Read The Back-Up Plan Online

Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

The Back-Up Plan (18 page)

BOOK: The Back-Up Plan
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“Let’s just say you’re not the only one with the powers of persuasion.” His hands drifted lower, leaving her back to gently stroke her ass. As always, his touch sparked her arousal, leaving her breathless and hungry.

“Is that right?” she whispered, wondering how long they had to stay at what was technically their wedding reception—informal though it was.

“I’ve got tricks up my sleeve even a freak like you couldn’t imagine.”

She laughed, kissing him on the cheek. “Can’t wait to see them. Should we go?”

Jason shook his head, spinning her around. “Too early.”

She dragged her hand covertly along the front of his pants, teasing him. The erection she found stowed there told her she wasn’t alone in her desires. “Please? I’ll make it worth your while.”

Jason groaned, then captured her hand, tugging it away. “Behave, sunshine.”

They continued to dance, though their movements took a definite turn toward provocative, a seduction to music, as they moved closer, sharing quick, inappropriate touches. A few more minutes of this and Jake, the owner of Blue Moon, would have to toss them out for public indecency.

Rob was playing with his old band, Express Train, for the special night. The wine girls and their guys had all stood up as witnesses for their quick wedding ceremony before coming here to ring in the New Year. It had been the best night of Kristen’s life and it wasn’t even over yet.

When the song drifted to an end, Rob stepped up to the microphone. “We’d like to dedicate this next song to Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell. They got married tonight and we’re here to celebrate with them. Congratulations, you two. Here’s wishing you a long and happy life together.”

Everyone cheered and Kristen laughed as she watched the wine girls lift lemon shooters in her honor.

As the first strands of the song started, Kristen looked at Jason and smiled. He hadn’t been kidding when he said he intended to shake up her views on romance. It turned out her husband was the most romantic man she’d ever known and he’d definitely taught her the meaning of true love. “Our song?”

He nodded. “I’m not looking for lust or new love or infatuation with you. I intend for this marriage to last a damn long time, Kris. Forever. And by the way, you look wonderful tonight.”

About the Author

Writing a book was number one on Mari’s bucket list and on her thirty-fourth birthday, she set out to see that goal achieved. Now her computer is jammed full of stories—novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends. A
New York Times
bestseller as well as winner of the Passionate Plume, Mari finds time for writing by squeezing it into the hours between 3 a.m. and daybreak when her family is asleep and the house is quiet.

You can visit Mari’s website at

She is also on

She blogs at International Heat (
) and hangs out on the Heat Wave Readers Yahoo group:

Look for these titles by Mari Carr

Now Available:


Just Because

Because of You

Because You Love Me

Because It’s True

Just Because


Second Chances

Fix You

Full Moon

Status Update


Black and White Collection

Erotic Research

Tequila Truth

Rough Cut

Happy Hour

Power Play

Slam Dunk

Learning Curves

Dangerous Curves

Wicked Curves


Compass Brothers

Northern Exposure

Southern Comfort

Eastern Ambitions

Western Ties

Love’s Compass


Compass Girls

Winter’s Thaw

Hope Springs

Summer Fling


Coming Soon:


Compass Girls

Falling Softly

Some things never change. Others never stay the same. Thank God.


Status Update

© 2013 Mari Carr


Second Chances, Book 3

Laura Sanders thought post-divorce life would be simple. What a rude awakening to realize that after too many years as a wife and mother, she’s stuck in a rut so deep she’s forgotten how to have fun.

Determined that this year will be different, she sets a New Year’s goal to rediscover the woman she used to be—the one who loved to dance, to laugh, to kiss.

When Bryan Sinclair spots his best friend from high school in the Blue Moon bar, he wonders how the hell he failed to notice her beauty and vitality all those years ago. Laura’s confession that she plans to experience lost opportunities tempts him into joining her on the journey.

Together they make up for lost time, in and out of the bedroom. But there’s one area in which Laura has no plans to change the status quo—her heart. And Bryan has his work cut out convincing her to take another chance. On him. On forever.

Warning: This story contains sex at Rocky Horror, sex at a Jimmy Buffett concert, sex on the stairs, sex on the dining-room table, sex on the dance floor, and even sex in a bed.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Status Update:

The ride back to her townhouse was made in silence as Laura filled every second with one panic attack after another. She hadn’t anticipated the evening going this way. Sure, Bryan had told her he wanted to fuck the hell out of her, but she’d dismissed those words, decided they were said in the heat of the moment.

Bryan had a wicked sense of humor. Laura had thought perhaps they were just indulging in some innocent flirting and dirty sexual innuendos.

Yeah, right.
Had she honestly thought they’d have a nice dinner, talk, maybe go dancing, and then she’d offer him a bit more of that red-hot kissing he’d introduced her to without sex entering the equation?

Regardless of their unquestionable, off-the-charts attraction, things were moving too fast. She couldn’t quite wrap her head around what was about to happen.

Bryan pulled into the parking lot adjacent to her building and turned off the car. “Laura—” he started. His tone said it all.

She’d given away her nervousness. He was going to back out and let her off the hook.

Was that what she wanted?

She looked at Bryan’s handsome, concerned face.

Fuck that.

She was sick of the wise, old, never-take-a-chance woman she’d become.

New year. New Laura.

She reached across the console, leaning forward, while reaching for his shirt. She grabbed a handful of the cotton and used it to pull him toward her. Bryan met her halfway, their lips connecting in a kiss that triggered an arousal she hadn’t experienced in years. There was something so completely magical about Bryan’s kisses. Over the years, Laura had forgotten the intensity, the excitement that could be wrapped up in that initial touch of lips.

Bryan cupped her face, holding her as if she were not only the most precious woman on earth, but the hottest one as well. His fingers drifted along her cheek before he ran them through her hair. His grip tightened as if he were afraid she would change her mind and escape.

She wasn’t going anywhere without him.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against her lips.

Her hands rested on his shoulders, but she wanted more. Wanted to feel him—skin to skin. She ran her fingers over his jaw, loving the roughness that betrayed he hadn’t shaved since this morning.

Though it was winter outside, the temperature in the car had to be pushing a thousand degrees.

They remained there, locked together, neither willing to be the first to break the connection.

Finally, Laura pulled away, resting her forehead against his. “I haven’t had sex in a really long time,” she admitted.

“Neither have I.”

“I’m counting in years, Bryan.”

He grinned. “Oh. Then I revise my previous statement. I haven’t had sex in a while.”

She laughed, then decided she didn’t want to start something that she potentially couldn’t finish. “Should we also revisit that comment you made in the restaurant?”

He tilted his head, confused. “Care to narrow it down for me?”

“The control thing.”

Bryan leaned closer and placed a quick, hard kiss on her lips. “That’s not going to be a problem for us.”

She studied his face, trying to decide if his answer was enough. Hell, she didn’t have a clue what he meant.

Bryan didn’t give her a chance to ask for clarification. “Trust me, Laura.”

Trust was a leap of faith, but it didn’t matter. Laura was one of those people who saw the best in someone until they proved her wrong. Bryan had done nothing to betray her trust, so…he had it.

“You wanna come in?”

“For coffee?” he asked.

She leaned back and slapped him on the upper arm. “No, not for coffee. What the hell have we just been talking about?”

Bryan laughed. “I was kidding, Laura. I’d love to come in.”


They walked to her townhouse, bundled together against the brisk, winter wind. After spending nearly thirty minutes in the sauna-like conditions in his car, the cold air went through her like a knife. She struggled to put her key in the door, her hands suddenly shaking.

She wanted to blame the frosty air, but she feared reality was setting in with a vengeance. She had invited a man into her apartment with the intention of sleeping with him. What the hell was she thinking? Dressed Laura looked a hell of a lot better than naked Laura.

Bryan placed his hand on hers, helping her guide the key into the slot. “Slow and easy, hotshot.”

The nickname gave her a much-needed boost of confidence. She was forty-three years old. If she wanted to fuck a man on the first date, it was her call to make.

They walked inside together. Bryan closed the door, then looked at her.

She pointed to the deadbolt. “Lock it.”

Her head reminds her he’s not for keeps. Her heart isn’t listening.


Five Exotic Fantasies

© 2013 Serenity Woods


Love in Reverse, Book 3

Between caring for her disabled mother and taking over as McAllister Dell law firm’s office manager, Coco Stark has zero room for one more thing on her precariously balanced plate.

Enter “one more thing”, a hotshot lawyer who’s defending one of the partners in a sexual harassment case. Coco has her own reasons to hope the partner is found guilty—reasons she doesn’t want Mr. Hotshot Fancy Pants to find out.

The moment Felix Wilkinson sets foot in his client’s office, the 1950s vibe grates on his idealistic, modern sensibilities. Only the strict, sexy Miss Stark captures his attention, and he’s determined to free the wild woman trapped inside her buttoned-down persona.

In spite of herself, Coco is captivated by Felix’s killer combination of sensual and smart, finally free to explore the exotic fantasies that freaked out her ex. But when Felix inevitably discovers the truth, she has trouble reminding herself that he was never for keeps. And Felix must choose to follow his head, or listen to his heart.

Contains wandering hands, mind-blowing kisses, a bit of bondage, and sexual fantasies that run the gamut from Hawaiian beach to Siberian igloo.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Five Exotic Fantasies:

Felix got his first sight of the inimitable Miss Stark, and immediately realised he’d guessed right—she
the gorgeous chick from

Back then she’d been wearing a long raincoat and he hadn’t been able to get a good look at her figure, but the coat now hung on the back of the door, and he was able to peruse her at his leisure.

Tall in elegant black heels several inches high, she was slender but curvy, dressed in an extremely chic dark grey business suit, the skirt a respectable one inch above her knees, the white shirt with only two buttons open at the neck and no sign of any cleavage on show. Her blonde hair was still coiled in a tight bun, and her make-up was simple and understated, apart from her lips, which were now a dark red. She also now wore glasses with a modern rectangular frame, and her whole appearance spoke of professionalism and efficiency.

BOOK: The Back-Up Plan
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