Read The Angel and the Highlander Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Historical, #General

The Angel and the Highlander (11 page)

BOOK: The Angel and the Highlander
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“Nothing!” she repeated with the same intensity.

He gripped her hand and hurried her along, the rain pelting them. When they reached the cottage door, he began to strip her bare.

“I want our clothes left here so that all know tonight I made you mine and we are not—
to be disturbed.”

Terese agreed, beginning to strip him bare and when they stood naked before each other, Lachlan scooped her up and whispered, “Tonight, I make love to you.”

Chapter 15

erese shivered when she heard the click of the door even though she was wrapped snugly in Lachlan’s arms.

“You’re chilled,” he said with concern.

“No,” she was quick to say. “I’m warm and comfortable in your arms.”

“That’s because you belong there.” He kept her cradled in his embrace as he walked her over to the fireplace. “The heat will dry us some.”

The heat of the flames toasted their bodies while Lachlan continued to rain kisses along her face, neck, shoulders, and finally her breast; her nipples budding to life as he teased them with his tongue.

He lifted her and carried her to the bed and her hands went in search of him as his did to her. They were soft touches, exploring touches and touches that tantalized. His touch was often followed with lingering kisses and her passion soared as his lips continued down her body.

“Your taste intoxicates,” he whispered and then tasted some more.

She welcomed not only his kisses but his nibbles and nips that fired her body with a heated passion that had her moaning and writhing with pure pleasure.

“Your tongue is talented,” she said giddily when his lips reached for hers once again.

“Ah, but there’s more, so much more.

His suggestive remark sent a frenzy of desire shooting through her and she said, “Show me.”

Lachlan grinned. “With pleasure.”

He started at her neck and worked his way down, slowly tasting her as if she was an exquisite wine that needed to be savored to fully enjoy. He drank deeply of every inch of her and when he spread her legs apart to delve into her sweetness she startled and he chortled and…

Terese was screaming out with pure pleasure and as he moved over her, he whispered, “That’s just to start, as I promised you there’s
much, much

And she wanted more, she wanted everything he could give her and then some. She welcomed him, her arms going around him, her body rising up to greet him.

“I want you,” she said softly.

He brushed her lips with a kiss. “And you shall have me forever and always.”

For now
, she reminded herself.
For now
. And tears formed in her eyes.

“No, love, no tears.” He soothed and kissed at the corner of her eyes. “This is good. This is right and I will
never, ever
hurt you. You have my word on that. Trust me, always trust me. I will
fail you.”

She wanted to believe. She wanted to hope, but then hope had died a long time ago for her. But she had this moment, this time with him and she would enjoy it.

“I have never known such pleasure, such utter joy as I do here with you.”

He grinned, that charming grin of his and it made her smile.

“I will make sure that you always know pleasure and joy with me, and in a moment I’m going to make you mine forever and always.”

“I’d like that,” she whispered, for she truly would like to be his forever and always, though again, it could never be.

He kissed her then and touched her, here, there, and everywhere setting her flesh on fire, her skin tingling with a heat that ached for relief. He slipped full over her and captured her hands, she gladly locking hers with his and then he slipped gently into her.

He took his time, though she rather he didn’t. The deeper he got the deeper she wanted him until she rose up to meet him forcing the final thrust that had her moaning with the sheer joy of it.

He set the rhythm and she joined in. It was so very natural, so very good, so very right, and she lingered in the budding sensation that grew and grew until she was digging her fingers into his back and begging for…something.

It came like a flood that engulfed her, swallowed her and left her barely able to breath. She gasped and clung to him as ripple after ripple vibrated through
her body and she felt when his body did the same, and he held on to her as she did to him.

He kept her at his side when he slipped off her and she was glad of it for she didn’t want to separate from him just yet. Though their bodies were damp, this time with perspiration, she wanted to feel every inch of his flesh beside hers.

He was a magnificent creature, not lean or large, which made him perfect in shape and form, muscled but naturally so, though he was endowed with a sizeable manly organ and that gave her a chuckle.

“I amused you?” Lachlan asked with a laugh.

Terese was blunt and gently cupped him in her hand though he was more than a handful. “My thought was of your size.”

“And you find that amusing?” he asked with a teasing poke to her arm.

She giggled and jiggled him in her hand. “I find you endowed beyond expectations.”

“Be careful, he’ll respond to your charm,” he warned playfully.

She returned his playfulness. “I haven’t worn him out?”

“You have a long way to go for that.”


“I’ll do better then that, I’ll show you all night long,” he said.

“Promise,” she repeated with a soft franticness. “Promise me you’ll show me all night and all the days we have left together.”

He looked at her strangely then took hold of her
face. “
the days we have left together I will make love to you.”

He kissed her and she felt tears well in her eyes. She didn’t want him to see and so when their kiss ended she rested her head on his shoulder and forced not one tear to spill. She wouldn’t let him see her cry, wouldn’t let him know her pain. She would love him while she could and then they would be no more.

Lachlan kept his promise; they made love throughout the night, the thunder punctuating a climax or two and the steady rain falling outside a soothing melody. Sleep was stolen between bouts of lovemaking and then there was the talk, she encouraging Lachlan to share his family memories and she envious of his close family ties.

It was a night she would never forget, and she had no doubt she would recall many times long after he left. And she looked forward to every memory they would make before his departure. She wanted a storage house of memories to keep and enjoy.

Sunrise wasn’t far off when Terese woke and smiled when she saw how content Lachlan was wrapped around her. She could get used to this and that’s when her smile faded, and she decided it was best that she wasn’t there when he woke.

She had reminded herself on more than one occasion to keep things in perspective and she had to make certain she did just that. He would leave, she would be alone, and she would miss him badly enough as it was. She didn’t need to miss waking up beside him.

She eased out of bed and then realized she had no
clothes. They were outside on the ground probably still soaking wet, since the rain only stopped an hour or so ago.

“You’re not sneaking away are you?”

Terese turned with a start to see Lachlan on his side, elbow bent, head resting on his hand, smiling.

“I have no clothes.”

He grinned and she had to smile.

“A wise choice I made last night to strip you of leaving me.”

“Is that what you did?” she asked extending her arms out and unabashedly displaying her nakedness.

“A damn gorgeous sight to wake up to,” he claimed wholeheartedly.

She dropped her arms and headed for the door. “The sun has yet to rise. I can hurry to my quarters before anyone sees me.”

He was at the door blocking it before she reached it.

He ran his finger over her breasts, down her stomach, and slipped slowly down between her legs. “For my eyes only.”

She did the same to him, starting at his chest, swirling in circles down along his stomach to take hold of him in her hand. “It looks like someone else has risen before the sun.”

“He always does.”

“Always, not just for me?” she asked and gave a slight squeeze.

Lachlan rolled his eyes. “From now on only for you.”

How she would love that to be so, but she wasn’t foolish enough to believe this to last, for now, however…

“He’s all mine? Promise?”

“I give you my word.”

“In that case, I think I’ll kiss him good morning,” Terese said.

It wasn’t long before Lachlan scooped her up and rushed her to the bed, and there they stayed well past sunrise.

Chapter 16

achlan. Lachlan. Lachlan!”

Lachlan jolted and turned to stare at Boyd.

“Have our warriors gone completely love-sick?”

“I was thinking,” Lachlan defended.

“Of Terese, no doubt. Andrew has completely lost his senses over Megan. Evan spends all his time with Piper in or out of the woods, and now Kyle is witless over one of the young women that arrived at Everagis the other day. You have all gone mad.”

“Or are you simply jealous?” Lachlan suggested, which only served to agitate Boyd all the more.

“No one has caught my fancy.”

“I see the way you watch Hester,” Lachlan said, looking over the work the men had done to extend the small stable area.

“She’s not interested, I’ve tried.”

“You’re not sincere.”

“No, I’m not,” Boyd admitted, “which she pointed out with a jab of her finger.”

“Bonnie, that sweet lassie you favor, will see to your needs when we return home.”

“Which will be?” Boyd asked anxiously.

“Want to leave already?”

“This place doesn’t suit me. It’s too remote and too damn quiet.”

“I find it peaceful,” Lachlan said.

“Because you’re as love-sick as Andrew. You mark my words, he’s not going to want to return home with us. He’ll want to stay here with Megan.”

“Megan can go with him.”

Boyd snorted a laugh. “Not a one of these women will leave here. They’ve made it their home and they’re not going anyplace. A man who loves any one of them better realize that, or he’s in for a big disappointment.”

One of the men working on another cottage called out to Boyd.

Boyd waved to the man, but before leaving he said, “You know there’s really no reason for us to remain here. A messenger can deliver the church’s decision to these women. We can be on our way whenever we please.”

“The women need protecting,” Lachlan argued.

Boyd began drifting away. “Open your eyes, Lachlan. They can protect themselves.”

Lachlan grew annoyed, since he knew Boyd spoke the truth. It was no longer necessary for him and his men to remain at Everagis. He could take his leave anytime. The truth was, he wasn’t ready to leave.

After last night and this morning, he knew that there was much more between him and Terese than he had ever planned on. And he wasn’t about to walk
away before he gave it a chance to take root and grow.

He’d be an idiot not to admit to himself that he was falling in love with Terese and had been since almost the beginning. Love had struck him and it wouldn’t let go, and he believed Terese felt the same way. However, he didn’t wish to rush her and there was the problem that Boyd had pointed out. Not a one of the women would leave Everagis, and he couldn’t stay here. He needed time to resolve these issues the best way possible.

It was easier for his men. Andrew or Evan, or anyone of the other single men could remain here if they chose to, but he had an obligation to clan and family. And then there was his brother Ronan. He and his brothers would not rest until Ronan was found.

His brow frowned with deep ridges at the thought of Ronan. He worried over what was happening to him. Had he healed? Was he being treated well? And why? Why hadn’t he been able to return home? He had so hoped to learn something from the mercenaries in the area, but so far that had proved unsuccessful, Evan being upset over not being able to pick up a trail or a scent.

“Something troubles you?” Terese asked, approaching him with an outstretched hand.

He grinned, recalling how just a few hours ago she had stood stark naked in front of him. It had pleased him to know that she didn’t feel vulnerable in front of him, but rather that she trusted him. That was good. They were good and would only get better together.

He took her hand. “Your beauty chases away any troubles.”

“Tell me,” she urged and stroked his brow. “You looked so very upset.”

“I was thinking about how upset Evan is that he can’t find even a hint of a trail to the mercenaries’ camp.”

“Perhaps they have left the area.”

He shook his head. “I don’t believe so. From what the people who have arrived here tell us, the mercenaries have claimed land and intend to stay. And as I have said, one of the clans will decide it will be better to bargain with the mercenaries, having them as friends, which will settle the matter for all.”

“And those that have lost homes?”

He kissed her softly then answered, “Will find a home here at Everagis. Your village grows, haven’t you noticed.”

She nodded slowly.

He tapped her brow. “Then why the frown?”

“I wish you to find your brother.”

“Believe me when I tell you we will. My brothers and I will not stop searching until Ronan returns home.”

“Ronan may not be the Ronan you know when he finally returns home.”

Lachlan nodded. “True enough. Cavan was not himself when he first returned, but with time and his wife’s love, he is himself again. Once Ronan is home with family he will do fine.”

“You miss your family?”

“I do,” he admitted. “They are a loving bunch. We laugh often, talk much, have our share of disagreements, may even be known to throw a punch or two on occasion, but we’re always there to help each other whenever needed. That’s why Ronan knows we look for him and will find him.”

“I’m sure he does,” Terese said.

Lachlan slowly wrapped his arms around her. “I think you and I should take a stroll to my cottage.”

“And why is that?”

“We have things to discuss.”

“What things?” she asked smiling.

“I’ll tell you when we get there.”

“I have chores to see to.”

“They can wait,” Lachlan said and whispered, “this is much more important.”

“How can you be so sure?” she asked as he held her close to his side and began walking toward his cottage.

“Because if I don’t strip you of your clothes soon and lose myself in you, I’ll go stark raving mad.”

“You would survive,” she insisted, though she continued walking with him.

“No, I would not,” he declared adamantly.

“I am not that necessary to your survival.”

He stopped a few feet from his cottage. “You’re everything to my survival, Terese, and I believe it is the same for you. Tell me you do not wish, want, need to walk through that door with me and make love. Tell me and I will let you go do your chores.”

She stared at him for a moment and when she turned
to walk away, he felt his heart drop and his passion crash. But then she giggled and switched directions running straight for his cottage.

“I’ll get there before you,” she challenged.

His passion soared and he ran with the determination of a man eager to make love. He scooped her up in his arms just before she reached the door and hurried her inside, shutting the door firmly behind him and then depositing the both of them on the bed.

Clothes soon found their way to the floor and naked limbs were wrapped around each other, gentle laughs and nibbles mixed and hands explored.

Lachlan loved the feel of her smooth, silky skin. It reminded him of the softness of a newly blossomed rose petal and was just as fragrant.

“You smell so good,” he said wrapping his arms around her middle and resting his head there.

“Rowena’s soap. It’s a special blend,” she said, running her fingers through his dark brown hair.

“I could stay wrapped around you forever.”

“You’re welcome to.”

His heart swelled with her remark, for she told him that she didn’t wish to part from him, which meant she just might be falling in love with him. And with that sense of joy filling him he began to make love to her.

He took his time, exploring her naked flesh with a delicate touch, lingering his kisses in places he found sensitive to her and loving every little moan that slipped from her lips.

He refused to let her do anything this time. This
time his pleasure would come from pleasuring her. He brought her to climax with intimate touches then forced another one from her with the magic of his tongue. Then he entered her and brought her to a climax that had her reeling and him exploding, his body shuddering from the tremendously satisfying sensation that continued to ripple far beyond what he had ever experienced.

They lay spent against each other, their breathing erratic, not able to speak. But their fingers locked tightly and held on firm, both letting the other know they had no intentions of letting go.


Terese smiled broadly as she walked, a spring in her step, toward the common shelter. Her body never felt so good, so satisfied, so alive. She hadn’t wanted to leave Lachlan. She would have loved to linger, but she had chores to do and Lachlan had things to see to, and it wouldn’t be right to spend the entire day in the cottage, just the two of them. Everyone would talk, not that they probably weren’t already, and that was why she was glad to be so far removed from clan and family. Here she was free to love and not be judged. Here couples handfasted, joining together the old way, since clergy was far and few between. Here was her home.

It was a beautiful and glorious day, and she wouldn’t let anything destroy it for her. She would relish the joy of it all and think on the pleasure yet to come.

She laughed softly.

“Someone is pleased.”

Terese looked to see Hester approach and she could see by her expression something was wrong. She didn’t want anything to be wrong, not this day. She wanted this day to continue with smiles and tingles and never-ending passion.

She raised her hand before Hester could say anything. “Just give me a moment to tuck away my happiness for safekeeping.”

That caused Hester to smile. “There’s no problem. We all would like to have a meeting tonight. It has been awhile since we’ve had a chance to voice our concerns.”

“You’re right,” Terese agreed. “It has been too long since our last meeting, but why the bleak expression?”

Hester walked alongside Terese as they continued toward the common shelter. “Things are changing around here and I fear losing those I think of as sisters.”

“None of us intend to go anywhere,” Terese said. “Everagis is our home and somehow I think we will keep it. However, to make certain that we always do have a home I intend to speak with our recent friends and see if they can provide us with a parcel of land should we need it so that we may keep the friendship that already exists between us, providing them with our healing skills and a portion of our harvest.”

“Wise choice, but then that is why we look to you to lead us,” Hester said. “I don’t know what we would do without you.”

“You would survive,” Terese said firmly. “You would have to; you would have no other choice.”

“Yes, you’ve taught us that too, but I’d much rather have you around.”

“And I’d much rather be around,” Terese confirmed.

“What excuse will you give Lachlan for tonight?”

“I’ll think of something.”

“You are happy with him,” Hester said.

“More so than I imagined,” she admitted.

Hester shook her head. “It seems to me that love is more madness than anything else.”

Terese laughed and nodded. “I agree. Love does seem maddening.”

“And yet you embrace it?”

“I don’t think you have a choice once you fall in love. It grabs hold and has you in its clutches and suddenly nothing makes sense anymore.”

“And when it finally disappoints?” Hester asked.

Terese took hold of her hand. “We survive.”

Hester smiled. “Thanks to you I survived. I watched your face as you spoke to the innkeeper. He blanched with each word you spoke and quickly accepted the bag of coins you gave him. He released me right quick after that. I always wondered what you said to him, but I never had the courage to ask.”

“Until now.”

Hester nodded.

Terese grinned. “I told him if he didn’t accept the coins I offered for your release that one night soon or perhaps months from now, he would be paid a visit by a bloodthirsty Bunnock warrior and never see the light of day again.”

“And he believed you, a woman?”

Terese chuckled. “He believed me a Bunnock warrior who had the point of her dagger poking in his gut hard enough to draw blood.”

“You truly are a warrior,” Hester said.

“I am what I have to be as are you, Rowena, Piper, and Megan. We have all tasted the bitter side of life and now finally we get to taste the full rich flavors of life. And I for one intend to enjoy.”

“Then we’ll keep the meeting short tonight,” Hester offered.

“Now, that I appreciate and I assure you so will Lachlan.”

The two women laughed and entered the common room to see to chores.

BOOK: The Angel and the Highlander
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