The Arthur Machen Megapack: 25 Classic Works (170 page)

Read The Arthur Machen Megapack: 25 Classic Works Online

Authors: Arthur Machen

Tags: #ghost stories, #Fantasy, #Horror, #Lovecraft, #occult

BOOK: The Arthur Machen Megapack: 25 Classic Works
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But close the temple stair
And marble altars; faint not by the way
And fall not, for the fair
Queen shineth like a star
At close of day.
Press on yet faster, lest there be delay.
The maidens are not silent: what a strain
Of love and sweet desire floats along
Their clean sweet voicéd chorus: is there any song
Like to their music, pleasure and sweet pain
Are met together, mingled in a chain,
There is no failing; e’en the weak are strong.
The sweet soft scent of roses fills the air
With silent music, even as a dream
The lilies anguish and the censors stream.
Sweet sounds and scents are mingled everywhere;
Far in the clear blue distance climbs the mountain stair.
Thus with their offering of solemn song
The glad procession sweeps along the road,
With dances and with music, till afar
They see the temple: with renewed acclaim
The waves of song burst forth as each one sees
The goal of his desire.
Clear in the summer air it stands and shines
Like music carved in marble, and a song.
What can we say or sing
Of such a moment, for the swelling chords
Are broken of the old resounding harp;
Let there be silence and a solemn awe.
And as we strain across the blinding storm
Of many ages: only semitones
Half broken, half resounding, echo yet,
Heard by a few who love the former time,
And dim remembrance of the far-off years.
Now peace awhile, the night is drawing near;
Peace, and let silence fall
Upon the temple, peace and solemn fair.


The night has come, a cloud of darkness falls
Upon the temple, save a lonely torch
Lighting at intervals the silent throng,
Who still are waiting there until the time
When all its glories shall be seen by them;
And still a silence…
The heart is sick with waiting, half afraid
And half expectant, is not yet the time?
But ever silence…

. . . . .

. . . . .

Hark the trumpet sounds!
Upon the steps the holy herald stands,
And bids the worshippers prepare to see
The glory of the goddess.
How awful darkness broods, and one by one
They pass within; but what is seen by them
Within the temple; who of men shall tell,
Only dim legends handed down and told
From age to age; but no man knows the truth,
Only they tell that sudden light was seen,
And then the darkness covered all again.
Anon the thunder rolls and breaks along,
Crashing and thrilling all the halls among,
And then the silence covered all again.

. . . . .

. . . . .

Sweet and fearful sounds,
Following in alternation till the soul
Was melted all within, the heart was still
And almost life departed, then at last
The glory of the goddess was revealed.


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