The Audacity of God's Grace: 10 Strategies To Living Your Best Life Now (15 page)

BOOK: The Audacity of God's Grace: 10 Strategies To Living Your Best Life Now
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“If you don’t get dissatisfied with small things, you will never grow big or win big.”

—John Nwankwo

I can do (accomplish any success my mind is automated to accomplish) all this through him who gives me strength (exceptional power and audacity through his gracious sufficiency)”

—Philippians 4:13


Most people are unhappy, unfulfilled, thus, living in the past, although they are present. Majority of these people live a pain-full life. They find it most difficult to disassociate themselves from smallness and the influences of their past life. The sad thing is that these negative attitudes self-sabotage their success. Those in this condition may face the inability to be corrected, to think big by learning new things and ways of thinking, and to freely give and accept love. They are easily distracted and can quickly become paranoid and give up when the going got tough. Don’t let this be you. To most people who live in this manner, this have caused them handsomely by subjecting them into living in isolation and confusion, only because they have not trained their mind to work for their success neither have they encountered and welcomed the God who gives freely; the grace that put isolation, depression, and confusion on hold. Such people live in misery—depressed and in a life of emptiness. Sometimes they are possessed by the spirit of poverty and compartmentalized into mediocrity.

Others think that friends, food, music, sex, or alcoholic drinks and drugs can set them free and take care of the situation. Unfortunately, these people are living in bondage and are those for whom the grace of God is searching for to liberate. Now, the good news is that you do not have to belong to that group. You can make your mind work wonders and enhance your ability to live your best life now, because it’s about time that God, through his limitless grace seek to take you to places you never before have imagined. Believe me; you have the ability to soar higher and go to those places with God.

You Don’t Have to Drag through Life

God is not interested to see you drag through life, barely making a living. What God desire for you is to enjoy life, to be happy, to have a good life filled with peace; love, meaning, and fulfillment for yourself and your loved ones. Maybe you have been going through life with a high level of uneasiness that is disproportionately immeasurable and unimaginable. You may be hurting, feeling abandoned, neglected, hated, and rejected. Guess what? You do not have to feel that way, because you are not alone. For God is with you. If you have been disappointed and betrayed by those who you trusted so much, don’t give up. Help is already on your way.

Perhaps, your dreams and passions may be dying slowly and steadily as you are aging and have focused for far too long only on the negative side of life. You may be struggling with addictions, bad mental-attitude that stampede your success, hate, stigma, guilt, rejection, low self-esteem and seeing the big picture why you will not make it and why life is unfair. To you; this book is written for you. The audacity of God’s grace is ready to go to work on your behalf. God wants to make you happy. He planned long before you were born to make you the head and not the tail. God wants the latter part of your life to be better and brighter than your small beginnings. You may have been used to eat the crumbs from a masters table, perhaps from pay check to pay check. The grace of God that is superbly beautiful is looking to visit your home and decorate your life. God is saying, I want to bless you. God wants to drive your life with you. He wants to liberate you from poverty and the spirit of poverty so you can live in abundance. God desires to favor you with wealth, with health, with joy, so that you can turn around the lives of many people with these blessings. Isn’t that comforting?

The Grace that is Enough

Maybe you have wondered how much worse it could get for you. Why can’t I be happy? Why can’t I live my dream? Why should I be in my situation? Why won’t my sickness and chronic conditions or the sickness of a loved one, a wife, a husband, a friend or a family member go away? How did it get to this point? Why am I struggling so hard through life after I have given my best? Why is my marriage or relationships failing apart? Why this unemployment? Why is success running away from me? While your thoughts may wander and your feelings and past experiences hurting you, the audacity of God’s grace is announcing healing. For the grace of God is enough to go around and compensate you today. God is asking about you; to take you on a purpose driven journey to many exciting destinations in life. God wants to enable you to rediscover the unimaginable and unquenchable power of his grace that is fiercely able to sustain and offer you the freedom you have never experienced.

“The grace of God is enough to take your life to the next chapter that you never have reached or known.”

You may have wondered why you work so hard without much to show for it. The problem is this: you have depended on your own abilities for far too long. By believing, depending, and claiming the audacity of God’s grace and his promises in your life, you will draw from the cisterns of God’s favor and abundance. You can make your mind to believe the grace of God and train it to work success for you. Your life will never be the same again. If you can do this, what God is saying is that you will never again be defeated. God is saying that He is the one who keeps watch over your life. He is the one who will never sleep go on vacation or slumber over your case. Although there may be the failure of a thousand by your side, and ten thousand by your right side, God wants you—his trustee to know that it will not come near you or where you reside (Psalm 91), near your career, your dreams, your children, your spouse and your firm. You are about to find out that the help that you have been looking for, to accelerate your success is here, because He that begun the good work in you will sustain you and carry you until completion and perfection (Philippians 1:6). Your joy will be complete, your future days brighter; and your hopes fulfilled.

The Promise of Grace Never Fails

Perhaps, you are one of those who have heard the word, “YOU CAN’T” for such a long time and you believe the lie and repeatedly, it holds true for your life. That is not the end. The good news is that you never have to. You can make great things happen in your own life, in your finances, in your marital life, and in your career too. God’s unending promises sustained by his limitless grace never fail. They always come through. It has worked wonders and miracles in my health, my financial life, my ministry, and my businesses too. By claiming the promises of God and depending on the audacity of his grace, God’s announcement is that you are already on your way to entering God’s GraceWorld of intimidating prosperity, and the victory sanctuary of his favor where you shall be liberated from the turbulent forces and strongholds that have kept you where you have been for far too long. Maybe, there are giants you have been facing lately in your finance, in your business, on your career pathway, or in your marriage and your children. If you have been subjected to any of the former, God’s promised word to you is this: you don’t have to fear these giants anymore. Just train your mind to work success for your life and begin to activate your faith by claiming the promises of God’s grace for your life. When you do so, you find out that you are able to face every giant without pressure.

One thing that is guaranteed for anyone who believes is that God is always available to arm you with power, and because he is the commander in chief of the armed forces of heaven, whatever that is confronting your life will have to face God first and let us see how it will get to you. The appeal from God is simple: bring them on. I care deeply about you. I am ready to give you rest from the burdens and restlessness of life (Matthew 11:28), for the victory you have longed for is here. If you can cast all your fears and cares on me, God is certain that his grace is enough to lead you through and facilitate your breakthrough (1 Peter 5:7).

Think About It

For your mind liberation and automation for success exercise number 2, ask yourself: What is the limitation I need to overcome to live my best life now and for the rest of this month? What are the major initiatives I need to undertake to accomplish the goal number one out of the five goals for my life that I identified in
10 SLYBLNP # 1 above

Write down the initiatives below that you have identified that you need to believe the grace of God to accomplish and begin to automate your mind into success to get them actualized. Again, I will ask that you list or write these life goals and dreams down as well as how you plan to go about them and begin to make declarations about them. If you want, put todays date by the side of it, and sign your signature. Remember that these goals and the initiatives on how to achieve them must be SMART which is an acronym for:

• Specific

• Measurable

• Attainable

• Realistic and

• Timely.







“This I assure you: Whatever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is already loosed in heaven.”

—Matthew 18:18

“Those who believe they can move mountains, do. Those who believe they can’t cannot. Belief triggers the power to do.”

—David J. Schwartz


Have you
considered that you
are actually a very powerful person? In case you have been in doubt about that, God has assured you in Matthew the eighteenth chapter (18:18) that he has armed you with enough power, wisdom, knowledge, and every tool that you need to excel in your life journey and be the best. Your belief in you is essential to your big break in life. If you cannot believe in yourself, how on earth do you want to be believed by others? How can they take you serious and how do you ever think you will win big and reach success? The implication of what God’s promised word in Matthew 18:18 is this: My grace is much sufficient for you today to give you the power to accomplish whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; for if there be any virtue, and if there be anything praise worthy in them, then these are the things God wants you to begin to automate your mind to work success towards, since by) thinking on these things, you can actually accomplish them because God has created you in his image and has given you enough power to accomplish greater things (Philippians 4:8).

If you want to actualize your life goals and dreams, what is required of you is to kill the thought of doubt and fear. In order words, you can go ahead and begin to thank God in advance for what he is able to accomplish through you. If you want to shout halleluiah, just go on. Go ahead. If you want to dance, you can as well begin, for God has already initiated a relationship with you in Jesus that can make you move mountains if you will accept Jesus’ leadership in your life. If you can grasp the depth of this relationship—something greater than a partnership, you discover that it can push you up and keep you up in life, and not turn you down. God wants to give you a future, a hope, a better plan than all the plans you have made in your lifetime which mostly didn’t get you where God had wanted. The great news is that you can stretch your limit and beat the reach. You can do this! God wants to secure an expected place and exalt your life and your generations. (Jeremiah 29:11). God wants to take you on a trip to such exciting places of life, where greater things happen.

“God is saying raise your expectations. I am the God of unlimited possibilities.”

I have given you all authority to trample upon the sneak and cobra of life—disappointments and setbacks, and over all the power and strategies of the enemy to keep you unsuccessful in life (Luke 10:19). The assurance of God’s word to you is to remove every land mines of doubt and fear the enemy has implanted over your mind and believe God’s word for your life; for God is bigger than your problems and greater than your mistakes. When you believe this, God is to perform the impossible in every area of your life. Every time a child of God obeys God, blessings follow. God’s announcement is, if you will learn to obey me today even in small things, there is no limit to how high I will take you. Obeying God in small things means that God will release big blessings for your life. If you can believe that by his special grace and power at work within you, that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). God is saying, don’t let your mind get on the way; teach your mind to work success for you today. This is why you must stay positive. When you stay positive and abide by God’s grace to favor you, God can push you to the top. You know why: It is because Jesus is crazy about your success. This is why he has given you enough power to the point that what you bind on earth is bound even in heaven, how about that? But just as Ralp Emerson once noted: “the only person you are destined to become is the person you decided to be.” You can choose to believe God’s promised word in your life or not.

What God’s word assured anyone who believes is success. It does not matter your wounds of yesteryears because God is able to heal all the bruises and causalities you have endured; and the grace of God is enough to compensate every loss you have encountered, even to the point of balancing your life budgets and goals. I encourage you to re-discover yourself, and the audacious nature of God’s grace and power at work within you which God has downloaded over your life. The grace and power of God when fully utilized which includes God’s abounding love, rich in freedom and forgiveness; in mercy and his unending peace has the potentiation to banish you and people from your neighborhood from poverty and many life struggles.

Jim John once noted that: “your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” With 10 strategies to living your best life now before you, and the application of its teachings and strategies, you can be rest assured that you; your spouse, your children, your finance, your career and even your cycle of friends can change for good. You are winners already. When you embrace the power which God has given to you, you discover that no longer will you belong to the camp of losers because you have now entered the hall of fame of God’s GraceWorld where you are able to overcome your failures and setbacks. You are able to rise to the top and experience God’s best and rediscover that the problem has never been in; or from God, but from you! When you automate your mind for success, you will rediscover God’s fresh anointing and his power to push you to the top. God is a keeper of his word and a sustainer of his promises and covenant. While you may think that you have reached your limit, you can’t take it any longer afterwards you have put in your very best, the audacity of God’s grace is saying—don’t accept defeat today, stay on, and watch out, for your best days and years are now here and your future days better than your little beginnings! If you can embrace the power of God in you, you are able to live your best life now by the special grace of God.

Activate Your Power to Succeed with God’s Word

How would you feel to know that your promotions have come at last and are unending? You can know this when you believe God’s word and activate the power of what God has promised to you because the durability of your promotion depends on the personality of your promoter—the God of grace. As I stated before, the breakthrough that you have longed for is in obedience to God’s word. For every time you obey God, God never forgets. Obedience to God’s word always brings disproportionate blessings and increase to anyone who believes. When we fully obey God, blessings will chase us, and pursue us wherever we go. In fact, the promise is that God’s blessings will overtake us, since we cannot run out of the good things of God. Obeying God and activating our faith in his promised word brings us big opportunities, new vital heights to enjoy everyday opportunities, healing and restoration of every stolen goods from the treasuries of our lives; favor, vindication and our ability to step into the future God has planned for our lives. This is why you can’t quit now. When we quit believing God, we call in failure to our present and future life. It is like paying for defeat.

For you and anyone around your circle of influence who is able to believe God’s promised word, (Deuteronomy 28:1-14 NIV) has laid down certain principles of God’s word to activate favor in your life. It says: If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.
All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God:

You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.

The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.

Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed.

You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.

The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.

The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

The Lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God and walk in obedience to him.
Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will fear you.
The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity—in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground—in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you.

The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.
The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.
Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.

To everyone, there is a season; a season to strive, a season to thrive, a season to fail and rise again; a time to overcome and conquer, and a season of difficulties and blessings. What God’s promised word guarantees is that your season to live your best life begins this moment, if you can activate the word and promises of God in your life and automate your mind to work success.

That is why you cannot quit now, for you are on your way to becoming very successful in life. The God of grace is ready, and the host of heaven is here to favor you and is ready to take you to places you have never before imagined. And guess what: God’s promised word for you is that God can do, exceedingly abundantly above, [superbly and beyond] all that we ask or think [i.e. what has never before entered our wandering imaginations] (Ephesians 3:19-20 NKJV) in your life. It will be a gradual process for many, but steadily, as you apply God’s word and declare his promises in your daily encounters, you will change your life. God has given you the power to do so because; God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of sound mind, of love, and of boldness (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV). God’s grace is enduring and very persistent. Many a times, as humans, we want immediate compensation and when we are short of our expectations, we try to strategize on the shortest road possible to success. Many times, these shortest mediocrity roads to success would become our shortest road to danger and they end up prolonging our ability to become successful. The problem with this negative mental attitude is that it often lands us into unpleasant circumstances that question who we are or who we profess to represent. It gives us a false identifies of who we are in Christ.

Understandably, challenges are inevitable and undesirable, but by the grace of God, you can still live your best life now and rise to the top once again, if you have taken short cuts to success in the past and that backfired and prolong your journey for success and prosperity. A story was told of a man who was connecting a flight in Las Vegas. He has heard many stories of people who played lottery in the Airport and won instantly. That day he opted to try. The story has it that as the man played the lottery, he won $10,000 instantly. He was very excited about this latest development. As he was carried away, while he immersed his mind into the lottery machines, he observed that it was almost time for his flight to take off as the flight had boarded. Disappointedly, he mistakenly left the $10,000 while he ran to catch his flight.

Now, another fellow who saw the $10,000 sitting carelessly pocketed the money in the airport. Days later, the man who lost his money contacted the authorities about his loss. A hotline number was provided for any Good Samaritans to call or anyone who knew something about the money. After days of struggle, the man who pocketed the money called and returned the money. When he was interviewed to explain why he returned the money since no one saw when the man who picked the money, took it, he said: I couldn’t imagine myself, spending another mans $10,000 that I did not earn or work for. Besides, I wanted to set a good example for my children by demonstrating to them that their father could be trusted. The truth is that many a times, short cut will always lead us to misery, either sooner or later. They never bring satisfaction and real joy for the children of God. When you obey the word and voice of God, God never forgets, for God will always compensate.

Find time to isolate yourself from the noise of life. Listen to God and activate your power to succeed with God’s word. Remember that every time you obey God, blessing will follow.

“There are opportunities that God has littered around you to cause you to experience success and real joy.”

Your Long Nights of Waiting Will
Turn to a New Day of Blessings

If you have had your blessings withheld, for those who are yet to attain the blessings God has promised them, God can still deliver on his promise. In (Numbers 23:19NIV) the Christian scriptures accounted that: God is not human, that he should lie [i.e. falsify his promise], not a human being, that he should change his mind (after he had promised). Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Now watch this: if your finances have dried up, may be your nights have stayed for far too long, the audacity of God’s grace is announcing that your morning have come (Psalm 30:5) for you to live at your best. But remember this: you have to activate your power to success and automate your mind to work success for you with God’s promised word of the covenant.

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