The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (28 page)

BOOK: The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“An hour outside of Houston. We have a small town a few miles down the road. There’s a bus stop, a deli, diner, hardware store, et cetera. There are miles between properties, the way we like it,” Duke stated.

“It’s a vacation place for us. We do have a house not too far from the city. It’s more suburban like with shopping centers and restaurants,” Sandman added.

“Yeah, some close friends of ours own a bar restaurant called Casper’s. That’s the main hangout. We have a nice place there and the area is surrounded with ex-military types, like us,” Big Jay told her. She absorbed what they were saying, but her gut felt as if it were in knots. There was so much to be concerned over. She was in no position to make plans for the future.

Just then Sandman’s cell phone rang and he answered it while walking out of the room. Grace watched him walk away, smiling at the thought of sharing Europe with him and his brothers, but they seemed to have different plans. Would this be what would tear their relationship apart, before they even got fully started?

Duke and Big Jay were quiet as they all sat there. She wondered if they were thinking what she was and that maybe this relationship wouldn’t work out. She didn’t like the feeling she had.

Just then, Sandman walked back into the room.

He didn’t look happy, his face was flushed and he was having a hard time keeping eye contact with Grace.

“Is everything okay?” Big Jay asked.

Sandman walked over to her, knelt down on the floor and took her hand into his.

“That was Frank who called. The killer went after Jamie,” he said and then looked down.

“What? No! Oh God. Oh my God. No. Please tell me she isn’t…”

“She’s alive, Grace. Just barely but she’s alive. He didn’t kill her.”

Both Big Jay and Duke were next to her, too.

“It’s okay, honey,” Big Jay said and Grace looked up at him with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Where is Jamie now, Sandman?” Duke asked and Grace was grateful, because she couldn’t speak. She was crying and her heart ached something terrible.
Poor Jamie.

“She’s in intensive care. Tod is with her as well as Donald and your family.” Sandman placed his hand over hers and squeezed it.

“Tell me everything. Don’t leave anything out.” She wiped her tears.

“Grace, I don’t think—”

“No! You will not keep this from me,” Grace interrupted as she stood up and pushed their hands away from her.

He remained silent as he stood there towering over her with one hand on his hip and the other running through his hair.

“You don’t think what? For God’s sake, Sandman, he’s going after my family. Jamie’s my cousin. What does he want? What did they find?” She raised her voice. The anger, the frustration was getting to her.


* * * *


Sandman tried to remain calm and empathetic. He knew Grace was going to take this badly. She was on to the police procedures, the practices, the way they collected evidence. She was so smart but he wanted to protect her. The letter this time was taunting her. The killer wanted her to come home and there was no way Sandman would allow that.

“No, Grace. It’s not important right now. Your cousin is alive.”

He glanced at his brothers. They looked pissed off but hopefully would save their questions for later. Sandman didn’t want Grace to know about the letter.

“This isn’t the killer’s MO. Jamie should be dead. He didn’t kill her and there’s a reason. Did he leave another poem?” she asked and Sandman looked at his brothers for help.

“She has a right to know. Tell her, Sandman,” Duke whispered.

Sandman remained silent. The information could send Grace over the edge. Grace begged him to tell her more, but this time Sandman held his ground.


* * * *


The words from the killer’s letter stared out at Sandman, Duke, and Big Jay from his laptop. Frank had e-mailed the note along with the other evidence found at Jamie’s house.

The killer wanted her, wanted to perform sick sexual acts as he had done with the others. He said he desired Grace and that she was his treasure. The sick son of a bitch had killed over thirty young women.

“We can’t let this sick fuck get to Grace,” Duke stated firmly.

“We need fucking answers,” Big Jay added.

They heard the door open and knew that Grace had returned from going to the bathroom. Sandman closed down his laptop.


* * * *


Grace overhead part of their conversation. The killer did leave another letter. He mentioned her in it. He was taunting her and wanted Grace to return home.

“Can I talk to Tod or Donald? What about my mother? Any word from her or my brothers?” she asked.

Grace couldn’t stand being away like this. She wanted to be home. She wanted to stop this guy. What was Sandman not telling her?

“Frank should be calling me back soon. There’s something you should know, Grace, about Donald.” Sandman looked at Big Jay and Duke. Neither man looked happy. They kind of appeared pissed off to Grace.

She was shocked when he explained how the federal agents believed Donald was the killer. Just as Sandman and Duke explained why the agents believed Donald was part of the investigation and a potential suspect, the phone rang.

Big Jay took her hand and led her out of the room. They were blocking her out, keeping her from the investigation. She wanted to go home. She wanted to help. The situation was out of control.

Chapter 15


“Peter, I just don’t get it. Why would the agents be looking at Donald?” Frank asked as John joined his two brothers. “There’s no way he could be the killer.”

“Apparently Agent Lancaster has enough evidence to obtain a search warrant,” Peter told them.

“What? When did this happen?” John asked.

“Just a little while ago. I got a call from a friend of mine. He knows how close Donald is to the family. He was giving me a heads-up,” Peter stated.

“This has turned into a major mess. There is no way it’s him. No way,” John said, and both Frank and Peter agreed.

“What did Sandman tell Grace? You know she’ll want to come home,” Peter said.

“Well that’s not an option. She’s staying put in the safety of Sandman and his brothers’ arms for all I care, but far from here. This killer means business and now we have our family to protect. I think Mom should have one of us by her at all times or maybe one of the agents,” Frank said.

“Donald had stationed a guy there already,” John told them. He didn’t want to think Donald had something to do with this. He was like a father to him.

“We can believe in our hearts that Donald’s not the killer but we have to be smart about this. I don’t think we should trust anyone,” Frank added.

“I agree. I know you don’t want to consider this but the FBI may want to use Grace as bait. The killer wants her, he’s killing other innocent people because of it and they might feel it’s the only way to smoke the guy out,” Peter said.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? There’s no fucking way our little sister is going to be bait for this monster. The FBI can just kiss my ass.” Frank raised his voice as he stood up from his chair knocking it over onto the floor.

“Calm down, Frank. I’m just telling you what they’re going to say. She’ll be safe with Sandman and his brothers and I’m sure that Agent Lancaster will keep her there while he’s investigating Donald. When that turns up to be a dead end, Grace could be coming home sooner,” Peter stated.

“I don’t believe this. We lost one sister to this fuck head. We’re not going to lose another. And Donald is innocent. The killer probably planted some evidence on him just like Stew Parker,” John said to his brothers.

“I’m sure Lancaster covered that already. I spoke to Donald a little while ago. He was going to cooperate and speak to the agents first thing in the morning,” Peter told them.

“He might need you to defend him, Peter,” John said.

“I’ve already offered my services but he says he doesn’t want to go that far yet. ‘One step at a time’ were his exact words.” Peter shook his head.

Both Frank and John smiled. That was Donald all right, very easygoing, always taking his time, never in a rush to make a judgment.

“I’m going to head over to the hospital and see how Jamie’s doing. If she regains consciousness soon, maybe she’ll be able to help with the case,” Frank said, sounding hopeful as he headed toward the door.

“Give them our best and tell Tod I’ll be there in the morning,” Peter said then he looked at John who nodded his head.


* * * *


“Peter, you keep someone on Lindsey. There’s no telling if this asshole is liable to go after your wife,” Frank said.

“I thought about that already. Your roommates volunteered. I think they still feel responsible for Grace getting that envelope when she was staying with you guys.”

“They’re a good group of guys and they do feel responsible. They’ll help out. We all will. Have you spoken with Jim and Teddie?”

“Yes, they asked me to look into something they came across. Well actually, Grace picked up on something with Sandman and his brothers while going through some files. There was this old case and a letter left behind. I think Jim and Teddie are looking into the connection between the other victims and real estate property.”

“Real estate property? What do they think that has to do with this case, Pete?”

“Not sure, but it could make matters worse for Donald. They found a link between the three victims and a charity group. Not sure where it may lead, but hopefully not as more potential evidence in a case against Donald.”

“Well, Pete, they don’t have enough to lock him up. Let’s hope for the best.”

“Let’s hope that we can find the real killer and get Grace home where she belongs.”

“At least she’s with Sandman. He’s a good guy. Jim and a bunch of guys swear he’s the best.”

Frank stood up.

“You heard what Grace told Mom the other day.”

“No, what?”

“She said she was in love.”

“No shit? With Sandman?”

“Her exact words were Sandman and his two brothers.”

John was shocked.

“Holy fuck. Big Jay and Duke are huge. Plus they always look so damn pissed off.”

“You aren’t worried about the whole ménage thing?” Pete asked.

“Hell no. Look at Jim, Teddie and Deanna. Never mind a bunch of our other friends. It happens. I just hope they truly love her.”

“If they don’t and they hurt her, we’ll kick their asses.”

“I think we’ll need our own army to try. I have hopes that this will work out. Grace could use a happily ever after.”

“Do they really exist?” Pete asked and John nodded his head.

“I sure hope so, for Grace.


* * * *


“Donald is not the killer,” Grace told Sandman, Big Jay, and Duke as they stood in the office. Sandman just got word that some other evidence pointed to Donald.

“Wasn’t he in the office when that bomb went off?” Big Jay asked.

“Yes, he was. What, did the Agent forget that little tidbit?” Grace asked with an attitude.

“You and I both know, Big Jay, that he could have planned it that way. It would cover him for an alibi at the time,” Sandman replied.

“Sandman, you don’t actually think Donald could be the killer? Jamie is his daughter-in-law and Tod is his son,” Grace added.

“Maybe that’s why she’s not dead,” Duke said, sending Grace into shock.

“Damn you. I see now how easily you could turn your back on someone.” She turned her back toward the wall.

The men knew how upset she was.

“I need to look at this from an investigative perspective, Grace. He has the capability, the resources, and after a full investigation there may be more evidence that can connect him to the other killings,” Sandman stated firmly.

“It’s not true, Goddamn it. It’s just not true. You’re wrong, Investigator Sandstone.” She stormed out the slider doors and onto the porch.

“Just give her a few minutes to cool down. She has every right to be pissed off,” Duke stated as he stopped Sandman from following Grace.

“She’s not the only one who’s pissed off. I want to get this guy and kill him myself,” Sandman said then slammed his fist down on the table.

“I’m right there with you, partner, but what you need to do is stay professional, stay focused,” Duke told his brother.

“I’m trying. Really I am but this guy is getting to everyone. I don’t really think Donald is guilty. But as investigators when evidence emerges we have to look into everything. Every tiny detail or possibility. That’s how we’re going to find the real killer,” Sandman said as he headed toward the porch.

Grace stood by the railing staring out toward the woods.

“Grace. We need to talk.” He closed the sliding glass door.

“There’s nothing to talk about. I want to go home and I want you to take me there first thing in the morning. It gives you plenty of time to make the arrangements,” she said to him, still not looking at him.

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