The Bakery Sisters (37 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: The Bakery Sisters
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They moved out onto the patio. It was big, with a slate floor and a wood cover. The built-in barbecue was large and stainless. Hawk had one that was bigger, not that he got to use it much. Summer was his busy time with work.

“Hawk, this is Wyatt,” Nicole said.

Hawk and the other man looked at each other. Wyatt was about Hawk's height, but maybe twenty pounds of muscle lighter. Hawk knew he could take him.

They shook hands and Wyatt offered him a beer. The women returned to the house.

“Steaks all right?” Wyatt asked, pointing to the paper-wrapped package beside the barbecue.

“Sure. Can't go wrong with a steak.”

“Good. Claire was telling me you're a high school football coach.”

“Been doing it about five years now.”

“You like it?”

“More than I thought. Football is about more than winning. I like watching the kids grow up and head out into the real world.”

Wyatt's gaze was steady, as if he were assessing Hawk. Hawk didn't blink. He wasn't afraid of what the other man might find. He had nothing to hide.

“I used to watch you play pro ball,” Wyatt said at last. “You went out at the top of your game.”

“My wife was diagnosed with cancer. She didn't have much time left and our daughter was only twelve. Flying around the country playing football seemed like a waste of those last weeks. After she died, I needed to be around for my daughter. She's a senior now.”

“Any regrets?”


The women returned. Hawk watched Nicole walk toward him and felt a stirring inside. He liked watching her move. She wasn't aware of how beautiful she was or how sexy and she wouldn't believe him if he tried to tell her.

“We have salad and garlic bread and Claire made a pie for dessert,” Nicole said. “She's constantly trying to find her inner baker.”

“I have found it. Or her,” Claire said. “Pie is my new thing. You're going to be impressed.”

Nicole grinned. “Claire plays the piano.”

“I heard,” he said, liking the teasing between the sisters.

“I'll have you know I'm a very famous and very spoiled soloist who is in high demand. You're lucky I'm going to let you eat at the same table.”

“When she first came to Seattle, she didn't even know how to do laundry.”

Claire batted her eyes. “I must protect my hands. Housework is beneath me.”

“Stop picking on her,” Wyatt said. “She's not the only one with an embarrassing past.”

Hawk looked at Nicole. “You have secrets?”

“No. I've told you everything.”

Claire tilted her head. “Are you sure? When I was four and practicing the piano several hours a day, Nicole used to sit outside the studio and bang pots together. It was her way of accompanying me and keeping me from being lonely, all at the same time.”

Nicole squirmed. “Okay, maybe I hadn't mentioned that.”

Claire laughed. “I'll stop torturing you now. Come on, Hawk. Amy, Wyatt's daughter, isn't here, but we have pictures. You need to see them and listen while I brag about her.”

She led him into the house. Hawk had a feeling that they weren't going to talk all that much about Amy.

Sure enough, when they reached the living room, she pointed to several photographs on what looked like a new baby grand piano, then said, “How did you and Nicole meet?”

“At the bakery.” Which was how she'd met Wyatt, he thought, his good mood fading.

“You seem like a nice guy, which is great. But Nicole is special. I don't want anyone hurting her.”

Which meant Claire didn't know about their deal. Was her concern one of the reasons Nicole had made her offer to him?

“I'm not going to hurt her.”

Claire nodded. “I don't think you'd mean to, but she's just getting out of a difficult marriage.”

“I know about Drew.”

“She told you?”

“About Drew and what happened.”

“Oh. Okay. Then you know why I'm worried. Wyatt feels awful about that. He never should have introduced them. But Drew's family so it was inevitable.”

“Wyatt and Drew are brothers?” Nicole had left out that part of the story.

“Stepbrothers. Drew's a bit of a disaster.”

Hawk tuned out the conversation. He had the sudden need to punch something, or someone. Wyatt came to mind. Not that the guy had done anything specific. He just bugged Hawk. Drew could use a good beating, too. Hawk would enjoy that.

Something wasn't right. Something—

He swore silently. That nagging, uncomfortable sensation in his gut had a name. Jealousy. He was jealous of Wyatt and maybe even Drew. What the hell was up with that? He shouldn't care enough to be jealous. And of what? Nicole was with him. Sort of.

They weren't actually dating. They had an arrangement. One that should be working for him. Still, he didn't like how well Wyatt knew her or that Drew had married her. Worse, he didn't know how to make it better.


into the house shortly after midnight. The evening with her sister, Wyatt and Hawk had gone better than she'd hoped. Hawk had been a little quiet, but he'd still seemed to have a good time. It had been great to hang out and laugh and not worry about seeing pity in anyone's eyes.

Sheila looked up from her place on the sofa and stretched, then wagged her tail in greeting. Nicole frowned. The dog always slept with Raoul. So if she was down here, where was he?

Nicole went upstairs. The door to his bedroom stood open and the room was empty. She looked at her watch. He was late. Now what?

She'd spent plenty of nights waiting up for her sister, so she knew what to do to fill the time. What wasn't clear was how to deal with the situation. Technically Raoul was an adult. While she'd asked him to be in by eleven or let her know if he was going to be later, she wasn't sure he had to listen. She could play the “you're living under my roof” card, but that felt weird.

She went back downstairs and let Sheila out, then checked for messages. There weren't any. Great.

She considered going to bed, but knew she wouldn't sleep, so she picked a movie and loaded it in the DVD player. Sheila came back in and they curled up together on the sofa. About thirty minutes later, she heard Raoul's car pull up.

“You're late,” she announced the second he walked in the door. “You're supposed to call. I don't like worrying. And don't tell me not to. You live here now. Worry comes with the room.”

Which wasn't at all what she'd expected to say. She was supposed to let him talk first.

But instead of getting angry or defensive, like Jesse would have done, he smiled.

“You waited up.”

“Obviously. What did you think? That I would just go to sleep, never once imagining your broken, bleeding body on the side of the road?”

“You were worried?”

“Yes, and you don't have to sound so happy about it.” He couldn't seem to stop smiling, which she found really annoying.

“I'm sorry. I called.”

“There's no message.”

“I left one. On your cell.”

On her…“Oh,” she said, feeling a little foolish. “I only checked the house machine.” She grabbed her purse and pulled out her cell. “It's off. I didn't think to check it.” She turned it on and waited. Sure enough the message envelope flashed on the screen and the phone beeped.

“I was at a party. A couple of guys got really drunk. I didn't want them to drive, so I took them home. I'm sorry I worried you.”

“No, it's my fault. I should have checked my cell. I didn't mean to yell.”

“It's okay.”

“It's not.” She was feeling more stupid by the second. “I have a temper and I overreact.” Which was probably a lot of what had gone wrong with Jesse.

“I like that you worry about me, Nicole. No one ever does.”

“Don't say that.”

“Why not? It's true.”

It was also beyond sad. “I'd rather you didn't do anything to make me worry. Can it be enough that I'm prepared to worry at any time?”

“Yeah,” he said with a grin. “That's good, too. Night.”


He started up the stairs. Sheila went after him, then followed him into his bedroom. Nicole turned off the movie and turned off the lights.

While she'd hated being concerned about Raoul, she did like having someone in her life to care about. Which made her think of Jesse, but she didn't want to go there tonight.

Families were a mess, she told herself. So why was she so determined to have one of her own?


Nicole woke up early to the sound of voices. She rolled over and looked at the clock. It was barely seven. She sat up and listened, wondering what would possess Raoul to turn on his television at this time and play it so loud? He was still a teenager—sleep was precious.

She stood and grabbed her robe. As she started for the door, the voices became more distinct and recognizable. It was almost as if…

“Oh, no,” she muttered.

She raced to her door and jerked it open. Raoul stood at the top of the stairs, blocking entrance to the landing. She couldn't see the man trying to pass, but she had a good idea who he was. Sheila stood beside Raoul, fifteen pounds of pregnant growling fury.

“I knew I made a mistake not changing the locks,” she said, moving toward the railing and looking down at her soon-to-be ex-husband. “This isn't your house anymore, Drew. Go away.”

“I'm not leaving until we talk. Although now I know why you've been avoiding me. So this is the new boyfriend. A kid? Is that the best you could do, Nicole?”

“You know him?” Raoul asked.

“We were married.”

“We're still married,” Drew said.

“Separated, divorcing. It's over.”

Raoul nodded, then turned his attention back to Drew. “You need to leave.”

“I don't think so.” Drew looked at Nicole. “Is it fun with a kid? Are you teaching him things you know?”

The slap caught her off guard and she felt herself flush. But before she could figure out what to say, Raoul grabbed Drew, hauled him up to the landing, then wrapped his arm around Drew's neck, locking him in place.

“Didn't your mother teach you any manners?” he growled. “You will not speak to Nicole that way.”

Drew flailed against his attacker, waving his arms and gasping. “Nicole!”

“She deserves respect and appreciation,” Raoul continued, his voice low and angry. “Something you need to learn.”

While Nicole was enjoying the show, she didn't like how all the blood seemed to drain from Drew's face. The last thing Raoul needed to deal with was an assault charge.

“Thanks for looking out for me,” she told Raoul. “But you need to let him go. You can both wait for me in the kitchen.”

“Do I have to?” Raoul asked, and she knew he wasn't referring to the meeting.

“Yes. It's not a fair fight.”

Raoul looked disappointed as he released Drew. Drew staggered forward, gasping for air as he steadied himself on the railing.

“You bitch,” he said, his voice raspy.

“I guess we won't be talking.”

“No. Wait.” He rubbed his throat. “I want to talk.”

“Then meet me downstairs. And don't try anything. Raoul doesn't always do what I say.”

There was no reason to threaten him, but it still felt good to say the words. Probably childish of her, she thought as she returned to her bedroom, but fun all the same.

She washed her face and brushed her teeth, then quickly dressed. Dealing with Drew and their relationship didn't bother her. She was over him—she'd known that from the second she'd found him in bed with her sister and had been more devastated by Jesse's betrayal than his. But there was the question of the baby. Did she tell him?

As the possible father, he probably had the right to know. But Jesse was already dealing with trying to make it on her own. Did she need to be worrying about Drew, too?

Nicole briefly debated the issue, then decided it wasn't her call to make. If Jesse wanted him to know, she knew where to find him. As far as Nicole was concerned, she wasn't going to get involved.

She made her way to the kitchen where she found Raoul and Drew in a standoff, each on opposite sides of the kitchen, staring at each other. If there was a tree in the middle of the room, they would each be peeing on it.

She ignored Drew and crossed to Raoul. “I need to talk to him without you glaring. Would you please take Sheila for a walk.”

“I don't trust him.”

“I don't trust him, either, but I'm pretty sure I can take him. My leg is much better now.”

That earned her a smile. “I'll be close and I'll take my cell.”

“I'll call if there's trouble.”

Raoul got the dog's leash from the pantry and left the kitchen. Nicole waited until she heard the front door close before turning to Drew.

“What the hell were you thinking, sneaking in here again? Didn't you learn your lesson last time?” He'd broken in before, late at night and drunk. Claire had held him at bay with a few unexpected moves and a high-heeled shoe. He still had the scar.

“I wanted to talk to you.”

“So use the phone.”

“Who's the guy?”

“No one you need to worry about.”

“You're sleeping with him?”

“He's in high school, Drew, not that it's any of your business. He needed a place to stay so I'm letting him live here. You're the one who has inappropriate relationships, not me. I don't need to chase someone younger to make me feel better about myself.”

Drew took a step toward her. “I don't want to fight anymore. It's been long enough. When are you going to let me come back?”

He couldn't be serious. “I'm not playing a game,” she said. “I'm not pretending to be mad, Drew. Our marriage is over. It was a mistake from the beginning.”

“Don't say that.”

“It's the truth. I don't know why you're hanging on to me, but you shouldn't. We were never good together.”

Just then the back door opened and Hawk walked in. He looked big and strong and sexy in his running shorts and a T-shirt. He ignored Drew, strolled over to her and kissed her on the mouth.

“I thought I'd stop by and say hi,” he told her, never taking his eyes off Drew. “Who's your friend?”

“My ex-husband,” she said automatically, wondering what on earth Hawk was doing here. Why would he show up like this? Then she got it. Raoul must have called.

Hawk was worried about her. Knowing that gave her a toasty feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She turned to Drew. “This is Hawk.”

Hawk grinned. “The new boyfriend.”

Drew bristled. “We're still married.”

“I filed papers,” Nicole reminded him. “We've agreed on a settlement. Right now we're just waiting out the time until the divorce is final. That's not married.”

“I'm not letting you go.”

“You don't have a choice, Drew. It's over.”

He looked like he was going to cry. “But this isn't what I want.”

She could almost feel sorry for him, until she remembered he'd slept with her baby sister. “I should have changed the locks the last time you broke in. This time I'm doing it for real. Show up here again and I'll get a restraining order. It's time to move on, Drew. It's time to grow up.”

She thought he might argue or try to make his case again. Instead, he left, letting the front door slam behind him. She looked at Hawk.

“Raoul called,” she said.

“Yeah. He had a feeling you would make him leave and he didn't want you alone with the guy. That's really your ex?”

She nodded. “Not my proudest moment.”

“I don't want him showing up like this.”

She smiled. “I like it when you get all macho.”

He didn't smile back. “I'm serious, Nicole. You can't have this guy wandering around your house. He's a weasel and I don't think he'd do anything, but he shouldn't have a key.”

“I know. I'll get the locks changed as soon as I can get someone out here.”

He looked at his watch and swore. “I have to go have breakfast with one of my players and his parents. They're already hearing from recruiters and I'm going to talk to them about how to handle things.”

He grabbed her, pulled her close and kissed her hard. She leaned into him, enjoying the feel of his lips on hers. The tingles started immediately.

When he released her, she said, “Thanks for coming to my rescue.”

“Anytime. Nobody messes with my girl.”

The words didn't mean anything, she told herself. They had a deal, nothing more. But that didn't stop her heart from fluttering a little and her imagination from asking what it would be like if it was real.


,” Maggie said Monday morning as she handed over the phone. “He has a very nice voice.”

Nicole stepped away from the loaves of bread she'd been putting on racks to cool. “Yes, he does.”

“And a great butt.”

“One of his best features.”

“Any chance I'll see him naked?”

Nicole laughed. “I don't think so.”


Nicole took the phone. “Hello?”

“I heard that,” Hawk said, sounding a little rattled. “All of it.”

“You have a fan.”

“She's old enough to be my mother.”

“So she has a lot of experience. You should enjoy her appreciation. It's flattering.”

“It's uncomfortable.”

“Is the big, bad football player afraid of a little old lady?”


“So if I ever need you punished, I should send Maggie after you?”

“Can we change the subject?” he asked.

Nicole grinned. “Sure. Pick a topic.”

“Did you call a locksmith?”

He was checking up on her. It was kind of sweet. “Yes, I did. He'll be at my place at nine-thirty tomorrow morning.”

“Not until then?”

“I think Drew is sufficiently intimidated to stay away for another twenty-four hours.”


“Is that why you called?” she asked. “To make sure I'd called a locksmith?”


“Worried about me?”

“A little.”

“You're sweet.”

“Don't tell anyone. I have a reputation for being tough.”

“Your secret is safe with me. Bye.”


He hung up.

Nicole set down the phone and felt the fluttering start again. The sensation told her that she would have to be careful around Hawk. What had started out as a simple deal might be getting just a little more complicated.


to find seven very tall teenage boys sitting on her front step. Raoul wasn't with them—he would be at football practice until close to five. So who were they?

She parked in the garage, then walked around to the front. “Can I help you?”

The boys scrambled to their feet. “Yes, ma'am. Nicole. I'm Billy. Coach Hawkins asked us to stop by after school. Look around and make sure everything was all right.”

Three of them held basketballs. Based on their height and the fact that they weren't on the football team, despite an impressive amount of muscle, she could guess their sport of choice.

“He's not the basketball coach,” she said.

“Yes, ma'am. But we like him and we were happy to help him out.”

“By coming here?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

The ma'am thing was starting to get on her nerves. She couldn't believe Hawk had done this—arranged protection.

“What exactly are you supposed to do?” she asked, trying to decide if this was funny or annoying.

“Wait for you, check out the house, stay here until Raoul gets home.”

“But you don't know me.”

Billy frowned. “I'm not sure why that matters.”

She had a bad feeling they weren't going away until their mission had been fulfilled. It would probably be easier to simply accept their presence than fight it.

“Okay,” she said and opened the front door. “Check away. I'm guessing you're all hungry, so I'll be in the kitchen, putting out food.”

Billy grinned. “Thanks. We appreciate that.”

Five minutes later, they'd swept the house and were clustered together in the family room. Each of the boys had introduced himself, but the names were a blur. Nicole put out chips, sodas and cookies, then retreated to her study and called the high school. A few minutes later, Hawk picked up the phone.

“I'm in the middle of practice,” he told her.

“Then why are you taking my call?”

“I thought I might have to talk you down.”

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