The Art of Submission (43 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

Tags: #Love, #spanking adult sexual, #Romance, #Passion, #bared to you, #dommewhipping bdsm sex erotica, #domination and bondage, #erotika, #domination and submission erotica fantasy, #domination spanking, #50 shades of grey, #domination submission, #love romance, #gabriels inferno, #domme, #bondage, #passion and lust, #oral, #angst, #Bdsm, #Beautiful Disaster, #passion sexual desire hurt rage

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I felt it was only
appropriate that I paint this on the back of the art clause. I hope
you like it. You really do inspire some of my best
. –


All my anger from her punishment
comment suddenly disappears. Is that how she really sees me?
My God.
Her talent is overwhelming.
Why was I so angry a minute ago?
punishing me
... why was angry about that, again? I
think back to the slaps, the belt around my wrists and the look on
her face and the way her body moved when she became alter ego Isa.
I can’t focus. I can’t breathe. I can’t take my eyes off her
painting of me. So this is what she did while I was sleeping. I
love the thought of that; her painting and being creative while I’m
I inspire her…
She inspires me too. The idea of her punishing me doesn’t seem so
wrong anymore. Or absurd.
… What the fuck am I thinking? I’m a Dom damn it. I
can forgive her remark, but it’s not going to happen.
It’s not going to happen. No. It’s not. Going.
To. Happen.

The rest of the plane ride to Dallas
goes smoothly and quickly. I skim the contract once more just
before we land, pausing at the last remark.
Damn it, Isa
. Then I flip it over and scan the
painting one more time.

I try calling Isa again in vain and my
irritation threatens to boil over. Where the hell is she? When I
finally land, Sawyer is waiting for me and we immediately head to
Castele Enterprises main office and immediately get to work
regarding the security issues. I push the image of my beautifully
talented Isa to the back of my mind, turn off my phone and focus on

It’s close to 8 p.m. when I finally get back
to the hotel. The day was tedious and frustrating as my group of
computer and defense specialists tried to find a solution for the
breach in security and I’ve been itching to call Isa all damned
day. Once I get settled in, I can’t wait any longer. So help me
Almighty, if she doesn’t answer her phone this time, I’ll send
someone over from headquarters to find her. To my surprise and
relief, she answers on the first ring.

“Hi.” She says out of breath… or

She immediately answers my question about not
answering her phone before I even ask.

“Oh Dylan, I’m just so happy to hear your
voice. I’m so sorry about my phone. I didn’t have my charger with
me and the battery was dead. Dylan… I… I”

What the hell? She

“What’s wrong, Isa?”

“Dylan… I… I just had a really bad day,
that’s all.”

“Please tell me why.” I want to know why
she’s upset.

“Dylan… I… it’s nothing. I already feel
better now that you’ve called.”

She feels better now that I’ve called… I like
that. I have to admit, I feel better already, too, but why the hell
does she have to be so stubborn?

“Did you read the contract, Sir?” She

Did she really just call me
Holy fuck
. My cock
immediately jumps to attention. What prompted that? I didn’t even
tell her what I had decided about that. She’s in my head again and
I don’t know why the hell I’m surprised about it.

“I like it when you call me Sir, Isa.” I tell

“And I like it when you call me Isa, Sir.”
Her voice is seductive and lighthearted, and all of her previous
anxiety is gone. “I really wanted to see you today, Sir, and I’m
very sorry that I left without saying goodbye. Can you forgive

Holy fucking
. Where is all this coming from? And why the hell
is she talking to me like this when she’s 900 miles away and
there’s not a damned thing we can do about it?

“Of course I forgive you sweetheart, just
don’t let it happen again. I wanted to see you as well. What outfit
did you pick out this morning?” I ask her with my mouth watering
waiting for her answer.

“I picked the lovely black frill neck dress
you picked out and a beautiful pair of black espadrilles.” She says

I remember the dress.” I tell her and I can
imagine her wearing it, showing off her fantastic curves and her
delicious ass.

“You know, I’m like 5’5” in these shoes. It’s
quite a view up here. It’s no wonder tall people are always so
happy; the air up here is cleaner.” She says playfully.

Oh, Isa. I laugh out loud at her. She’s so
adorable. But I want to know more. I want to know what she’s
wearing underneath, too. I start to rub my cock as I wait for her

“A very pretty black lacey push up bra and
matching shorties. You do have impeccable taste, Sir. But you
didn’t answer my question. Did you read the contract?”

No. I don’t want to talk about that right
now. I just want to hear Isabel’s sexy-as-hell voice talking
teasingly to me.

“Yes, Sir. Whatever you want. Can you tell me
what you’re wearing?”

Damn it, Isa
She’s so frustrating. My attire isn’t at all desirable like

“According to whom? I find your attire
completely and entirely mouth watering. So tell me. Please?”

What the hell is she doing to me? Yes, I’ll
tell her. How can I deny her when she’s being so perfectly charming
and submissive? I tell her but what I’m wearing isn’t nearly as fun
as her description.

“I wouldn’t say that. I can just
imagine you wearing it and how delicious you must look in it. Oh
… why do you have
to be so far away?”

Dear Lord.
is she acting like this? What’s gotten into her? “Isa, what’s going


“What do you mean?”

“I think you know what I mean. You’re not
acting at all like yourself right now.”

“You don’t like the way I’m acting right
now?” She asks gloomily.

“I love the way you’re acting right now, but
what’s the reason behind it?”


“I just ... nothing. Never mind. Can we talk
about the contract now?” She says and just like that, all of her
playfulness is gone.

Why did
I have to ask her that?
Nice going,
“Is that what you really want to talk about
right now, Isa?”

“Well, no. Not really.” Her voice is soft and

Something’s bothering her. “I’m only going to
ask you this one more time, Isabel. What happened today?”

it, Isa.

“Oh, Dylan. I… I don’t want to talk
about it. I’m just so happy to hear your voice. Please tell me that
you want me and not just for my paintings.
I need to hear it.”

What the fuck? My poor, Isa. What’s going on?
I can’t stand this. I’ll tell her whatever she wants to hear to
make her feel better. When I tell her, I can hear her breathing
halt and then her voice cracks.

“I lied Dylan. I’m sorry. I hate lying and I
lied.” She whispers.

What the hell is she talking
What did she lie
to me about? I hate fucking liars. I feel myself becoming
What the fuck did she lie to me
? This could be a deal breaker.
I won’t tolerate a liar
. “Tell me,

“Greer…” Her voice breaks.

What the
hell did she do with him?
To him?
The mental image of her perfect mouth around his cock flashes
in my mind and I can barely contain my anger. “Tell me.

“I told him that you were my boyfriend;
that we’re dating. He wouldn’t leave me alone and he saw me with
your car. Please don’t be angry. I know you’re not my boyfriend,
but I just wanted him to leave me alone. I know I could never… that
I’m not…

What? This is what she lied about? She
didn’t lie to me; she lied to Greer. My heart rate slows as my
nerves calm down. But Greer; he wouldn’t leave her alone,
. My heart
rate spikes again at the thought.

“Did he touch you?” I ask trying again to
contain my anger.

“He tried, but no. I wouldn’t let him.” She
says as if she’s proud of herself.

Good girl.

“But… he…” She hesitates to tell me the

“What, sweetheart? He what?”

“He said something…. don’t make me say it. It
was so disgusting, Dylan.” She says sounding fearful.

What the fuck? Like hell she’s not going to
tell me.

“He said… he said….”

I can’t believe that motherfucker said
that to her. He obviously has more balls than
So that motherfucker
told her that
she said
she was dating me?

“Yes. Please don’t be angry with me,

What? Why would I be angry with her?
Why would she think that? The sound of her voice calling me Sir and
the thought of that son-of-a-bitch talking to my Isa the way he did
when he knows she belongs to me is almost too much to take. And why
exactly does she think that telling him we’re dating is a lie? We
are dating, sort of. I should’ve known she wouldn’t do anything
with him. My dear sweet, Isa. She wouldn’t lie to me.
She’s not Erika.

Because all of this is my fault for
sleeping with him in the first place.” Her voice is small and

That’s bullshit. He got her drunk for fuck’s
sake. Why does she do this to herself? And why does she think that
what she told him was a lie? Wait… she’s not ‘my type’? Where is
all this coming from?


. You told me that you didn’t want a
conventional relationship. That you wanted to make things very
clear that I was only going to be your submissive. I’ve seen
pictures of your ex-girlfriends, Dylan, and I’m nothing like them.
And Greer told me that a man like you could never be happy with
someone like me. Hearing that twice in one day was just a bit too
much. That’s where all this is coming from.”

Her words come out rushed and when she’s
finished, she’s out of breath.

. I did say all those things, but that was
oh hell
. Fucking
Greer; what the hell does he know and who the fuck does he think he
is talking to
my Isa
that? Maybe physically she’s not what I’ve been attracted to in the
past, but what does that matter? She’s my type now. She’s
everything I want and then some. She’s beautiful and talented and
funny and spirited. Did I also mention beautiful and

“Yes, you mentioned it a few times.” She
says, but her voice and tone hint at doubt.

Why doesn’t she believe me when I say things
like that? Why does she doubt me? “Is this because of your


Why did
I ask her that? I know she doesn’t want to talk about her

“Why would you ask something like that?” She
sounds irritated.

I might as well say it. I mean, hell, it
doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something happened to her
and by whom after the way she reacted to my spanking her, the way
she damn near had a meltdown at the site of the belts, the birth
control conversation, and her lack of interest in the family
clause. Not to mention the fact that she lives half a damned
country away from her only living parent.


“Actually, it did take a genius to figure
that out.” She says resigned.

Genius? I hate that term. I’ve been called
that before and I’ve never been comfortable with it.

At least she’s not denying it. I wanted to
know her secrets and now I do. But do I know all of them? I doubt
it. I still don’t know the details of her father or what’s she been
through since she’s been on her own, but I don’t want to push her
too much tonight. She’s already had a shitty day and I don’t want
to make it any worse.

“Do you still want to be with me?” She asks
in barely a whisper.

. Why wouldn’t I?

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