The Audacious Crimes of Colonel Blood (55 page)

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religion and succession to throne, 93, 166

Jenkins, Sir Leoline, 186–7, 198

Jenkins (shoemaker), 19

Jenks, Francis, 185, 202

Jennings, Jonathan, 154, 159, 163

Jennings (ship's surgeon), 105–6

Jephson, Colonel Alexander, 15–18, 21, 36, 38–9, 44–6, 48

Jesuits, 176–8, 180

John, King, 271

Johnson, Francis, 106

Johnson (shoemaker), 68

Jones, Major Henry, 28

Jones, Inigo, 94

Jones, John, 104

Jones, Captain Roger (‘Mene Tekel'), 57, 61, 68, 70, 74, 84, 139, 159, 170, 252

Jones, Sebastian, 268

Jones, Sir Theophilus, 15–18

Joplin, Robert, 74, 84

Joyner, Robert and Margery, 264

Keeling, Chief Justice, 88, 189

Kelsey, Thomas, 52

Ketch, Jack (executioner), 200

Key, Joseph, 5

Kilnaboy Castle, xvii–xx

King, Richard, 203

King, Robert, 6

King's Bench court, Dublin, 34–6, 47

King's Bench court, London, 186

King's Bench prison, Southwark, 159, 188

Kingston, John King, Baron, 12

Kirby, Christopher (chemist), 177–8

Kirke, Mr, 133

Knipe, John, 50

Knocknaclashy, Battle of, 240

Lambert, General John, 58, 252–3

Lancaster Castle, xxiv

Lane, Dame Dorcas, 64–5

Lane, Sir George, 30, 34, 36, 40, 44–5, 47, 64–5, 68–9, 201

Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, xxi

Langley, Dr Henry (former Master, Pembroke College, Oxford), 165, 281

Langley, Sir Roger, 58, 60

Laud, Archbishop, 239

Lauderdale, John Maitland, Earl of, 156–8

Lawrence, Lady, 105

Le Mar, Philip, 183, 186

Leake, Sir Francis, 104

Leckie, Mrs, 38–9

Leckie, William, 4, 13, 18, 22, 36–40, 47–8

Lee, Major, 61, 73

Leigh, Robert, 40, 45–6, 132

Leighton, Sir Ellis, 269

Leventhorpe, Mrs, 98, 265

Leving, William, 52, 57–8, 60, 62–3, 69–71, 73–5, 81–6

his death, 85–6, 183

salary for spying, 258

Levinz, Sir Cresswell, 186

licences for worship, 163–4

Lisburne, Adam Loftus, Viscount, 204, 290

Lisle, John, 67

Lisle, Thomas, 191

Littlebury, Robert, 34

Livesey, Sir Michael, 94, 263

Lockyer, Captain John, 59–61, 66, 71, 73, 76, 81, 83–5, 105, 114, 159

his supposed marriage, 259

London Gazette
, 55, 69, 100–1, 105, 124, 132

Louis IX, King of France, 271

Louis XIV, King of France, 161, 202

Loveland, Frances, 183

Low, Major William, 159

Lowestoft, Battle of, 255

Ludlow, Edmund, 9, 12, 66–8, 83, 105, 136, 143, 147, 200

return to England and death in Vevey, 196–7

role in Irish wars, 237–8

Lyttleton, James, 142–3

Lyttleton, Sir Thomas, 141–3

McCormack, Andrew, 28, 32, 42, 60, 71, 245

Maddox, Katherine, 129

Magalotti, Lorenzo, 55

Manchester, Edward Montague, Earl of, 268

Manning, Leonard, 53

Manton, Dr Thomas, 280

Marlborough,J ohn Churchill, Duke of, 203, 242

Marshalsea prison, Dublin, 244

Marshalsea prison, Southwark, 88, 104, 109, 141, 186

Marvell, Andrew, 133

Mary II, Queen, 203

Mary of Modena, Queen, 270

Mascall, William, 81, 163–4

Mason, Captain John, 57, 69, 75–85, 87, 96, 105, 113–14, 133, 188

brewer in Wapping, 198

refuses pardon, 159–60

Matthews, Colonel Edward, 200

maypole dancing, 49, 248

Meal-tub plot, 184

Meath, Earl of, 268

Medinaceli, Duke of, 273

Medway, River, Dutch raid on, 92, 255

Melborne, Robert, 60

Mervyn, Sir Audley, 7–8, 39

Mews, Peter (vice-chancellor, University of Oxford), 165

Milligan, James, 42

Milner, Richard Dean, 5

mince pies, proscription of, 49

Molyneux, Lord, xxiv

Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of, 112, 200

Moore, Lieutenant Colonel William, 28, 63–4, 91, 95, 98, 106–7, 109, 121

Moray, Sir Robert, 158

Morland, Sir Samuel, 51, 250

Morley, George, bishop of Winchester, 139

morris dancing, 248

Morrison, Colonel, 233

Morton, Sir William, 88, 107–8, 145, 277

Mosely, William, 103

Mumford, William, 88

Musgrave, Sir Philip, 71, 87

Muskerry, Donagh MacCarthy, Viscount, 240–1

Nag's Head tavern, Cheapside, London, 173

Naseby, Battle of, 249

Neale, Sir Paul, 250

Neat Houses, 101, 265

Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 236

Nelthorpe, James, 160

Nelthorpe, Richard, 281

Netherlands (United Provinces), 66–7, 136, 146, 161, 255

Netterville, James, 179–80

Nevis, 2, 105

New Forest, tree planting in, 53

New Model Army, xxiii, 1, 58

New York, 263

Newman, Mr, 166

Newmarket races, 199

Newton, Thomas, 274

Nicholas, Sir Edward, 52

Nisbet, Captain John, 240

Nonsuch House tavern, Bow Street, London, 173

North, Sir Dudley, 276

North, Henry, 62, 175–6

Northampton, Lord, 276

northern rebellion, 57–8, 60, 74, 133

Northumberland, Henry Percy, Earl of, 118–19

Oates, Titus, 69, 176–82, 286

O'Brien, Teige, xx

Okey, John, 67

Oldenburg, Henry, 51, 249–50

Old Man's Head tavern, St James's, London, 173

O'Neill, Hugh, xvii

Order of the Garter, 98

Ormond, James Butler, Duke of, xx, 4–5, 55, 64, 67–8, 70–1, 118, 262

assault on, 43, 90–114, 133, 135–7. 143–4. 155, 174

and Blood's apology, 147–8

and Blood's pardon, 136, 147–9

and Buckingham's enmity, 110–12, 135–6, 262, 269

death, 197

and Dublin Castle conspiracy, 8–13, 15, 18–23, 25–39. 4I-4, 247–8

plots against, 198–9, 282

Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 27, 29, 63–4, 68, 71, 240

Osborne, Sir Thomas, 141–3

Ossory, Thomas Butler, Earl of, 110–12, 182

Ovid, 197, 196–7

Owen (servant), 104

Owens, George, xx

Oxford Gazette
, 251

Parry, Dr, 37

Partridge, Henry, 108

Paston, Sir Robert, 140

Paulden, Captain William, xxi, 233

Peachy, Thomas, 268

Peel, Sir Robert, 99

Pennington, Alderman, 268

Pentland uprising, 70–1, 130, 258

Pepys, Samuel, 11, 55, 158, 251, 255, 264, 266, 272, 274

captain of
, 283

Pepys papers, 122, 188

Percival, Sir John, 38

Percival, Richard, xxiv

periwigs, fashion for, 255

Perrot, Captain Robert, 121, 124, 126–7, 129–30, 134, 146, 148, 198, 200, 275, 277

Perryn, Mrs, 103

Perwich, William, 150

Petty, Sir William, 3, 236, 241

Peyton, Sir Robert, 173–4, 179, 285

Pheasant tavern, Inner Temple, London, 173

Phelps, John, 66–7, 197, 256

Philippa of Hainault, xvi

Phillips (glover), 31

Piccadilly, 90–1, 96–8, 108, 173, 261–2

Pilgrimage of Grace, xxiv

piracy, xviii

Plunkett, Oliver, archbishop of Armagh, 181

poison, 85, 183

political clubs, 173

Ponsonby, Sir John, 37, 246

Pontefract Castle, Yorkshire, xxi, 233–4

Popish Plot, 176–82, 198

Porter, Henry, 238–9

postal service, and intelligence gathering, 50–2, 249

Poultney (grazier), 95

Povey, Captain Thomas, 55, 144

Prance, Miles, 178

Pratt, Sir Roger, 262

Preston, Battle of, xxi, 233

Prestwood, Joan, 259

Pretty, Colonel Henry, 240

Pretty, Matthew, 95

Pretty, William, 264

Price, Mrs Elizabeth, 88, 106

Pride's Purge, xxiv, 235

Primrose Hill, Middlesex, 178, 286

propaganda, government use of, 55

Proudfoot, George, 244

Proudfoot's Castle jail, Dublin, 34

psalms, Scottish, 166

Quakers, 27, 54, 153, 164–5, 279

Queen's Bench prison, 206

Queen's College, Oxford, 198

Rainborowe, Colonel Thomas, xxi–xxii, 233

Rainsford, Lieutenant, 129

Rainsford, Sir Richard, 237

Rathbone, John, 272

Rathbone plot, 121

Rathmines, Battle of, 107

Richard II, King, statute of, 280

Richard of Pudlicott, xvi, 230

Richelieu, Cardinal, 158

Roberts, Mary, 246

Robinson, Sir John, 75, 130, 134, 145, 148, 153, 274

Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, 150, 278–9

Rook, Captain, 168

Royal Engineers, 206

Royal Exchange, London, 104–5, 170

Royal Menagerie, 120, 271

Royal Navy, 64, 143, 168, 202, 255


, 176

, 283

, 168, 283

, 202, 289

, 150

, 105, 267

Royal Charter
, 92

, 92

Royal Society, 158, 249

Rullion Green, Battle of, 70–1

Rump Parliament, 1

Rupert, Prince, xxii, 113, 136–7

Ruxton, Lieutenant John, 28, 48

Rye House plot, 199–200

Ryther, Samuel, 182, 184–5

St Andrew's,
Hornchurch, Essex, 192–3

St Breock, near Wadebridge, Cornwall, 155

St Edward the Confessor, 116–17

St Fin Barr's Cathedral, Cork, xviii

St James's Day Battle, 255

St James's marketplace, 173

St James's Palace, 91, 99

St James's Park, 177, 180

St John's Head (or ‘Heaven') tavern, Westminster, 104, 181, 267

St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, London, 199

St Mary's Stoining, London, 177, 285

St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, 22

St Paul's Cathedral, London, 177, 257, 262

Salgado, James, 180

Sandford, Captain Theophilus, 21, 38

Sands, Captain, 64

Sandys, Thomas, 112

Santry, James Barry, Baron (Chief Justice of Irish King's Bench Court), 34, 39, 244

Scott, John, 236

Scott, Colonel Thomas, 21, 38, 48

Scott (York barber), 75, 78–80, 82–3

‘Scottish Maiden', the, 246

Scurlocke, Edward, 3

Sedgemoor, Battle of, 200

Sedition Act, 241

Seymour, Sir Edward, 196

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Earl of, 147, 179–80

Shapcott, Lieutenant Colonel Robert, 31–2, 35, 48

Sherborne, Captain, 129

Sherborne, siege of, xxi, xxiii, 233

Short Parliament, xxiv

Sidney, Algernon, 66

silk armour, 202

Sill (soldier), 128

Simons (conspirator), 96, 109

Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School, Rochester, Kent, 198

Sloane, Mary, 205

smallpox, 278

Smith, Sir Edward, 237

Smith, Justice, 130

Smith, William, 96, 121, 124, 129, 141, 160, 174–5

Smullen, John, 21

sodomy, 173, 182–4, 186

Solemn League and Covenant, 17, 23

Somerset House, London, 198

Southwell, Sir Robert, 136, 197

spies and informers, 52–3, 172–3, 175

in Buckingham's service, 110–11

payments to, 73, 83, 258

Spurway, Captain Humphrey, 160

Staples, Major Alexander, 12, 24, 28–9, 31–2, 34, 48

Staples, Charity, 248

Stevens, Sir John, 10

Strafford, Earl of, 239

Strange, Lord, xxiv

Stringer, Justice, 81, 83

Strype,John, 122

stuff, 265

Sturges, Andrew, 22

Sue, Eugene, 261

Sunderland, Robert Spencer, Earl of, 181, 186

Sunderland, Thomas, 107

Talbot, Sir Gilbert, 25, 117–19, 129, 134

Talbot, Sir John, 119

Talbot, Peter, archbishop of Dublin, 167, 282

Tanner, James, 18, 22, 31–4

Taylor, John, 248

Taylor (informant), 104

Temple, Sir John, 38

Test Acts, 166

Thames, River, bathing in, 276

‘thief-takers', 99

Thomas, Gilbert, 257

Thompson, John, 30

Thompson, Lieutenant Richard, 18, 21, 36, 38–41, 44, 46

Thomson, Alexander, 130

Thurloe, John, 249

Tonge, Israel, 69, 177–8

Tonge, Thomas, 160

Tothill Fields, Westminster, xvi, 101, 192, 265–6

Tower Hill, execution of Monmouth on, 200

Tower of London, plot to capture, 174, 272

see also
Crown Jewels; Royal Menagerie

Treaty of Breda, 92, 263

Treaty of Nonsuch, 230

Treaty of Westminster, 263

Tredenham, Sir Joseph, 196

Trentham, Christopher, 6

Trinity College, Dublin, 3–4

Trishaire, Thomas, 104

Turet, Lieutenant, 10

Turner, Francis, 112

Turner, Sir James, 70

Tyburn, 90, 97–8, 109, 181, 262

Uffenbach, Zacharias von, 205

University of Oxford, 165

Vale Royal Abbey, xxiv

Venloo, siege of, 203

Venner, Thomas, 55

Vernon, Colonel Edward, 9, 13–14, 20–1, 24, 26, 31, 33, 35–8, 44, 200

Vincent, Nathaniel, 3

Viner, Sir Robert, 101, 116, 199, 266

Vortius, Jacob, 42

Wakeman, Sir George (chief physician to Catherine of Braganza), 178

Walden, Sir Lionel, 168

Walker, Sir Edward, 117

Wallace, Colonel, 12

Waller, Sir William (Parliamentary general), 56

Waller, Sir William, London (magistrate), 173, 176, 180, 184–7, 284

Wallis, Dr John, 51, 249

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