The All Encompassing: Shifter MC Novel (Pureblood Predator MC Book 1) (40 page)

BOOK: The All Encompassing: Shifter MC Novel (Pureblood Predator MC Book 1)
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He rakes across my g-spot and I let loose a shrill cry and still he thrusts into me, where the fuck does he end, and then I feel a sharp pain on my shoulder and at that exact moment he slams the rest of his cock deep inside.

He’s fucking biting me
, I think, and the realization is so hot it makes me moan and push hard into him because I want all of him, every last bit, and his teeth pierce my skin and the pain on my lower neck mingles with the pain in my cunt and then I feel his balls smack tight against me. He holds me motionless with his cock buried inside and if it wasn’t for him holding me up I’d be on the ground, because my legs are rubbery and weak and I’m biting my lower lip just to keep from shrieking.

Then he draws out, slowly at first, and I’m thinking no please stay please because he’s not even fully out and I miss him already. Then he starts fucking me for
. He begins slow, measured, and with every thrust he brushes my g-spot and bottoms out against my womb and I feel the wave of my first come building from somewhere belly-deep and the pleasure is so intense it makes me wriggle my hips back into him and he laughs and smacks my ass, only once but hard enough to send a bolt of stinging pain that seems to center in my cunt, and now he’s fucking me hard, slamming into me and my first come crashes down and I hear myself shrieking please please please over and over and his hand smacks my ass again, the sound echoing in the steam-filled bathroom and I feel like I’m going to burst wide open because god help me his cock is swelling even more, stiffening more, and I tell him I want his come, I tell him to fill me up with his hot come, that I want to feel his big balls empty inside me, that I…and then my breath is gone and I’m moaning again, pleading, pushed completely out of my mind by how he’s fucking me and the feel of his great cock buried balls-deep in my tender cunt.

I feel his thrusts grow more urgent, more powerful, and each one is nearly lifting me up off the tub and then he looses a long, wracking wail that crescendoes into a howl and wraps his hand around my throat, squeezing my windpipe so hard I can’t draw a breath, and there’s an explosion of beautiful blue-white light in my eyes and then oh god his balls contract and his cock spasms and then the first load of hot come laces from this gorgeous man and deep into me, and Aaron squeezes my throat still harder and the blue lights deepen to purple and finally to black, and I picture the tip of his cock spilling hot, milky-sweet seed, filling me, and a second come smashes into me with the force of a hurricane hitting a tropical shore, a wrecking, howling force and his fingernails dig into the soft skin around my neck, then a final shudder and the black coalesces behind my eyes and I’m slipping away, conscious only of the feeling of my lover’s hot come burning inside me—

My foot slips off the edge of the tub and suddenly we’re both tumbling head-over-heals out of the shower.


Aaron’s hand loosens from my throat and I draw a deep gasp of air as we topple in a soaked and spent heap on the bathroom floor, gasping and laughing, rolling into one another and holding tight, the steam above our heads swirling like girls. My cunt is throbbing and sore but for the love of all fuck somehow still needy for him. My shoulder stings from where he bit me and my neck probably has a set of scratch marks two inches long.

I blink through the dancing spots in my vision, then reach down, grab his still-hard cock in one hand and cup his balls in the other. I lean down and put him in my mouth and suck gently, tasting the sweetness of my cunt on him and wanting to taste his come. A warm drop of come leaks into my mouth and I kiss and lick at him, drawing still more.

Aaron moans and shifts away slightly, as if his skin’s too sensitive to be touched, and then I prop up on one elbow, look him in the eyes and say, “Well. That was all right.”

Aaron grins, brushes the hair from my eyes and says, “Yeah. That was okay.”

Then he laughs, and is there anything sexier than a long, booming laugh coming from the lips of a hardened outlaw, and suddenly I’m happy like I haven’t been in a long while and I’m laughing too, feeling free and…safe. Somehow I’m safer in this outlaw man’s arms than I’ve ever been trying to fight and scrape my way ahead in a game that’s stacked against me, a game where the bastards of the world invent the rules and change them as they see fit.

Well, fuck them
, I think, pressing my face into Aaron’s ripped chest.

Fuck them all.


him converted, Carlos. He would’ve joined us! Then your army dickheads swarmed in and fucked everything up. As per usual.”

A woman’s voice. Aggressive and deadly.

A blade falling in the night.

I remember that voice—

“How do you know this tattooed
is a Risen?”

“Because I fought him. He nearly killed me. No Pureblood has such power now that the First Fallen is reborn.”

“Why didn’t he? Kill you?”

The woman laughs, loud and mocking. “You know zero about recruiting an asset. Because Rodas had other…
urges to attend to. The man’s been caged for his entire living memory. He’s never been with—”

“A whore?”

“A whore you swore to marry.”

Now the man laughs. Cold. Humorless. “Thankfully I trusted my better judgment.”

“Fuck you.”

I moan quietly and open my eyes. I’m hanging upside down in the middle of a huge metal building. Four helicopters and an equal number of small airplanes are lined up along one wall, lit by dim yellow lights. I can’t see who’s speaking, but I recognize the woman.

It’s her. Tamara.

The temptress who lured me from devotion. The one who dragged me into defilement.

“What’s our next move, Carlos?” Tamara asks, her boot heels ringing across the polished concrete floor as she approaches me. “There’ll be blowback for the killings at the penthouse.”

I close my eyes.

Please, O Night Wind, permit this waste to offer the cursed woman in your name.

“You return to the Americans and make peace for failing to prevent the slaughter of the Deputy Chief of the DEA, a fucking bean-counter from the World Bank, and…are there more?”

“Senator of the State of New Mexico,” the woman says.

“Yeah. Whatever. Him.”

“They should never have been there.”

“This…man you’ve sunk your claws in…isn’t the only one with strong urges. Our death matches are lucrative. And better, they expand our network of associates.”

“We’re close now, Carlos,” the woman whispers. “I sense it. Can’t you?”

“In this business, I find its dangerous to believe I’ve succeeded before I truly have. It weakens the nerve. Dulls the instincts.”

“My instincts are not dulled.”

“Maybe not. But you did fuck him. Was that your sharpest instinct? You disobeyed a direct command. Your job was to extract the Heart Eater. Not try and recruit him as an asset.”

The woman pauses right beside me. I scent her, feel her warmth radiating against my battered, naked body, remember what it was like to feed from her neck, to fuck her.

“I’ll return to the Americans. That won’t be a problem. What of him?” the woman asks.

“He remains with me. If the First Fallen demands his blood I’ll open him right here and bleed him into a bucket.”

“Seems a waste.”

“How so?”

The woman sighs. “He’s
, Carlos. He’s only half himself and he has no idea what he is and still he’s strong. The Cartel could use him.”


The woman drags her fingernail across my belly. I struggle to remain perfectly motionless. My mouth and throat sting from the poison smoke, and my cock is still raw from mating. It takes incredible will not to snatch her hand and pull her to me and drink deep of her black blood, but my wrists are bound in heavy chains and I know I need to hear what she says.

Tamara’s speaking to me as much as she’s speaking to this pig named Carlos.

“What do you want?” the woman asks.

“Me?” Carlos chuckles. “What I’ve always wanted. To rule.”

“You already do.”

“No. I want to rule like an emperor. Like the Aztecs of old. Peering down from my fucking pyramid as the faithful prostrate themselves.”

“Most would say you’re an emperor now.”

“Most are idiots. What am I emperor of? Cocaine? Cash? A few renegade soldiers pissed off at their government? Yes, these things matter. For now. But I want people to kneel. I want
. I want people to bow because of who I am, not because of what I have. Houses, helicopters, gold…these can be stripped away in a heartbeat. But the blood of emperors linked to the gods?
blood? Once decreed, this power is ageless. My blood will begin a new line of emperors, and this bloodline will live through generations. Blood outlasts gold and money and even the fear and power these things bring.”

“Carlos Collazo the cartel drug lord reborn as an emperor-god.”

“What do think’s going to happen, Tamara? After the First Fallen is reborn? The world plunged into bloody anarchy. Madness. Violence on a scale we’ve never seen. Whole cities in flames. Think of it! Mexico City burning. Roving bands of killers swarming the streets and villages. How long have we subjected ourselves to the rule of the pathetic Skins? To their governments and armies? How long have we stood in the shadows, hiding, waiting for the right moment to pounce on our natural prey? This is that moment. This is
moment. We are the Stricken no longer. We’re becoming the apex predators. Soon we’ll be strong enough to feed on the Pureblood. And when the world descends into chaos, those who are strong will step forth to lead.
will step forth to lead.”

“With the First Fallen’s blessing, of course,” the woman says, wary.

“If need be, yes.”

Tamara sucks in her breath. “And if not?”

“The First Fallen is strong. Many will flock to him. But many others will not. Don’t you see? New empires will be founded in every corner of the globe. New gods invented to bless these self-made emperors. The emperors will war with one another for territory. Subjects. Resources. The First Fallen cannot be everywhere at once. And who knows? Perhaps he’s not as formidable as the legends claim.”

“You’ve always been ambitious, Carlos,” the woman offering says, her voice sweet and seductive. “But this? Our power grows only because the Fallen draws near. He’s the ascendant
of the two original packs.”

“Oh yes,” the man named Carlos says. “Our primeval ancestors. Pardon me if I don’t give a fuck about ancient history.”

“That lineage reaches to the beginning of time. They became the Purebloods and Stricken. You’re fucking—”

“Mexico City will be my empire’s first city-state!” Carlos interrupts, slamming his fist into a table. “From here the Collazo Cartel rises against the cities to the north and south. From where I stand…empire.”

“How many soldiers does your cartel command?” Tamara says, her voice cold as ice.

“Now? Thirty thousand.”

“You’re going to need a hundred times that. And more than a few border-hopping helicopters. You’re going to need

“I know.”

“And the men you lead now? Why are they loyal to you?”

“Because I pay them. And they fear me.”

“Only fear matters.”


The female offering pats me on my back. I bury a growl in my throat.

“That’s why you need Rodas alive,” she says, “regardless of what the First Fallen demands.”

“I can’t…I’m too weak to defy him now. He’ll destroy me. His people…our kind…they’re everywhere. In every office. In every military. Around the globe. They’re in my own organization, for fucking hell.” Carlos pauses, then says suspiciously, “Maybe even you. Who are you loyal to, rich little American girl?”

Tamara laughs. Her voice rises into a high-pitched imitation of a naive little girl. “Oh, I pledge my loyalty and love to you forever, my hero Carlos Collazo.”

“Shut the fuck up, Tamara. Show some respect. That fucking mouth of yours—”

“Then don’t ask idiotic questions. I’m loyal to nothing but myself, which means right now I’m loyal to a big paycheck.”

Carlos laughs. “Fucking Americans.”

“What if the First Fallen doesn’t Become?” Tamara says once Carlos’ laughter fades. “He needs three of his packmates at his side to do so. That’s why he’s so intent on finding Rodas.”

Carlos’ breath whistles through his teeth. “Then I deliver this stinking
now, and gain his favor.”

“No, you fool. You
him. If you hold Rodas you hold the key to the First Fallen’s Becoming. And more: an aspiring emperor needs powerful soldiers to lead his armies. Rodas’ animal runs strong, but his mind is weak. He will war for you, if you give him reason.”

“It’s too dangerous. Too soon. Betraying the First now could mean death. And if I do, and this…packmate Rodas rises and becomes strong…he may threaten my reign.”

“Then you must make the first move. You said it yourself. How many Stricken warlords and politicos and crime bosses and paramilitary generals are scheming against you as we speak? Planning to take Mexico City from the Collazo Cartel? Staking their claim as the new emperor in chaos?”

“All of them.”

“Yes. And this makes you afraid?”

“No. It makes me…cautious.”

“Bullshit. Call it what you want. It amounts to the same thing. You’ll have centuries to be cautious from atop your stone pyramid. Now is the time for

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