The Armageddon Conspiracy (5 page)

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2) The Holy

Usually defined as the cup used by
Christ at the Last Supper.
This event supposedly took place in the
house of Joseph of Arimathea who may have been Jesus’ uncle.
Reputedly, Joseph used the cup to catch a few drops of the blood
shed by Jesus at the Crucifixion, and the blood was said to be
miraculously preserved in the cup.
Another legend said that the cup
was originally made for Abraham, the great patriarch of the Hebrew
Like the Ark of the Covenant, the Grail was said to emit an
unearthly radiance.

Other theories say that the Grail is a
dish, a stone, a person (Mary Magdalene), the head of Jesus, the
skeleton of Jesus, or even Jesus’ bloodline following his alleged
marriage to Mary Magdalene and birth of a daughter.
As with the
Ark, many conflicting theories have been proposed concerning its
fate and current whereabouts.


3) The Spear of

A Roman Centurion thrust this spear into
Christ’s side as he hung on the cross.
The spear was highly prized,
and many powerful figures throughout history went out of their way
to possess it, including several emperors of the Holy Roman Empire
and Adolf Hitler.

It became a museum
piece and was put on display in a prestigious palace in Vienna as
part of the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire.
Note that
the Holy Roman Empire is sometimes referred to as the
First Reich.
created the
Second Reich
and Hitler ruled over the
Third Reich


descriptions of the seven locations that were raided are provided


1) Temple Mount,

Temple Mount contains secret underground
passageways that belonged to the original Temple of Solomon and
survived the temple’s destruction by the Babylonians in 586

The raiders on 24 April blasted open
one of the sealed tunnels using plastic explosives.
There is
evidence that the explosives were detonated using timers.
no indication has been found that anyone entered the tunnel or that
anything was removed.
The Israeli Defence Force has sealed off the
area, and no one is currently being granted access.
No further
investigations are possible at this time.

Rioting broke out in Jerusalem within
minutes of the explosions, with Muslims accusing Jews of attempting
to blow up the Dome of the Rock – one of Islam’s holiest sites.
gold-domed mosque is built above the ruins of the Temple of Solomon
and the later Temple of Herod.


2) Treasury of the
Church of Saint Mary of Zion, Axum, Ethiopia

Axum is Ethiopia’s
holiest city, and the Church of Saint Mary of Zion its holiest
The Treasury
, a separate building located just behind the church, was said
to house the Ark of the Covenant, supposedly brought there by
Menelik I, the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
means ‘son of the wise man’, and the ancient kingdom of Sheba is
believed to have incorporated Ethiopia.) A monk known as the Keeper
of the Ark protected the Ark at all times.
He was shot dead during
the raid.
The Ethiopian authorities did not allow investigators to
The Treasury
They refused to confirm that the object they claimed was the Ark of
the Covenant was taken.


3) Chalice Well,
Glastonbury, England

Legend says that
Joseph of Arimathea was imprisoned after Jesus’ death.
When he was
released, he fled from the Holy Land and took the Holy Grail to the
safe haven of Glastonbury in England.
He hid the Grail at the
bottom of Chalice Well at the foot of Glastonbury Tor, a sacred
mound overlooking the town of Glastonbury.
The well’s water is
allegedly tinged red and reputed to have healing powers.
The April
24 raiders climbed into the well and removed a section of the
well’s wall, revealing a small, rust-free iron chamber, previously
There is no indication of what, if anything, they


4) Schatzkammer
(Imperial Treasury), Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria

The Schatzkammer houses the Imperial
Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire: the European empire created by
Charlemagne and dissolved centuries later by Napoleon Bonaparte.
The only item stolen from the collection of treasures was the
so-called Spear of Destiny.
All alarm systems and CCTV cameras at
the Hofburg Palace were disabled during the raid.
A top-secret
tranquillising gas knocked out security guards.
Only U.S.
and U.K.
Special Forces are known to have access to this gas.


5) Oak Island, Nova
Scotia, Canada

A small, remote island
off the east coast of Canada, practically uninhabited, and reputed
to be the site of a vast, inaccessible buried treasure located at
the bottom of a booby-trapped, intricately constructed
200-feet-deep vertical shaft known as the
Money Pit
Originally, pirates were
thought to have buried the treasure; Captain Kidd and Blackbeard
being the most likely candidates.
However, some experts have said
pirates lacked the engineering skills to construct such a complex
Leonardo Da Vinci has been mentioned as a possible
designer of the pit.
Other theories claim that Freemasons or the
Knights Templar created it.
Following the forcible arrest of the
Knights Templar in 1307, those leaders of the Order who managed to
evade capture gave instructions for their treasure to be hidden
from their enemies.
It was removed by the ships of the Templar
Fleet and vanished from history.
Some accounts say it included the
Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant.
Several experts believe the
Templars discovered the Americas before Columbus, and that the
Templar Fleet possibly went to North America to bury the

The raiders at Oak Island appeared to
know exactly how to access the Money Pit.
A previously unknown
route through the booby-traps was cleared, leading to a large
subterranean, waterproofed chamber, the walls of which were carved
with swastikas, many hundreds of years old.
A couple of Roman coins
were discovered near the mouth of the pit.
The coins were from
ancient Judea, with one side showing the head of the Emperor
Tiberius and the reverse the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate.

On a tombstone near the
Money Pit is a Latin inscription:
I tego
arcana Dei
I conceal the secrets of God


6) Rosslyn Chapel,
Edinburgh, Scotland

Rosslyn chapel was built between 1446
and 1486 and is often described as the most mysterious Christian
chapel in the world.
Like Oak Island, Rosslyn is linked with the
lost treasure of the Knights Templar, including the Holy Grail and
the Ark of the Covenant.
Many Templars fled to Scotland in the
years after 1307 because the Scottish king, Robert the Bruce,
having been excommunicated for killing a rival in a church, wasn’t
bound by the Papal edict to suppress the Templars.
Several experts
believe the Templars regrouped in Scotland and eventually emerged
in a new guise – the Freemasons.
Informed speculation says that
Freemasonry originated specifically at Rosslyn.

The Rosslyn raiders disabled all of the
chapel’s alarm systems and CCTV monitors.
As at the Schatzkammer,
security guards were rendered unconscious by tranquillising gas.
The raiders removed a section of wall from the crypt, revealing a
sizeable stone chamber.
There is no indication of what, if
anything, they discovered.


7) Hill of Tara,
Republic of Ireland

Ancient Ireland’s most sacred site where
the High Kings of Ireland were crowned.
Legend says that the Hebrew
prophet Jeremiah brought the Ark of the Covenant to Ireland for
safekeeping after the destruction of King Solomon’s Temple, burying
it somewhere on the Hill of Tara.

The raiders used an
excavator stolen from a nearby building site to dig a trench
several yards away from a feature known as the
Mound of Hostages
A large bronze
chamber was exposed.
It is unknown whether the raiders found



The raiders at each
location used similar methods.
The top-secret tranquillising gas
used in two of the locations indicates the involvement of U.S.
Special Forces.
Thirty U.S.
Special Forces’ personnel went
absent without leave on 23
appears probable that these individuals were responsible for the

The raiders clearly
had access to secret information concerning each site.
However, the
only object that has definitely gone missing is the Spear of
Destiny from Vienna’s Hofburg Palace.

It is speculation
whether the raiders also retrieved anything that might be described
as the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant, or any other
religious treasures.
It is unknown whether the raiders found a
particular religious relic at each of the seven locations, or if
they were looking for the same objects at different locations.
However, given their detailed knowledge, it is likely the raiders
knew precisely what they would find at each site.
On the other
hand, it’s possible they carried out some fake thefts to create
confusion and mask their true intentions (the raid at Temple Mount
may be one example).
Were they seeking publicity by targeting high
profile sites?
By their actions at the Temple Mount, were they
seeking to generate unrest between Jews and Muslims?
No claims of
responsibility have been issued.

The blood of Jesus
Christ is an obvious connection between the Holy Grail and the
Spear of Destiny, and these two items are historically regarded as
two of the four so-called
These four objects appear in the
legends of King Arthur and the Holy Grail and are said to have
enormous power, particularly when brought together.
The other two
Grail Hallows are a sword and dish.
There is no known link between
the Grail Hallows and the Ark of the Covenant.
The Hallows are
associated with the Christian New Testament while the latter is an
Old Testament, and specifically Jewish, sacred artefact.

The Ark, by
reputation, is a potential WMD.
The Spear of Destiny allegedly
confers great power on its owner.
The Holy Grail is said to be the
goal of the ultimate spiritual quest of humanity.
The Grail
Hallows, as a collection, supposedly possess unprecedented

Do these fabled
religious relics have the capacity to be the centrepieces of some
hitherto unsuspected Armageddon conspiracy?
Cardinal Lenihan and
Rabbi Grien concur that they do.
Prominent scientists have
ridiculed this notion, but have at this time been unable to explain
the current global crisis, and have provided no suggestions as to
what ought to be done.






ernon laid the
document back on the table.
Well, Gresnick wasn’t exaggerating.
Days ago, he would have considered that everyone involved in
compiling this report was nuts.
Now he didn’t know what to think.
Crazy things were happening everywhere and no one had any answers.
It was the duty of the intelligence services to follow all possible
In an odd way, Sherlock Holmes’ formula was the right one:
‘When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever
remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’
If there were no
credible leads, you had to look at the far-fetched ones, and they
didn’t come much more far-fetched than the theory outlined in
Gresnick’s document.

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