The Avenger 29 - The Nightwitch Devil (15 page)

BOOK: The Avenger 29 - The Nightwitch Devil
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“Not at all, princess. She’s going to try Boston first.” Cole lifted the coffee pot off the warmer and filled the empty cup at his place. “Of course, Boston, even in these days of restricted travel, is not that far from New York City.”

“What’s she going to do in Boston?”

“Work on one of the newspapers. They’re quite keen to have her do a several-part series about the witches of Nightwitch, the parts of the story that can safely be told, that is.” He sampled the coffee. “Not exactly foul, Mac, but bordering on it.”

Nellie put her elbows on the table top and rested her chin on her hands. “I was hoping for a romantic finish to this case. Now you tell me they’re breaking up.”

“Apparently the chap’s reaction to her sleuthing tipped the scales in favor of departure,” said Cole. “Besides which, with Hollis in the pokey, she’s got no boss at the moment.”

“You want to drive back to the city with me?” Smitty asked him. “Or are you planning more romantic interludes?”

“I am, as the popular dirge from New Orleans has it, free as a bird, Smitty. I stand ready to depart at any time.”

“Oops,” said Nellie. “Here comes that spit-and-polish boy from Washington, D.C.”

Don Early, tan raincoat over his arm, was approaching their table. “Good morning,” he said, favoring them all with one of his youthful smiles.

“Care to join us?” asked Benson.

“Only dropped by to say so long,” said Early. “I’ve got to get back to Washington on a new job and . . .” He paused, looked at the Avenger. “Where are you going next?”

“Back to Manhattan, eventually,” answered Benson.

Letting out a sigh, Early said, “Won’t run into you on this next one, then. And that’ll give me a chance to solve it myself.” He smiled once more. “Not that I don’t appreciate your help, not that the government doesn’t. Like to come in first sometimes, though. Understand?”

“Perfectly,” answered the Avenger.

“But you’re going to be in New England and then New York,” said the government agent. “So I can’t possibly run into you in California this time. Right?”

“I’m going to—” began Smitty. A nudge from Nellie halted him.

“Good,” said Early, not catching what the giant had started to say. “Thanks again. Bye.” He walked, with a confident lilt in his step, out of the inn.

“California,” said Smitty, scowling. “What’d I tell you?”

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