The Anarchist Cookbook (10 page)

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Authors: William Powell

Tags: #Reference, #Handbooks & Manuals

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so they Will follow the correct trajectory. If all goes well, the coin will follow the Correct

path (such as bouncing off of the nickel anvil) where it will Hopefully fall into the narrow

accepted coin channel. The rather elaborate tests that are performed as the coin travels

down the Coin chute will stop most slugs and other undesirable coins, such as Pennies,

which must then be retrieved using the coin release lever. If the slug miraculously survives

the gamut, it will then strike the Appropriate totalizer arm causing a ratchet wheel to

rotate once for every 5-cent increment (e.g., a quarter will cause it to rotate 5 times). The

totalizer then causes the coin signal oscillator to readout a dual-frequency signal

indicating the value deposited to acts (a computer) or the Tsps operator. These are the

same tones used by phreaks in the infamous red boxes. For a quarter, 5 beep tones are

outpulsed at 12-17 pulses per second (pps). A dime causes 2 beep tones at 5 - 8« pps while

a nickel causes one beep tone at 5 - 8« pps. A beep consists of 2 tones: 2200 + 1700 hz. A

relay in the fortress called the "B Relay" (yes, there is also an 'a relay') places a capacitor

across the speech circuit during totalizer readout to prevent the "customer" from hearing

the red box tones. In older 3 slot phones: one bell (1050-1100 hz) for a nickel, two bells

for a dime, and one gong (800 hz) for a quarter are used instead of the modern dual-

frequency tones.


While fortresses are connected to the co of the area, all transactions are handled via the

traffic service position system (tsps). In areas that do not have acts, all calls that require

operator assistance, such as calling card and collect, are automatically routed to a tsps

operator position. In an effort to automate fortress service, a computer system known as

automated coin toll service (acts) has been implemented in many areas. Acts listens to the

red box signals from the fones and takes appropriate action. It is acts which says, "two

dollars please (pause) please deposit two dollars for the next ten seconds" (and other

variations). Also, if you talk for more than three minutes and then hang-up, acts will call

back and demand your money. Acts is also responsible for automated calling card service.

Acts also provide trouble diagnosis for craftspeople (repairmen specializing in fortresses).

For example, there is a coin test which is great for tuning up red boxes. In many areas this

test can be activated by dialing 09591230 at a fortress (thanks to karl marx for this

information). Once activated it will request that you deposit various coins. It will then

identify the coin and outpulse the appropriate red box signal. The coins are usually

returned when you hang up. To make sure that there is actually money in the fone, the co

initiates a "ground test" at various times to determine if a coin is actually in the fone. This

is why you must deposit at least a nickel in order to use a red box!

Green Boxes:

Paying the initial rate in order to use a red box (on certain fortresses) left a sour taste in

many red boxer's mouths thus the green box was invented. The green box generates useful

tones such as coin collect, coin return, and ringback. These are the tones that acts or the

tsps operator would send to The co when appropriate. Unfortunately, the green box cannot

be used at a fortress station but it must be used by the called party.

Here are the tones:

Coin Collect

700 + 1100 Hz

Coin Return

1100 + 1700 Hz


700 + 1700 Hz

Before the called party sends any of these tones, an operator released signal should be

sent to alert the MF detectors at the co. This can be accomplished by sending 900 + 1500

hz or a single 2600 hz wink (90 ms) followed by a 60 ms gap and then the appropriate

signal for at least 900 Ms.

Also, do not forget that the initial rate is collected shortly before the 3 minute period is

up. Incidentally, once the above MF tones for collecting and returning coins reach the co,

they are converted into an appropriate dc pulse (-130 volts for return & +130 volts for

collect). This pulse is then sent down the tip to the fortress. This causes the coin relay to

either return or collect the coins. The alleged "t-network" takes advantage of this

information. When a pulse for coin collect (+130 vdc) is sent down the line, it must be

grounded somewhere. This is usually either the yellow or black wire. Thus, if the wires are

exposed, these wires can be cut to prevent the pulse from being grounded. When the three

minute initial period is almost up, make sure that the black & yellow wires are severed;

then hang up, wait about 15 seconds in case of a second pulse, reconnect the wires, pick up

the fone, hang up again, and if all goes well it should be "jackpot" time.

Physical Attack:

A typical fortress weighs roughly 50 lbs. With an empty coin box. Most of this is

accounted for in the armor plating. Why all the security? Well, Bell contributes it to the

following: "social changes during the 1960's made the multislot coin station a prime target

for: vandalism, strong arm robbery, fraud, and theft of service. This brought about the

introduction of the more rugged single slot coin station and a new environment for coin

service." As for picking the lock, I will quote Mr. Phelps: "We often fantasize about

'picking the lock' or 'getting a master key.' Well, you can forget about it. I don't like to

discourage people, but it will save you from wasting a lot of our time--time which can be

put to better use (heh, heh)." As for physical attack, the coin plate is secured on all four

side by hardened steel bolts which pass through two

slots each. These bolts are in turn interlocked by the main lock. One phreak I know did

manage to take one of the 'mothers' home (which was attached to a piece of plywood at a

construction site; otherwise, the permanent ones are a bitch to detach from the wall!). It

took him almost ten hours to open the coin box using a power drill, sledge hammers, and

crowbars (which was empty -- perhaps next time, he will deposit a coin first to hear if it

slushes down nicely or hits the empty bottom with a clunk.)

Taking the fone offers a higher margin of success. Although this may be difficult often

requiring brute force and there has been several cases of back axles being lost trying to

take down a fone! A quick and dirty way to open the coin box is by using a shotgun. In

Detroit, after ecologists cleaned out a municipal pond, they found 168 coin phones rifled.

In colder areas, such as Canada, some shrewd people tape up the fones using duct tape,

pour in water, and come back the next day when the water will have froze thus expanding

and cracking the fone open. In one case, "unauthorized coin collectors" where caught when

they brought $6,000 in change to a bank and the bank became suspicious... At any rate,

the main lock is an eight level tumbler located on the right side of the coin box. This lock

has 390,625 possible positions (5 ^ 8, since there are 8 tumblers each with 5 possible

positions) thus it is highly pick resistant! The lock is held in place by 4 screws. If there is

sufficient clearance to the right of the fone, it is conceivable to punch out the screws

using the drilling pattern below (provided by Alexander Muddy in tap #32):


! !

! 1- 3/16 " ! !

!<--- --->! 1-«"

-------------------- !

! ! ! ! !

! (+) (+)-! -----------

---! ! !

! ! ! ! !

! ! (Z) ! ! !

! ! ! ! 2-3/16"

---! ! ! !

! (+) (+) ! !

! ! ! !

-------------------- -----------





After this is accomplished, the lock can be pushed backwards disengaging the lock from

the cover plate. The four bolts of the cover plate can then be retracted by turning the

bolt works with a simple key in the shape of the hole on the coin plate (see diagram below).

Of course, there are other methods and drilling patterns.


! !

( )




The top cover uses a similar, but not as strong locking method with the keyhole depicted

above on the top left hide and a regular lock (probably tumbler also) on the top right-hand

side. It is interesting to experiment with the coin chute and the fortresses own "red box"

which bell didn't have the balls to color red.


In a few areas (rural & Canada), post-pay service exists. With this type of service, the

mouthpiece is cut off until the caller deposits money when the called party answers. This

also allows for free calls to weather and other dial-it services! Recently, 2600 magazine

announced the clear box which consists of a telephone pickup coil and a small amp. It is

based on the principal that the receiver is also a weak transmitter and that by amplifying

your signal you can talk via the transmitter thus avoiding costly telephone charges! Most

fortresses are found in the 9xxx area. Under former bell areas, they usually start at 98xx

(right below the 99xx official series) and move downward.

Since the line, not the fone, determines whether or not a deposit must be made, dtf &

charge-a-call fones make great extensions! Finally, fortress fones allow for a new hobby--

instruction plate collecting. All that is required is a flat-head screwdriver and a pair of

needle-nose pliers. Simply use the screwdriver to lift underneath the plate so that you can

grab it with the pliers and yank downwards. I would suggest covering the tips of the pliers

with electrical tape to prevent scratching. Ten cent plates are definitely becoming a


Fortress security:

While a lonely fortress may seem the perfect target, beware! The gestapo has been known

to stake out fortresses for as long as 6 years according to the grass roots quarterly. To

avoid any problems, do not use the same fones repeatedly for boxing, calling cards, & other

experiments. The Telco knows how much money should be in the coin box and when its not

there they tend to get perturbed (Read: Pissed Off).

42. Black Box Plans by The Jolly Roger


At any given time, the voltage running through your phone is about 20 Volts. When someone

calls you, this voltage goes up to 48 Volts and rings the bell. When you answer, the voltage

goes down to about 10 Volts. The phone company pays attention to this. When the voltage

drops to 10, they start billing the person who called you.


The Black Box keeps the voltage going through your phone at 36 Volts, so that it never

reaches 10 Volts. The phone company is thus fooled into thinking you never answered the

phone and does not bill the caller. However, after about a half hour the phone company will

get suspicious and disconnect your line for about 10 seconds.


1 1.8K « Watt Resistor

1 1«V LED

1 SPST Switch


Open your phone by loosening the two screws on the bottom and lifting the case off.

There should be three wires: Red, Green, and Yellow. We'll be working with the Red Wire.

Connect the following in parallel:

The Resistor and LED.

The SPST Switch.

In other words, you should end up with this:

(Red Wire)


(Line)-----! !-----(Phone)


/\/\/\ = Resistor


_/_ = SPST


The SPST Switch is the On/Off Switch of the Black Box. When the box is off, your phone

behaves normally. When the box is on and your phone rings, the LED flashes. When you

answer, the LED stays on and the voltage is kept at 36V, so the calling party doesn't get

charged. When the box is on, you will not get a dial tone and thus cannot make calls. Also

remember that calls are limited to half an hour.

PS Due to new Fone Company switching systems & the like, this may or may not work in

your area. If you live in Bumfuck Kentucky, then try this out. I make no guarantees! (I

never do...)

43. The Infamous Blotto Box!! by The Jolly Roger

(I bet that no one has the balls to build this one!)

Finally, it is here! What was first conceived as a joke to fool the innocent

phreakers around America has finally been conceived! Well, for you people who are

unenlightened about the Blotto Box, here is a brief summery of a legend.

The Blotto Box

For years now every pirate has dreamed of the Blotto Box. It was at first made as a joke

to mock more ignorant people into thinking that the function of it actually was possible.

Well, if you are The Voltage Master, it is possible. Originally conceived by King Blotto of

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