium.

“Yes I do, but seriously, slow down. This baby isn't coming anytime soon, trust me.”

Cole made it with plenty of time to wait. As he worked on dinner, Cole watched Stacey walk back and forth, breathing easily through her contractions as she did so. Two hours later Cole turned the stove off, offering the midwives and their assistant's food if they were hungry. “We're fine, but Stacey might want something.”

“I'd love some babe, thank you.” Stacey ate while standing, swaying her hips back and forth to the rhythm that her body set. She handed her bowl to Cole, feeling a stronger contraction coming. She breathed through it, letting it flow through her body.

Cole supported her over the next seven hours alternating between back rubs, foot rubs, being completely attentive and giving Stacey space she clearly needed. Half of the time, Cole wasn't sure if he was irritating her for being too nice, or pissing her off for not being nice enough. He became her personal gofer, grabbing her snacks and drink as she required them. Shortly after that time frame Stacey felt the urge to push, bearing down anything like a first time mother. Two hours later Stacey delivered a gorgeous, healthy baby boy. Weighing in at a pudgy eight pounds fifteen and a half ounces, little Dylan Gerard Winslow had jet black hair like his mother and those same dark, stunning eyes. But like his father he'd inherited two beautiful dimples. He was long like his father as well, topping the chart at 22 inches with long active fingers and massive newborn baby feet. Born into the world on August 17
at 2:04 a.m., little Dylan was a squirming, cheesy mass of squalling baby.

“I think he's going to play basketball,” Stacey said, holding her son's hand as he nursed. “Look at these long fingers. And he's definitely got your massive feet.”

“Your feet aren't small, Fiona,” Cole teased, poking fun at his beautiful wife. He still couldn't truly believe that their son was here. It was crazy to think, even when he held him, that he and Stacey had made such a gorgeous, tiny human. “Can you believe we made this sweet little boy?”

“Most of the time, no,” Stacey said, staring at her little boy. “Most of the time I'm still so surprised that he's here and perfectly perfect.” Cole took the sleeping baby from Stacey and put him on his shoulder, burping him gently until the tiny bundle gave a tiny burp. Cole put tiny little Dylan in the center of the bed, helping Stacey gently into her side. Crawling onto the other side the new parents spent silent minutes just staring at their precious miracle. Cole waited for Stacey to fall asleep before he turned down the lights and fell asleep as well.

Over the course of the next week, Stacey and Cole were interviewed as part of an endorsement that Cole was offered about their story and how they came to be where they currently were. Answering questions back and forth Cole and Stacey told the magazine editor about how Cole had broken Stacey's nose during their first fundamentals practice. Stacey told the young woman about her trip to Thailand and finding out she was pregnant. Cole told the woman about how Gerard had punched him in the face and how they'd worked out their differences and how each thoroughly enjoyed the company of the other.  They shared pictures from Dylan's birth and Stacey's pregnancy, advocating the beautiful process of birth and how every mother should feel bold and beautiful, no matter what stage of pregnancy she's in.

“So tell me about this game you play with each other,” the editor asked, curious. “Is that something you can share?”

“Sure,” Stacey smiled. “So I was the first one to say the big L-word. So I was really just pleasantly surprised when Cole first told me he loved me. When I was over in Thailand he would always say I love you first and I teased him about always beating me to the punch. So now, whenever we're talking on the phone or Skype or any other non-contact communications, we always try to beat each other to the I love you part. It's our little game we play.”

“So is there ever a loser?” the editor asked, clarifying. “I mean I understand that in this instance there can't really be-”

“He always loses,” Stacey said automatically and with such a straight face that the editor wasn't sure how to respond. “Thankfully he's okay with that, mainly because he knows the rules.”

“What rules?”  the editor asked, taking notes and looking from Stacey to Cole.

“The rules of the game,” they both said in unison.



About The Author



So this is the part where I’m supposed to talk about myself.  I write so many stories but I often I have a hard time telling my own.  Funny how that works.

My name is Cristina Grenier and I have been writing stories for as long as I could remember . I’m a sucker for romance.  I draw from past experiences and from others around me when I write.  I enjoy creating characters that everyone can relate to.

Besides writing, I also enjoy painting and figure drawing.  I’m a bit of a homebody, my ideal night consists of a chilled bottle of wine, some pasta and Netflix. I really hope you enjoy the stories I create.  

If you enjoyed this title and want to keep updated with my new releases and frequent FREE book giveaways,  please visit my website and submit your email.







BOOK: The Baller's Baby
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