The Alpha's Cat (2 page)

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Authors: Carrie Kelly

BOOK: The Alpha's Cat
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He’s not stupid either. He’d probably have the entire place
locked down even tighter than it was.

I frowned. Damn you Tate Wilson.


Two weeks passed by slowly as I flowed back into my normal
routine. Mostly working extra hours to scrape up enough money for rent at the
pizza diner.

On Friday during my lunch hour two men came in with
expensive looking suits. Odd for big shots to be way out here. Maybe they got
lost or something.

I looked at my lunch and picked at it with a bent fork until
my boss called.

“Elise, these gentlemen are here for you,” Bobby said and
pointed in my direction.

The hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I looked up and
watched the two suits walk over and sit at my table. Wolf musk assaulted my


Most likely these were Tate’s pack. I licked dry lips and
stared. Trying to keep my composure. “What do you want,” I asked.

One of them smiled, flashing a set of bright teeth. “I’m Bay
and this is Cal,” the wolf said and motioned to the other. His gray eyes
glowed. His smile was slightly crooked with a hawk like nose and slicked back
blond hair. He looked calm and dangerous.

The other one, Cal, however, appeared on edge. His knee
bounced up and down while he ran a slender hand through his messy brown hair.
Full lips curled into a frown. His eyes, so dark brown they almost looked black.
He probably wasn’t used to wearing suits on account that his was wrinkled at
the collar and one size too big.

Bay leaned forward and smiled. “I think you know why we’re
here,” he said and took a meatball off of my plate. Then he tossed it in his
mouth and wiped his hand on a napkin.

I chuckled at the dissatisfied expression on his face. “This
place is a dive. You’re not going to find good cuisine here,” I said and leaned
back, ready to run the first chance I got. As a cat in a crowd of people I
could lose them easily.

“Yeah, got that,” Bay said and took a sip of my water.

“No wonder the boss likes her,” Cal said and looked me over.
“You’re one sexy cat.”

I smiled. Wolves must have bad eyesight. Seriously.

“Tate want’s a word with you,” Bay said and leaned back in
the chair.

“Well, I don’t want to see him,” I said and pouted. “Look, I
learned my lesson. I won’t ever try to steal from him again. Cross my heart. He
has no reason to come get me since I didn’t actually get away with anything. I
mean unless this is about teaching me a lesson.”

Cal shrugged. “We don’t get details. Just orders,” he said
and leaned forward.

“Oh,” I said and looked up at the clock. “Oops, lunch breaks
up. Guess I won’t be able to come in today. Got to get back to work. We should
set up an appointment for next time.” I stood up, but Bay grabbed my arm.

“Don’t think so,” he whispered.

Without another word, I swung my fist in the air and caught
him in the jaw with a crack. The wolf fell back.

Cal stood up with large eyes and chased me to the back of
the diner. Dodging cooks and staying hot on my heels.

Once I shot out into the alley, I urged the change to
happen, but hit the ground before I had a chance.

Straddling me, Cal pulled out a small bag and let the powder
fall over my face.

“No!” I choked and struggled to free myself.

The smaller wolf gripped my wrists and used all his force to
hold me down. “Damn! You’re pretty strong for a cat,” he said and moved over as
soon as Bay approached his side.

Together the two mutts tied my hands and ankles together
then put me in the back of a car.

I wrinkled my nose, feeling the drug seep down into my skin.
I’m going to kill the magic user that invented
that shit
. I thought.

The drive seemed a million miles away. Being weakened, I was
hauled up and dragged into the back of Wilson Manor. Since I’m here now may as
well go find the real diamond. Then when I was as far as can be from this
place, I would send Tate a vid message and rub my second escape in his stupid face.

Bay pulled me around into a small room and pushed me on a
sofa. “Don’t go anywhere,” he said and flinched. A dark black and blue mass
covered almost the entire side of his face.

I probably fractured his jaw. “That looks painful,” I said
with a smirk.

A low growl escaped from deep within his gut. “Tate owes me
for this one,” he mumbled and stood up. “If you know what’s best you’ll stay

I frowned as he closed the door behind him and locked it.

“Stupid dog!” I shouted. The footsteps on the other side of
the door paused for a moment before exiting the room.

Leaning to the side, I pulled at the rope. I’ve broken
through many different bindings before, but there was something different about
these particular ones. They seemed to stretch with my movement, but stay firmly
locked around my skin. It also burned each time I struggled. Probably something
else doused with magic. How craptastic!

I rolled to the side and yelped when the side of my hip
smashed against the floor. Blowing some hair out of my face, I glanced around
the small room. No windows. Nothing else besides the damn sofa and a small

I used both feet and kicked it down. The drawer splintered
and fell to the side. Nothing.

With a growl, I bit my bottom lip. Why the hell would you
keep a table inside a room with nothing in it?

A minute later Tate Wilson walked into the room looking like
a dream in the fitted tux. He closed the door behind him and smiled down at me.
Those wild green eyes shone with hunger, and his chestnut brown hair spilt over
the top of each shoulder as he squatted down.

“Glad you could make it… Elise,” he said huskily and touched
the side of my face. “Did you think I wouldn’t find you, kitty?”

My heart beat faster as he lifted me up gently and put me
back on the sofa. “Well, I was hoping you wouldn’t,” I said and tried to scoot
away from him.

He leaned into me and gripped my thick thigh tight. A smirk
curled on those delectable lips.

“I’ll always be able to find that beautiful scent of yours.
We’re mates after all,” he said and pulled the binds off of my ankles.

I scowled. “I’m not your mate.”

“Allow me to prove you wrong,” he whispered. Hot breath
tickled my ear. Then he pressed his lips into my neck and laid against me.

I took a sharp breath. The heat from his body blanketed me,
waking every sexual nerve inside. Biting my tongue, I squeezed his hips with my
knees. “Stop doing that,” I said, trying to sound more annoyed than turned on,
but failed miserably.

Tate’s fangs pinched my skin. “Your hearts beating faster,
kitty. Sure you want me to stop?”

“Please,” I mumbled then gasped as he caressed my inner

“Please what?”

I stifled a moan and frowned as he cupped my face. Staring
directly into my eyes. “Just let me go. I didn’t actually steal anything. I’m
sorry I ever tried.”

His jaw tensed. “I could care less about the diamond,” he
said and leaned close. His tongue darted out and lightly brushed my lower lip.
“I’ve only been thinking of that night. How you tasted. How crazy your scent
made me. The way you trembled when I touched you. Just like now.”

He kissed my lips gently. “Now that I finally have you back
here do you really think I’m going to let you go that easily?” he breathed.

Eyes wide, I licked my lips. This guy for real? Maybe this
was some kind of trick to catch me off guard. “You may claim I’m your mate and
all, but what if you’re not mine?” I said and took a deep breath as he gripped
my arms.

A grin curled on his lips. Eyes glowed with pure lust. “I’d
say you’re lying.” He ripped the buttons off of my uniform, exposing my bra.

“Hey!” I stammered and struggled under his weight.

Slowly, he ran his fingers over my nipples. Static coursed
over my skin and heat pooled between my legs.

“Ah!” I gasped. The nubs hardened instantly under his touch.
“Stop, my breast are really sensitive.”

Tate pulled the straps down until the girls popped free.
“Good,” he growled and leaned down. Tongue flicked across the sensitive flesh.
Then he wrapped his mouth around one nipple while rolling the other between two

Holy shit!
thought. Forgot how good that felt. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

Tate worked one breast then switched to the next, sucking
the nub until it turned a mean red.

Wetness stirred deep inside my cunt while it tightened and
begged for some attention. A hand or maybe a mouth.

As if reading my mind, Tate pushed my knees open and pulled
my panties off. Then he dipped his head, teasing the slit with his tongue.
“You’re pretty wet, Elise,” he said as a growl escaped his lips.

Biting my bottom lip, I trembled. “Well, I did say my
breasts are pretty sensitive,” I said and pouted. “What are you going to do?”

He kissed my inner thigh. “I’m going to make you come,” he
said and pushed a finger deep inside.

My gut clenched and my body trembled. The pressure spread me
wide, mixing sheer delight with a little pain. My cunt tightened around his
digit as he rolled it around in slow circles before adding another finger. Then
his tongue poked through the slit and assaulted my clit.

“Tate,” I gasped and arched my back. Electricity pooled in
my groin as his tongue flicked up and down. Slowly at first then faster and
faster. Reaching up with his free hand, Tate pinched one of my nipples.
Overbearing pleasure threatened to split me in two.

The man certainly knew what he was doing. “Mm,” I moaned
through my teeth. His fingers penetrated me, pushing as deep as they’d go.

A delightful shiver coursed down my spine as I edged closer
to that happy ending. Too bad it couldn’t last longer, but that was impossible
with how the man was working me.

“Ah! Ah!” I screamed. My body tensed and screamed for
release while my vision started to blur.

Tate paused. “That’s it come for me,” he breathed. Then he
sucked my clit back into his mouth.

Perspiration beaded down my forehead. Blood boiled making my
skin hot. Stabbing sensations of utter delight filled me. Engulfed me. I’ve
never felt this good before in my entire life.

“Ah! Please!” I moaned to the ceiling. My breaths shot out short
and rapid until I finally came. My body jerked a couple of times as the orgasm
washed over me, lingering through my being then slowly fading away.

Tate leaned up and took a deep breath. Then he smiled and
leaned back into me. Those wild green eyes pierced through me, and for once in
my life I had no idea what to say.

I licked my lips. “Why’d you do that?” I asked.

Reaching around, Tate pulled the binds off of my wrists, and
kissed my lips lightly. “Do you have to question my every action? I told you.
You’re my mate. I wanted to,” he growled and bit my bottom lip. Then he smashed
his mouth into mine.

I gripped his shoulders and moaned against him. The strong
musk of wolf and spice threatened to wake the need in my body once more.

Tate pulled away and stood up. Then he took my hand. “As
much as I would love to stay and play, I need to get back to the party. Come
on,” he said.

Standing up on wobbly knees, I squeezed his hand. Strong and
big compared to my own. “Where are we going?” I asked.

Tate opened the door and walked out of the room. Then he
opened another to a small bathroom.

I watched as he washed up. Then he wetted his face and took
a deep breath. Glancing down, I noticed the giant bulge he sported was
constricted against his pants. “Isn’t that painful?” I asked.

He smiled and leaned over me. “A bit, but that will be taken
care of tonight,” he whispered.

My eyes widened. Didn’t have to explain it to me. The man
was planning to claim me. For wolves that was their way of tying the knot. “Not
so sure I’m ready for such a big commitment,” I said and took a few steps back.

He sighed. “Still going to play hard to get after what just


Gripping my wrist, he pulled me close. His other hand
caressed my cheek.

Dammit! Why couldn’t I fight the man’s charm?

No matter how much I tried to peg Tate Wilson, I couldn’t.
He really seemed to believe I was his mate. I could see it in his eyes. How
could anyone fake an expression like that?

However, I’m stubborn. Maybe if I could clear my head for a
few days it would all make more sense.

“Elise?” Tate said and wrapped his arms around me as I

My body broke and bent. Shifting to a little black cat.

Tate tried to keep a hold of me, but I ran out of the door.
“Dammit, Elise!” he roared.

“Rowr! Mow!” I spit. The change hurt a lot more than the last
time I was doped with the anti-shifting drug.

I scurried out into the big hall and immediately regretted
it as tons of feet moved and walked about me.

The sound of a door slammed shut. I huddled in a corner and
glanced around. Fur on end and whiskers twitching.

Tate sniffed the air and frowned. “Everyone,” he shouted.

The crowd quieted and looked at him. I took the opportunity
to sneak around.

“I’m sorry for my interruption, but I lost my cat.”

Running under a food table, I froze. That bastard!

“She’s very dear to me and I wouldn’t want her escaping, so
if you would look around. I’m sure she’s hiding somewhere in here,” he said and
pointed across the room. “Close all windows.”

It wasn’t long before the table cloth was lifted and a
petite girl smiled at me. “I found her Mr. Wilson,” she giggled and reached out
for me.

I put my paw up in warning, but she ignored me. I hissed as
she picked me up and patted my head. “Meow,” I said bitterly.

“Aw, you’re okay kitty,” she cooed.

Lowering my ears, I meowed again. Stupid girl!

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