Read The Arrangement Anthology Online

Authors: H. M. Ward

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #New Adult, #Adult, #Anthologies, #New Adult & College, #Collections & Anthologies, #new adult romance

The Arrangement Anthology (61 page)

BOOK: The Arrangement Anthology
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I have a little buzz from the wine and intend to keep it that way, so I take another swig, downing half the glass. I’m nervous. I’m a sexting virgin and don’t want to do it wrong, but at the same time, this scares the life out of me. A lazy smile forms on my face as the wine takes effect.

Sean tells me to do things, things that normally make me blush. Before I have time to think about it, my hand is down my panties and between my legs. Using my other hand, I send him a picture like he asked.

A few seconds later, there’s another message,
Damn, that’s hot. Rub your clit with your thumb and slip your finger into your pussy for me, baby

I’m not ready yet…
Although I feel my body reacting to his words, I’m not quite there yet. I expect him to say something else when he responds, but he doesn’t redirect my hands.

No hesitating, Avery. Do it.
I take a breath, do as he says, and force my finger inside.
What does it feel like?


Good. Rub your thumb over your clit, and push in deeper, as hard as you can.

I do as he says and my fingers grow slick. He has me do it three times in a row, snapping a picture of my face and another of my hand disappearing into my panties. I don’t look at the pictures, because I’ll lose my nerve. Instead, I just give him what he wants and try to stop thinking about what I’m actually doing. So far none of the pictures are horribly incriminating, but they get that way pretty fast.

As soon as I’m hot and bothered, Sean has me strip and send him naked pictures of me pinching my nipples and then more with my hand between my legs. For a while the texts tell me to keep massaging myself, so I do. It’s so different, so erotic. I’ve never done anything like this and it just feels so dirty. All the pictures, the filthy texts, and the way he commands me—it makes me incredibly hot. I want him to touch me so badly, but he’s not here. I follow his commands and work my hand, pushing my finger in and out in slow deep motions. Warm coils of lust snake around my hips, making my insides tighten. God, I wish he was here, touching me, doing this to me with his hands and his mouth. Moaning, I close my eyes for a second and sigh.

The phone chirps and I look at the screen.
Show me.

A chill runs through me. I know what he means, but that picture crosses a line in my mind. I hesitate, not wanting to take a picture of that part of me—doing that with my fingers. It’s so sexual, so graphic. My heart pounds harder as I think about it.

Another message appears,
Avery, I want you to show me. Put the phone between your legs and take the picture. I want to see that your fingers are where I want them. Come on, baby… be the slutty, sensual woman I know you are. Show me your fingers in your pussy, baby.

I’m gasping for air as my heart pounds faster. I can’t do that… but I want to. For him, I want to. Stop thinking! Sean said that over and over when he was here, but he hasn’t said it tonight. I want to be everything he could possibly want. I feel slutty, and I feel like doing it, but something inside my mind is screaming not to. But I want to… I want to cross that line, I want to show him that I’ll do anything he asks me to. There’s something about having him command me that takes my breath away. I want him to own me, to have me any way he wants. I lower the phone and take the picture, pressing send before I have a chance to chicken out. My fingers continue to massage my slick skin, and it’s getting harder to maintain the slow teasing pace. I feel my body growing hotter and more insistent, as it grabs my finger harder and tighter each time I slip out.

His message puts a smile on my face,
Oh fuck, that’s sexy, baby. But that one finger isn’t enough. Add the other three and push in hard. Do it. Show me. I’m so hard for you right now, Avery. I wish I could bend you over and fuck you all night. Show me baby…

My body is so off kilter. I want the release, but one finger isn’t really getting me anywhere and the way he has my thumb just teases me. Slipping in two more fingers inside isn’t hard, but when I try to add the fourth, it’s tight.

Not sure if I can…

Don’t stop, baby. Rock your hips into your hand over and over again. Push deeper every time. Do it.

I try to do what he says, and rock my hips, pushing my hand in deeper and deeper. Raw sounds of sexual pleasure are pouring from my throat. I’m so slick and it feels so good. Add to the fact that the whole thing is so wrong and I’m euphoric. There’s something so dirty about this, so carnal that lust is making my body feel things I haven’t felt before. My hair tangles around my face as I writhe on the bed, bucking my hips into my hand. All four fingers are inside, stretching me, pushing deeper and making me cry out. My nipples are hard, and ache, wanting to be touched. I wish Sean was here to suck on them, to taste my breasts and tease me into oblivion.

The phone chirps.
I want to see you lose it. I want to watch you shove your fist into your tight, wet pussy and see the look on your face when you come. There’s a piece of Velcro in the drawer and another on the ceiling. Switch to video for me baby. My dick is so hard. I’ve been stroking it in my hand, rubbing, imagining you on your knees in front of me. If you could swallow my cock right now… Avery, baby, put me out of my misery. Let me watch you come…

His words shoot through my body, igniting a wave a lust.
Anything for you…

My legs wobble as I stand on the bed, and attach the phone to the ceiling. I fall onto my back and say to the camera, “I miss you, baby,” and then my mouth starts uttering phrases I’d never say to anyone. I talk about his dick and all the things I’d like to do with it as I pump my hand deeper into my slick core. Carnal sounds come from my throat as the burning coils of lust tighten inside me.

I fight it, I don’t want to come yet, but my hand doesn’t stop. All four fingers push in deeper, harder as my other hand tugs my nipples. My thumb rubs against my clit teasing me, making me completely out of control. My mouth opens as I gasp for air like I can’t breathe. I don’t think about how I look or what he’ll do with this video when it’s over. I don’t think at all. I act like the animal he wants me to be, hot and wet, purring with desire and continue to beg for his dick any way that he’ll give it to me. I beg him to fuck my face and pull my hair until he comes in my mouth. I start to think about that as my fingers thrust into me harder and faster, and I can feel the beautiful ripples begin. Lust pulls me higher, until I can’t stand it another second. I need the release. My control shatters and the pulsing begins, making me drive my hand in harder and faster.

I scream out his name as I come in front of him, hips bucking wildly, pushing harder and deeper with each thrust. I shatter brilliantly, with ecstasy on my face and my back arched off the bed with my hand nearly all the way inside of me. I hold my body rigid as the delicious pulsing overtakes me, gasping for air between wild pleas.

By the time I still, my heart has slowed. I glance up at the phone with heavy eyelids and grab it. Pulling it to my lips, I kiss the screen and say, “I love you, baby.”

After sending the video, I lay back on the bed with a sated smile on my face. It’s quiet for a little bit before the texts start again.

Holy fuck, that was hot. Next time I see you, you can bet my dick is going straight into that dirty mouth of yours. I mean, Avery… Wow.

I smile and type back,
Did you come?

Fuck, yeah. I’m lucky I didn’t get the phone wet. Damn, Avery. That was beyond sexy…

I roll onto my stomach and type,
What now?

We do it again. I have a few more positions for you to try and a lot of Velcro.





I can’t wipe the stupid smile off my face as I slip into my room early the next morning. There’s no sign of Naked Guy. Bonus!

A squeal has been building in my throat, but I keep swallowing it back. I’m really doing it. I’m going to see Sean and I’m going to ask him to marry me. The thought of actually doing it makes me feel so queasy, but it’s a good kind of sick—like Christmas Eve, can’t-wait-for-Santa kind of sick.

As I shove a pair of socks into my bag, Amber strolls out of the shower with a towel on her head and another barely covering her boobs. Why did I get the exhibitionist roommate? Part of me thinks if the woman dropped her towel that she’d continue to prance around the room like I think she’s hot. Maybe Amber’s a nympho and doesn’t know it. Or maybe she does and I don’t. Whatever. I’m just glad to get out of here for the night.

Amber crosses the room to her closet. Clothes stick out from her drawers and everything is wrinkled. She picks out something and pulls it on, not caring if my back is turned. “So,” she says as she lights up a cigarette. “Where are you off to on this insanely warm Sunday morning? Visiting the dead parents? The dead sea serpents? Or the nasty-ass, but totally fuckable, scary guy?” She lets out a stream of smoke and sits at the window, looking out into the square below.

I glance over at her. “Scary guy.”

“Ah, so he did get to you?”

I’m not sure what she means. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Amber nods and continues enjoying her cigarette like it’s something phallic. The way her lips wrap around it and slip over the tip as she goes to exhale is disturbing. “So the bad boy rocked your socks off and you’re blowing off school a few weeks before finals to have a fun day, is that it? I guess you’re over that good girl act, now.”

“It wasn’t an act.”

Amber laughs. “Yeah right. With the way you’ve been putting out, I think we should both stop pretending and just call the sheep black.”

“What the hell are you smoking over there? You make no sense at all. I’m not sleeping around—”

Amber laughs like a man and rolls her eyes. “Whatever, bitch. We both know you’re lying. Tell yourself anything you want so you can look in the mirror in the morning, but we both know how you’re spending your nights.”

Turning my head, I look over my shoulder—pausing with a shirt in hand, above my bag—and glare at her. I wonder if she knows about my employment, but that’s not possible. A cold feeling snakes down my throat and coils in my stomach. Amber doesn’t elaborate, which makes me think she’s just messing with my head.

I change the subject. “So, where’s Naked Guy? Off fucking some other dorm today?”

“Ha ha. He’s coming by later to show me his anal beads collection and I—”

Oh my God! Spinning on my heel, I snap at her, “TMI! Keep your fucking preferences to yourself. It’s bad enough I know what his thingie looks like. I don’t need—”

?” she mocks. “What’s the matter, Avery? Can’t say the real word?” Amber’s eyes glitter. She honed in on my little word and is advancing across the room, cigarette still in hand. “Is it just too much to wrap your little mouth around? Cock, dick, penis? Pick one and say it.” She stops in front of me, looking down at me like I’m a child. One arm is across her chest and the other is holding the burning smoke off to the side. She tilts her head, watching me. “Go on—say it.”

I smile tritely, but she’s unnerving me. The way she looks at me is so smug, with a dash of hostility. Most mornings she spends trying to stay in bed, because she stayed up fucking all night. I glare at her. “I’m not reciting male genitalia for you.”

She laughs lightly and says it again, whispering the word in a creepy way, close to my face. “I bet you scream when you come and say all sorts of dirty shit. It’s the good girls that have the kinkiest stuff going on in their heads.” Amber looks down into my bag and pulls up one of my G-strings. She holds it on her pointer finger and raises a brow at me. “See what I mean?”

I snatch it back from her and shove it into my bag. “At least I wear panties.”

“Ouch.” Amber feigns offense and then snorts and turns away shaking her head. “Me and you could have a lot of fun. Roommates who do three-ways never sleep alone.”

I make a face and look over at her. “If you ever suggest that again, I’ll puke all over you.”

“Whatever. Go on and pretend to be a nun. I don’t care.”

“Nuns don’t sleep with guys.”

She grins, “Well, not all at once, anyway. Maybe I should join a convent.” She taps her front tooth with her finger like she’s thinking about it.

I know what she’s thinking. “Nuns don’t do confession. Priests are the only ones who get to use the box, so think of something else or have someone stab you with a cross. Maybe you’ll turn back into a werewolf and can go hump a tree for the rest of the day.”

She gives me a snotty look and sticks her tongue out. “Bitch.”




“Hooker.” Amber says the word exactly the same way she said the others, but she’s acting so weird today. I lift my chin slightly before throwing another insult her way. Amber is watching, waiting for me to show any sign of weakness. Does she know? Is that what this is about? Did she find out that I’m working for Black? That would suck. She’d tell Black that I’m in love with Sean.

I don’t pause. “Hoe,” I throw back, but our eyes hold a second too long.


“You already said that one.” I zip my bag shut and throw it over my shoulder.

“Yeah, but it suits you—a bitch in heat. Am I right?”

“Yeah, okay… I’m only going to say this once. If you have something to say to me, say it to my face, now. I’m not doing this weird shit with you when I get back, so if you’ve got something you want to say to me, spit it out.”

Amber purses her lips and then smiles at me, before rolling back onto her bed. “As if I’d make your life so simple. Catch you later, cock-lover. Make sure you ask him to get your back door really good and hard. You’re in serious need of an alignment. No one should be this bitchy right after sex.” She raises a brow at me and laughs.

I roll my eyes and walk out to the sound of her hollow laughter bouncing off the walls.


BOOK: The Arrangement Anthology
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