The Arrangement (4 page)

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Authors: Thayer King

BOOK: The Arrangement
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Asher’s face lit up and he laughed. “Hell, how about today?”

“Wait!” She held up a hand. “Before you get too excited, I think we should settle some things.”

“Like what?”

“I want a pre-nup. I don’t want you thinking that at the end of two years I’m going to change my mind and try to take half your money.”

“I know you wouldn’t do that, but if that’s what you want, I have no objections. I can
have my assistant e-mail me a basic one and we can print it at the library. I don’t think they have a computer here.” He leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “What else?”

“I don’t want to move.”

“Fine, I’ll move in with you. My father has been itching to open an office in Greenville anyway.”

She nibbled her bottom lip. “My house isn’t grand or anything. It’s a new build, but it’s probably not what you’re used to.”

“I’m not a snob. I’m sure it will be fine.” The
n he laughed. “And if it’s not, we can always buy a new one.”

Ariadne crossed her arms over chest to hide her tightening nipples. Could she also demand that he stop laughing? Or, hell, change his laugh? Probably not reasonable.
“And no smoking in my house. You’ll have to go outside.”

“I quit smoking.”

She arched a brow in surprise. He’d been smoking since high school. From what she’d heard, he’d smoked more than a pack a day.
Despite that, the scent didn’t cling to him. Maybe he always smoked outdoors. Whatever the reason, he only smelled of expensive cologne and man. Smoking had given him a gravely, sexy rasp to his voice, but the bad habit was just another thing she hadn’t approved of about him. Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen him with a cigarette this entire trip. She couldn’t recall the last time she had seen him with one. “When did you quit?”

He grinned. “Oh, right after someone refused to ride with me because, let’s see, and I quote, ‘Your car smells like cancer on wheels.’”

Ariadne covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m so sorry.” That had been particularly callous of her.
It had been right after Ted and Erika’s wedding and she’d needed a ride to the reception. It had been a long day. As Erika’s maid of honor, she’d been stressed out trying to make sure that Erika remained stress free. She’d refused to ride with Asher not only because his Porsche reeked of cigarettes, but she also hadn’t wanted to be enclosed into such a small space with him. Later she had recalled that his mother had died of cancer when he was only fifteen. Had it been anyone else, she would have made a point of seeking them out to apologize. But it was Asher and she’d spent the rest of the evening avoiding him.

“It’s okay.” He shrugged. “I’d been meaning to quit anyway. I got rid of that car, too.”

She’d noticed he was driving an SUV, but she’d assumed he had more than one vehicle.
“So do you have any conditions?”

“Not at this time. However, I reserve the right to revisit this conversation.”

“God, you really are a lawyer, aren’t you?”

He laughed and she wondered how
often that laugh had proven to be an advantage to him. When they first met, she’d thought he had to be faking it, but one look into his eyes told her it was real. They sparkled with mirth and it was almost impossible not to be moved.

“So, do we tell Ted and Erika the truth? I know you’re close to her and you might want to share this with someone. But I must insist that you limit the number of people you do tell. If it gets out that the marriage isn’t real, it could be disastrous.”

“I think that telling Erika would be for the best. Otherwise, we’d have to start pretending to be in love right now.”

He arched a brow. “When that eventuality comes about, do you think you’ll be able to perform?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean,” he said, stepping forward and into her personal space until she was backing away from him, “Can you pretend to love me? Can you, for a change
, not avoid me, and my touch?” The countertop dug into her spine as she leaned away from him. “Can you accept my kisses and act like you long for more?”

Ariadne swallowed. She would have pushed him away but everywhere she looked there was nothing but bare skin. Her heart thumped in her chest. Finally, she did what she always did when it came to him, she struck out with words. “Probably not. Fortunately, that won’t be necessary. Ash, it’s not like people are going to expect us to make out in front of them.”

“But they would expect us to touch. We’d be newlyweds. We’re selling this as a whirlwind romance. There should be lots of hand holding, caressing, closeness,” he said, pressing closer. “Maybe we should practice?” He leaned closer and ran his lips up the side of her neck. “Damn, you smell good,” he growled.

He was one to talk, she thought. If they could bottle him, they could sell him as an aphrodisiac. She shivered as his lips
passed over her earlobe, and slid down her jawline before hovering over her mouth. Ariadne couldn’t resist wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue and he groaned. She was in deep trouble here. Bare skin be damned, she braced her hands on his shoulders to shove him away. Asher wrapped an arm around her waist, his wide palm spreading over her back. His other hand went to the nape of her neck, tilting her head back to receive his kiss.

“Ari,” he whispered against her lips. His mouth had just barely brushed hers before a piercing scream broke them apart.

in the hell
is going on here?” Erika asked.

Ariadne wiggled out of Asher’s embrace. “Um…” She was embarrassed, flummoxed, and, damn it all, a bit disappointed. She crushed the last emotion with ruthless determination.

Asher grinned at Erika and Ted. “You’re just in time to congratulate us.”

?” Erika’s eyes darted from one of them to the other. Ted looked as stunned as his wife but he remained silent.

“We’re getting married.”

?” She looked up at Ted. “I’m dreaming right? Or has the world come to an end?” She turned back to them. “The two of you can’t stand each other.”

“Guess we should explain,” Asher said with a quick glance at her for confirmation. She nodded, more t
han willing to let him handle the explanations. “It’s an arrangement,” he began.

Ariadne watched their friends’ faces as go from confusion to shock as Asher told them about their plans. “But that’s crazy,” Erika burst out when he was done.
“Ari, you can’t be serious about this? Is he blackmailing you or something?”

“Hey, I’m a catch,” protested Asher. “Why wouldn’t she be blackmailing me?”

“Be serious.” She
looked up at her husband. When Ted just stood there rubbing the top of his bald head, she whacked him in the chest with the back of her hand. “Do something! We can’t let them get married.”

?” Asher asked with a lifted brow. His tone was casual, but it was well known that Asher took orders from no one.

Ted rolled his eyes. “You talk to Ari, I’ll t
alk to Ash.” He jerked his head in a gesture that indicated that Ash should follow him as he left the room. Shrugging, Asher winked at her and then fell into step behind Ted.

Silence reigned for a few seconds before Erika sighed. “I didn’t realize you were this upset about the breakup with Daniel.” She reached out and took her hands in hers. “Don’t you think it would be easier simply to skip the reunion? This is going too far.”

“It won’t be any easier next year
.” She squeezed Erika’s fingers before letting go. She reached in the refrigerator and got out two bottles of water. She handed one to Erika before opening her own. “You’re not going to talk me out of this. I already agreed. Ash needs my help.”

“Since when have you ever wanted to help him? My God, I thought you were going to leave when you found out he was here. Now this? Are the two of you…did he…?
She knew exactly what her friend was trying to ask her. “No, we haven’t slept together and we’re not going to. It’s not going to be a real marriage.”

Erika’s eyes widened and she gestured to where Ash had had her backed up against the counter. “Then what was that all about?”

“It was practice,” she answered, trying and failing not to become flustered at the memory of being in his arms.
She sipped her water. “We’re going to have to pretend to be in love.”

Erika shook her head. “Ari
, this is
we’re talking about here.”

“We’ve discussed this. It’s an arrangement, not real.”

“So you’ll be fine with him sleeping with other women while the two of you are married?”

“There won’t be anyone else for either of us or this won’t work for him.”

“Don’t you see what he’s doing? He’s trying to get you
into bed.” Ariadne shook her head, but Erika interrupted before she could speak. “Do you even know for sure that his dad is running for office? This could all be some elaborate scheme of his.”

“Presupposing that you’re right, it would mean that Ash wanted me enough to bother lying to me and he doesn’t.”

Erika opened her mouth and closed it several times. “This is Ash,” she said again quietly.

“Yes, and I know if I offered, I couldn’t beat him to a bedroom, but he doesn’t want me anymore than the next woman.”
Erika bit her lip and looked away, but not before she saw what she thought was a gleam of tears. Ariadne capped her water bottle and set it aside. “Erika, it won’t be real. I was hoping you were over him.”

“I am over him, but I don’t know…as long as he’s single…he’s this dream. It’s kind of like lusting after a movie star. You want him to be happy and you know it’ll never be you, but you can dream as long as he’s available.”

She grabbed her friend and hugged her. “Well, I’m merely tying him up for a few years.” She smiled. “Look at the bright side of this situation; he won’t be dating anyone while he’s with me.”




“What the
?” Ted whispered as soon as they were out of earshot of the girls. “Have you lost your mind? What are you thinking?” As though to ensure their privacy, he continued until they were on the back deck. He closed the sliding glass door behind them.

Asher shrugged. “I’m helping her and she’s helping me.”
Ted continued to stare at him as though he’d sprouted a pair of wings. Or more likely horns. Exasperated with the intense scrutiny, he threw his hands up. “

“I’ve seen you lie to your father, your girl
friends and even suspected you might have lied to me a time or two, but I’ve
seen you lie to yourself. You’re shitting yourself if you don’t think you’re begging for more trouble by doing this.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re strung out on her.” He glanced over his shoulder before continuing. “What are you going to do when she wants out?”

He tried to keep his tone casual as he said, “
This arrangement doesn’t involve forever. I know that. And who says I’m strung out on her?” Ted’s incredulous expression spoke volumes. Asher scowled at him. Though he’d never clearly stated an interest in Ariadne, as his best friend, Ted would have to have been an idiot to not pick up on how he felt about her. “Maybe this is my way of getting her into bed.”

“It’s sad when I can say that I wish this was all that was. Don’t do this, Ash. You’re going to regret it.”

“It’s done.” Nothing and no one was going to st
op him from making Ariadne his. “She’s on board. We’re both adults. We don’t need your permission.” Having heard enough, he went back inside. He had work to do, starting with a call to his assistant.



Erika had barely left her when Ted came in, disappeared inside the refrigerator for a second and emerged with a beer. She thought it was very early to be drinking, but she supposed he was stressed. Ted sat on the bar stool next to her, beer bottle dangling from his fingertips. Neither of them spoke for a while. She was the first to break the silence. “I suppose you’ve come to take your turn to try to talk me out of this.”

“No, I’m guessing Erika’s done her damnedest to get you to change your mind.” When she glanced at him curiously, he laughed. “What did you think that I didn’t know? I know my wife well—maybe better than she knows herself. I know she started seeing me because she wanted an excuse to hang around Asher. What she didn’t realize was that Ash would forever be off limits to her after that. He has few principles, but those he does have, he sticks by religiously. He’d never intentionally do anything to hurt a friend or a loved one.”

“Does Asher know?”
She thought Erika would die of embarrassment if he did.

Ted shrugged. “Probably, but that’s the usual state of affairs for Ash. He’s never met a woman who didn’t want him—with the exception of you. Which is ironic because-”

“Because what?”

He lifted his beer, realized it wasn’t open, paused to take a moment to twist off the cap and then tipped it back for a big swallow. “Because he asked you to marry him,” he answered but he wouldn’t meet her eyes and she suspected that wasn’t what he’d originally planned to say. “Anyway, Erika is fighting this because she’ll have to forever give up the fantasy of being with Asher one day.”

“But…it’s not going to be a real marriage. It won’t even be consummated.”

He arched a thick black brow. “You think you can live with Asher for two years and he won’t try anything?

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