The Baby Of The White Tiger (BWWM Shifter Romance)

BOOK: The Baby Of The White Tiger (BWWM Shifter Romance)
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A Paranormal Shifter Romance BWWM By..








If Dom thought things were bad before then they were about to get a lot worse.


Carrying a shifters baby always spells trouble and being away from her White Tiger lover Gregor is not making things any easier.


Sheer hell is about to break loose which could leave Dom and her baby cub in grave, grave danger. Will Gregor be able to save both the woman he loves and their baby? Or might he have to make a sacrifice?



Copyright Notice

JJ Jones
The Baby Of The White Tiger © 2014, JJ Jones

This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.




















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This is only for the strictly fabulous ;-)




It didn’t take long for the organization to decide that Dom and Gregor had to stay in hiding until everything was finished. Dom wasn’t exactly happy about it, but she understood the necessity, especially if she was pregnant with a Doppel. The child would have to be fiercely protected until he was able to care for himself, and even then, the world would be a dangerous place filled with people jealous of his talents and status. The thought of her child going through this world with all of these advantages and the complications that come with them made her heart break. She knew there wasn’t anything that she could do about it, but it didn’t mean that she had to be happy about it.

Gregor looked at her over his morning coffee. “Is everything alright?”

Dominique’s voice was thoughtful. “Everything’s fine. I’m just thinking.”

“It’s not easy, is it?”

“It never is.” It was a well-practiced conversation, one that they had had over and over the past week. It always ended the same way and never solved anything. Dominique was reminded of that famous quote about the definition of insanity, but she kept her mouth shut. She didn’t know what to do about anything anymore, the careful control she had cultivated through her life had been turned upside down, but she didn’t think that she minded it too much. It was a lot to take in however, and she wasn’t well equipped to handle it. “Do you have some talks today?”

“We’re meeting at some new place, another safe house. Our ride is going to pick us up after lunch.” Gregor’s eyes twinkled a bit. “We just finished breakfast. Can you think of anything to do in the meantime?”

Dom smiled a little; since they had been together, there had been hardly a moment of peace. Guards were constantly around, watching and securing them. They wanted to make sure that the mother of the Doppel and the diplomat were safe and secure. Somehow, Dom didn’t think she would be so important to these people if it wasn’t for the child that she carried within her. She knew that they would make sure she was safe and secure, but they wouldn’t go through so much trouble to keep her comfortable while doing it. “I wonder what my neighbors think.”

“Thinking about you being gone?”

“That and all of the damage to the house, it must seem really strange to them.”

“Who knows and who cares. When we get out of here, I plan on taking you someplace quiet, a secluded part of the desert or something and watching the stars until the sun comes up.”

“The wild animals would eat us.”

“I don’t think so, I’m a tiger remember. My scent scares wild animals.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. If you scare a snake it will bite you.”

“Only if it only feels threatened and cornered.” Gregor corrected her. “I’m pretty sure that I could keep us safe from a few wild animals.”

Dom laughed a little. “I guess you know more about wild animals than I do.” She admitted. “What would you do if you were accidentally cornered by a rattlesnake?”

Gregor smiled that same old naughty smile. “Well I would hope to get bit in a place that would be fun for you to suck the poison out of.” He looked at Dom as she tried not to show the smile that was invading her face. “It’s good to see you smile again.”

Dom had to respond honestly. “It’s good to smile again.” Her voice was quiet, almost silent as she said the words. The truth was hard to say.

“Do I have to go to the meeting with you?”

“You know that your presence calms them. Now that you’re the mother my child, they want to impress you. It would insult them if you didn’t show up.”

Dom sighed; it was the same old story over and over again. “I know, I know.” She muttered, looking down at her hands. The conversation stalled, neither party really knowing what to say in a moment like this. She noticed how long her nails were getting now that she had managed to stop biting them. The amount of stress was getting less, but it wasn’t completely gone. She worried about her house, she wanted her life back; she wanted to go home and climb into her own bed, under her own covers; she wanted to use her own bathroom, and climb into the giant tub she had installed in the master bathroom. She dreamed about her home every night, tucked in next to Gregor, but the fact that she was so close to her own front door, but couldn’t go inside her own house, her own space, but she just couldn’t make it there. It wasn’t safe and she was sure that they were watching her house, looking for some sign of her to carry out on their threats.

They spent the day just doing little things that needed to be done. They showered and got dressed and ready to impress the local tribes of the shifters. When they got there, they were quickly able to pick up the talks where they had been left off.

“Hello Gentleman.” Gregor greeted the men nicely.

“Heya!” The coyote’s voice was excited as usual.

The wolf didn’t speak until they were all sitting. It was obvious that he was tired of getting nowhere after weeks of talking, but instead of voicing his frustrations immediately, he addressed the only woman at the table. “Miss Dom, how are you feeling today?”

“I’m just fine thank you.” She sat in the chair that the wolf leader had pulled out for her. He carefully pushed the chair back in behind her. “How have you been doing?”

“We’ve been surviving. The vampires have been oddly silent lately.” The wolf responded politely.

“They’ve been watching us.” The coyote intoned, his normal hurried nature wasn’t present in the remarks. “They haven’t done anything yet, but they seem to be coming onto our territory more and more lately.”

“It isn’t your territory.” The wolf scowled as he said it, eager to remind the one he considered less than him. “You haven’t found anything worth trading for it.”

“We said that we were willing to pay or work for it.” The coyote’s words were yippy and it was obvious that he had caught the implication and insult in the wolf’s words.

“Gentlemen.” Gregor said, it was the first time he spoke since he had greeted them and his voice was firm. It reminded both parties that insinuations and insults were not allowed at his table. “May I remind you that my mate is here?”

“I’m sorry.” The coyote looked down.

The wolf stared straight at Dom. “I apologize.” He turned back to Gregor as he sat down across from the coyote. Dom looked at all three men from her seat at the foot of the conference table. She wasn’t here to help, but Gregor was taking advantage of her presence in order to assure peaceful talks. The fact that she was pregnant with his child would make them think twice about starting a fight. Shifters were known for the protective nature, especially regarding the safety of their young. Dom didn’t mind the fact that Gregor was using her to help the peace process, but she wasn’t exactly comfortable with all of the respect they were showing her. She reminded herself that it was only going to get worse with the child’s nature was revealed.

A Doppel was a very special type of shifter and everyone at the table had grown up hearing the stories about the unique creature. From what Dom had been able to learn over the last few weeks without attracting too much attention to her research, Doppels are known to be a symbol of changing times. They could either cause great despair or prosperity to any tribes that they were involved with. They easily had the ability to blend with any tribe, picking up idiosyncrasies and the rules of the game quickly enough to quickly become a valued member of any group.

Dom brought her mind back into focus as the coyote started to speak. “We are trying to find something that would be valuable to you.”

“I know.” Gregor said. “Have you thought of anything?” He asked the wolf, eager to finally make some headway.

“That relic you spoke of earlier is a nice start, but it won’t cover everything.” The wolf conceded. It hadn’t been easy to even get them to admit that, but somehow Gregor managed to get some concessions to be made.

“That is amazing progress.” Gregor beamed at his guests. “Let’s see what else we can agree on.”

The coyote looked at the small object. He looked a little sad at the fact that he was going to have to give up the item that he had found. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It is quite a piece of history. Our young ones will be able to see what the shifters in this area did a long time ago with an item like this.” The wolf reached for it.

“We are willing to give it up, only when we come to an agreement for all of the land.” The coyote noted.

“I understand that. I would love to examine it.” The coyote reluctantly handed it over and patiently waited for it to be returned before offering it to Dominique. She looked at the ancient looking piece leather. The beaded design on it was a werewolf in three forms, human, hybrid, and wolf. She looked at it, noticing the lovely colors, and the beautiful work that had been done on the object.

“Who made it?” Dom’s voice was low with respect for the object.

“We don’t know. We’ll have to do some more research, but it looks like they might be from one of the native tribes.” The wolf leader was very kind with the way he spoke to her.

“I didn’t think that the tribes down here were known for their beading, I thought that they were weavers mostly.” The witch was curious as she mentioned these facts.

“We don’t know which tribe it’s from, not yet anyway.” The wolf seemed eager to take the piece of history. “I would love to have our historians take a look at it.” He licked his chops excitedly.

“Let’s see what we can do about that.” Gregor announced. He turned to the coyote. “Can you take the item to their historians and perhaps assign one of your people to keep an eye on it?”

“Would they let one of my people watch it the entire time?” The coyote’s eyes narrowed as he watched the wolf.

“That can be arranged.” The wolf’s voice was reassuring; he was much less cold toward the coyote.

“We’re good at finding things. Maybe we can find some more things for you.”

The wolf looked thoughtful for a moment before he answered. “If you can find anything else like that for us, we might just have a deal.”

“That’s wonderful.” Gregor smiled at them. “How much time do you need to see what else you can find?”

“Give us a week to go through our stores. I think we have some more stuff in there that they might be of interest.”

“Where do you find all this stuff?” Dom asked, incredibly curious.

“Oh, we find it all over the place. We go to garage sales and dig through dumps. We have a lot of sources.” The coyote was eager not to reveal too much. “If we told everyone, we wouldn’t be able to make money anymore.”

“So you guys are pickers?” Dom asked, referring to a television show she enjoyed watching when she had the time.

“Something like that, yeah.” The coyote told her. He seemed happy to have the tiger’s mate speaking to him, interested in what he does. “I would love a chance to show you our facilities sometime. We managed to find a small airplane hangar that we re-purposed into a warehouse. It’s in the back forty of the land.”

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