The Bad Wolf (12 page)

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Authors: Michelle Clay

BOOK: The Bad Wolf
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He chuckled. “Only if you give me a full on mouth kiss while I’m a wolf. And even if you did,
you might not be susceptible. Gotta be a carrier of the virus, remember?”

Now that her worries were soothed, Chloe’s gaze drifted back to his mouth and she wondered if he’d kiss her again. She feared she wasn’t very good at it, but maybe if they practiced a bit, she’d get better. She leaned closer, but stopped j
ust short of actually doing it.

Good girls didn’t throw themselves at boys. Isn’t that what she’d been told countless times by Karen and David? What if Karen caught them making out on the porch? What if Ryan wanted to do more than just kiss? Too many thoughts flooded her mind an
d not all of them were her own.

“Christ, why can’t the animals just shut up?” A large yellow cat darted across the yard in pursuit of a small creature in the grass. She groaned then lean
ed back against the top stair.

He smiled then leaned in close. For a moment she thought he might kiss her again, but he didn’t. Instead, he braced his upper body over hers and stared into her eyes. “Maybe things would be simpler if you
just accept the ability you have.”

I’ve tried.” She glanced away to locate a sound or voice only she heard. Sometimes it was hard to tell and that stupid yellow cat was sneaking around out there looking for birds in the middle of the night.

Ryan reached out to draw her attention back to him. Tilting her chin with the tip of his finger, he made her look at him. “It can’t scare you as mu
ch if you don’t let it, Chloe.”

“You m
ake it sound so easy.”

“I’ve lived with my own secret for years,” he reminded. “It took a destructive, hateful, self loathing phase to reach this acceptance, but I made it through what I thought was the worst time of my life. If nothing else, it has matured me, made me stronger.”

He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Some days I feel more animal than human. The wolf is a part of me, part of who I am. I can’t ignore it any more than you can ignore the emotions and thoughts you hear. I’m pretty good at shutting out the wolf side, to not let it control me when I’m … me.”

Chloe sighed. “It’s so overwhelming.”

“Well,” he grinned playfully then planted another kiss on the corner of her mouth. “You can always focus on me when you’re feeling overwhelmed.”

She looped her arms around his neck and scooted toward him just a bit. The stairs were cutting into her back and threatened to snap her spine
, but she didn’t care. She’d spend the entire night like this if he’d just stay near.

In a neat move, he pulled her onto his lap.

Her heart wanted to beat right out of her chest. Suddenly she couldn’t stop staring at him. The awareness of how close their bodies were and that he’d kissed her made her feel dizzy. Butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach and she wondered if she might have more than a great big crush on Ryan. He was all she could think about lately even after she found out he occasionally went furry.

One of his hands cupped the back of her head while the other tickled across her shoulders and back. She sighed happily when his lips met hers. Her lungs screamed for air, but she didn’t dare let
him go.

Ryan’s hand crept around her backside then ran across her outer thigh. With regret, Chloe broke the kiss and gasped for air. She stilled his sneaky hand by lacing her fingers through his. “Wait.”

“Sorry,” he murmured, but didn’t remove his arms from around her.

She snuggled against his chest and listened to the thump-thump of his heart. He was warm and smelled so good.
Hopeful her reluctance in going any further hadn’t killed any interest he may have had in her, she opened her mouth to explain.

He cocked his head. “Yo
ur mom’s coming.”

Chloe scrambled off his lap and adjusted her shorts since the
y’d ridden up a little. “Ryan?”

He was already headed toward the trees at the back of the property, but stopped to
look over his shoulder. “Yeah?”

There was so much she wanted to say, to ask, but
instead said, “See you later?”

Ryan surprised her by jogging back to kiss her one last time
. “Maybe.” Then he sprinted toward the forest that divided their properties.

Karen’s footsteps moved slowly down the hallway. Chloe guessed she had already checked her
bedroom because she was moving toward the back door.

She cast one last glance toward the t
rees then stood. Ryan was gone.

Thunder rumbled nearby and the lightning drew closer. She touched her lips and smiled. He liked her,
even if he didn’t want to admit it.

“What are you doing out here?” Karen ask
ed, taking note of her pajamas.

“Just…” Chloe
shrugged. “Enjoying the night?”



Bubbles of nervous energy filled Chloe as she climbed onto Ryan’s back and tightened her legs around his waist. His hands on her thighs were warm and strong. She leaned against his bare back and laughed as he carried her down to the shoreline.

Ever since
he’d sat on her porch and opened up two weeks ago, Ryan had changed. He no longer treated her like the town pariah and was actually pretty fun to be around. Oh, he still had his moments were he’d fall silent and look like he’d rather be anywhere but near her, but at least he hadn’t totally shut her out. Today for instance, was supposed to be his and Jenna’s day to do something together. Her best friend had insisted that Chloe come along and he hadn’t even argued!

life in Hunde was finally getting better. In fact, it felt like ages since she’d complained to Karen about it.

“You okay back there?” Chloe glanced over her shoulder at
her friend.

Jenna trudged behind them, a slight smile on her face as she hefted the cooler filled with soda and sandwiches. She
also carried a dark purple parasol with lace trim to protect her from the sun’s harmful rays.

They’d already carried towels, sunblock and a blanket down to the water’s edge. She squinted at the lake’s rippling waves and grimaced. She’d
jumped at the chance to show off her new bikini, but now that they were actually here, she second-guessed herself. It wasn’t one of the more risqué suits she’d seen at some of the stores in Fort Collins. Her mother would never let her wear, let alone purchase one such as that. Mostly, she worried that Ryan wouldn’t find it cute or even remotely sexy since it covered the things it should and left a little to the imagination. She wasn’t even sure if she was going to take off her shorts.

Yesterday, Jenna had confided in her. She’d said, “
I think Ryan has a serious crush on you. He’s been asking a lot of questions about you. I’ve never seen him take so much interest in someone before.”

Chloe considered this now. It probably meant nothing.
Ryan was more than likely trying to cover his butt and make sure she didn’t blab about what she saw in the forest. She secretly and sincerely hoped that he was spending time with her because he wanted to, because he actually liked her. If he was only doing it because he felt obligated or because Jenna wouldn’t have come otherwise, she wanted no part of this adventure. She wanted Ryan to like her for who she was. Who was she kidding? She just wanted Ryan to feel the same sense of electricity and exhilaration she felt around him.

As if in answer, his hands gently squeezed her legs and he glanced over his shoulder at her. Could he hear the fast pace of her heartbeat or sense the worry in her?

She sighed and tried to let go of the thoughts that weighed heavy on her mind. They’d come to the lake to have fun, to let off a little steam and to enjoy each other’s company. Why ruin it with constant worry and insecurity?

Still, her mind couldn’t let it go.
What about that kiss on her back porch? He’d kissed her like he’d meant it that night, but what did it all actually mean? Boys were so hard to figure out sometimes.

When l
unch was over, the sandwiches and sodas gone, they lazed on the shore and talked. Mostly, Chloe snuck glances at Ryan from behind her dark sunglasses.

He leaned back on his
elbows and extended his legs. The sunshine glistened on his bare shoulders, making his tanned skin appear golden. Chloe noted that his flat abdomen was ripped with muscle and a fine peppering of hair. He didn’t seem the least bit concerned about the faint silvery-white scars that crisscrossed his upper body. Thick muscle corded his arms and she had a terribly hard time looking away from his perfection.

Jenna stood after a few minutes and dusted the seat of her shorts. Her legs were almost
glow-in-the-dark pale. She shielded her eyes against the sun as she peered across the lake. “I’m going to hunt for some shells. There’s supposed to be a flower out here that I can use too. Be back in a bit.”

She stooped to pick up a small metal pail then winked at Chloe. “Have fun.”

What did that mean? Chloe watched Jenna trudge down the shoreline, searching the water’s edge for pretty shells. Within moments, she’d gone over a small hill and was out of sight.

Chloe glanced at Ryan only to find him staring at her. His gaze was so
solemn, she was almost afraid to ask what he was thinking about.

Before she could say anything, Ryan leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Next thing she knew, he was braced on one elbow above her, trailing soft kisses down her neck.

Chloe’s arms twined around him and she hugged him close. His hand ran up the side of her bare leg until it reached her hip. The kiss deepened as his fingers moved upward, lingering over each rib until he reached the thin material covering her breast. He traced the string that held it all together, making Chloe’s heartbeat nearly burst from her chest. Things were getting a little too intense. She broke the kiss then said, “I think I’ll see if the water’s warm.”

Good idea.” He kicked off his flip-flops then held out a hand to her. If he was upset at her for stopping their make-out session, he didn’t reveal it.

Chloe’s stomach did a flip. For a moment, she considered swimming in her clothes. She
didn’t understand why she was suddenly so bashful. Ryan smiled then moved to the water’s edge. He was ankle deep before she finally shrugged off the t-shirt. The board shorts stayed on.

Once she was in the water, all reservations le
ft her. She relaxed on her back and allowed the water to surround her as she floated. She breathed in then let it out in a slow, steady manner. She didn’t hear anything but her own calm heartbeat and the splash of water beside her.

Ryan swam up to her, a grin on his handsome face. “I think you’ve floated out too far
, babe.”

started to protest, but when she righted herself and realized she couldn’t reach bottom even with her toes, she snapped her mouth shut. She reached for him as panic edged closer to the surface of her calm exterior.

Ryan gripp
ed her arm and hauled her against his body. Now she could feel the sandy bottom if she stood on her tiptoes.

“You’re okay.” His
gentle hands smoothed down her back and shoulders. “I’ve got you.”

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief then threw her arms around his neck. She squeezed him tight against her in a hug.
Their bodies were so close now that she couldn’t help but marvel at how well they fit together.

Ryan’s hands smoothed over her hips then
down the back of her thighs. In one neat move, he pulled her legs up until they were anchored around his waist. Chloe relaxed her arms so she could rear back a bit to stare him in the face.

“You’re always saving me,” she said with a
sideways grin.

Ryan didn’t answer. Instead, he pressed his lips to the side of her throat. Sparks jumped beneath Chloe’s skin. His touch ignited something within her
and she wanted more.

When she didn’t pull away, Ryan’s right hand slid upward past her ribs
then around to her back. His fingertips danced across the narrow string of her bikini top. Instead of untying it, he simply traced the length of it then dipped his fingertips down the ridge of her spine.

“You are so beautiful.” Ryan’s lips caressed her ear.

Chloe smashed her mouth against his. Her fingers moved upward then tangled in his jet-black hair just as his tongue found its way into her mouth.

knew she was flirting with danger, but she didn’t care anymore.

Suddenly his hands were everywhere, running down the length of her back, across her ribs and
breasts then he cupped her butt. His kiss changed from tender and inquisitive into something much steamier. She’d only seen this kind of kiss in the movies, but was a fast learner. Within seconds, her tongue danced with his as if she’d been doing it for ages.

Their bodies slid against each other in the water, bringing new sensations and experiences.
Ryan’s fingers ran down her throat then splayed across her chest. They were dangerously close to delving beneath the fabric of the pink paisley triangle top. She gasped against his mouth, but didn’t stop him.

“Hey, guys?” Jenna’s frantic voice sounded from the shore. When they didn’t immediately break apart, she yelled, “Chloe! Ryan!”

Ryan groaned then pulled away from her. His blue gaze snapped to where his cousin stood then his eyebrows rose.

It appeared something was wrong. Chloe allowed her legs to fall from Ryan’s waist then hurried to join Jenna on shore. She was slightly relieved by Jenna’s intrusion, but
frustrated as well.

Jenna paced the shoreline. She’d already gathered their things and the expression on her face was
one of panic.

“What’s going on?” Chloe asked as they reached

Tears streamed down Jenna’s face, smearing the mascara and leaving dark tracks. “Over there. It’s horrible.” Jenna pointed the way she’d just come from.

Ryan started in the direction. “Stay here.”

Jenna clung to Chloe as soft sobs shook her body.

“What is it?” Chloe asked as she hugged the older girl.

“Josh,” Jenna said on an exhalation of air. New tears formed in her eyes as she pointed in the direction she’d come. “He’s dead.”

Chloe let go of her and ran toward the hill. Halfway there, she discovered Ryan’s shorts lying on the sand. She snatched them up as she continued on. Just as she topped the small hill of sand, she spotted a large black wolf pacing the beach.


The wolf trotted to her and tried to herd her in the opposite direction. It was too late. She already saw what lay sprawled beneath an old rotted log. Josh lay face down in the sand, his arms and legs sprawled as if he’d merely fallen and would get up at any moment.

“Oh my god.” Chloe’s hand clapped over her mouth to stifle a sob.

Ryan grabbed the shorts from her trembling hand and jogged toward the tree line. His body was already beginning to do that shimmery wavy thing that happened just before he transformed. Within seconds, he came running back to her in human form.

“We gotta go.”

“What?” She tore her eyes away from the mutilated corpse. His eyes were missing and the body was lying in dark sand that had been stained by blood. Something dried and rubbery lay beneath him and Chloe realized it might be his guts. Bile rose in her throat and she swallowed hard.

“Who did this to him?” Her legs seemed to be frozen to the spot, unable to carry her away from the grisly scene.

“I don’t know,” Ryan said in a hushed voice. His head cocked and he scanned the tree line.

“Hear something?”

Before he could answer, Sherriff Mackie and his men came crashing through the tree line. “Stop right there!” one of them shouted.

Jenna had just crested the hill. She ran to Ryan and Chloe.

Ryan let go of Chloe’s hand and groaned. “Damn it.”

Mackie strode over to them and sized them up. His expression was grave. “Know anything about this?”

“I just found him,” Jenna said on a sob.

Ryan shook his head and explained, “I came to see what she
so was upset about.”

Mackie looked at the body
over his shoulder and grimaced. “We were already called by a guy fishing on the bank.” He lowered his voice then. “He said he saw a big dog run into the trees.”

Ryan threw up his hands in surrender. “We just got here, Mackie. I did shift to try and find a clue, so you might find wolf tracks.”

Mackie’s meaty hand clamped over Ryan’s shoulder. “Can you excuse us for a moment, girls?”

Chloe nodded, figuring they were going to discuss pack business. She gripped Jenna’s hand then trudged toward their picnic area. Behind them, she heard Mackie say, “Did you pick up anything? I’ve been with the office all morning and can’t shift.”

Ryan said, “That scent I told you about was here. Could another wolf be in our territory?”

Chloe didn’t hear the answer because now she was too far out of earshot. She sighed and tried to erase the memory of Josh’s disemboweled body.

“I want to go home,” Jenna said in a small voice.

Chloe hurriedly packed their things up and carried them to the Jeep. Jenna sat on a rock and watched with miserable eyes. It seemed like forever before Ryan joined them.

“Let’s get out of here,” he said as he plucked the Jeep’s keys from the floorboard.

“What did Mackie want?” Jenna asked as she stood.

Ryan shrugged. “Just wanted to know what my wolf found, which was a whole lot of nothing. It turns out that they think he was killed sometime Friday night.”

Suddenly cold, despite the sunshine, Chloe asked, “Can we go home?”

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