The Balkanization of America

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2015 The Second American Civil War

Book 2


The Balkanization of America
















edition 9-18-15

Copyright 2014 IJT

Ira. J. Tabankin

Sterling VA



This book is dedicated to my wife and true love, Patricia.





I’d like to thank the many members of the
who helped me with their knowledge, comments and encouragement. Special thanks to those members who helped edit and make this published version possible.




The conservative coalition held together long enough to increase their control of the House of Representatives and win seven seats in the Senate giving them control of both houses of Congress in the midterm elections of 2014. The pre-agreed upon cost for the Tea Party and the mainstream Republicans to work together is the impeachment of President Obsma. The President knew he had to act quickly to move his agenda forward before the new Congress was sworn in. The President issued a number of executive orders to remove all guns from the public’s hands, increased the minimum wage, and censored the press. The public is split in their support and opposition to the President. Many citizens believe the country is so divided there’s no hope of working together to make America a better country. The majority of the country pays no taxes and lives on government programs paid for by a minority. Many minorities believed that President Obsma is finally going to deliver on his campaign promises to pay back the group that twice elected him.


The “Hands-around-DC” rally surrounded Washington DC with hundreds of thousands of people opposed to President Obsma ruling via executive orders and disbanding Congress. The rally was the brainchild of the famous talk show and media owner Glen Back. Glen urged people to stand together holding hands while standing along the right-hand shoulder of the Beltway that rings Washington DC. Glen urged his listeners to be peaceful and pray for the President to see the error of his ways.

President Obsma sent his union backers to hold their own rally on the left-hand shoulder of the Beltway. Three lanes separate the two groups on I-495. Union thugs were paid to incite violence and make the peaceful protesters, Glen Back, and the Tea Party look like they instituted the violence. Thousands are injured, and a small number killed.


Congress decided to trade power and perks for time; they delay the impeachment vote until the country is ready to explode. The country is on the verge of violent exploding. 



Chapter 1

The “Hands-around-DC” march became a disaster for the hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters who came to Washington to show there is a peaceful, unified voice against President Obsma disbanding Congress. The aftermath of the battle on the Beltway between the unions and the protesters is thousands injured and ten dead. Glen wanted to show the world that hundreds of thousands of like-minded conservatives could turn out for a peaceful rally without turning to violence. The progressive media warned the public the march was bound to turn violent because the Tea Party and their friends are racist. The mainstream media reminded the public the “right” always reverts to violence when things don’t go their way. The President ensured the march turned violent by making sure union organizing thugs were mixed in with normal union members counter-protesting the peaceful protest. To ensure it looked like the Tea Party started the violence, some of the union thugs are holding Tea Party signs, this ensures the press records images of people holding Anti President Obsma signs striking people. Glen pleaded with his supporters to be peaceful and not turn to violence. The media blamed Glen and the Tea Party for the injuries and deaths. The government employee unions pay for a national advertising campaign to blame conservatives for the deaths. Glen is deeply troubled by the violence and death on both sides of the beltway. He tells his staff, “I want to go to the beltway and pray for the injured and dead.”


His longtime sidekick and friend, Paul says, “Glen, we can’t allow you to go. You’ll make it too easy for the DHS to find and arrest you. Remember you’re on the President’s top five most-wanted list.”


“Paul, I have a top rated security team that goes everywhere with me.”


“Glen, you travel with two or four people, I don’t think that’s going to be enough to save you, I suggest you contact General Brownstone and ask him for a platoon of his Marines.”

“If I can’t go, what can we do?”


“We thought we’d hold a live on-air town hall meeting to discuss what happened. We’ll pray with our listeners; we’ll financially support those who’ve lost loved ones or had loved ones injured. We can’t step foot anywhere near DC. DHS, DoJ, the FBI and the Secret Service have turned DC into a police state. There are rumors floating around that the DHS has taken over tanks from the Marines giving them mobile heavy weapon platforms. DHS has set up roadblocks at every bridge leading into DC. They’re stopping and searching every vehicle going into DC. They’re arresting anyone on their domestic terrorist list. Glen, you should be proud; you’ve made it onto the President’s top ten most-wanted political criminals list; you and Rash are in the top five.”


With tears in his eyes, Glen responds, “I never wanted this to turn violent. I begged them not to resort to violence; I asked everyone to turn the other cheek. The President used the violence to close DC. He’s closed our national treasures from the very people they were built for. How could I have been so wrong? I should have seen the problem coming; I should have known he wouldn’t let us hold a peaceful rally without turning it into a political circus.  The General tried to warn me the President wouldn’t allow us hold a peaceful march. He warned me Obsma would use the unions against us.”


“Glen, please calm down, why don’t you contact Rash on the sat phone, chat with him, get his thoughts on what to do next.”


“Paul, that’s a good idea, thanks.”


“Rash, this is Glen, do you have a minute?”




Ron, Kathy and I were lucky to make it to my car and across the American Legion Bridge before the DHS locked down DC. “Man we barely made it back into Virginia before the damned DHS closed all of the bridges. What the hell happened? One minute it’s peaceful, and the next all hell broke lose. Who the hell threw the first punch?”


“Brad, damn union thugs did, or at least that’s what I heard. The President sent them to stir up trouble; he wanted an excuse to ban all rallies and marches. He just issued an executive order that no more than five people can hold meetings or gather in public. He thinks outlawing all public gatherings thinking this will prevent any further uprisings.”


Kathy says, “I for one don’t care what he says, I’m telling you, if Obsma’s not stopped soon he’ll never be stopped. He’ll cancel the 2016 elections and appoint himself king or president for the duration of the emergency he caused. We’ll never be rid of him. Our founders will roll over in their graves if America has a king. We have to do something. Time isn’t on our side. The longer he rules by executive order, the harder it’s going to be to get him out of office. He can’t even be impeached because he sent Congress home.”


I respond, “Look what happened to the Chief Justice. The very night he announces he’s going to make a major announcement he gets hit by a drunk driver, who just happens to die while in the DC police holding cell. Does anyone believe a single word of that story? The White House killed the Chief Justice and arranged for the driver who hit him to be killed. I’m sure they weren’t the first people Obsma had killed, and they won’t be the last. He’ll do anything to stay in power even if it means destroying America.”


Kathy responds, “The media as usual bought every word of the story, they reported the Chief Justice’s accident with crocodile tears in their eyes. They worship the President. Anything he says they believe. If he told them to line up and jump off of the George Washington Bridge, I would bet you they would, thinking they were helping him. They don’t understand that sooner verses later he’s going to do away with all of them. He’s no different from any other nickel dictator. He has the press on his side right now, once he has total control, he’ll do away with any resemblance of a free press. He has his own black shirt army to make sure everyone toes his line. He has the DHS censors enforcing the press only reports the news his office writes. He’s censoring what people see and read; next he’ll try to monitor our use of the internet. If he ever gets full control of the web, we can kiss America goodbye.”


“Honey, you’re right, but what can we do? Where’s the damn military? Why are they allowing this to happen? Didn’t they swear an oath to defend the constitution? Shouldn’t they be stopping him?”


Ron answers, “My guess is the military is divided between following their orders and helping save the country. They know what happens when countries implode. They’ve served in countries torn apart by civil wars, once the shooting starts it’s almost impossible to stop. The country will be torn apart; we’ll never heal. The upcoming civil war is going to be much worse than the war between the North and South. Hell, we’re almost at the tipping point.”


“Ron, if we don’t first explode into a full-blown race war, we’re going to have a civil war. My gut says we’re looking at both at the same time. We’re already too divided; no one can stop the coming wars. The great unifier of a President has done more to cause a race and class war than all of the previous Presidents combined. I think he wants to have a race and/or class war so the country is broken apart. That way he can rebuild America into what he thinks it should be, he grew up outside the country; his roots aren’t the same as ours. He grew up with parents who hated America. Listen to him, he hates us; he wants to transform the country into a socialist nation. In normal times, he could never have been elected; he has no experience running anything. He got elected only for one reason.”


“Brad, the military can stop him if they get together and fulfill their duty to the country. They swore an oath; they have to fulfill their oath.”


Kathy interjects, “I don’t think the military will stop him or do anything. They’re afraid of the stigma of a military coup.”


Ron looks at Kathy, “Kath, I think you’re 100% correct. I hadn’t thought of that angle. That makes perfect sense. If they sit on the sidelines, and I think you’re right, they’re going to. We’re doomed.”


Kathy says, “There’s a special on tonight about the march, it looks like Wolf News is going to tell the truth about the march.”


I nod responding, “Obsma can’t shut them down because they’re on the internet and hosted from outside of the country. What time is it on?”


“8 PM, let’s watch, maybe they’ll show us, it’ll be our 15 minutes of fame.”


“I just hope it’s not our last 15 minutes. I worry that any minute our front door is going to be kicked in by the DHS black shirts arresting us or worse.”




General Brownstone’s aide is meeting with him, “General you were right, the beltway rally was a disaster, two more died this evening bringing the total to twelve with three thousand wounded. A few of the seriously wounded might not make it. We could have interceded and given the union thugs hell. We could have stopped the thugs. Why did you stop us from acting?”


“Is that what we’ve come to? Beating up union thugs? No. We have to help the people reclaim the country. We have to help them in a way that doesn’t destroy the country while they’re reclaiming it. I have an idea I want to try before we do anything we may regret later. It’s going to take guts from a number of people in order for the next step to be taken in reclaiming our country. If they do it, we’ll protect them as best we can. I want our people to hand deliver a message to 535 people who are supposed to put a stop to the current madness, maybe we can push them to do the right thing. Think you can assemble teams to deliver the messages all within a few minutes time window?”

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