The Age of Wonder (94 page)

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Authors: Richard Holmes

Tags: #History, #Modern, #19th Century, #Biography & Autobiography, #Science & Technology, #Science, #Philosophy & Social Aspects, #Fiction

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Davy, Jane, Lady
Apreece): meets Davy, 304, 337; background and character, 337-8; Davy courts and corresponds with, 340-2; marriage and honeymoon with Davy, 343, 346-7; deteriorating marriage relations, 348-50, 374-6, 397, 400-1, 405, 412-14; social life, 350, 357, 377, 415; attitude to Faraday, 352, 358, 402, 448; Continental tour with Davy (1813-15), 352, 355, 357-8; in Paris, 353; Ticknor meets, 360; fishing holidays, 361; and Davy’s preoccupation with developing miners’ safety lamp, 365; two-year European tour with Davy (1818-20), 375-8, 380; Banks’s attitude to, 384; holiday with Sir Walter Scott at Abbotsford, 398; unpopularity in Penzance, 401n; absence from Davy’s later Continental tours, 414-15, 420; and Davy’s nurse in Laibach, 421, 423; and Scott’s review of
Davy’s writing of
Consolations in Travel,
425; Davy’s later easier attitude to, 431; visits dying Davy in Rome, 432; and Davy’s death, 433; inheritance from Davy, 434

Davy, John (Humphry’s brother): birth, 234; and Humphry’s romantic attachments, 241, 301; recalls Humphry’s early experiments, 249; sadness at Humphry’s departure for Bristol, 253; as Humphry’s temporary assistant at Royal Institution, 298n; and Humphry’s marriage to Jane, 343, 346; serves as military doctor, 359, 433; on Humphry’s marriage difficulties, 376; and Humphry’s solving naval ships’ corrosion problem, 412; accompanies Humphry on 1827 Continental tour, 414-15; attends mother’s funeral, 414; and Humphry’s poems to Josephine, 423; visits dying Humphry in Rome, 432-3; later travels and career, 433; writes life of Humphry, 434;
The Angler and his Friend,
Fragmentary Remains
(of Humphry Davy), 434;
Memoirs of Sir Humphry Davy,
275, 434

Davy, Kitty (Humphry’s sister), 238-9

Davy, Robert (Humphry’s father), 237-40, 243

Dawkins, Richard, 313n, 429n;
Unweaving the Rainbow,
321n, 440n

de la Tour, Georges, xix

Demba (African slave boy), 215-16

Dennett, Daniel, 313n

De Quincey, Thomas, 413; ‘Animal Magnetism’, 315n;
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater,

Descartes, René, 249, 448

Dessalis, Dr: marries Harriet Blosset, 42

Dettela, Josephine (‘Pappina’), 377, 419, 421-3, 427, 432, 434

Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of, 137, 139, 147, 217-18, 235, 251-2

Dickens, Charles, 453-4

Dickson, James, 214, 220

Dictionnaire des Athées,

Diderot, Denis:
Supplement to the Voyage of Bougainville,

Diodati, Villa, Lake Geneva, 327, 457

Djerassi, Carl, 429n;
(play), 373n

Dolland, John, 79; achromatic telescope, 78

Dolland, Peter, 78

Dollfus, Audoin:
Pilâtre de Rozier,

(ship), 3, 17, 30

Dootah (Tahitian chieftain), 23-4, 28-9

Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd Duke of, 134, 152

double stars, 87, 90 & n, 95

Dublin: Sadlers’ balloon flights from, 156, 158; Davy lectures in, 304, 340

Dudley, John William Ward, 1st Earl of, 347, 412

Durham, Bishop of
Barrington, Shute

Dwyer, Patrick, 257-8

Dyer, Susan, 149, 154-5 & n

earth, age of

Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley, 360

Edgeworth, Lovell, 265

Edgeworth, Maria, 264, 281, 291, 350

Edinburgh Review,
299, 317, 369, 435

Edwards, Bryan, 212, 221, 232

Einstein, Albert: General Theory of Relativity, 360; images, 465n

electricity: experiments in, 245; Davy’s interest in, 273-4; Davy lectures on, 295-6; and Vitalism theory, 309-10, 312, 314, 317, 428; animal, 431-3; Faraday’s researches into, 444, 453-4; John Herschel on, 444

electro-chemical analysis, 298

Elizabeth, Princess, 111

Encke, Johann, 193

HMS: voyage, xvi, 1, 3, 5, 9-11, 13; deaths, 13-14, 40; and Tahitian thieving, 16; leaves Tahiti, 35; continues voyage to New Zealand and Australia, 38; health and condition of crew, 39; official account of voyage (by Hawkesworth), 44; Banks’s pride in voyage, 57

Enfield, William:
History of Philosophy,

Englefield, Sir Harry, 189

English Channel: balloon crossings, 148, 153

Epictetus, 73

Estrées, Louis César le Tellier de Louvois, Marshal d’, 69

ether, 284

‘Eureka moment’, xvii, 94n, 98, 456

evolution: Darwin’s theory of, 313, 451 & n, 461; Coleridge on, 322-3; Davy on, 455

(journal), 353

extraterrestrial life: speculations on, 91-2, 167, 199, 209, 357, 426

Fabricius, Johann, 49

Fadiman, Anne: ‘Collecting Nature’, 49n

Fara, Patricia:
Newton: The Making of a Genius,

Faraday, Michael: electro-chemical experiments, 298n; appointed laboratory assistant at Royal Institution, 348-9; attends Davy’s lectures, 349; accompanies Davy and Jane on Continental tour, 352-7, 370; character and appearance, 352, 358; letters to Abbott, 352, 354, 357-8; religious beliefs, 352, 450, 452; and Davy’s claiming priority in analysis of iodine, 354; lectures and discourses, 358, 453-4; promoted at Royal Institution, 358; assists in Davy’s development of miners’ safety lamp, 363-6, 373; and Davy’s absence in Durham, 363; belief in scientific knowledge, 371; unrewarded by Royal Society, 394; and Davy’s candidacy for presidency of Royal Society, 398; Davy blackballs Fellowship of Royal Society, 401; marriage, 401; eventual election as Fellow of Royal Society, 402; injured in laboratory explosion, 402-3; bust at new British Library, 404n; appointed Director of Royal Institution, 405; as Athenaeum club secretary, 405; Davy abandons as protégé, 418; and Davy’s
Consolations in Travel,
430; declines to stand for Royal Society President, 436; not recognised, 438; and Babbage’s polemic on scientists, 440; researches into electro-magnetism, 444, 453; congratulates John Herschel on
Study of Natural Philosophy,
445; attends British Association meetings, 447; friendship with Coleridge, 448; achievements and appointments, 453, 468;
The Times
misspells name, 453; Mary Somerville writes on, 458; ‘The Chemical History of a Candle’, 454

Faraday, Sarah (
Barnard), 401-2

Farinelli, Signora (singer), 76, 108

Fatima (Ali’s wife), 216

Felling colliery disasters (1812, 1813), 351

Ferguson, James, 61, 77;
Astronomy Explained,
70, 74, 82, 91;

Ferrari, Giorgio, 217

Feynman, Richard:
The Meaning of it All,

fire: understanding of, 145;
see also

fire-damp (methane), 351, 357, 362-6, 368-9

fireflies: Davy’s poem on, 378-9

Fitzroy, Captain Robert, 446

Flammarion, Camille, 424n

Flamsteed, John, 61, 77, 90, 95, 102, 176;
Celestial Atlas,
79 & n

Fleurus, battle of (1794), 155


Flinders, Matthew, 212, 386

Florence, Italy, 355-7

Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de, 167

Forster, Thomas, 317

Fortin, Nicholas, 248

four elements, 245-7

Fowles, John:
The French Lieutenant’s Woman,

France: voyagers in Tahiti, 3-4; development of balloons and ballooning, 125-32, 136, 145-6, 149; military interest in balloons, 155-6; cloud terms, 160n; invasion threat from, 200; war with Britain, 231; medical and surgical skills, 306; Davy travels in, 354-5

‘Frankenstein nightmare’, 94n

Frankenstein’s Creature (fictional figure): origins and nature of, 330-4; stage and film representations, 334-5; and Newton statue at British Library, 404n; Andrew Crosse claimed as original of creator, 420; influence and effect, 457n

Franklin, Benjamin: on French aerial experiments, 125-6, 132, 134, 135, 137; Jeffries meets in Paris, 152; and animal magnetism claims, 314; researches into electricity, 444

Franklin, Rosalind, 373n

Fraunhofer, Joseph, 440 & n

French language, 242

Friedrich, Caspar David:
The Sea of Ice
(painting), 469n

Friend, The
(Coleridge’s magazine), 49n, 338, 340, 367

Fulford, Tim (ed.):
Romanticism and Science,

Furneaux, Captain Tobias, 49

Fuseli, Henry, 105-6

galaxies see nebulae

Galignani, Giovanni Antonio, 385

Galileo Galilei, 77, 86n, 171, 428

Galvani, Luigi, 296, 314, 444

Galvanic Society, 317

galvanism, 273, 285-6, 328-9

Gambia, river, 214-16, 221

Garland, Private William, 224

Garnerin, Jacques, 159

Garnett, Thomas, 292

gas lighting, 382

gases: in medical treatment, 251, 257, 272

Gay-Lussac, Joseph, 159, 297, 299, 345, 353-4, 398, 403n

Geneva: Davy in, 433; see
Diodati, Villa

Gentleman’s Magazine,
136, 408, 460

Geological Society, foundation, xix, 393

geology: Davy lectures on, 294; Davy on limits of knowledge in, 356; and religious belief, 451, 459; Lyell on deep time and, 454-5, 459

George II, King, 65, 68

George III, King: Banks meets on return from Tahiti, 42-3; Banks advises at Kew, 49; Omai presented to, 50; sends condolences to Banks for gout, 57; interest in astronomy, 99, 168; summons Herschel to court, 109-10; appoints Herschel King’s Personal Astronomer, 110-11; remark on Herschel, 110, 409; buys Herschel telescopes as royal gifts, 114; proposes sponsoring ballooning, 133; sees Lunardi’s balloon flight, 138; meets Lunardi, 139; finances Herschel’s forty-foot telescope project, 164, 176, 178, 180, 190; visits Herschel’s telescope project at The Grove, 177-8; mental decline, 180-1; praises Herschels to Lalande, 188; death, 395; bequeathes books to British Museum library, 404

George, Prince of Wales
King George IV): interest in ballooning, 137-8; gives watch to Lunardi, 139; grants and honours to Herschel, 181; confers knighthood on Davy, 342; awards baronetcy to Davy, 369; accession to throne, 395

Gerard, John:

Germany: as inspiration for

Gibbon, Edward, 110

Giddy, Davies: letters from Davy, 199, 259, 274, 277; lends books to Davy, 251; Beddoes writes to on Davy, 252; Anna Beddoes runs away to, 280, 286; as guardian of Anna Beddoes’s children, 302; marries and changes name to Davies Gilbert, 302; supports Davy’s candidature for presidency of Royal Society, 397; supports Faraday’s election to Royal Society Fellowship, 402

Gilbert, Davies
Giddy, Davies

Gillman, Dr John, 308, 321

Gillray, James, 277, 292

Gleick, James:
Richard Feynman and Modern Physics,

Godwin, William: on property, 16n; published by Johnson, 106, 271; and Davy, 267-8; and authorship of

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: on solitary scientific genius, xvii; essays on meteorology, 160; on nature of science, 247; in Jena circle, 315; on Newton’s
319; Jane Davy meets, 412; Humboldt praises, 440; ‘Empirical Observation and Science’, 249n, 443n;
Treatise on Colour,

Goree (island), West Africa, 223

Gosse, Sir Edmund:
Father and Son,

Göttingen: acquires Herschel telescope, 114, 168

Gray, Robert
Bishop of Bristol), 351, 361, 365

Great Barrier Reef (Australia), 38n, 39

Great Reform Bill (1832), 437

Green, Joseph Henry, 306-7, 321-3;
Spiritual Philosophy,

Green, William, 5-6, 10, 40

Grove, The (house), Slough, 165-6, 174-5, 188, 194

Guiccioli, Teresa, 380

Hachette, Pierre, 401

Haiti, 386-7

Hale-Bopp comet, 172n

Hallam, Arthur, 451n

Halley, Edmund: comet, 171-2

Hamblyn, Richard:
The Invention of Clouds,

Hamilton, Sir William, 46n, 55, 221

Hamilton, Sir William Rowan, 447

Handel, George Frederic, 69

Hanover: Herschel family in, 65-9, 75; Caroline returns to, 409

Hardy, Thomas:
Two on a Tower,

Harrington, Robert, 413; ‘The Death Warrant of the French Theory of Chemistry’, 273

Harrison, John, 47, 77, 109, 373n, 438n

Hastenbeck, battle of (1757), 69

Hatchett, Charles, 339, 374

Hawkesworth, John:
Account of Voyages Undertaken…for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere…by…Captain Cook,

Hawking, Stephen: images, 465n;
A Brief History of Time,

Haydn, Joseph:
The Creation,
107, 199

Haydon, Benjamin Robert: hosts ‘Immortal Dinner’, 318-19, 321n, 327;
Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem,

Hayes, Charlotte, 54

Hazlitt, William, 209

Heaton, James, 372

Heaven’s Gate cult, 172n

Hebburn colliery, 368

HMS, 396

Hector, Edmund, 145

Henderson, Thomas, 90n

Henslow, John, 460-1

Hepworth, Dame Barbara, 237n

Herapath, William, 284

Herculaneum: Davy investigates calcinated papyri rolls from, 376, 378, 380

Herodotus, 217

Heron, Ralph, 143, 155

Herschel, Alexander (William’s brother): home life in Hanover, 71, 75; moves to England, 80; moves to Datchet, 111, 114; accompanies William to Göttingen, 168; wife irritates Caroline, 169; and construction of William’s giant telescope, 177; wife’s death, 183; unhappy pre-marital love affairs, 195

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