The Alpha's Hunger (22 page)

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Authors: Renee Rose

BOOK: The Alpha's Hunger
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She smiled and dropped her eyes. “I’m feeling very unsexy with these stupid things,” she said.

He lifted her off his lap and turned her to fold over his desk. Pulling up her skirt, he slowly slid her silky pink panties down to her thighs. “Let me just show you what will happen if I catch you walking without them again,” he said, standing and opening his desk drawer, where he found an eighteen-inch wooden ruler, two inches wide and one-eighth inch thick.

He brought it down smartly across her exposed buttocks.

She gasped, squeezing her cheeks together. “Ben,” she whispered. “Karen will hear.”

“Hmm,” he said, pulling her panties back up and trying again. The sound was slightly more muffled.

She gasped again, lurching forward.

He tapped the ruler on her bottom. “I may have to find something to make an impression that’s quieter to keep here in my office for when you misbehave.”

Ashley moaned and the scent of her arousal filled his nostrils.

“Because I want to be able to provide you with instant feedback on your performance here in the office,” he said, smacking her once more, much harder this time.

Ashley squeaked.

He peeled her panties back down, dragging them off over her bulky cast. “Spread your legs, Ash,” he murmured.

Her intake of breath excited him. He dug a condom out of his pocket and unzipped his pants, sheathing his eager cock. He rubbed the head of his penis over her pussy, teasing her clit and spreading her moisture up and down. “I’m going to use a condom today, but there may be times I choose to fill you with my seed,” he warned.

He made a note to have a genuine discussion about birth control with her later, but at this moment, threatening her with the danger of bearing his pups turned him on, and based on her pussy’s release of fresh lubricant, had the same effect on her.

He pressed against her entrance, parting her inner lips. She stretched to allow his entrance, her heat engulfing his cock. He pushed all the way in and gripped her hair, tugging her head back. “Who do you belong to?” he demanded, easing out and burying himself once more in her sweet passage, even deeper this time.

“You,” she gasped.

He pumped a little faster, not releasing her hair. “Say
I belong to Ben Stone

Her pussy gushed moisture. “I belong to Ben Stone.”

He lost his breath. Letting go of her hair, he wrapped his arm around her hips to keep from slamming her pelvis against the hard wood of his desk as he took her roughly, plowing in and out, burying his cock in her heat over and over again until the sound of her throaty cry made him lose all control. He shot his load, all the while continuing to stroke in and out. He reached around between Ashley’s legs and pinched her clit. She clamped her lips around a scream, bucking under him, the walls of her sex contracting around his member, wringing every last drop of his cum from his cock.

A few minutes later when they’d cleaned up, he pulled her back to his lap in the chair. “Do you suppose Karen heard that?” he teased.

“Oh, God, what are you doing to me?”

“Just making sure you understand your extensive duties around here.”

She turned around, kneeling on either side of his seat and pressing her breasts into his face. “I am at your disposal, Mr. Stone,” she said.

He squeezed and kneaded her ass, already ready for another round. “Damn,” he groaned. “You’re about to get yourself fucked again.”

“Should I leave?”

He groaned again—her smell making him dizzy, the feel of her soft curves under his hands too much to give up. With effort he released her. “You’d better put your panties back on and then sit on the desk out of my reach.”

“Yes, sir,” she murmured. She complied, arranging herself on his desk with her sleek legs crossed, the cast dangling on the bottom. “Did you have something else to discuss?”

He gathered his thoughts and cleared his throat. “Yes. I was thinking after work we could go look for houses. Or would you like to have one built?”

Her face lit up. “Ooh, really? For us to live in?”

He grinned. “Yeah.”

“Building a house would be fun,” she said with her eyes shining.

“What are you thinking?”

“Something up in the foothills with a wall of windows and a great view.”

“And a swimming pool?”

“How’d you know I swim?”

He grinned. “You told me you took State in high school. Besides, you’re my mate. It’s my job to know things about you.”

She slid off the desk and dropped back into his lap, pressing her lips to his mouth. “You never stop surprising me.”

“Good,” he said. “I intend to keep you on your toes. If we’re not house-hunting, maybe we can find that ring for your finger this evening instead.”

Ashley flushed. “I don’t really need a ring. I didn’t mean to make it seem like—”

He cut her off with a kiss. “No, you’re getting a ring. And a proper wedding as is human custom. Unless—” He hesitated, suddenly unsure. “Unless I’m going too fast and you want some more time to think about it.”

Ashley snorted. “I thought it was a done deal,” she said, touching the marks on her shoulder.

“For me it is, but I understand if you need more time.”

She gazed into his green eyes, losing herself in their warmth. “Thank you, but the way I understood it, I already belong to Ben Stone, so I don’t see any sense in resisting.” She smiled. “But maybe a long engagement would give my family and friends time to get to know you and adjust to the idea.”

He tucked a curl behind her ear. “Sounds perfect to me, sweetheart.”

“Shouldn’t you propose or something?”

“Oh,” he said, straightening. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat. “Ashley Bell, I need you in my life. I need you by my side at work and in my bed at night. I need to be near you, to breathe your scent and touch your skin for the rest of my days on this earth. lf you will take me as your husband and mate, I promise I will work every day to keep a smile on your lips, to fill your home with my love, and to give you my very best. I will provide for you and protect you, I will learn to give you what you need and what you desire, and I will never, ever stray. Will you please have me?”



“That was the best proposal I’ve ever heard in my life. I wish I’d recorded it.”

“Are you going to answer me?”

She cupped his face. “My answer is yes, wolf. I will be your wife and your mate. I will do my best to serve you, to fill your home with love and little baby wolves.”

“Pups,” he corrected her, blinking rapidly.

“Do you want pups?” she asked softly.

This time she saw actual tears pop into his eyes before he blinked them back. “I never did… but now—” He stopped and swallowed. “Yeah. I would love that.”

“Then yes. My answer is yes. I’m yours, Ben Stone. In every way possible.”

“Ashley,” he murmured, reaching for her face. He met her lips with his, kissing her softly at first, then with more force. “My forever Ashley. I love you, sweetheart.”

“And I love you,” she said, trying to impart the full promise of her words in the strength of her gaze as she moved in for one more kiss.



The End

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