The Apartment: The Complete Affair (62 page)

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“Oh! Of course, I’m sorry,” he apologized, looking up at her sheepishly. “I wasn’t even thinking. I tend to lose track of things when I’m working. Yes, I have enough of what I need to finish here, go ahead.”

Lily scurried into the large bathroom that was attached to the bedroom. After she had finished and tidied herself up a bit, she returned to find him still hunched over the sketchbook.

“So, is this something I’m going to have to get used to?” she smiled, draping herself across the bed sideways on her stomach so that she could watch him.

“What’s that?” He didn’t look up again, lost in his art.

“You know, waking up to find you sketching or painting at all hours of the night.”

“Sadly, yes. I really do lose track of time when I’m at it, but it’s not so bad when I don’t start this late. I couldn’t resist… you looked so deliciously wild and rumpled. I just had to get it down.”

“Can I see?”

“Actually… yes,” he said with a final flourish of his hand as he signed the sketch. “All done.” He turned the book around and laid it down in front of her on the bed. “What do you think?”

“Oh wow!” she gasped. “Ethan… it’s beautiful! I can’t believe you did all of this just now.”

“Well, I didn’t put a ton of detail in it. I just wanted to capture the moment. I could’ve spent hours on it, making every little thing perfect, but this feels more…”


“Exactly,” he smiled. “So you like it?”

“I love it! It’s very sensual,” she blushed, looking at the sketch of a disheveled woman who had clearly just been ravished beyond comprehension. Her stockings were twisted and her corset was askew, leaving one perky breast exposed to the world. Her legs were bent so that nothing truly indecent was showing, and the messy pile of sheets around her helped to hide everything else. Because it had been drawn from the side and she had been turned away, her face wasn’t totally visible, but Lily could make out just enough of her profile to know it was her. “I can’t believe that’s me. I don’t think I’ve ever looked so sexy.”

Ethan grabbed the sketchbook and placed it on the table behind him before kneeling down in front of her to look her in the eye. “Believe me, this pales in comparison to the real thing.”

“So, is this the artist’s equivalent of taking dirty pictures of his girlfriend?” Lily teased.

Now it was his turn to blush. “Kind of,” he replied with a low chuckle. “I try to capture the beauty in anything I see… but with you, the beautiful and the erotic go hand in hand. Don’t worry; this one is going in my private collection.”

“You have a private collection?”

“Of course. I have a number of pieces I’ve done through the years that I just couldn’t bear to part with. They are all in storage right now, waiting for the day I finally settle down in one place and can put them up in my studio or something.”

“Are there any of me in there?”

Ethan’s blush deepened. “There are two.”

“Really?” she smiled. “So what made those two different from the walls of paintings you showed me tonight? Those all seemed fairly personal to me.”

“Every painting is personal to an artist; each one is like a child you have nurtured and watched grow before your eyes. But if you want to actually make any money doing what you love, you have to learn to detach yourself as soon as possible so you can sell them. I have everything photographed and cataloged so that I can look at them whenever I want, but every once in a while one of them is just too hard to let go—or it was never intended for anyone else’s eyes but mine.”

Lily nodded with understanding. “And the two of me fall into the latter category.”

“Yes. When I did all of those paintings, it was like I couldn’t stop until every memory I had of you was documented in some way. And as many of the paintings in the gallery showed you, a lot of my memories were sexual. I tried to keep them tasteful, but there were two of them that I couldn’t handle showing anyone… and I didn’t think you would be comfortable having anyone else see them, either.”

“I appreciate that,” she sighed in relief. “What were they of?”

“They involved a bit more nudity. Nothing shocking for the art world of course, but more than I thought was appropriate without your permission. I tried to record the perfection of your breasts in one of them, but I can see now that I didn’t do them justice.” He leered at her cleavage, reaching out a long, slender finger to trace the edge of one brownish-pink areola that had begun to sneak out above the top of her corset.

“And the other one?”

“Hm?” He looked up at her as if breaking out of a trance. “The other one? Ah yes… well, let’s just say that the other involved… lube.”

“No! Please tell me you didn’t show that!”

“No, Lily, nothing so graphic. But the symbolism was there, and I knew what it meant. I couldn’t stand for someone else to buy that memory… and I wasn’t about to explain anything about it to people viewing it.”

“Thank goodness for that!” she laughed. “So… will I ever get to see these paintings?”

“Perhaps… one day,” he said absently, already lost in the valley between her breasts again. He continued stroking lazy patterns across her skin with his finger, watching as her flesh dipped and changed color under the pressure. When he finally dragged his gaze up to meet hers it was with great difficulty, and his eyes were dilated with lust. “It all depends.”

It was hard to concentrate on everything he was saying between the touch of his fingers and the heat in his eyes, but she could tell from his tone that he was being playful. “On what?” she smirked.

He did nothing but look at her for a moment, allowing the tension to build between them. When he finally spoke again it was with a gruff voice. “On how fast you can get up on all fours and show me that delectable ass.”

Without another word, Lily scrambled to her knees. Turning around abruptly and bending over to brace herself with her palms, she arched her back dramatically and flipped her hair back to look at him over her shoulder. “Fast enough for you?”

“Fuck,” he growled, standing up quickly behind her. “Spread your knees,” he commanded. Looking down at the sinful display in front of him, he had to swallow down the saliva that flooded his mouth. “I swear to Christ, Lily… I know I keep saying it, but you are the sexiest thing I’ve ever fucking seen.”

“I feel the same… about you,” she panted, her breath becoming choppy with anticipation.

Ethan stepped out of his boxer briefs, gripping his erection firmly before brushing the broad tip against her swollen sex. He watched as he swirled her moisture up and down the length of her silken folds, rubbing it more firmly over the hardened nub of her clitoris a few times before dragging it back up to her entrance.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he whimpered, gripping her hips tightly. He met her eyes briefly as she looked back at him, and his expression was almost panicked before he pulled his gaze back down to watch as he slowly pushed himself inside her. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I just—I just

She groaned loudly at his intrusion. “Good! I don’t want you to ever get enough.” With that, she flexed her hips and forced herself back onto him more roughly, thus ending any further conversation that didn’t consist of grunts and moans.

Ethan continued to thrust inside her, eventually pulling her up flush against his chest so that he could grab her chin and kiss her hungrily. Yanking the front of her corset down, he gripped and squeezed Lily’s breasts until she was sure that they would bruise, but she was unable to care at all. The only thing that mattered was the heavy drag and pull of him inside her.

Feeling herself getting closer to the edge of oblivion, she fell forward onto her hands again, needing the support. Looking back over her shoulder until their eyes locked, she felt any remaining hesitation and shyness disintegrate.

He would always give her anything she needed, and would never judge her for it.

And she finally knew:
was true honesty.

Not strangers in a dirty apartment, hiding away from the real world, but two people who knew one another’s flaws as well as their perfections, and loved each other even more for it.

Two people who didn’t have to hide behind their anonymity to have the courage to ask for the things they truly desired.

“Ethan,” she panted, “grab my hair!”

He could only manage a loud snarl in response, fisting her hair tightly at the base of her skull and pulling until she had arched back as far as she could go. He pounded into her faster, causing her to bounce back and forth with the frantic rhythm.

“God, yes!” she cried, her voice shaking from the force of his thrusts. “Baby… baby, I need you to smack my ass… oh God, please, baby.”

“Fuck!” Ethan gritted through his teeth, the veins in his neck standing out sharply with his effort to hold on. Letting go of his death grip on her hip, he raised his other hand and brought it back down with a light slap on the swell of her ass.

“Harder!” she begged. “God baby, please harder! I’m not going to break.”

Raising his arm higher, he brought it down with a resounding crack.

“Yes! That’s it! Oh God, don’t stop… I’m so fucking close!”

Ethan kept up the spanking in time with his thrusts, not stopping through her cries of pleasure until he felt her body begin to seize up, gripping him tightly in an attempt to milk his own release from him. Letting go of her hair, he quickly grabbed her hips again for leverage, slamming and pounding into her so forcefully that the entire bed shook underneath them until he threw his head back and cried out his blinding ecstasy.

After collapsing again in a tangled heap, they lay together for a few minutes catching their breath. “Fuck, I love you so much,” he exhaled loudly, rolling onto his back and pulling her with him. Brushing her sweaty hair out of her eyes, Ethan rose up and kissed her sweetly, an action that seemed so tame compared to his passion of moments before.

“Likewise,” Lily whispered, her voice now hoarse.

Stroking her shoulder lovingly, Ethan felt his heart stop when he saw a dark mark on her skin. Sitting up quickly, he pulled her up to inspect her, terrified that he had hurt her with his roughness. Once she was facing him, he saw that she was absolutely covered in the marks. They were all over her breasts, her shoulders, and her arms, and when he made her turn around he could see the outline of his fingertips on her hips where he’d held her, as well as a few random ones across her ass.

“Oh God, are these bruises?” he gasped, feeling his stomach starting to turn in disgust.

“Huh?” she asked, a puzzled look on her face.

“Look at you, you’re covered!”

“Ethan, calm down!” She laughed, grabbing his hands and holding them up in front of his eyes. When he finally stopped panicking and looked closely at them, he noticed that they were covered in black smudges. “You never washed the charcoal off your fingers. I’m fine.”

“Oh God!” he laughed nervously, dropping his head to his hands in relief. “Jesus, that really scared me.” He looked back up to see Lily brushing at a dark smudge on the slope of her breast. The more she tried, the more it smeared over her skin.

“Man, it looks like I was dusted for fingerprints,” she giggled. “I don’t think you could defend yourself against this evidence, Mr. Foster.”

“What? No way. You’re dreaming.” He looked down at her black smudged skin. “I barely touched you.”

“Barely touched me? I look like a cheetah!”

“I think that’s a gross over-exaggeration,” he said with a deadpan expression. They both broke into sleepy laughter, and when they stopped, Lily couldn’t resist a loud yawn.

“Alright, beautiful,” Ethan said, “let’s get you cleaned up. How about a soak in the tub?”

“That sounds amazing,” she sighed, her heavy eyelids slowly blinking.

“Okay, you stay here and rest, I’ll be right back. I’m going to draw us a bath.”

Ethan disappeared from the room, and before long Lily had drifted off into a light slumber. When she awoke a little while later, it was to the gentle tugging of Ethan’s fingers on the laces of her corset. She slowly realized that he had already removed her shoes and her stockings while she slept and was lovingly unwrapping her like she was a priceless gift.

Once her corset had been removed as well, he scooped her up into his arms and tucked her against his chest. “Come on, Sleeping Beauty,” he whispered as he carried her into the large bathroom.

“Oh wow!” she gasped, holding her head up and looking around as they entered the room. “Ethan, did you just do this? It’s so beautiful!” He had moved and re-lit most of the candles so that the bathroom had a bright golden glow, and he had placed the untouched bucket of champagne on the marble countertop.

“I thought it might be more relaxing than the harsh lights in here. I want you to be able to just soak and relax. It’s been a very long day.”

“Mmm… with lots of physical exertion,” she purred.

“Very true,” he smirked, setting her down by the edge of the tub. “Now, go ahead and climb in.”

Lily stepped carefully into the huge tub, sitting down with a loud sigh in the warm water, laughing as the thick layer of bubbles rose up and tickled her chin before settling down lower around her chest.

“God, this feels amazing,” she moaned, laying her head back against the edge.

“I’m happy you like it, baby,” Ethan smiled, grabbing the bottle of champagne. A loud
could be heard as he sent the cork flying into the other room, and he quickly filled two crystal flutes with the bubbly drink. Sitting them on the large rim of the tub, he tapped lightly on Lily’s shoulder. “Scoot forward for me.”

Lily allowed him enough room to slip in behind her, sighing again as he pulled her back to rest against his chest. Handing her one of the glasses over her shoulder, he leaned down to kiss her neck.

“I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” she whispered.

“Well, you certainly feel heavenly,” his gravelly voice vibrated on her back as he spoke. “But I don’t think it’s heaven.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because if it were heaven, at least my form of heaven, I wouldn’t need any time for my body to recoup. Feeling your silky wet skin slide against me like this is more like torture when I can’t do anything about it.”

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