The Bachelor (37 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

Tags: #FIC027000

BOOK: The Bachelor
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First names. She could handle that, she thought, until she realized Sloane was too distinctive, too recognizable in Washington,
since her father was planning to put his hat in the proverbial ring. “Faith,” she said, using her middle name.

“Pretty,” he said in a gruff voice. He twirled a strand of hair around his finger, the light tug against her scalp curiously
arousing. “I’m Chase.”

She grinned. “It suits you. Don’t ask me why.”

Laughing, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. His masculine scent surrounded her, a potent aphrodisiac.
His head dipped lower, but before he could make a move, the elevator doors glided open, leaving her lips tingling, waiting
for the touch of the unknown.

Grasping her hand, he led her to his room, and after pulling out his card key, he let them into a suite. The bedroom was obviously
beyond the open door in the corner. Although the living area smelled and looked like an impersonal hotel room, when he stepped
toward her, he dispelled the cold. He pulled her into his arms. With his molten gaze and overpowering physical presence, he
cradled her in intense heat.

His eyes held hers as he lowered his head and kissed her for the first time. His lips were gentle yet firm, no hesitancy or
insecurity in this man’s touch. Though a stranger, he acted as an anchor during this storm in her life. He enabled her to
relax and feel safe, let her grab onto him and accept everything he offered. She kissed him back, giving herself in return.

His hands came to rest on her cheeks, holding her head so he could devour her lips. He nibbled, drawing her lower lip into
his mouth and deepening the kiss with broad sweeps of his tongue. With each successive stroke, fire burned stronger in her
belly and the urge to touch him grew. She pulled his shirt from the waist-band of his jeans and rested her hands against his
heated skin.

He exhaled on a low groan, sliding his hands through her hair and trailing moist, damp kisses down her cheek, lingering against
her throat. He was blocking out everything, all the disbelief, the pain, the hurt, and the anguish of today, until she could
think of nothing but him. Her nipples puckered and her breasts grew heavy, while between her legs, slick moisture dampened
her panties.

She tilted her head back to give him greater access to her throat and he sucked harder on her sensitive flesh, drawing a direct
connection to more aroused body parts. A wash of sensation rushed over her and she gripped his waist harder in response.

“Oh yes.” As if from a distance, she heard her voice, raw, hoarse, and full of desire.

“You like?” he asked.

She forced her heavy eyelids open to meet his hot stare. “Rhetorical question, right?”

A seductive grin lifted his lips and he dipped his head once more, this time to soothe the sensitive flesh of her neck with
his tongue.

“Mmm.” The man definitely had a way about him, Sloane thought.


It took her a moment to register that he was talking to her. “Yes?”

“Nothing. I just like the sound of your name.”

She smiled, wishing he were calling her by her real name; wishing his rough voice would call out
as he came inside her. Emboldened by the byplay between them, she raked her fingernails higher, rasping against his chest
and hair-roughened skin. “I hope you like that too.”

Before he could reply, a loud knock interrupted them. “I’ve got it.” He strode to the door like the confident male he was,
heedless of his untucked shirt or disheveled hair. He opened it a crack, and Sloane realized he was looking out for her privacy.

She appreciated his chivalry, considering this didn’t mean anything more to him than a one-night stand.

“I’ll take it,” she heard him say. Then he turned back toward her, pushing a room service tray into the room, and kicked the
door closed behind him.

“What’s that?” she asked, taking in the two glasses and the champagne bottle in an ice bucket.

“You didn’t strike me as the type of woman who indulges in one-night stands very often. So I wanted to make this … more special.”
To her surprise, a red flush rose to his cheeks.

Embarrassment. He’d gone out of his way to make this nice for her and he was embarrassed by the gesture. She stepped forward,
more confident in her stride. “What makes you think this isn’t my normal MO?” she asked, truly curious.

“It’s a hunch and I’m usually accurate. Because despite the sexy dress, your speech is refined, your expression was sometimes
hesitant, and by the look in those eyes, you’re running from some deep, dark secret. It could be a lousy day, a lost job,
but you’re looking to get away from it all. You just don’t jump into bed with strange men every day. I’d stake my life on
it,” he said with all the confidence of a cocky male.

“All this from one look?”

He grinned. “I’m a journalist. Observation is my specialty. What’s yours?”

“Interior design,” she said on autopilot, unable to think about anything except this revelation.

A reporter of any kind could wreak havoc with her father’s presidential plans, and despite the hurt and betrayal lingering
inside her, she loved the man. All the more reason to keep her real name from Chase.

She inched forward on her high heels. “You must be very good at your job because you’re right. This isn’t an everyday occurrence,”
she admitted. One trick she’d learned from her parents was to feed reporters as much truth as possible so as not to make them
more wary.

“I like being right.”

She laughed. “Which makes you a typical man.”

“Right now I’d settle for being your man. Drink?” He gestured to the champagne with a sweep of his hand.

His thoughtfulness still pleased her. “I’d rather pick up where we left off and save the champagne till later.” More honesty,
Sloane thought. She wanted him as much now if not more than before.

Grabbing her hand, he walked to the oversize chair in the corner and sat down. “Join me.” He tugged on her hand, his meaning

She drew a deep breath and settled one knee on either side of his thighs as she lowered herself to sit on his lap. The bulge
in his jeans was obvious, pulsing deliciously between her legs, and his eyes were dilated with restrained need. Sloane didn’t
want or need the restraint.

She locked her arms around his neck. “Kiss me, Chase. Make me forget,” she murmured.

“Make you forget what?”

She didn’t want to answer. She wanted him to kiss her instead, so she leaned forward and locked her lips solidly against his.

But when she shifted in his lap and her pelvis came into intimate contact with his groin, kissing became secondary to overwhelming
desire. He stood with her in his arms, his mouth never leaving hers, and he strode into the bedroom. Her heart thudded hard,
waves rushing over and around her, as anticipation and need grew.

He placed her on the bed and she came to her knees. They worked together, first unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it aside,
letting her revel in his muscular chest. Reaching behind her, he pulled the tie on her halter top, letting it fall forward,
revealing her bare breasts. She should have been embarrassed, but his hungry gaze devoured her, and a low growl of appreciation
rose in his throat, leaving no doubt he liked what he saw. Then his hands cupped her breasts, her nipples pressing deeply
into his palms.

Heated sensations rippled through her and she exhaled a low groan. He reached for the waistband of her skirt at the same time
she grabbed for the button on his jeans; between them, they shed their clothing along with their inhibitions.

Sloane found her back propped against the pillows, Chase straddling her waist, one hand holding hers above her head. While
he locked her in an erotic position, his touch was gentle and his grip was loose enough that she could break his hold if she
wanted to. She didn’t.

Her position aroused her too much and she liked the way he studied her, as if he could read her mind and provide every intimate
touch she desired.

“I want to be inside you.” His hard length rubbing against her stomach proved his words.

“Go for it,” she said, and her hips jerked upward of their own volition as moisture slickened her thighs and a tide of arousal
rose inside her.

“Not until I protect you.”

That took her off guard. “Something I need protection from?” she asked lightly. She’d been so caught up in wanting to block
out the painful truth she’d learned today, she hadn’t been thinking clearly. “I’m on the pill, but …”

“Hell, honey, with the life I’ve lived, you have nothing to worry about. I just believe in safety first and kids never.” He
slid off the bed and strode toward the bathroom.

The knot in her stomach eased. She didn’t know why, had no reason to trust, but she believed him. And once again, she appreciated
his gallantry during a one-night stand. After all, many guys wouldn’t care what they left behind. Chase did. There was something
different about this man. Something caring and uniquely special, she thought.

He returned as quickly as he’d left, and she couldn’t help but admire his physique, the broad shoulders, narrow waist, and
the other impressive parts of him standing at attention. No longer distracted by her thoughts, she was now completely focused
once more. How could she not be with such a gorgeous man standing over her?

No guy had ever incited such overwhelming, instant lust. Then again, no man had ever looked at her as if he couldn’t get enough.
Chase did.

He held the foil packet in his hand and quickly took care of protection; then he came over to her and grinned, that sexy,
intense smile causing her to catch her breath.

“Enough waiting, don’t you think?”

She laughed, even as her body burned, on fire with wanting him. “More than enough,” she agreed.

With a low growl, he kissed her. His mouth was hot and greedy and his hands were busy as he nudged her legs apart and poised
himself intimately against her. Entry and fulfillment were so very close, but instead of thrusting, he reached down with his

His long fingers dipped inside her, arousing her with his talented touch. She moaned, arching her hips and drawing him in
deeper, forcing her muscles to contract around his finger, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted something more.

He must have understood because he withdrew, and then he finally spread her thighs and drove himself deep with one long, satiny
stroke. He filled her and immediately brought her close to the edge of climaxing.

So hard, so fast, and he felt so right. She closed her eyes as he withdrew, letting her feel every hard and slick ridge of
him before pumping inside her again. She matched his rhythm quickly, the synchronization between them amazing, almost as if
they’d been together like this before.

“Sweet heaven,” Chase muttered. No woman should feel this good. Especially not one he just met, one who didn’t know his likes
or his dislikes. Yet,
knew all the right moves to turn him on. He saw so much in those green eyes of hers. They’d connected and he felt it in her
body, in every slick inch he stroked inside her.

She was feminine and warm where skin touched skin, her nipples hard and arousing against his chest. She met him thrust for
thrust, bringing him higher each time their bodies met and he burned with the need to let go. But not alone. He wanted them
to be together when they found that ultimate burst of raw sexual satisfaction. Reaching between them, he slid his finger between
her moist folds to increase the pressure and make her come.

He was rewarded by a shuddering groan and she rolled her hips, seeking to deepen the stimulating tension. Her thighs were
clenched, her muscles cushioning him in wet heat. With each successive thrust, he was on edge himself, holding back only by
sheer force of will.


His name on her lips surprised him. For as intimate as they’d been, as close as he felt, talking had been minimal. He forced
his heavy eyelids open.

Dilated green eyes met his. “Roll over.”

His eyes opened wide. “What?”

“After today, I need to be in control,” she explained as she nudged him with her body, and together they flipped positions
until he was flat on his back while she straddled his thighs. A shudder racked her body as she took him deeper than he’d been
before. “Oh, God.”

He swallowed hard because he felt it too, but along with sensation came knowledge. For her, tonight was about so much more
than easy sex. She was running from something and using him to forget. But his body wasn’t about to give him time to ask questions.

And with her gorgeous face, and full breasts poised over him, he wasn’t about to argue. “Whatever works for you,” he told

A flash of gratitude flickered over her features, and then, thankfully, she started to move, rocking her hips and milking
him with her inner muscles until the tidal wave started to rise once more. Without warning, she stretched over him, kissing
him full on the lips while her hips continued a systematic, gyrating movement. One that kept up the tension and let it build
higher as her feminine mound pressed intimately against him, working him in a way he’d never felt before.

With each thrust of her pelvis grinding downward, she let out a soft, arousing moan. She was close and so was he, and she
kept up the insistent pressure, bringing him closer and closer until his world imploded. Now he had but one focus: this woman
and the intense sensations she pulled from him as her body continued to milk him, long after he’d come.

Even as he finally started his slow descent back to reality, she continued to shudder above him in one long, continual climax.
Minutes later, Chase’s breathing returned to a slower, more manageable rhythm. So did his thoughts. He was thirty-seven years
old and he’d never had that kind of mind-blowing sex with any woman ever before.

Never. And he needed a minute to absorb the feeling.

But before he could think, she rolled over and started to rise, taking him completely by surprise.

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