The Authorized Ender Companion (14 page)

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Drinker, Grace/Teu ’Ona (CM)

Grace Drinker, or Teu ’Ona as she was known in her native Samoan, was a large religious instructor on the planet Pacifica. She was a teacher in the Ua Lava religion, and taught her good friend Aimaina Hikari on the planet Divine Wind the philosophies of her faith.

Her personality was so dominant that the rest of her family was known as “Grace’s husband” or “Grace’s son.” They were seemingly insignificant next to her. But Grace clearly loved her family, and they loved her.

When Peter Wiggin II and Si Wang-mu traveled to Pacifica as part of their mission to bring down the Starways Congress, Jane led them to Grace. She had heard from Hikari that they had visited him impossibly a day earlier, and confronted Peter II and Wang-mu with their lies and false identities. After finding out the truth about them, she set them up to meet with the revered chief teacher of the Ua Lava believers, Malu.

She acted as translator for Malu, who spoke the ancient, revered language of the gods.

After Malu spoke with Wang-mu and Peter II, it was apparent that Jane had been forced from the computers, yet still lived. Grace invited her guests to watch her and her son restart their new non-Jane compatible computer networks. The reboot came off perfectly, but Grace and her son had another surprise: Jane had helped the people of Pacifica use their old computers (which were instructed by Starways Congress to be discarded save for student use at the university) to recreate a network wherein she could place her consciousness.

Grace revealed that the network of old computers spanned several planets, but Congress didn’t know about it. Moments later, Jane used it to relearn how to do faster-than-light travel. Grace and Malu cheered, for their god lived despite the government’s best attempts to kill it.

Ducheval “Shovel” ([EG], ES)

A soldier in Ender’s dominant Dragon Army, Ducheval was chosen by Bean to be in the special squadron Ender created and assigned to Bean. He was the second choice, being invited to the squadron only after Nikolai Delphiki said no. He was French and hated his nickname, Shovel.

Dvorak (GB)

Dvorak was a Czech composer whose music Sel Menach played to keep sane during his battles with Formics.

Ecstatic Shield (EG)

The Ecstatic Shield was a force field that was used by the nations of Earth and in spaceships for protection from nuclear devices during the Second Formic Invasion.

Edge Nation (CM)

“Edge Nation” was a term used to describe a nation, near another, that lived in the shadow of its neighbor. Canada can be considered an Edge Nation to the United States.

Eiichi (CM)

Eiichi was a wise philosopher among the Japanese colonists on the Hundred Worlds. He was impressed by the efforts of Yasujiro Tsutsumi to sway Congress from destroying Lusitania, and invited the young man to join him on his home planet twenty light-years away where he would be made Eiichi’s protégé.

Ekumbo, Gobawa (SD)

Gobawa Ekumbo was the chairman of the Xenological Oversight Committee of the Starways Congress. She was responsible for revoking the charter of the planet Lusitania after the sentient computer program named Jane sent a memo throughout the computer networks stating that the planet’s xenologists had taught the native life-forms agriculture—a violation of interstellar law.

Ekumbo learned that the Descolada, a virus on the planet Lusitania, had the potential to spread throughout the Hundred Worlds. He authorized the use of the Molecular Detachment Device to destroy Lusitania and all of its inhabitants.

He compared himself to Peter Wiggin as a political leader, complaining that he had more responsibility and less brilliance. He also wanted to expose Demosthenes, who made public his plans for a second xenocide. (Note: Ekumbo’s name is also spelled Ekimbo.)

Ela (
Ribeira von Hesse, Ekaterina Elanora “Ela”)

Encaixarse (CM)

Lusitanian term for the instant starflight the sentient computer Jane discovered, accomplished by traveling through Outspace. The term translates to “to encase.”

English Kid (WG)

The English kid was a member of Rat Army that participated in Dink Meeker’s Christmas celebration of secretly giving gifts in other soldier’s socks.

Englishman (SP)

The Englishman learned of Alai’s ascension to the position of Caliph in the Muslim world while eating at a restaurant in Damascus. He said that he was worried that it symbolized a return to misogyny and the murder of foreigners by Muslim extremists.

Ensign (EE)

The ensign, a young man of about twenty, was the assistant to Admiral Quincy Morgan, the commanding officer of the first transport ship of human settlers. Admiral Morgan yelled at the ensign a lot.

Eros Asteroid (
See also
Command School) (EGS, EG, ES, [GB])

Location of Command School. Although technically a moon, Eros is considered a minor planet. It had once been a Formic base for their initial assault on Earth. The Formics had carved great tunnels into the moon’s surface, which were later used by the International Fleet as the foundation for its Command School.

Esquecimento, Sister ([SD])

Sister Esquecimento was a nun who taught at the Catholic school on the planet Lusitania. She was said to have menacing fingernails. Ender Wiggin’s stepson Grego held a lifelong disdain for her.

Etruia (SD)

Etruia was an Italian-settled planet of the Hundred Worlds. It was home to the University of Sicily, Milano Campus.

Evenezer ([EE])

Evenezer was married to Afraima, the assistant xenobiologist in Shakespeare, the first human colony on a former Formic world. Evenezer loved his wife deeply, and didn’t know that she wanted to cheat on him with Sel Menach, the head xenobiologist.

Exams/Real Battles (EGS, EG, ES, GB, [EE])

In Command School, Ender was put in charge of battle games, called “exams,” that required him to command fleets of ships in combat against Formic ships. The exams were later revealed to be actual space battles, not games.

Fairyland (EG)

Fairyland was the seemingly impossible destination of the computer game Giant’s Drink, played in Battle school.

Falstaff (
Hundred Worlds)

Fan-liu (XN)

Fanliu was a young teenage girl on the planet Path. Of Chinese descent, she was put into service for a high-ranking family at a young age. She was friends with Si Wang-mu, and prepared her for the life of a servant by telling her that the pretty servants work less than the less-attractive ones.

Father Tongue (SD, XN)

Father Tongue was the means of communication between the pequeninos who had entered the third life known as fathertrees, and their “sons,” the living pequeninos. It required rhythmic drumming by the pequeninos and the fathertrees.

Fathertrees (SD, XN, CM)

The fathertrees were the next evolution of the pequenino male on the planet Lusitania. The most revered pequeninos, when they died, had a tree grow from their chest. The pequeninos’ wisdom and experience lived on in the tree. The fathertrees could communicate with one another and the pequeninos by way of the Father Tongue. Fathertrees were the only male pequeninos that could reproduce. If a male piggie wasn’t made into a fathertree, he would have no progeny.

Female Student (TP)

A young female student was the first to answer Theresa Brown’s questions during a college class called Human Community. She was a classmate of John Paul Wiggin and asked their teacher if she was teaching based on science or religion. Theresa expelled the student from her class for the question, stating that the student had asked a bigoted, troublemaking question.

Ferreira (SP, SG)

Ferreira was the computer expert in the Hegemony compound in Brazil. He had a very close relationship to the Hegemon, Peter Wiggin, and created the computer security protocols that were meant to track Achilles Flandres while the serial killer was in the compound.

Although he seemed loyal to Peter, he was actually working with Achilles. When Achilles attempted to discredit Peter as an embezzler, Ferreira fabricated the evidence to support Achilles’s claims.

Once Achilles was defeated, Ferreira returned to Peter’s side. Peter forgave
the earlier disloyalty, and Ferreira continued his position as the head of electronic security in the Hegemony.

He helped Bean and Petra track down their stolen, implanted embryos, even traveling to Rwanda to study the continued illegal work of Dr. Volescu. Ferreira and a group of scientists were able to discover that Volescu had intended to spread the genetic mutation known as Anton’s Key to all humanity through a virus. It was Ferreira’s research that jump-started Peter Wiggin’s campaign to combat Volescu’s virus.

Ferreira also helped Bean and Petra search for their stolen embryos by using the Ministry of Colonization’s semisentient computer program, the Mind Game or Giant’s Drink, to track the information in the birth databases from around the world. He didn’t feel this was a good use of his time, but had said he would and was a man of his word.

Ferreria, Mrs. (PB)

Mrs. Ferreria is an older Portuguese woman Bonzo Madrid and his mother met in the marketplace. She was upset with her daughter’s life choices, but Mother Madrid helped her see the positive things Mrs. Ferreria’s daughter was doing.

Figueira, China (SD)

China was the second child born to Libo Figueira and his wife Bruxinha on the planet Lusitania. She was best friends with Ela Ribeira von Hesse, before Novinha Ribeira forbade her children from having Libo’s children over.

Figueira, Prega (SD)

Prega was the third child born to Libo Figueira and his wife Bruxinha on the planet Lusitania.

Figueira, Zinha (SD)

Zinha was the fourth and final child born to Libo Figueira and his wife Bruxinha on the planet Lusitania.

Figueira de Medici, Liberdade Graças a Deus “Libo” (SD)

Libo was the middle child in the Figueira family, and like his father, Pipo, became a xenologer on the planet Lusitania. At age thirteen, he was still an apprentice xenologer, but was known for his talent and maturity despite his age.

In his earlier years, he had known a girl named Novinha at school, and was not glad to learn that she would be taking the xenobiologist certification test earlier than the usual age since he was still an apprentice and liked working with his father. Like the rest of his family, Libo was devoutly Catholic growing up.

Libo and Novinha developed a deep friendship that turned to romantic feelings. They spent so much time together that it was a natural outgrowth of their experience working together.

One day, Libo met with Rooter, one of the planet’s native creatures known as the pequeninos or “piggies,” and they discussed male/female relations in their two societies. Rooter called human women weak for not killing Libo or his father once they learned they were wise. Libo and his father, Pipo, thought that Rooter was killed by the other piggies for the conversation, which brought great guilt to Libo.

Libo and Novinha were the two who, a while later, found Pipo’s dead body. It was a crushing discovery for both. However, with his father’s death, Libo became the xenologist for the planet. He wanted access to the research Novinha had gathered, but Novinha refused to give it to him, since she didn’t want him to die like his father had.

Although Libo married a woman named Bruxinha, and had four children with her, he had always hoped to marry Novinha. They had a sexual relationship outside of their respective marriages, however, and Libo fathered all six of Novinha’s children. Novinha had refused to marry Libo despite loving him, because of her fear that he’d die like Pipo.

Years later, Libo was killed by the piggies in the same fashion his father had been.

Filhos de Mente de Cristo (
Children of the Mind of Christ)

Fiorelli, Mil (CM)

Mil Fiorelli was a human colonist and scholar who lived among the Hundred Worlds after Ender’s victory over the Formics. His most famous book was
Observations of Distant Worlds with the Naked Eye
, which became a philosophical resource among the human settlers on the different worlds.

Firenzette (IC)

Firenzette was the local currency of the planet Sorelledolce and was used throughout the Hundred Worlds. Worth 1/674 of a Starcount. Ender Wiggin discusses the currency while searching for his finances on Sorelledolce.

Firequencher (CM)

Firequencher was a pequenino scientist on the planet Lusitania. He joined Miro II, Valentine II, Ela and Quara on a mission to study the home planet of the Descolada virus. He was present when the aliens on Descoladore launched an attack against them and helped decipher the insidious message they’d sent, designed to kill all humans.

First Secretary of Starfleet Admiralty (CM)

The First Secretary of the Starfleet Admiralty was a high-ranking officer who first issued the order to destroy the planet Lusitania, but repealed that same order. The fleet was instead instructed to quarantine the planet.

First Speaker of Starways Congress (CM)

The First Speaker of Starways Congress worked with the Starfleet Admiralty to repeal an order that had been given to destroy the planet Lusitania.

Firth, Nichelle (
Randi) (SG)

Nichelle Firth was the alias of a woman named Randi, used to hide her identity to sign up for a colony ship and to protect her son, Achilles Flandres II, from capture by Peter Wiggin and the Free People of Earth.

Firth, Randall (
Flandres, Achilles II) (SG, EE)

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