The Ambassador and Me: an unlikely love story (The Ambassador Trilogy Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: The Ambassador and Me: an unlikely love story (The Ambassador Trilogy Book 1)
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“Is your family in politics?”

“No, though they might as well be. My parents own Mayme and Danny’s Restaurant. It is a big deal in Washington D.C.”

He stared and said nothing. For a few moments, we stood among the noise and commotion in our own world. His eyes seemed to be sizing me up from head to toe.

A man and his wife walked up to Fabrice. The man said hello and jarred Fabrice out of his daydream. He turned to both of them and introduced me, surprisingly remembering my name.

“Hello Jean, this is Isabella Piori, your new assistant. She’s been looking for you to introduce herself.”

Standing in front of me was a short old man with a receding hairline, beady eyes, and a limp. He looked the same as his picture on the Internet. He wasn’t smiling and had an even shorter woman with him, whom I presumed was his wife. He extended his hand to me and didn’t look happy.

“Good evening General Gerard. It’s nice to meet you.”

I noticed not a hint of a smile, but his wife smiled big enough for both of them.

“Very nice to meet you, Miss Piori. Thank you for coming tonight. This is my wife Bernadette.” His bark sounded worse than his bite. His voice was soft and calm and nothing I expected. His handshake was firm, yet friendly in an odd way. His wife continued to smile at me and told me I was beautiful. After a few pleasantries and laughs I tried excusing myself.

“Thank you for inviting me. I look forward to seeing you in the office, Monday.” I was admiring his military uniform. Metals adorned the front and patches on the arm were stacked in a column. From what I'd read online he was a Brigadier General appointed as the Defense Attaché. He and his wife began talking to another older couple and it was once again Fabrice and me.

“Have a nice evening; eat, please enjoy yourself, and stay a while longer. I heard there will be fireworks toward the end of the evening. I’m sure you won’t want to miss that.” Fabrice winked at me and smiled. He went to speak to me again when a red-haired, astonishingly tall, beautiful woman came sauntering up, linking her arm into his. She gave me an evil smile and looked me up and down.

“I’m going home, baby. I’m tired,” she whined and shot me another look. She saw me as a threat and I sensed it right away.

Of course, he would be dating a supermodel. What else? She was rail thin with a red short dress I noticed was Gucci. Her full pouty lips were stained deep red, matching her dress, and her hair hung to her waist straightened to perfection. She wore a single diamond necklace and I glanced on her left hand to see if she wore an engagement ring. Thankfully, she did not. She towered over me in her sky-high black pumps.

“Excuse me, Miss Piori,” he said.

I watched him walk the redhead out as they had an intense conversation.

When she was gone, he seemed to shrug and pick up another conversation with some people watching him. They laughed and he looked in my direction. I turned my head.

A few more people approached that recognized me from the restaurant. It didn’t take long before I was surrounded by familiar faces. Everyone had a story about Mayme and Danny’s, either about my dad’s tantrums, the wonderful parties they threw in the banquet rooms, or the food that everyone loved.

I finished my glass of champagne and decided to walk around the magnificent mansion in hopes to talk to Fabrice before I left. As I glanced at the art on the walls, I noticed he stood in front of the bar talking to a couple of people. He was at ease and confident as he laughed a hearty deep laugh and tilted his head back. His hands were in the pockets of his pants. He kept looking at me and his eyes followed me around the room as I tried not to keep gazing back at him. Like a sin I shouldn’t commit, I couldn’t help myself but glance at him. Our eyes seemed to lock onto each other’s. It was such an electric moment, so hot and sexual without touching. My stomach was in a knot.

He walked up closer to me.

“Miss Piori. I see you stayed a while longer.” His sapphire eyes were piercing. His scent drove me insane. It was like a campfire, leather, and patchouli.

“Yes. This place is beautiful. Do you like it here?”

“I do. I miss Paris, but it will wait for me. Have you ever been there?”

“Yes, once. We went to Italy and decided to take a train to Paris. It was beautiful.”

He said nothing, but sipped his drink and looked at me. His eyes took me in slowly again. I was self-conscious to begin with, but this made it worse. The way his eyes caressed my body was so sensual. Something between us seemed to magnify and explode. I didn’t want him to walk away, so I tried to come up with something to talk about.

“I love the artwork. The chandeliers are amazing.” My voice shook along with my entire body. I hoped he didn’t pick up on my nervousness. For a woman that likes to be in control, this man had me unhinged.

“I’m glad we met before Monday.”

“I am as well, Isabella.” His voice smoldered when he said my name. His accent was not helping the sensual situation.

“I worked for my parents while going to college, so this is going to be a new and exciting experience for me.” I gulped the last sip of my champagne as I held on the glass as if it was anchoring me to the floor.

I started to babble. Some was from the champagne and the rest was because of my nerves.

“I love politics and was raised in the restaurant filled with politicians, so it was inevitable that I would follow a political career or stay in the restaurant business.”

“Yes, a graduate of Georgetown University, second in your class, summa cum laude, with a degree in political science, and a minor in women’s studies. You should fit in well.”

I stared, shocked he knew all of that. He must have noticed my surprise.

“I had to sign off on the new hires and I read your resume. Now that I’m an official D.C. resident, I must eat at your family’s restaurant.”

“I...” I was at a loss for words. I was still reeling from his knowledge of my academic stats.

He walked closer to me so that no one could hear us talk. The heat radiated off his body.

“Did you bring a date, Isabella? I didn’t see you come here tonight with anyone.” He whispered in my ear. His lips touched my ear ever so slightly sending yet another chill through my body. My thighs tingled and I became achy.

“What? No. What does this have to do with anything?” I was flustered and out of sorts.

He didn’t answer, just smiled at me and handed me another glass of champagne from the waiter.

Quickly, I swallowed the third glass.

It was then that a couple came up to him and began speaking French, and it was a good time to slip away. I was too nervous to hang around. My heart beat in my head and I noticed I began sweating profusely. I looked at him one more time and he winked and nodded.

I ducked away and put my champagne glass on a waiter’s tray. The place was wall-to-wall people laughing, talking in different languages, and eating. Air was what I craved. The best place was outside away from the commotion. A boyfriend or date was not something I cared to bring up. The thought of Anthony made me sick. Remembering what happened would cause me to have a slight panic attack on top of meeting the sexiest man I have ever seen.


I crossed the ornate foyer before I stopped to say goodbye to several people I recognized from the restaurant. After a couple of responses and air kisses, I looked back, and he was staring at me. Not staring, he was transfixed. I swallowed thinking how his hand felt when it touched mine, how hot he made me, and how badly I needed to get off before the night was over. In two days I was going to be working with him. How would I be able to conduct myself professionally so close in proximity to him? Honestly, I needed to think about this. More guests arrived and left in a sea of black limousines and blacked-out SUV’s. I fished in my purse for my cell phone as I handed the valet my ticket to call my driver.

“Avery? Are you home?”

“Yeah, why?

“I met the Attaché and the new Ambassador.”

“Okay. Wasn’t that the point of going tonight?” I heard her yawn into the phone.

“He’s the sexiest man I have ever seen. No joke.”

“The Attaché? I didn’t think he was that cute. A little short and, what, about eighty years old? If you like that, hey, who am I to judge?”

“Not the Attaché, the Ambassador! Avery, he is the hottest man I have ever seen.”

“You said that about Anthony once and look how that turned out.” I ignored her.

“Something happened.” I tried to keep walking away from people and whisper. I didn’t want anyone hearing my conversation.

“You can’t say that and leave me hanging here. Did he hit on you?”

“I don’t know what it was. Are you going to be home because I need to talk to you?”

“Of course. I am now.”

“Don’t stay home because of me. If you had plans go do them.” I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. I was tired and confused and in need of something sexual to tame this fire that built inside me.

“Shut the fuck up, Izz. When are you coming home and are you okay?”

“Now and I’m fine.” I lied.

“You can’t lie to me Miss Piori. I know you like a book. You are either pissed or horny.”

“You do know me well.” I pulled the bobby pins out of my hair. I had worn it up for the night and took it down since it was giving me a headache. There was no reason to look glamorous anymore. My unruly hair cascaded down my back. I shook it out and turned around. Low and behold, the Ambassador was standing there. He nodded at me when I glanced in his direction. Standing on the front porch of his home, he watched me as he sipped a drink.

“Listen, my car pulled up. I will be home shortly. I want coffee and pizza. Can you order my favorite?”

“On it, babe. Be careful and I will see you in a few.”

I hung up with Avery and, fortunately, my car whisked me away from the Cinderella scene I so desperately needed to leave. Before I stepped into the car I casually glanced back at the balcony to see him one more time. He was gone.

Chapter 2

sat alone in the back seat of the dark SUV, horny as hell, exhausted, and confused. The drive home helped me calm down. The Ambassador was not an option and I don’t know why I considered it. What was I thinking? His looks, his title, and his power were way out of my league. On top of that, he was my boss’ boss. However, maybe that’s what drew me to him. I loved the danger of it and the sensuality he exuded. I would be nothing more than a fuck to him, and maybe that’s exactly what I wanted. No strings, dirty hot sex and that’s all. Why did he ask me if I was dating anyone?

My stomach growled and I realized I was starved, a little drunk, and my feet were killing me from my new shoes. I was glad Avery was home. She was my therapist, my best friend, and my sounding board. I loved her to death and talking to her was always a necessity.

My roommate through four years of undergraduate school sat in the kitchen drinking her smoothie, made of some strange concoction, when I walked in. Tall and lean with overly dyed blonde hair, Avery looked like a pinup girl. She loved that 40’s look of a glamour girl but with an insane amount of tattoos on her arms. She sat around in the house wearing Prada and Chanel like it was a pair of sweats. She was beautiful with doe-like eyes and pouty, naturally pink lips, and she was the one person that knew me better than anyone.

She was one of those girls who were flawless. I resented her at times for not trying, but always looking amazing. Men would hit on her at the grocery store, the bank, and especially at clubs. She could have any man she wanted, yet she wanted none. My Avery preferred girls. That was fine with me. I could care less and, in fact, it intrigued me. She went through women faster than any man I knew. When I got used to one of her many conquests, she would find some reason to get rid of them and they would be gone. I didn’t see her settling down any time soon.

Avery was raised with so much money, she didn’t have to go to school, work, or do anything. She was born to privilege and an insane trust fund, but didn’t flaunt it. The child to Douglas and Ellen Eubanks; they invented some gadget that sold a trillion online and made them extremely wealthy. She was raised in boarding schools and brought to college in a limousine, yet she was the most down to earth person I knew. She would do anything for anyone and didn’t ask for anything in return.

The day we met, I knew she would be my best friend forever. Plus, she had the best closet full of clothes in the whole dorm. We connected and when our college days were over, we decided to move in together. I loved her dearly and could not imagine my life without her. In her third year of law school, Avery wanted a challenge so she took the LSAT and was accepted in George Washington Law School. She loves it and plans on practicing law in D.C after she graduates.

Always able to rely on her for anything, Avery had my pizza waiting for me and the coffee brewed. The condo smelled wonderful with my favorite meatball, extra cheese, and onion pizza. It was so good to be home. After being at the crowded gala, I loved the quietness of our condo.

Our condo was huge, too big for the two of us. The front door opened into our large vaulted ceiling living room. The kitchen was our favorite room, mammoth with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops; we seemed to be in there all the time. Avery hired an interior decorator to come in and make our home cozy and rustic. We each had our own large bedroom with our own bath, two guest rooms and two more baths. When we couldn’t keep up with cleaning, we hired a maid that came in once a week. We were two lucky girls living the single life in a very happy, luxurious way.

BOOK: The Ambassador and Me: an unlikely love story (The Ambassador Trilogy Book 1)
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