The Armageddon Conspiracy (43 page)

BOOK: The Armageddon Conspiracy
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Heinrich Himmler
believed that in a past life he was Sejanus, the Emperor Tiberius’s
ruthless right-hand man; he was Tomas de Torquemada who drove the
Jews from Spain; he was Sir Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth I’s
spymaster; he was Joseph Fouché, Napoleon’s chief of police and
founder of the modern police state.
Always, he was the
second-in-command to a powerful ruler.
That’s the role best suited
to his soul-line.

Adolf Hitler was
Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian destroyer of Solomon’s Temple in 586
BCE; he was Herod the Great who tried to kill Jesus as an infant;
he was Titus, the general and future Roman Emperor who destroyed
the Second Temple in 70 CE; he was the Emperor Hadrian who expelled
the Jews from Judea in 135 CE; he was King Edward I who banished
the Jews from England in 1290 CE.
In all of his incarnations, he
was obsessed with the destruction of Jews.’

Why did Hitler hate
them so much?’

That’s simple.
He was
the reincarnation of Cain.’




ucy munched on
some bread and cheese that Morson had given her.
She was still in
the small side-room, but now Sinclair and Gresnick had joined her.
Morson supplied them with some slightly stale bread, a lump of
Cheddar and a jug of water then locked them all in.
Lucy did her
best to concentrate on the food and block out everything Morson had
told her about her past as Nostradamus.

Gresnick stood with his ear pressed to
the door.
‘Something’s going on out there.
The soldiers are moving

What do you think
they’re doing?’
Sinclair asked.

It was the first time
Lucy had heard the cardinal’s voice for quite a while.
She wondered
if this was his ultimate nightmare; being surrounded by unashamed
heretics who held his beliefs in contempt, and there was absolutely
nothing he could do about it.
Back in Rome, he was an immensely
powerful man; here,
They treated him like a
buffoon, too feeble to pose any threat.

It’s dark outside
now,’ Lucy said.
‘Didn’t Morson say the action would begin at

A ceremony of some
Sinclair asked.

They began discussing
the different information they had between them: Gresnick’s
knowledge of
The Cainite
, and the work of his grandfather
and his parents, all the news he had gathered concerning the theft
of holy relics and the natural disasters occurring

As for Sinclair, he knew about
Raphael’s mural and the Vatican’s take on recent events.
Also, as
the head of the latest guise of the Holy Inquisition, he was an
expert in the heretical beliefs of the multitude of Gnostic sects
that proliferated around the time of Jesus.

Lucy had her unique inside knowledge of
Raphael’s mural, plus the information Morson had given her, and all
of the expertise from her time at Oxford.
Not forgetting all the
material in her controversial book.

Between them, they were convinced they
had the keys to what was going on.
They agreed to share as much as
they knew that seemed relevant.
Sinclair started the ball rolling
with an introduction to the different Gnostic heresies.

There were at least eighty distinct
sects, he said, each emphasising a slightly different aspect of
The Mandaeans glorified John the Baptist and reviled
Jesus whom they claimed falsified John’s message; Priscillians
opposed marriage and procreation as things of the Devil; the
Borborians, in the throes of sexual excess, ate faeces and drank
menstrual blood; the Ophites revered the serpent in the Garden of
Eden for providing humanity with the secret knowledge that Jehovah
sought to suppress; the Sethians believed that Noah’s Flood was
Jehovah’s attempt to destroy the descendants of Cain; the Cainites
exalted Cain as the greatest resistance fighter against Jehovah’s
tyranny; the Valentinians believed that once a man achieved Gnosis,
nothing he did from then on was sinful, resulting in licence to do
anything; the Montanists were celibates who condemned marriage and
childbirth; the Basilideans believed that Jehovah wickedly helped
the Jews to subjugate other nations and thereby created the strife
with which the world was now plagued; the Carpocratians believed
that sin was the path to salvation.
And so it went on; every
conceivable attack on Jehovah and those who worshipped him.

I think we can
The Cainite Destiny
and Raphael’s mural are what we have to focus on,’
Gresnick said.
‘The answer lies there, I’m certain of

The Grail Hallows are
the solution,’ Lucy said.
‘They feature in the mural, and they’re
also mentioned in
The Cainite

I agree,’ Gresnick
‘My grandfather was certain the Cathars and the Knights
Templar once had all the Grail Hallows in their possession, but
lost them during their persecution by the Catholic Church.
Freemasons searched for them, and latterly the Nazis took up the
My grandfather suspected that if the Grail Hallows were
assembled in one place at one time, they would become a source of
incredible power.
The Nazis, he believed, wanted to use that power
to destroy the earth.’

Sinclair nodded.
of the Gnostic sects agreed the material world was evil.
the ultimate desire of Gnostics must be to end the world.
If the
Nazis were descended from the ancient Cainite sect then
The Cainite Destiny
perfect sense.’

OK,’ Gresnick said,
‘the Nazis searched for the Grail Hallows.
Either they didn’t
manage to collect all of them, or one or more of them were

Sinclair agreed.
‘Practically every
religious relic has been faked.
The Middle Ages saw a lucrative
trade in holy relics.
Several chalices in Europe lay claim to being
the Holy Grail.
There are several possible Spears of Destiny.’
stared at the painting of Longinus.
‘Fakes won’t work,’ he said,
‘no matter how much you believe in them.
You must have the real
I believe that Raphael’s mural reveals where the genuine
relics are hidden, but only one person can actually locate them.’
He turned to Lucy.

Gresnick nodded.
‘This is all about
you, Lucy.
That’s why Morson said you were the most important
person in the world.
Without you, they’ll never manage to collect
the true Grail Hallows.
And without them they’re sunk.’




ergeant Morson
came into the room, carrying a Bible.
A big, powerful man with
cropped blond hair, he had a way of dominating any room he entered.
Lucy felt that she physically shrank whenever he stood near

Having a cosy chat?’
He threw the Bible at Cardinal Sinclair.
‘Does the truth sicken
Is that why you cling to this book of lies?’

Sinclair glared back at him, but didn’t
say anything.

A priest,’ Morson
said, ‘is a person who, in the name of nothing but the truth, tells
nothing but lies.
The bigger the lie, the more ferociously it’s
proclaimed as the truth.
Lies are bathed in incense and paraded
around in front of the deluded masses as though they’re the most
unshakable cornerstones of reality, when in fact they can’t even
support themselves.’

And you think
Gnosticism is the answer?’
Sinclair retaliated.
‘A “religion” that
claims the world is evil.’

Your predecessors sat
in the Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition to pronounce judgment on my
Why don’t we take this chance to put the People of
the Book on trial?
Shall we examine the claims of the Jews, the
Christians and the Muslims?
What do you think, cardinal?
Or do you
feel comfortable only when you have torture chambers at your

Say whatever you like.
It won’t change a thing.
Heretics have cried in the wilderness for
millennia and their voices have always faded to

Their voices haven’t
gone, cardinal.
Far from it.
We have the Book of Moses in our
This reveals exactly what Jehovah said to Moses when
the Hebrew prophet disappeared for forty days and nights on the
summit of Mount Sinai.
It’s the most savage book you could ever
Jehovah is revealed in his true colours: the Anti-God, God
through a glass darkly.
An inversion, a perversion, a black hole
from which light, hope and truth can never emerge.
A better name
for the Book of Moses would be the Gospel According to

I don’t believe you,’
Gresnick said.

Of course you don’t.
That’s why you worship false gods.’

You’re taking
everything out of context, twisting everything.’

Am I?
Beneath the Dome
of the Rock on Temple Mount is a huge, rough-hewn lump of rock.
This is what Temple Mount is all about, what makes it the most
sacred site on earth.
This rock is sacred to Jews, Muslims and
Christians because they all believe this was the spot where
Creation began.
This rock was the first material object ever
created in the universe, touched directly by the hand of

And this is the same
spot from where Mohammed allegedly ascended to heaven.
But it’s
also where Abraham, the first Jew and the patriarch of all three
religions, planned to sacrifice his son Isaac.
Can you imagine any
good god asking his chief prophet to sacrifice his own son?
And can
you imagine any sane prophet contemplating it?
Only Satan would
make such a request, and only a Satanic prophet would be prepared
to carry it out.
Of course, the apologists for this Satan say that
he didn’t intend that Isaac should actually be killed.
So why even
suggest it?

Never forget, Jehovah
preferred the animal sacrifice of Abel to Cain’s vegetarian
From the start, he showed his bloody intent.
First animal
sacrifice, then human.
Suicide hijackers screaming Allah Akhbar as
they fly planes of ordinary people into skyscrapers – that’s
’s will.
pilots dropping atomic bombs and destroying tens of thousands in
the blink of an eye; wiping out women and children and calling it
“collateral damage.”
’s will.
Jewish gunships blowing up
a Palestinian family having a picnic on the beach, Jewish soldiers
shooting children dead for throwing stones, driving excavators over
human rights protestors – that’s
’s will.
This is no God, this
is Satan: the god of evil, of human slaughter on an industrial
This is the mechanisation of massacre.

And these people who
worship Satan – the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims – have the
nerve to talk of the need for tolerance and multi-culturism.
can these people dare to look each other in the eye?
How can they
bear to be the next-door-neighbour of someone they think is going
to hell?
Do they nod at each other in the morning and exchange
hypocritical pleasantries?
Can there be anything more stomach
Yet you disagree with me that Satan created these

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