The Badger's Revenge (39 page)

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Authors: Larry D. Sweazy

BOOK: The Badger's Revenge
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The town of Comanche sat on the horizon. Josiah
eased Clipper to a trot. Lady Mead followed closely behind, tied loosely with a rope.
It was a comfortable day, a bit cool as December came on, but nothing that would kill you if you slept out in it, like all of the stories he'd heard about up north. He hoped to go there someday, see deep snow and real winter for himself, but he had other things to do at the moment.
He carried Charlie Webb's clothes and Colt Frontier in the saddlebag, and he was wearing his own gun, the Colt Peacemaker, and carrying his own Winchester in the scabbard. Somehow, he'd managed to put himself back together.
The Webb house was just up the road a bit, and Josiah was glad to see a thin line of smoke snaking up out of the chimney.
It was dry, unlike the last time he'd been at the house, nearly a month back, when the ground was soaked and muddy. A lot had happened since he'd sought refuge in Billie Webb's barn, endured a storm, and helped deliver her baby. He hoped it had been a happy month for Billie, though he knew it would be hard for her raising a baby on her own.
There was no hurry to Clipper's gait, and Josiah didn't push the horse. He took his time riding up to the house, more relaxed, especially after seeing the smoke, than he'd felt in a long time. He aimed to deliver the things Billie had given him to survive, say his thanks, see to it that she was in fine shape, then head back home to Austin.
The bright sun beamed down on the house, and it was nearing midday. Chickens clucked around the front of the house, and a cow grazed in the pasture, chewing a thick cud of grass. The place hadn't been worked much since Josiah was there last, but there were signs that some kind of order had returned.
Josiah rode up to the house, eased off Clipper, and tied the horse to a wobbly hitching post.
When he turned to head up to the door, Billie was standing on the stoop staring at him with a slight smile on her face.
She'd obviously lost her belly, and Josiah almost didn't recognize her. Her curly brown hair was brushed across her shoulders, matching her deep blue eyes, and she was slimmed down in a yellow cotton dress that hugged her body tightly. In her own right, Billie Webb was a pretty young woman.
“I never thought I'd see you again, Josiah Wolfe,” Billie said.
“Had to bring Lady Mead home.”
“You coulda kept her.”
“Didn't seem right. Brought you Charlie's gun and clothes, too.”
Billie didn't say anything at first, just stared at Josiah and frowned at the sight of the package poking out of Josiah's saddlebag. “Heard that Mick, O'Reilly, is dead. You kill him?”
“No, I didn't have the chance. Would have liked to have brought him back here to hang.”
“They like hangin' folks here.” Billie stepped off the stoop and walked to Josiah and slid her arms around him. He stood stiffly as she hugged him and pulled his body tight against hers. “I thought about you every day.”
A baby's whimper came from inside the house, and Billie stopped and cocked her head, making sure everything was all right. Satisfied, she returned her attention to Josiah and angled her face up, like she expected him to kiss her.
Josiah stood back, pulling away from her embrace. “There's a woman that I care for back home.”
Billie's face grew hard. “You got married?”
“No, we're just . . . well it's complicated. I'm not sure what we are. I got myself in a bit of trouble that still hasn't been settled, and it's not right to drag her into something that isn't finished.” Josiah scratched the back of his neck. He suddenly felt like a schoolboy.
“Complicated, you say?” Billie asked, scrunching her forehead.
“You love her?”
Josiah drew in a deep breath and shrugged. He didn't know what to say, hadn't said he loved Pearl to her or himself out loud. He hadn't thought he could ever say those words again, after losing Lily.
“All righty then,” Billie said. “Guess you need to decide that. I'm not one to tell a man what he should do or feel, but I wouldn't wait too long, Josiah Wolfe. Life can change in the blink of an eye. Charlie never got to see that little girl; now look what I'm left with.”
Josiah cocked his head toward the barn. “I'll put the horse up, if that's all right?”
The whimper from the baby turned into a cry. “Suit yourself. I'll put a pot of coffee on. You need to rest your horse before headin' back to Austin, and whatever's waitin' for you. Come on in when you're done.”
Josiah started to say no, he had to leave right away, but he stopped and watched Billie Webb walk inside the house. The baby quit crying immediately.
He grabbed Lady Mead's reins and walked her into the barn.
It only took him a few minutes to get her settled into a stall, fill her bucket with oats, and take off the saddle. The palomino looked glad to be home.
Back outside the barn, Josiah stared at the house and felt a bit homesick for his old life even though he was a million miles away from it. He could smell coffee, hear a baby giggling, and bare feet pacing on a hardwood floor, calming the child.
He looked to the sky, searching for an answer about what to do, and realized when he looked over to Clipper that he still needed to give Billie Charlie's clothes and gun.
With more than a little hesitation, he walked back over to Clipper, grabbed the package of clothes and the rifle and headed to the door.
Billie was standing next to the stove, holding the baby, smiling widely, as Josiah walked inside. Josiah didn't look back as he stepped inside the house.
Titles by Larry D. Sweazy
Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger Series

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