The Atlantis Blueprint (47 page)

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Authors: Colin Wilson

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1. Zapp and Erikson.

2. Watkins, Alfred.

3. Heyerdahl, Thor, The Kon-Tiki Expedition, London, 1950, reissued in 1996 by Flamingo.

4. Lewis, David, We, The Navigators, 1972, reissued in 1991 by University of Hawaii Press.

5. Zapp, Ivar, and George Erikson, Atlantis in America, Adventures Unlimited, USA, 1998.

6. Knight and Lomas, Uriel’s Machine, p. 106.

7. Cremo and Thompson, Forbidden Archaeology, p. 198.

8. Needham, Vol. 4, p. 542.

9. Barber.

10. Marshack.

11. ‘When the Sahara Was Green’, p.206.

12. Moran and Kelley

13. Graves, Robert, The White Goddess, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1948, reissued in 1999 by Faber & Faber, London.

Bailey, Jim, The God-Kings and the Titans, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1973.

15. Fox, Hugh, Gods of the Cataclysm: A Revolutionary Investigation of Man and His Gods Before and After the Great Cataclysm, Harper’s Magazine Press, New York, 1976.

16. Bailey, Sailing to Paradise, p. 25.

17. Patten, Donald, The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch: A Study in Scientific History, Pacific Meridian Publishing Co., Seattle, WA, 1966.

18. Chatelain, Maurice, Our Cosmic Ancestors, Light Technology Publications in USA, paperback edition, 1988, reissued in 1996.

19. Frawley, David, Gods, Sages and Kings: Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization, Passage Press, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1991.

20. Frawley, p. 185.

21. Sellers, Jane B., The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt, Penguin Books, London, 1992.

22. Email from Sellers to Flem-Ath, 29 March 2000.

23. Wilson, Colin, Starseekers, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1980.

24. Schwaller de Lubicz, Rene, Sacred Science: The King of Pharaonic Theocracy, translated by André and Goldian VandenBroeck, Inner Traditions International, Rochester, VT, 1988, originally published in French as Le Roi de la theocractie Pharaonique in 1961 by Flammarion.

25. Lash, John, The Skies in Memory (a work in progress).

26. Tompkins, Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, p. 301.

27. Chatelain, p. 50.

28. Morley, Sylvanus Griswold, Introduction to the Study of Maya Hieroglyphics, Dover Books, New York, 1975.

29. Chatelain, p. 54.

30. McCrone, John, ‘Fired Up’, New Scientist, 20 May 2000.

31. Calder, Nigel, Timescale, p. 241.

32. Wilson, From Atlantis to the Sphinx, pp. 50–52.

Chapter 7: Fallen Angels

1. Book of the Secrets of Enoch, p. 2.

2. Book of the Secrets of Enoch, p. 4.

3. Moorehead, Alan, The Blue Nile, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1962.

Collins, Andrew, with additional research by Richard Ward, From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race, Michael Joseph, London, 1996.

5. Book of the Secrets of Enoch, The, translated by W. R. Morfill and edited with an introduction by R. H. Charles, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1896.

6. Book of the Secrets of Enoch, pp. 9–11.

7. O’Brien, Christian and Barbara Joy, The Genius of the Few, p. 90.

8. Charles, R. H., The Book of Enoch, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1912, Chapter 61, Stanza 5.

9. Barton, George Aaron, Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions, 1918.

10. O’Brien, Christian and Barbara Joy, The Shining Ones.

11. O’Brien, Christian and Barbara Joy, The Genius of the Few: The Story of Those Who Founded the Garden in Eden, Turnstone Press Limited, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, UK, 1985.

12. O’Brien, Christian and Barbara Joy, The Shining Ones.

13. Knight and Lomas, Uriel’s Machine, pp. 236–7.

14. Hawkins, Gerald, Stonehenge Decoded, Doubleday, New York, 1965.

15. Daily Telegraph, 7 August 1999.

16. Daniken, Erich von, According to the Evidence: My Proof of Man’s Extraterrestrial Origins, Book Club Associates, London, 1978.

17. Hancock and Bauval, Keeper of Genesis, pp. 200–201.

18. Rand to Colin quoting Collins, Andrew, ‘Baalbek: Lebanon’s Sacred Fortress’, New Dawn, No. 43, July–August 1997:

Chapter 8: Golden Section Sites

1. Picknett, Lynn, and Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1997.

2. Andrews, Richard, and Paul Schellenberger, The Tomb of God: The Body of Jesus and the Solution to a 2,000-Year-Old Mystery, Little, Brown & Company, London, 1996.

3. Lincoln, Henry, Key to the Sacred Pattern: The Untold Story of Rennes-le-Château, St Martin’s Press, New York, 1998.

Sède, Gérard de, Le Trésor maudit, Editions J’ai Lu, Paris, 1968.

5. Hancock, Graham, The Sign and the Seal: The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1992.

6. Grierson and Munro-Hay.

7. Weston, Jessie L., From Ritual To Romance, Chapter 14; Loomis, Roger, introduction to Chrétien’s ‘Perceval, or the Story of the Grail’, Mediaeval Romances (Modern Library).

8. Lincoln, Henry, The Lost Treasure of Jerusalem, broadcast on BBC2 on 12 February 1972.

9. Lincoln, Key to the Sacred Pattern, p. 69.

10. Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, London, originally Jonathan Cape, London, 1982, revised edition published by Corgi, 1996.

11. ‘Only one planet describes a precise and regular geometric pattern in the sky

and that planet is Venus… and the pattern that she draws as regular as clockwork every eight years is a pentacle.’ Lincoln, The Holy Place, p. 69.

12. Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, 1996 revised edition, p. 92, which cites a letter to Lincoln from Abbé Mazières in notes, p. 517.

13. Lincoln, Key to the Sacred Pattern, p. 218.

14. Knight and Lomas, Uriel’s Machine, p. 307, quoting from E. W. Barber, The Mummies of Urumchi, Macmillan, London, 1999.

15. Lomas and Knight, Uriel’s Machine, p. 307.

16. Michell, The New View Over Atlantis, pp. 62—3.

17. New York Times, 28 March 1947, cited in Hausdorf, p. 112.

18. Cathie, Bruce, The Bridge to Infinity, America West, Bozeman, Montana, 1995.

19. Lincoln, Key to the Sacred Pattern, p. 148.

20. Lincoln, Key to the Sacred Pattern, p. 15.

21. Wood, David, Genisis: The First Book of Revelations, Baton Press, Tunbridge Wells, UK, 1985.

22. Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia, The Holy Grail Revealed, Newcastle Publishing, North Hollywood, 1982.

23. Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy, Jonathan Cape, London, 1986.

24. Wood, David, and Ian Campbell, Geneset Target Earth, Bellevue Books, Sunbury-on-Thames, UK, 1994.

25. Hancock and Faiia, pp. 212—21.

Schoch, p. 111.

27. Berriman, A. E., Historical Metrology, Dent, New York, 1953.

28. Lincoln, Key to the Sacred Pattern, pp. 215–16.

29. Henry Lincoln informs us that there are only two known copies of this book, both of which are now missing from the libraries that list them in their catalogues. See Lincoln, Key to the Sacred Pattern, pp. 69–70.

Chapter 9: What the Templars Found

1. Brydon, Robert, The Guilds, the Masons and the Rosy Cross, Friends of Rosslyn, Edinburgh, 1984.

2. Wilson, Colin, Mysteries: An Investigation Into The Occult, The Paranormal & The Supernatural, Putnam, New York, 1978.

3. Critchlow, Keith, Time Stands Still, Gordon Fraser, London, 1979.

4. Critchlow, pp. 8–9.

5. Myers, F. W. H., Human Personality and its survival of Bodily Death, University Books, New York, 1961, pp. 75–6.

6. Picknett and Prince, The Templar Revelation, p. 97.

7. British sacred sites (listed from west to east) on latitude 30 degrees north during the Yukon Pole. (30N = 3,600 nautical miles from the pole.)

Sacred Sites
3,600 = 30N
Old Sarum
Rollright Stones
Mersea Island

Michell, The Dimensions of Paradise, p. 28.

9. Pennick, The Ancient Science of Geomancy, p. 99.

10. Pennick, The Subterranean Kingdom, pp. 133–4.

11. Baldock and Pyongyang were both exactly 3,995 nautical miles from the Yukon Pole at latitude 29:55N.

12. Jang-jin, Hwang, ‘Law proposed to preserve megalithic culture’, Korea Herald, 25 February 1999: (1 March 1999).

13. Parker, E. H., ‘On Race Struggles in Korea’, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 23 (1890), pp. 137–228.

14. Nelson, p. 210.

15. University of California, Learning about Korea, series 1: (8 May 2000).

16. Guignebert, The Jewish World in the Time of Jesus, 1935, p. 200.

17. Daraul: Secret Societies, Tandem 1965, p. 79.

18. Furneaux: The Other Side of the Story, London 1953, p. 132.

19. Wilson, A Criminal History of Mankind, 1983, p. 222.

20. Knight, Christopher, and Robert Lomas, The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud and the Great Secret of Freemasonry, Century, London, 1997.

21. Picknett and Prince, Turin Shroud: In Whose Image?

22. Tailby

23. Sitchin, The Lost Realms, p. 202.

24. Flem-Ath, Rand and Rose, When the Sky Fell, p. 28.

25. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Peru, Book 1.

26. Sitchin, The Lost Realms, pp. 203–4.

27. See, for example, Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods, p. 230.

28. Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods, p. 49.

29. Cuzco creation myth translated by Christobal de Molina (1575), quoted in Christian and Barbara Joy O’Brien, The Shining Ones, p. 533.

30. Prescott.

31. Prescott.

32. Prescott.

33. Prescott.

34. Sitchin, Zecharia, The Lost Realms, p. 202.

35. Baigent and Leigh, Temple and the Lodge, p. 126.

Chapter 10: The Legacy

1. Swaney, Deanna, The Lonely Planet Guide to Bolivia.

2. Wright, p. 4; Thorton, pp. 22–25.

3. Heyerdahl, Thor, The Kon-Tiki Expedition, London, 1950, reissued in 1996 by Flamingo.

4. Heyerdahl, Thor, The Ra Expedition, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1971.

5. Santos, Arysio Nunes dos, on his website: May 1999).

6. Santos, Arysio Nunes dos.

7. Heyerdahl, Thor, Daniel H. Sandweiss and Alfredo Narvaez, The Pyramids of Tucume: The Quest for Peru’s Forgotten City, Thames and Hudson, London, 1995.

8. Heyerdahl, Thor, The Ra Expedition.

9. Flem-Ath, Rand and Rose, ‘Contact’.

10. Balabanova, S., F. Parsche and W. Pirsig, ‘First Identification of Drugs in Egyptian Mummies’, Naturwissenschaften 79, 358, 1992.

11. Collins, Gateway to Atlantis, pp. 147–8.

12. Hapgood, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, p. 83, footnote.

13. Temple, The Sirius Mystery, pp. 20–21

14. Davis, Nancy Yaw, ‘The Zuni Enigma’, New England Antiquities Research Association, Vol. XXVII, Nos. 1 & 2, Summer/Fall 1992. Thanks to Ray Beaumont at the Frontier School Division No. 48 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for bringing this article to Rand’s attention.

15. Newton.

16. Knight and Lomas, Uriel’s Machine, p. 151.

17. Knight and Lomas, Uriel’s Machine, p. 146.

18. Knight and Lomas, Uriel’s Machine, p. 172.

19. Blankenship, Donald D., Robin E. Bell, Steven M. Hodge, John M. Brozena, John C. Behrendt and Carol A. Finn, Active vol-canism beneath the West Antarctic ice sheet and the implications for ice-sheet stability’, Nature, Vol. 361, 11 February 1993, pp. 526–9.

20. Flem-Ath, Rand and Rose, When the Sky Fell, pp. 107–9.

21. Blankenship, et al.

Appendix 2: Letter to Rand Flem-Ath from Charles H. Hapgood, 16 October 1982

1. Flem-Ath, Rand, ‘A Global Model for the Origins of Agriculture’, The Anthropological Journal of Canada, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1981, reprinted in 1995 as an appendix in When the Sky Fell.

2. Rand noted (following the work of Vavilov) in the above paper that the earliest experiments with agriculture seem to correspond with land that is 1,500 metres above ocean level.

3. Charles knows from Rand and Rose’s first letter to him in April 1977 that they believe that Atlantis was Antarctica before the last displacement.

4. Charles is referring to Rand’s article. Rand knows and believes that agriculture began in Atlantis (Antarctica) many thousand of years earlier but he cannot say this in his article and expect to be published in a scientific journal.

5. The whereabouts of this manuscript is a mystery. Rand and Colin have communicated with Hapgood’s relatives and friends and have been unable to locate this important unpublished manuscript.

6. Rand and Colin both disagree with Hapgood on this point (see When the Sky Fell and From Atlantis to the Sphinx).

7. Rand had written about the correlation between altitude (1,500 metres above ocean level) and agricultural origins: ‘This might be explained by crustal displacement, which would surely result in fantastic tidal waves. Any survivors would have a strong motive for staying in high mountains.’ Charles took this to mean that Rand was advocating the notion of 1,500-metre-high tidal waves but what Rand meant was that any tidal waves would have the consequence of making the survivors afraid to live near the ocean.

8. Rand and Rose developed this idea in When the Sky Fell (pp. 49–51), calling this longitude (83 degrees west and 97 degrees east) the ‘line of greatest displacement’.

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