The Arranged Marriage (19 page)

Read The Arranged Marriage Online

Authors: Katie Epstein

Tags: #romance, #love, #adventure, #historical romance, #fantasy romance, #katie epstein

BOOK: The Arranged Marriage
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“My lady,” He greeted her with a smile
as her cleavage met his eye level. He felt himself swallow the huge
lump that had appeared in his throat at the sight of her, angry
that she was making him feel this way when she was so outwardly
defying him. He would teach her a lesson or two later, maybe
reserving the gown for just the two of them in the future. There
was no way in Centurias would should be wearing such a revealing
gown in public again, not when breath remained in his

“My lord,” She nodded to him before
taking his hand and stepping down the last few steps. He led her to
the centre of the floor for them to start the eve with their first
dance. Apparently she had chosen the quicker paced dance of the
Papyia, a dance from the ancients known as the Seduction. It
definitely suited her gown.

The dance required that the partners
started at opposite ends of the floor when the first note struck,
and then the hard quick steps were to be worked in such a way they
would eventually meet in the middle. Rohesia was self-conscious at
first, feeling the first fleet of regret well up inside her at the
choice of song; but when she saw how elegant and precise Ison was
following the movements, she herself got caught up in the pulses of
the music. Every person around them sensed the chemistry that was
released once they joined together, and Ison practically threw her
away from him for the ending before catching her in his arms and
leaning her back by his side.

The applause was phenomenal, forcing
both Rohesia and Ison to bring their thoughts back to the room.
They had made it obvious to the people, without any words, that
their match was one full of passion. It meant well for the keeping
of their lands if they were capable of loving Ecripian, as well as
they appeared to love one another.

She allowed herself to be led by Ison
to where Josa stood. Ison was certain Josa was trying hard to
suppress a smile. He ignored his friend whilst handing a drink from
a passing servant’s platter to Rohesia.

“Good eve my lady,” Josa addressed her
as she replied with a polite smile. “That is quite a

Ison threw him a warning look before
making a comment of his own.

“You are right Josa. It is definitely
a gown that was made to stand out from the crowd.” He didn’t bother
to hide the malicious intent that he felt towards it, but it didn’t
seem to faze her.

“I was just taking your advice my
lord,” She replied with a smile. “I decided to dress to suit my
position. To represent the person you think me to be.”

“I didn’t think that your position was
one of a trend setter my lady,” He replied with an edge to his
voice, knowing that she was referring to the way he had treated her
in the stables. She took a sip of her drink and smiled.

“One has to do what one must. I could
never imagine being one of those people who settles for what people
expect of them. How boring would life be if everyone thought along
those lines?”

Josa laughed as Ison moved
uncomfortably. This was not the way he had planned for this eve to
turn out and it would soon be time to reveal his surprise; even if
he was having second thoughts of going through with it. He made his
excuses to leave her whilst moving over to chat with Argarth and
his father. Rohesia was glad for the reprieve without his accusing
glances and took pleasure in a light conversation with

“He doesn’t seem to like my gown does
he?” She asked him briefly, naughtily enjoying the uncomfortable
position she was putting Josa in.

“Ison is just protective of his own my
lady, and has very little taste where fashion is

“Will he ever be able to get over his
own ego do you think?” She said lightly, the anger of how he had
treated her still simmering. Josa would have happily agreed with
her if it hadn’t been Ison they were discussing, but his loyalty
knew no bounds where his friend was concerned.

“Ison gave up on his ego a long time
ago my lady. If only he could get over the fear of being

Her head snapped up to look at Josa as
his comment registered deep within her heart. She watched with her
mouth slightly agape as he bowed to convey his exit. She suddenly
felt like a complete fool following through with the plan of
getting back at her husband, even more after that act with Fabian.
Instead of trying to relay the fears that should have been obvious
to her the other eve, she was standing here trying to encourage
them. Oh what a dupe she had been.

She quickly scanned the crowd to try
and find Ison to make amends, her heart so desperate to find him,
but as she did so she noticed a familiar face who was about to make
her situation a whole lot worse.


“My lady, you are looking very
beautiful this eve.” Baron Minley advised as he lifted his head
from kissing her hand in greeting.

“Baron Minley, what are you doing
here? I heard you had left for your lands in Faudaga.”

“Oh I was only visiting there my lady.
One can only do so much management of estates when away from them.”
He advised with a politeness that seemed to have a sinister
undertone. A change in his demeanour had appeared that she hadn’t
noticed before. Was he so bitter of her father’s rejection of his
proposal? Maybe he thought it was she who cried off?

“I do hope you received my note,
regarding the reason for my father’s decision. I didn’t know of his
plans regarding the proposal of another.”

“Oh do not worry my love,” He said,
and she cringed at the unsuitable endearment he had bestowed upon
her. “I do not blame you.”

She didn’t feel right talking to him
all of a sudden; especially when he still had hold of her

“I have missed you,” He said with a
hint of seduction in his voice. “I was quite devastated to hear
that we would not be spending the rest of our lives

“I am very sorry to hear I may have
hurt you my lord; in any way. That was never my

“I know that my sweet, I know it is
your father who is responsible for keeping us apart. He obviously
prefers the company of traitors and killers.”

“Excuse me?” She asked, quite stunned
at the venomous change in conversation.

“You know of the rumours surrounding
the Bloodhunter no doubt. Cold and callous, and always following
one of his infamous strategies. He needed to marry you my Princess,
otherwise his crimes in the Foreign Lands would have eventually
caught up with him, and he would have been killed by the

“Baron Minley I am afraid that you
have been misinformed by one too many of those rumours. My husband
is only guilty of leading an army into war, and the last time I
heard you cannot do that with a warm heart.”

Minley tightened his grip on her hand
and stepped closer.

“I fear for your life my lady. Do you
not understand? He killed in the Foreign Lands. He was a hunter who
attacked villages and burnt them to the ground just to smoke out
his bounty. He would do anything for the kill.” He paused for
effect. “That is how he got the name of the

“And how is it you know all of this?”
She demanded. The last thing she needed was the bitter vengeance of
Minley causing more trouble and hostility for Ison.

“I used to be a bounty hunter in an
opposing alliance to his my dear. We used to be the ones who
cleaned up his mess. We, as they say, hunted him.”

She was stunned at the news the baron
had lived such a life before coming here.

“I do not believe it.” She announced,
feeling slightly sick as to what Ison had got involved in. She
didn’t believe any of the rumours, she knew a truer side of him
than any – of that she was certain; but what had happened over
there that his actions had been so misconstrued?

“In order to save your own life you
must believe it my lady. I do believe your husband had intentions
towards your very stepmother once upon a time in the Foreign Lands.
Rumour as it is that he followed her here and decided upon marrying
you, for both royal protection from his crimes and to win the
affection of your beloved Yena.” The Baron looked up and he was
disturbed by something he saw over her shoulder. He quickly bowed
to kiss her hand and she noticed the emblem on his large

“I bid you farewell my lady. Tell your
father to watch his back.” He glanced again over her shoulder
before quickly moving away.


Rohesia sensed Ison’s presence upon
her before he actually came into sight. She gave a quick sideward
glance to see him standing tall by her side, his hand suddenly
possessive on her waist.

“And who was that my lady?” He asked
her, making her feel very uncomfortable.

“That was Baron Minley my

“Ah, I see. The man you should have
been betrothed to.”

Rohesia nodded. Her heart was hurting
all of sudden. Her emotions felt exhausted from what she had just
heard, and from the strained politeness in Ison’s voice. He had
just witnessed her talking to the man she had intended to

And what did your baron
want from you this eve?” His voice was too polite.

“He only wished to pass on his
congratulations to us both.” She lied. How could she tell him what
the baron had said? He would be furious.

Ison sensed her hesitation. He had
seen the man holding her hand, and he had seen the pain in her eyes
the moment he had approached. He was done with this emotional wreck
of a ride and pulled her with him until they were private behind
one of the partitions of the hall.

. “Are you doing this to me on purpose
my lady?” He announced once they were concealed. “Am I to spend the
rest of my life fighting off your evident admirers?”

Rohesia tried as hard as she could to
keep her voice calm.

“Ison, you have to trust the notion I
didn’t know Baron Minley was coming here this eve, it was much a
shock to me as it was to you.”

“Am I supposed to just believe you

“No my lord, you are supposed to trust

She felt her heart soften as the
anguish in his eyes was unguarded for one small moment. She decided
this once, she would leave her own pride on the table.

“I love you,” She said whilst holding
on to his hand. “I have fallen so deeply in love with you in such a
short time, that I myself am confused,” She took his bemused
expression as a sign of discomfort. “I know you don’t feel the same
way and I am not here to force that; but if you can’t give your
love to me then I must ask for your trust. For the sake of our

He remained silent as a torrid of
emotions started to move inside of him. Rohesia

“I am yours my lord. I will always be
yours, but I will not have my choices and decisions taken away from
me just to make yourself feel better,” She caught the tension in
her voice just in time. “I would not have worn this gown if you had
not ordered me to dress for my station.”

“So it is my fault?” He asked her,
obviously as exhausted as she from their arguments.

“No, but if the choice had been mine
to wear a gown such as this, then I wouldn’t have worn it out of
respect for you. Don’t you understand?”

He said nothing. She took it as a good

“Ison, no man has ever made me feel
the way you do,” She was fighting hard to keep her tears at bay. “I
can’t breathe when you first enter a room because of the
butterflies in my stomach. I fever when you touch me or when I feel
your breath on my cheek,” She motioned closer to him. “I can’t wait
to hear your approval on my ideas or my thoughts, and I glow when I
see the pride in your eyes regarding anything I have done,” She
gently placed her hand on his chin to direct his eyes to her own.
“I see you worry over me, and I see that you want to look after me,
but do you truly respect me?”

“I do,” He whispered.

“Then why can’t you give me your

“I trust you Rohesia, I just don’t
trust them.”

“Don’t trust them to do what?” She
probed, sensing that she was getting closer to him than she had
done so before.

“I don’t trust them; because they may
try to take you away from me.” He declared it so quietly she
strained to hear him.

“Oh Ison,” She was careful not to show
him sympathy. “They will never be able to take me away from you
because I would never leave you,” She held him close to her and he
let her hold him. “Please believe me?”

Her soft tones were playing havoc with
his senses as her honesty was bared before him. He felt awkward,
but at the same time he had never felt so content in his life. He
needed her, and maybe what he was feeling was love, but he couldn’t
tell her yet. Not until he was certain.

“Rohesia,” He whispered as he took
control of their contact and held her close. “I do believe

She rested her head against his own
and he captured a glimpse of her cleavage pushing against his

“The gown?” He enquired and she
quickly interpreted his meaning.

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