The Authorized Ender Companion (39 page)

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She married a man named Lars, and together they traveled with her parents toward the planet Lusitania, hoping to protect that world from destruction.

Tablets ([IC])

Tablets were the term used on the planet Sorelledolce to describe disreputable news sources, or tabloids.

Tactical School ([EG], ES)

Tactical School is an unknown location in space where students who showed extra talent or initiative in Battle School were sent for additional training prior to going to Command School. Bean and several members of Ender’s Dragon Army attended Tactical School for one week before being sent to aid Ender at Command School.

Target Balls (EG, ES)

Target balls were targeting devices used in the Battle Rooms of Battle School. They turned from white to red when hit by a flash pistol’s beam.

Teczlo, Magdalena “Magda” (PL)

A friend of Brian’s and Anne Wieczorek’s, Magdalena Teczlo—or Magda as she was known—was a trained lawyer. She was at the Wieczorek house when Captains Hyrum Graff and Helena Rudolf arrived to make the final determination of John Paul Wieczorek’s readiness for Battle School. She was present to offer legal advice to her friends, which she was not permitted to do given the International Fleet’s overriding authority, so she angrily left.

Testing Officers (PB, CH)

The International Fleet sent officers throughout the world to test children—primarily male children, though young women were also tested—to see if they were qualified for Battle School, and potentially the next commander of the Fleet. A male officer visited the Madrid y Valencia household to test Bonzo Madrid before the boy was two years old, arguing “What if he is the next Mazer Rackham?”—a tactic typical of the International Fleet.

A female officer tested Han Tzu. Along with another male counterpart, this officer determined that Han Tzu had been given the answers to the tests—a crime. The male and female officers arrested Han Tzu’s father, despite Han Tzu’s conscious efforts to answer the tests incorrectly. They had seen the cheating through Han Tzu’s monitor and made the arrest. The female officer gave Han Tzu another, unfamiliar test.

Thai Soldiers (SH, SP)

The Thai soldiers were loyal to their country, particularly in the aftermath of Ender’s victory over the Formics. Many of them were trained by Bean Delphiki, and they all played an important role in protecting Thailand from invasion by the combined Indian and Pakistani armies, which were under the direction of Achilles Flandres.

Thrakos, General ([SH])

General Thrakos was a high-ranking officer in the Greek military. After the Formic Wars, he issued an order that Greek soldiers rescue the vacationing Delphiki family, whose lives were in jeopardy from unknown attackers.

T’it’u, Champi “Dumper” (EG, ES, SH, SG)

Dumper was promoted to Command School where he was one of Ender’s unseen squadron leaders in the “exams” that were actually real battles.

Following the Formic War and Ender’s victory, Dumper was one of the kidnapping victims that included ten other of Ender’s soldiers. He was taken by his captor, Achilles Flandres, to Russia where he was forced to play war games first in the presence of his fellow prisoners and then in another separate location somewhere else in that country.

He was rescued by Russian operatives, along with the rest of his colleagues minus Petra Arkanian, after several months in solitary.

In the years that followed, Dumper became a shaman living alone in the Andes, giving spiritual guidance to those who sought him out. As with the rest of his Battle School colleagues, he was offered a new life in space but refused to leave Earth.

After refusing Peter’s offer to go to space, Dumper was invited to help ratify the Hegemon’s constitution and bring his homeland into the protection of the Hegemony. Dumper agreed, and though some of his followers who joined the Hegemony—or Free People of Earth as it was known—were attacked and killed, Peter protected him with the vast military resources at his disposal.

As Peter built the Hegemony into the Free People of Earth, Graff again offered Ender’s colleagues the opportunity to leave Earth and govern a planet. It was his fear that Ender’s army would be used in the worldwide conflict, manipulated by whatever political power rose to prominence, and he wanted to prevent that. Every member who received the offer, which did not include Han Tzu, Petra Arkanian, or Alai, said no. The others were already too involved in matters on Earth to leave.

Tolo, Abra (EG, EE)

Eleven-year-old Abra Tolo was the son of original colonists in the first human settlement of a former Formic world, Shakespeare. Very good with his hands, he worked hard on mechanical issues in the colony. He hero-worshipped Ender Wiggin and traveled with the colony’s governor to explore an area near Shakespeare that would be suitable for new colonists.

Abra and Ender discovered a region of the planet that looked like a human giant had died there. Ender recognized the place as one from a game he played as a child. Abra, confused, asked Ender what it meant. Ender wouldn’t give the boy any answers except to say that it was not a suitable spot for a colony.

Tolo, Ix (GB)

Ix Tolo was a xenobiologist on the former Formic world that was Ender Wiggin’s first gubernatorial assignment. He had a wife, and a son named Po. He sent Po to accompany their friend, Sel Menach, on his study of the planet.

In Sel’s absence, Ix became the acting governor of Shakespeare Colony. In this position, he greeted Ender Wiggin when the hero of the Formic War arrived to become the official governor of the colony.

Tolo, Mother (EE)

Mother Tolo was a woman of Chinese ancestry who lived in Shakespeare, the first human colony on a former Formic world. She was married to Ix Tolo, and they had several children together.

Tolo, Po (GB)

Po Tolo, the son of xenobiologist Ix Tolo, was a young man born on the former Formic planet that became a human colony and Ender Wiggin’s first assignment. He traveled with senior xenobiologist Sel Menach and with him, discovered the Gold Bugs. He grew up to be a xenobiologist himself, devoting his life work to studying the Gold Bugs.

Po married Alessandra Toscano, one of the first wave of settlers to arrive at Shakespeare. They had at least one child together.

Toscano, Alessandra (YM, EE)

Thirteen-year-old Alessandra Toscano and her mother Dorabella were selected to be among the first colonists of the International Fleet’s Dispersal Project to colonize former Formic worlds after Ender’s victory. Alessandra was Italian, living in Monopoli. She didn’t want to go to the new colony, but her mother tried to sway her with the prospect of finding a nice young man to marry among the other colonists.

Alessandra was so desperate to stay on Earth that she approached her estranged grandmother, seeking familial asylum. The encounter only furthered the rift between her mother and grandmother. Once her grandmother refused to take her in, Alessandra came to better understand her mother’s relationship to her grandmother. Through this process she came to accept the idea of leaving with the colonists. She was particularly excited that Ender Wiggin would be their governor, though she didn’t think she would marry him as her mother did.

She and Ender developed a friendship aboard their transport ship to the Formic world. Their relationship began when Ender met with all of the passengers
so he could get to know them all individually before he was to be their governor. He and Alessandra got along very well, even though Ender worked very hard to prevent any romantic feelings from developing between them. Alessandra and her mother convinced Ender and Valentine to start up a play reading to help the passengers pass the time on the spaceship.

The ship’s commanding officer, Admiral Morgan, thought the play was subversive, and canceled it. After meeting with Ender, however, he relented, and Alessandra was able to play Bianca in
The Taming of the Shrew
opposite Ender. The performance went well, and Alessandra’s affection for Ender continued to grow.

Alessandra was shocked to see her mother flirting with Admiral Morgan after the play. She realized that her mother had set her eyes on the commanding officer and was going to convince him to marry her.

Her mother was also teaching Alessandra how to convince Ender to marry the young girl. Though Alessandra had feelings for Ender, she knew that he didn’t fully return them. As the twoyear space journey drew to a close, Dorabella taught Alessandra how to flirt with Ender so he would be interested in her. It didn’t work, however, and Ender and Alessandra did not end up together. They remained friends, but were never lovers.

Once the colony ship arrived at Shakespeare, Alessandra chose to stay with the other settlers. Her mother was livid, but was forced to accept the law. Dorabella returned to the ship and her new husband, Admiral Morgan. Alessandra, though not involved in a relationship with Ender, was glad to be free of her mother’s influence.

While living in Shakespeare, Alessandra met Po Tolo and fell in love with him. They were married two years after Alessandra arrived at the colony, and had at least one child together.

Toscano, Dorabella (YM, EE)

A poor Italian woman, Dorabella Toscano applied, and was accepted, to be among the first wave of colonists to settle former Formic worlds. She planned to take her thirteen-year-old daughter Alessandra with her.

Dorabella had a very negative relationship with her mother, and becoming free from that was her primary motivation in seeking to leave Earth and go into space. She also hoped her daughter would find a respectable young man to marry among the colonists—notably their announced governor, Ender Wiggin.

On board the colony ship, Dorabella set about trying to be the matchmaker for her daughter and Ender. She flirted on Alessandra’s behalf, and even tried
to get Ender and Alessandra to play opposite each other in a dramatic reading of Shakespeare’s
The Taming of the Shrew
. The play reading was not popular with the ship’s commanding officer, Admiral Quincy Morgan, who briefly canceled it. Once it was back on, Dorabella set her own sights on Admiral Morgan. She wanted a husband for herself, and not just any husband—she wanted the commander of the ship. She used her performance as the lead in the play to start him down the path of falling in love with her.

She continued to press Alessandra to pursue Ender. Even as their two-year space journey was drawing to a close, Dorabella wanted Alessandra to marry Ender. It was really so Dorabella would have connection to whatever power was strongest in the colony—Admiral Morgan or Ender—and she was insistent that Alesandra make a play for the young man with prospects. She even taught her daughter how to flirt.

The flirting didn’t work, Alessandra and Ender were never lovers. Ender gave Alessandra the confidence to leave Dorabella’s side, however. Dorabella did not stay on Shakespeare colony, but returned to the spaceship to rejoin her husband as he, having been humiliated by Ender, left for another colony. Alessandra chose to stay at Shakespeare, saying good-bye to her mother forever. Dorabella was livid, but could do nothing as Alessandra was abiding by the law.

Triumvirate (ES)

The “triumvirate” was the term given to the top three government leaders in the world government called the League. It encompassed the Hegemon, Strategos, and Polemarch.

Hundred Worlds)

Tsutsumi, Yasujiro (CM)

Yasujiro Tsutsumi was a former student of the wise philosopher, Aimaina Hikari, on the planet Divine Wind. Yasujiro was a member of a wealthy, influential family on the Japanese world, and Hikari called upon him to use his family’s wealth to change the minds of Starways Congress away from destroying the planet Lusitania.

Yasujiro was hesitant to try to make any kind of political movement, but Hikari told him how doing so would benefit his family and their wealth. Yasujiro agreed to at least explore the possibility with the rest of his extended family, who controlled the wealth.

Tsutsumi, Yoshiaki-Seiji “Yes Sir” (CM)

Yoshiaki-Seiji Tsutsumi, or “Yes Sir” as he was better known, was an influential Japanese business man among the Hundred Worlds. He held great power among the leaders of the Starways Congress. He was one of the great leaders Yasujiro Tsutsumi approached, hoping to dissuade the Starways Congress from destroying Lusitania.

Though Yes Sir did not speak, but had his friend and adviser Eiichi speak for him, his presence in the meeting implied his condoning of Yasujiro’s goal.

Tug Captain (EG)

The tug captain was responsible for taking Ender and Graff to Command School at Eros. He was angry because the assignment meant he was to forever remain at Eros, no longer able to do what he loved—fly.

Ugarit (
Hundred Worlds)

Ulysses (ES)

Ulysses was a small bully on the streets of Rotterdam, Netherlands, whose position and authority in the culture of homeless children was challenged by Achilles Flandres and Sergeant. Achilles and Sergeant led a beating on Ulysses that resulted in a broken rib and a punctured lung. More, it served to prove Achilles’s dominance among the other bullies. Ulysses’s return to the streets from the hospital heralded a new unity among the bullies who hoped to gang up together against Achilles.

Achilles killed Ulysses nearly a year later. The murder was done secretly, and Achilles was never discovered as the killer, though Sister Carlotta figured it out. Achilles specifically confessed to killing Ulysses when Bean and his Rabbit Army trapped him at Battle School.

Uphanad, Captain (ES, SP)

Captain Uphanad was a teacher at Battle School during Ender’s and Bean’s time there. Bean stole Uphanad’s computer password and used it to sign on as a teacher and obtain confidential information. Uphanad was chastised for the security breach, but was allowed to stay in his position at the school.

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