The Art of Domination (34 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

BOOK: The Art of Domination
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“I guess you really
do like it rough, don’t you?” he huffs as he unbuckles his belt with his free hand.

I can’t believe this is really happening.
Where are the police? Why isn’t anyone looking for me?
Because I killed the only man who would be looking for me
. I start to whimper again and when I feel the belt come across my thighs, I shriek out in pain.  Alex brings the belt up again and I brace myself for the pain, but it still stuns me. He brings it down over my shoulders and I start to try and crawl backwards away from him, but he has a firm grip in my hair. I pull anyway and he’s left with a handful of my mane. I screech from the intense pain.  The belt comes up again, but there’s a knock on the door.
Thank you, God.

Alex runs to the door and
there’s a woman’s voice in the foyer, although I can’t see her.

“Are you fucking insane? I can hear that bitch in the hallway! What are you doing in here?”

“You said she likes it rough, so I’m giving it to her rough.”

“You jackass,
I didn’t tell you to hurt her yet. You stupid ogre, go blindfold her.”

Alex comes back and his face is flushed from his verbal
lashing. He reaches into a bag and grabs some duct tape and proceeds to bind my wrists behind me and then wrap it around my head and eyes tightly.  I hear the woman walk into the room.

“Now gag her, you dumbass.”

“Stop calling me names or I’ll do the same thing to you, you ungrateful bitch,” Alex says to the woman.

“Look at you now, Isabel. You do
n’t look so high class laying here tied and gagged. Oh, my mistake. You like to be tied and gagged, don’t you?”

“Who are you?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know? I’m one of the many women your husband fucked over. Does that help you to figure out who I am?” she asks sarcastically.

Of course it doesn’t and she knows it. My God, it could be any one of the over 100 women that he’s been with.

“I told her that she killed her precious husband,” Alex says.

“Did you? Wasn
’t that sweet of you? Did you hear that Isabel? You killed your husband. No more easy life for you. Now you get to go back to where you came from - the shitty part of town like the trash that you are. No, you’ll go to jail instead and have your pussy eaten by some butch growler,” she laughs acidly.

“Go to
hell! I didn’t mean to kill him,” I scream at her.

“It doesn’t matter what you meant to do, you did it. You killed that
magnificent man. Now that he’s dead, you won’t need this anymore.”

She pushes my body to the side and takes my wedding ring off. I try to fight her, but my
efforts are futile. I holler obscenities at her and she slaps me hard.

“Get over here Alex and shut her up.”

I start crying again
. My amazing husband is gone and so is the beautiful ring that he gave me.
What have I done?



Chapter 22

After the short conversation, I feel like vomiting and I have Murphy pull the truck over so I can get some air. The medication is makin
g me woozy and I’m having a difficult time thinking straight.
Isa, my baby girl.
Where the fuck is Alex?
. Maybe he’s dead. I call Sawyer and tell him what’s going on and he sounds livid.

“Where the fuck is Alex?”

My thoughts exactly
. “I don’t know. He may be dead. Shit, Sawyer - Isa’s gone.”

“Call the police, Young

“No! I don’t deal with the police and you know that. They ask too many questions and cause more problems than they solve.”

“What did the woman say? What does she want - money?”

“No. That’s what
so damned disturbing; there was no mention of money at all. I would’ve already gotten the ball rolling if that were the case. She wants to see me in person and she said she’d call back. Track my phone and try to get a trace on the call. I know it’s a long shot, but try. Get out here and let’s start figuring this shit out. She’s obviously close by and we have a general description of her. Start calling all the hotels and see if there’s anything suspicious.  What I want to know is how the hell she knew Isa and I were out here. Someone has to have been feeding her information.”

“I’ve thought of that, too. The whole b
reak in was bogus. The thing is that it wasn’t really a break in. She got in using the current security code.”

“When the fuck did you plan on telling me that?” I yell at him.

“I just found out myself.  Fuck. I have a bad feeling about something…”

“What? Don’t leave me hanging - t
ell me.”

“What if Alex is the mole?”

“There’s no way. Alex has worked for us for years. He’s a good man, isn’t he? Shit. I can’t think straight with this medication. Figure it out, Sawyer. Do a background check on him. Check all his bank records and personal files. I can’t fucking think straight.  We have to find Isa.”

“I wi
ll, Young. I’m coming out there,” Sawyer says and I hear movement in the background likes me making double time getting somewhere.

“I’ll call Carson, he ca
n fly out there and pick you up,” I tell him.

I can drive there faster than waiting for Carson. Get some rest, Dylan. You need to be clear-headed. I fucking mean it.”

Sawyer hangs up and I’m left standing on the highway, trying to think of what to do
Isa - my poor baby girl.

As a wave of pain and nause
a hits me, I bend over and dry heave.  Murphy comes around to the side of the truck and helps me back in. I need more pain medication, but I can’t afford to take it. I need to think clearly.

We get back to the cabin and I sit on the couch while Murphy hu
nts around for clues, but there’s nothing to be found.

“What do you know about Alex? You two are close. Tell me if there’s any chance that’s he’s involved with this.”

Murphy stands in front of me with his hands on his hips and shakes his head.

“I don’t know. A few m
onths ago, I would’ve said no, but lately he’s been different; distant.  I don’t know, Young. He started dating this young thing and he changed.”

“Who? Who’s been dating?”

“I don’t know her name. I never met her. Alex mentioned her by accident when I went to pick up a file from him and I only saw her from a distance.”

“When was that?” I ask.

“Like a month ago.”

Shit. I’m starting see the puzzle coming together.
“What did she look like?”

Tall, slender, brown hair.”

“Like the women I used to date?” I ask, knowing full well what the answer is.

Murphy nods


I try to stand but pain shoots through my shoulder and I fall back onto the couch, daze
d by the throbbing heat emanating from my wound.

“Fuck!” I yell out.

“Take it easy, Young.”

“I can’t fucking take it easy,
Isa’s in danger. She could be dead
or dying.
Jesus, Murphy, help me up. We have to find her.”

Murphy and I decide to head into town so we have consistent phone reception. On our drive, m
y phone rings and it takes us both by surprise. I pick it up quickly, expecting to hear Sawyer’s voice.

“How’s your shoulder?” t
he woman says.

“I’ll fuck
ing kill you if you’ve hurt Isa.”

“We’ve already been through that.
Don’t you worry your pretty little head about her. She’s more resilient than you give her credit. We’re having a difficult time breaking her, but with a little help from my friend, I think we’ll succeed before long.”

Break her?
It takes everything I have not to scream obscenities into the phone. I gather my wits, put my pain aside, and count to ten. When I don’t respond, the woman continues.

“She’s a pretty little thing, isn’t she? Will you still love her when I’m done ruining that angelic face of hers? Will you s
till want to fuck her when my friend here has had his way with her?”

Jesus Christ.
I feel like vomiting again. “I’ll always love Isabel no matter what you do to her,” I answer truthfully. I immediately regret my answer by the response I get. The woman starts screaming into the phone and I can only make out half of what she’s saying. Isa was right - this woman is seriously mentally unstable.

“Fuck you,
Mr. Young.
What the fuck is so special about her? Tell me! Is it because she’s so God damned talented? Is that what I need to do to get you to see me instead of through me? Paint filthy garbage like she does? I’ve been watching you two and I know the sick shit she lets you do to her.  Is that what I need to do? Let you tie me up and fuck me in the ass?”

What the fuck?
She’s seen us? I feel even queasier than before. Has she been in our house, watching us?


I’m focusing on breathing and controlling my voice. I’ll give her what she wants if it means getting Isa back.


Her breath hitches and she quiets down. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. I said yes.” I say calmly.

“Yes, to what?” s
he asks as if she’s confused and forgotten her ranting question.

“If you take it up the ass and let
me tie you up, yes, I’ll see you and not through you. Do you have it in you to do that for me?”

“I… what’s your deal, Young?”

“Do you or don’t you? Can you take the pain like Isa can? Can you be submissive like Isa?”

“I can do anything that bitch can do.”

“Then show me.”



After a few minutes
, I realize the woman has left. I’m unable to speak because of the tape across my mouth. The bed dips next to me and the disgusting smell of Alex’s cologne fills my nostrils. He abruptly pulls the tape from my eyes, tearing skin from my eyelids and no doubt eyelashes and hair with it. Then he rips the tape off my mouth and I gasp out from the pain and try to catch my breath.

Are you ready for me?”

“No, Alex. Please don’t do this. Whatever that woman promised you, I…”

? You can give me more? Is that what you can give me?
?” he asks with a perverse smile on his face. His eyes dilate and I start crying.

“I’m going
to fuck you so good, blondie,” he says as he licks his lips and runs his hand up my thigh to my crotch.

I squeeze my thighs together as tight as I can and he laughs.

“Playing hard to get? I like that. I like my women to fight.”

Oh, it’s a fight he’ll get alright.
He pushes my thighs apart with both hands and shoves his fingers into me and I squeal from the dry thrust.

So you’re a real blonde… nice. Let’s see what you taste like,” he says pulling his fingers back out and licking them.

I gag at the sight
and close my eyes tightly.

tasty. Want to role play,
? You call me Mr. Young and I’ll call you
, how does that sound? Will that make this easier for you?” he asks cruelly.

“You can pretend all you want, but you’ll never be the man my husband is.
.” I whisper.

“Don’t you mean
?” he says irritably and slaps me again. “I’m more of a man than your piece of shit, over-privileged husband could ever be.  I’ve already fucked one of his whores and now I’ll have his wife, too.”

He stands up and starts to take his pants off and I re
ady myself for a fight. I frantically try to get my hands free, but it’s no use. When he’s completely naked I start hollering bloody murder and he pushes me back, puts his hand over my mouth and shoves his head in between my legs.

I go into survival mode and try to float above myself when I feel
his mouth on me.
No, Isa!
I scream at myself. I look down at him as he starts to lick at me and I bite his hand hard.  He yells and jerks his hand back. He makes a fist as if to punch me and I wince, waiting for the hit, but he just laughs at me.

You are a little fighter. Keep fighting for me,

thrusts his head between my legs again and this time inspiration hits me. I go limp and wait for him to get nice and comfortable. He lies on his belly and tries to push his fingers into me again, but before he has a chance, I squeeze my thighs together tight, catching him unaware, and trapping his head between my legs. He squirms which gives me just enough room and time to wriggle my bottom down and squeeze my thighs around his neck.

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