The Baby Bond (24 page)

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Authors: Linda Goodnight

BOOK: The Baby Bond
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1. Name the main characters. Who was your favorite? Why?

2. Could you relate to any of the characters in the book? How?

3. What incident drew Cassidy and Nic together?

4. Although a Christian, Cassidy was riddled with fear. What was she afraid of? Why?

5. Do you think Cassidy’s fears were realistic? Is it possible to be so afraid that fear interferes with a person’s life choices? Have you ever known anyone like that?

6. How can someone overcome great fear? Do you believe facing a fear will make it better or worse? How can faith help a person deal with fear?

7. Cassidy says someone told her that fear is the opposite of faith. Rather than helping, the statement hurt her. Why? Have you ever been told you didn’t have enough faith? How did it make you feel?

8. Nic felt pressured by his family. In what way? Were his feelings justified? Explain.

9. Have you ever struggled under family expectations? In what way? How did you handle the issues?

10. Some people believe that everything happens for a reason. Do you? Can you find scripture to back up your opinion?

11. When Cassidy chose to raise her orphaned nephew, her grandmother fought against the decision. Why?

12. Nic’s brothers claimed he slid by on his parents’ prayers. What does that mean? Is such a thing scripturally possible? What does the Bible say about the power of a praying parent?

13. Scripture says that love will cast out fear. How does this relate to what Cassidy did at the end of the book?


ISBN: 978-1-4268-3309-0


Copyright © 2009 by Linda Goodnight

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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