The Art of Domination (22 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

BOOK: The Art of Domination
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“Is it pretty?” s
he asks.

“Only you would want a pretty phone, Isa. It’s functional.”

“Boooring. I don’t need a phone that does 1001 things when all I need for it to do is look pretty and make a call. So if it’s a smart phone, I don’t want it,” she tells me petulantly.

“You’ll take
whatever I give you and you’ll like it. What do you think about that?”

“I’m not thinking about it at all
. I want a pretty phone that’s pink or red with obnoxious rhinestones and a Hello Kitty cover on it. Make it happen, Young,” Isa says as she gets up from the bed. Her ass is beckoning me as she bends over to grab her clothes. I stand up and pull over to me and bend her over my knee.

“What was that you said?” I ask her.

“You heard me,” she tells me unapologetically.

“Okay. I’ll tell you what I’ll make happen: Your fantastic ass turning a delightful shade of red.”

I plant my hand firmly on her bottom and she screams out with surprise.

“Dylan Nathaniel Young,
you stop that. There are people in the next room,” she whisper yells at me.

“I know. Whatever will they think is going on here?” I say as I smack her ass again, even harder, the sound echoing in the room.

She yelps again and starts to squirm around, trying to get out from under my grip. I feel my erection growing beneath her as she tries to wriggle out of my arms.

“Seriously, Dylan, stop that!”

So of course, I spank her one last time, just for good measure.



This man is incorrigible. M
y ass is still sore from the probing he gave it the last two nights and now this? Has he no sympathy? Dylan finally loosens his grip and I stand up and rub my sore butt.  He’s smiling cunningly at me and I can see the girth of his hard-on through his jeans.
Damn, I love wood.
It’s like a little gift just for me. Well, more like a big gift just for me. I stand staring at it and daydreaming about the sinful things I want to do to it, and he grips it and strokes it through his pants.

“Do you like what you see?”
he asks, using my own words against me.

“You know I do,
” I tell him, never taking my eyes away from it.

“Apologize for getting sassy and you can have some,” he replies mockingly.

He thinks he’s funny.
Yeah – not so much.
“Let me remind you that as your wife, I don’t need permission. I’ll have some with or without an apology,” I repeat his words back to him.

He narrows his eyes at me and then unbuttons his pants slowly. “Are you sure you don’t want to rethink that

He pulls his dick out and starts slowly stroking himself, teasing and tormenting
me with it.

I can’t take my eyes off of it.

“I want it. Give it to me.” I tell him as I walk over and try to grab it.

He pulls away from me. “I’m waiting
for your apology.”

Damn him.
I step back from him and look him straight in the eyes and fold my arms. Let’s see who wins this contest. I stand motionless staring him down, trying my best to resist watching his continued stroking motions. We both just sit there staring for a good minute and just when I think I’m going to win, his mouth parts, he slicks his tongue across his top lip, and he growls under his breath. 
Damn him.

I’m still waiting…” he repeats while he watches my mouth.

I lick my lips
teasingly back at him, hoping he’ll break, but he just smiles, raises an eyebrow at me and strokes himself again. Oh, fine.
Fuck it.
I want it, damn it.

“Oh, you win. I’m sorry for
getting sassy. Now give it to me and let me suck it,” I demand.

I push him back on the bed and pounce on him like a rabid animal. I no sooner get my greedy mouth around him when there’s a knock on the dungeon door.
We both jump up and Dylan puts his man bits away while I get dressed quickly.

“Young, we need you in the office.”

It’s Sawyer’s voice and he sounds anxious. Dylan opens the door while I stand behind it and out of view.

“What’s up?” h
e asks.

father is on the phone again,” Sawyer whispers, but I can plainly hear him.

Dylan looks over at me nervously
He starts to walk out of the dungeon and I button my pants and start to tag along, but he stops me.

“Wait in the living room, please.”

“What? No. I want to hear your conversation with him.”

“No, Isa. This isn’t going to be pretty. Wait in the living room, please,” he says more sternly.

“No, Dylan. I’m coming with you,” I say as I try to push past him.

He grabs me by my shoulders and turns me
to look at him. He’s leaning down and looking me square in the eyes.

“God damn it, Isa, l
isten to me. This isn’t a negotiation. Wait in the fucking living room,” he says loudly. I see Sawyer and the other two men stop what they’re doing and stare over at us. I feel my face heat up and I stomp back into the living room.  As soon as I hear the office door close, I tiptoe back towards the office and stand with my ear against the door. I’ll be damned if I’m not going to hear what Dylan has to say to dear old dad.

I hear shuffling and Dylan and Sawyer whispering something mumbled. I think Sawyer is walking towards the door so I step to the side, ready to bolt back towards the living room, but it’s just a false alarm.

?” I hear Dylan say.

Oh, my. I know that tone.
There’s a long pause and then Dylan explodes.

You listen to me you son-of-a-bitch, your threats may scare Isabel but they don’t mean shit to me. You’re lucky you’re not in jail right now getting ass fucked by your cellmate after what you did to Isa!”

There’s another pause. Damn I wish I knew what kind of crap my father was spewing at Dylan.

“Fuck you, old man. You think I don’t know what you did to Isa and her mother?”

Dylan snort laugh
s sarcastically.

“Please. You
r money doesn’t mean fuck all to me and whoever you bribed to keep their mouths shut are going to pay just like you will.”

I start feeling nervous and jittery at what I’m overhearing. My stomach is churning and I feel like busting through the door and telling him to end the conversation. He shouldn’t threaten my father. Dylan has no idea what that man can do and I fear what my father might attempt against the man I love. The horrible conversation continues and I feel like running down the hallway so I don’t have to hear any more, but I’m frozen in my spot.

“You may have Isa convinced of that, but you and I know what really happened and I fully intend on proving it,” he continues to yell into the phone.

Convinced of what?

“Is that a threat? You just go ahead and try it and
we’ll see who comes out on top.”

I’m still waiting to hear what comes next when the door flies open and I’m caught red-handed
eaves dropping.

Dylan has a look of anger and when he sees me, his look only intensifies.  He closes his eyes tightly for a moment and
sighs loudly. When he opens them again, his eyes are blazing blue.  He leans down into my ear and whispers, “I want you naked in the dungeon and with your hands against the wall and legs apart. You wait there until I come in. You’re going to learn how to follow a simple request.”

Holy blazes of fury.
I feel like running and hiding myself in the bedroom like a child.
Why didn’t I just listen to him
? Alter ego Isa is itching to come out in a bad way as I stand toe-to-toe with Dylan contemplating whether or not to follow his command.

“What are you waiting for?” h
e asks as his eyes flare and then narrow at me.

Giving in to reason, I decide it best to do as I’m
told, put my big girl panties on and accept my punishment. I sulk into the dungeon, looking one last time at Dylan, hoping against hope that he’ll change his mind. I close the door, get undressed and wait for my chastisement.




Chapter 15

. Why the hell can’t Isa follow a simple request? Why must she be so God damned stubborn? Isa sulks into the dungeon and looks back at me one last time as if pleading for mercy.

I’m still reeling from the conversation with her douche bag father. He has the nerve to threaten me? Who the fuck does this man think he’s dealing with? I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle that motherfucker. 

I head back in to the office and Sawyer is waiting patiently to hear what I want to do next.

“You want me to call
those people I know?” he asks.

I almost say yes, but decide instead that I’d rather
deal the blow to that bastard myself rather than have someone else get the pleasure in doing it. The names he called Isa were beyond scathing and his actions towards her over the years and recently are irreprehensible.

“No, b
ut you and I and few others are going to pay him a visit very soon.” I say to Sawyer and he nods, knowing exactly what my plan is.  I excuse myself and head into the dungeon to discipline my defiant and nosy wife.

When I open the door, she’s waiting against the wall, naked with her hands above her head
and on the wall. I walk up behind her and move her feet further apart.

“I’m glad to see you
can at least follow this order,” I tell her.

I’m still too angry to discipline her. I don’t ever want to strike
her out of anger so I walk out of the room, leaving her against the wall. I go back into the office and sit on the couch and try and rein in my temper. I’m enraged about the phone call with Mr. Ibanez and I can’t let that anger cloud my judgment when I discipline Isa.

In all honesty, I can’t blame Isa for wanting to know what was being said, but she needs to learn what Domination really means. She needs to understand that there are rules and protocols to follow, damn it.  Yes, we’re married, but this marriage is going to be one of discipline and rules, just like our relationship was. I know she understands that or she never would’ve agreed to marry me.
It’s about time she learns what true BDSM is.

I need to take her to the club and scene with her there, once and for all. I
’ve put it off far too long. Isa needs to see how others act and how the rules and protocols pertain to a D/s relationship and how a true submissive responds and reacts to her Dom.

Sawyer, Murphy
and Alex finally decide to head to the office to check on things while I keep doing my thing here.

I wait a good half hour before I
go back into the dungeon again. I open the door and half expect to find Isa sitting on the bed evil-eying me, but instead, she’s still waiting against the wall. She’s shifting and moving her feet around and tiptoeing. She’s getting uncomfortable and tired from standing for so long, but it’s doing her and me more good than she knows. Maybe having her anticipate her punishment is torture enough. I shut the door behind me and she straightens up and moves her legs further apart. When I approach her from behind, she pushes her ass out to me and lowers her head.

“Is there something you want to say to me?” I ask her.

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry for disobeying you.”


“But…” she starts in.

She just can’t resist herself, can she?
I reach around and put my hand over her mouth to stop her from ruining this perfect moment of submission.

. I don’t want to hear anything but an apology out of your mouth right now. I’m still too angry to paddle your ass, so please, just stop while you’re ahead,” I whisper into her ear. “I want you wait in here another hour and think about why it is you feel it necessary to defy me at every turn and what this relationship means to you. Then you can get dressed and come out and explain to me what you’ve figured out.”  I speak to her without raising my voice and then I kiss her neck, run my hand down her back to her ass and rub it gently. Her breath hitches in anticipation of a spank, but I leave without as much as a light flick. I’ll let her stew on that for a while.

I get showered and dried off, and head to the kitchen to clean up a bit. I load the dishwasher and clean the dining room table. By the time I’m all finished, I hear Isa walking up the hallway. I stop and look in that direction, expecting to see her
come around the corner, but I hear her go into her studio and shut the door instead.

She just doesn’t get it. I don’t know that she ever will at this point. I fight the urge to
go busting into her studio, throw her ass over my shoulder and tie her down and flog her. But again, I can’t let my anger cloud my judgment. I put on some soothing music, dim the lights, light the fireplace, and stretch out on the couch and wait for her to come out.

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