The Apple Tree (14 page)

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Authors: Kara Jimenez

BOOK: The Apple Tree
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Levi stood underneath the apple tree. The rain fell, dripping off the leaves and through the spindling branches. Light shown from the plump moon overhead, visible even through the heavy clouds. He placed his hand on the rough, uneven bark of the trunk and closed his eyes.

God,” he whispered. The wind brushed past his cheeks, splattering raindrops across his skin. He leaned his forehead against the tree, his eyes still closed. “As soon as I discovered these apples, I did everything I could to avoid any more people getting hurt… I thought that’s what you’d want. And still…this tree hurts me every day.” He slammed his fist into the trunk, sending a rush of pain up his arm.

Slumping to his knees, the wet earth soaked into his jeans. “Why?” He yelled now as tears formed in the corners of his eyes. “Why won’t you just let me grow old? Why can’t I have a family, someone to love?” Warm drops flowed down his cheeks, mixing with the cold rain.

Maybe he should destroy the tree. Cut it down. Without the apples, there’d be nothing for Peter and his father to get hold of. There’d be no more threats. He ran his hand along the rough bark. It was a thought he’d considered many times, but it always came back to one thing. Uncertainty. He owed the tree his life. If he killed it, would he die? What about everyone else who’d eaten an apple?

What do I do to protect her?”

He looked toward the edge of the orchard and remembered the first time he’d seen Bianca. Twigs and leaves stuck in her hair, smears of mud decorating her jeans. Ever since then, he found more and more things he liked about her. Wiping his palms across his face to clear the rain and tears, he slumped down, leaning his back against the tree. Peter and Uncle Charles had something planned and it involved Bianca. “Please, God, keep her safe,” he whispered.





he air smelled of apples, warm pretzels and the fresh scent of rain. Bianca and Peter walked along the rows of produce stands at the farmer’s market. She carried a small wicker shopping basket. The rain kept the crowds small, although most of the stands had plastic covers over them.

She smiled and glanced around. “The market’s the best way to spend a Saturday.”

Peter shrugged. “It does have a certain charm.”

Although he’d been reluctant on the phone, he acted pleasant enough as he helped choose her groceries. While they browsed, she told him about her blog and the new recipes she had planned.

You know, now I’m going to Google it.” He gave her a nudge and then bent to smell a bundle of rosemary.

She blushed. “Well, up until a couple weeks ago, it probably wouldn’t have even come up on a Google search, but I’ve been getting tons of hits lately. It’s kind of exciting.”

Peter tossed the squash he held back onto the table and wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Tell me more about what gets you excited.”

Wow. His scent enveloped her, making her dizzy. She giggled, gently pushing him away and reaching for the vegetable he’d set down. “I was thinking about a butternut squash soup with sage. Does that sound good?” She glanced across the street and her stomach dropped.

Levi stood under the cover of a bread stand, watching them. His hands shoved in his pockets and mouth set into a hard line.

What is he doing here?” she muttered.

As soon as they made eye contact, Levi walked toward them, the rain soaking into his hair as he crossed the street.

Peter turned to see who she meant. His face froze and his fists squeezed into tight balls. He stepped closer and placed a hand on her back.

Levi stopped just a few feet away, the rain dripping off his nose. “I just want to let you know, Bianca, I wasn’t following you. I come here almost every week.” He then glanced at Peter and his eyes narrowed.

Oh, I know…it’s fine.” She waved her hand. The tension in Peter’s arm around her back was clear. “Um, do you guys know each other?”

They were both silent for a moment, their eyes locked.

He’s my cousin,” Peter finally said.

She bit the inside of her cheek. They’re related? Her gaze darted between the men. They did have the same high bridged nose and square jaw. How did she not notice before?

Is he the one you caught spying?” Peter’s mouth curled into a smirk.

The row of herbs on the table beside her suddenly seemed very interesting. She hadn’t wanted Levi to know she’d spoken about him with other people. It didn’t seem polite. “Yes, but it’s no big deal, really.”

Is he your boyfriend?” Levi raised an eyebrow as his gaze darted between her and Peter.

Um…” She shifted her basket to the other hand, dropping her wallet in the process.

Why does it matter to you?” Peter crossed his arms over his chest.

Levi nodded. “Fair enough, I guess I’ll leave you to your shopping.” He took a step back. “You know, Bianca, there’s a woman a couple stands down that sells the best blackberry jam. You should try it.”

Okay, thanks.” She gave him a smile.

Turning, Levi walked down the street, hands shoved into his jeans pocket.

Peter huffed beside her. “Well, that was awkward.” He took her shopping basket. “So you know my cousin, huh? Sorry if he’s been bothering you. He’s a little weird sometimes.”

It’s fine,” she said. “I can’t believe you two are related.”

Yeah, me neither.” He turned away to examine a display of honey jars, giving her the distinct impression he didn’t want to talk about it.

She paid the woman sitting at the stand for her produce and they continued down the street. The blackberry jam Levi suggested did sound good, but maybe she’d try it when she came next week without Peter. She had a feeling he’d take offense if she took Levi’s advice.

Peter nodded toward one of the cafés along the road and they stepped inside. Bianca ordered a blueberry muffin. Peter said he wasn’t hungry, but he paid for her muffin and bought a coffee for himself. They took their snack outside and sat down at a table on the sidewalk,
under the eave.

You know, I live just a couple blocks away.” He motioned down the street.

Her gaze shifted in the direction he’d pointed. “Really, where? Isn’t it mostly stores that way?”

The condos atop that new building, facing the river.”

Those are like multi-million dollar condos.”

He shrugged. “Where did you think I lived?”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course, I should have known.”

Finish your muffin and then I’ll give you a tour.” He leaned toward her, his sapphire eyes smoldering.

Bianca knew what would happen if she set foot in his house. Physically, every cell of her body screamed yes. But what about afterward? Would he still be interested or would he drop her like so many men had done to her mother? And emotionally, she didn’t feel that connection, at least, not how she felt around Levi. Maybe she just needed to get to know Peter better. Although, she didn’t know Levi all that well either and he was like a magnet.

Peter, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She looked down, pulling a chunk off her muffin. “I’ll get there…but I have to know I can trust you first. Give me time, okay?”

He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee and they watched the market goers meander down the street with rain jackets and umbrellas. “I’m not trying to pressure you, Bianca. It’s fine.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes. A woman with a dog walked past, her eyes lingering on Peter as she went. Bianca glared at her and shoved another chunk of muffin in her mouth.

Peter didn’t give any indication of noticing the woman as he continued to drink his coffee. When they finished, they tossed their garbage in a nearby can.

A grin crossed his face and he took her hand. “Come here.” His arm slid around her waist, stepping forward until he had her gently pressed against the outside wall of the restaurant. “Reconsider,” he whispered in her ear. His mouth shifted lower and kissed her neck, just under her jaw line.

Shivers ran through her as her body begged for his touch, but her mind refused to follow along. “Peter, not today.” She tried to focus on the rain trickling over the eave and into puddles on the curb.

He lifted his head and moved his lips to hers, gently at first, but building in intensity. His hand drifted up her waist, slipping a finger under the hem of her shirt. “Come home with me.”

Her heart pounded in her ears. Peter was so attractive that just looking at him practically made her melt. Maybe she should just go with it? But she’d regret it. This was too fast.

Not today,” she said again, pushing him gently away. He didn’t budge. His mouth traveled back down to her neck. She pushed harder, but he still didn’t move an inch.

It would be amazing,” he whispered. His hand moved up her back, underneath her shirt.

Peter, stop!” She gave him her hardest shove.

He took a small step back and his grip loosened. “I’m sorry. I—”

She said no.” A loud voice startled them.

Peter turned toward the source of interruption.

Levi stood just behind him. His eyes hard, cold and locked on Peter.

This is none of your business, Levi.” Peter took a step toward him, releasing Bianca.

She let out a breath and her gazed darted to Levi. Shame rose at being caught in such an awkward position and her cheeks warmed.

It is my business if you’re pushing yourself on innocent women,” Levi said.

Bianca straightened, pushing off from the wall. “It’s fine… Thanks, Levi… I’ll just go home now.”

I’ll take you,” Peter said.

Her hands shook as she stepped out from under the eave and into the drizzling rain. “No, I’ll walk. It’s not that far.”

I can give you a ride.” Levi reached toward her.

Peter stepped in front of him. “You need to leave,” he spat through his teeth.

This was getting ridiculous. She held up her hands. “Guys, stop. It’s fine.”

While Levi’s attention was on her, Peter punched him in the jaw.

Levi grunted and stumbled back, clutching his face. He grimaced, pulled his arm back, and shoved his fist into Peter’s nose.

Peter fell against the wall, dripping blood onto his gray, V-neck sweater.

Her heart pounded. What the heck was she supposed to do? She didn’t want them hurt.

A crowd gathered around them. A short and stocky man held a phone to his ear, probably calling the police and a teenage girl held out her phone, likely recording video.

This had to end before the cops appeared. Bianca ran forward, stepping in between them. “Stop it, you two! This is crazy!”

The men scowled, their eyes locked, but with Bianca between them they couldn’t hit each other. The rain soaked into their clothes and dripped down their faces.

Using the back of her palm, she wiped the water from her forehead, her eyes on Levi. She should thank him for helping her with Peter, but was the fighting really necessary?

Peter turned and punched a parking sign on the curb, reminding her that he was the one who started the punches.

I’ll give you a ride home,” Levi said to her.

No, I’ll walk” She grabbed her basket of groceries and took off down the street, leaving the men standing in front of the café.

She scurried past the crowd of people and onto the riverside path that led to the south side of town. Ugh, Peter could be so infuriating. What the hell? Of course, he had pulled away, right before they were interrupted, but still, it’d taken him too long to stop.

The building where Peter lived stood alongside the path. Shivering, she glanced up at the windows and expansive balconies. Which was his? After today, she didn’t care to find out.

Just as she reached the turn, where the path separated from the road and continued behind the skate park, a blue pickup truck pulled beside her.

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