The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence (53 page)

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Authors: Ray Kurzweil

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Virtual reality head-directed display In 2019, a display technology using virtual reality optical lenses (see below) and virtual reality auditory lenses (see above) that projects a virtual environment stationary with respect to the position and orientation of your head. When you move your head, the display moves relative to the real environment. This mode is often used to interact with virtual documents.
Virtual reality optical lenses In 2009, three-dimensional displays built into glasses or contact lenses. These “direct eye” displays create highly realistic virtual visual environments overlaying the “real” environment. This display technology projects images directly onto the human retina, exceeds the resolution of human vision, and is widely used regardless of visual impairment. In 1998, the Microvision Virtual Retina Display provides a similar capability for military pilots, with consumer versions anticipated.
Virtual reality overlay display In 2019, a display technology using virtual reality optical lenses (see above) and virtual reality auditory lenses (see above) that integrates real and virtual environments. The displayed images slide when you move or turn your head so that the virtual people, objects, and environment appear to remain stationary in relation to the real environment (which you can still see). Thus if the direct eye display is displaying the image of a person (who could be a geographically remote real person engaging in a three-dimensional visual phone call with you, or a computer-generated simulated person), that projected person will appear to be in a particular place relative to the real environment that you also see. When you move your head, that projected person will appear to remain in the same place relative to the real environment.
Virtual sex Sex in virtual reality incorporating a visual, auditory, and tactile environment. The sex partner can be a real or simulated person.
Virtual tactile environment A virtual reality system that allows the user to experience a realistic and all-encompassing tactile environment.
Vision chip A silicon emulation of the human retina that captures the algorithm of early mammalian visual processing, an algorithm called center surround filtering.
World Wide Web (WWW) A highly distributed (not centralized) communications network allowing individuals and organizations around the world to communicate with one another. Communication includes the sharing of text, images, sounds, video, software, and other forms of information. The primary user interface paradigm of the “web” is based on hypertext, which consists of documents (which can contain any type of data) connected by “links,” which the user selects by a pointing device such as a mouse. The Web is a system of data-and-message servers linked by high-capacity communication links that can be accessed by any computer user with a “web browser” and Internet access. With the introduction of Windows98, access to the Web is built into the operating system. By the late twenty-first century, the Web will provide the distributed computing medium for software-based humans.
Y2K (year 2000 problem) Refers to anticipated difficulties caused by software (usually developed several decades prior to the year 2000) in which date fields used only two digits. Unless the software is adjusted, this will cause computer programs to behave erratically when the year becomes “00.” These programs will mistake the year 2000 for 1900.
My recollections of The Twilight Zone episode are essentially accurate, although the gambler is actually a small-time crook named Rocky Valentine. Episode 28, “A Nice Place to Visit” (I learned the name of the episode after writing the prologue), aired during the first season of The Twilight Zone, on April 15, 1960.
The episode begins with a voice-over: “Portrait of a man at work, the only work he’s ever done, the only work he knows. His name is Henry Francis Valentine, but he calls himself Rocky, because that’s the way his life has been—rocky and perilous and uphill at a dead run all the way...”
While robbing a pawnbroker’s shop, Valentine is shot and killed by a policeman. When he awakens, he is met by his afterlife guide, Pip. Pip explains that he will provide Valentine with whatever he wants. Valentine is suspicious, but he asks for and receives a million dollars and a beautiful girl. He then goes on a gambling spree, winning at the roulette table, at the slot machines, and later, at pool. He is also surrounded by beautiful women, who shower him with attention.
Eventually Valentine tires of the gambling, the winning, and the beautiful women. He tells Pip that it is boring to win all the time and that he doesn’t belong in Heaven. He begs Pip to take him to “the Other Place.” With a malicious gleam in his eye, Pip replies, “This is the Other Place!” Episode synopsis adapted from Marc Scott Zicree, The Twilight Zone Companion (Toronto: Bantam Books, 1982, 113-115).
What were the primary political and philosophical issues of the twentieth century?
One was ideological—totalitarian systems of the right (fascism) and left (communism) were confronted and largely defeated by capitalism (albeit with a large public sector) and democracy. Another was the rise of technology, which began to be felt in the nineteenth century and became a major force in the twentieth century. But the issue of “what constitutes a human being” is not yet a primary issue (except as it affects the abortion debate), although the past century did witness the continuation of earlier struggles to include all members of the species as deserving of certain rights.
For an excellent overview and technical details on neural-network pattern recognition, see the “Neural Network Frequently Asked Questions” web site, edited by W S.
Sarle, at <
>. In addition, an article by Charles Arthur, “Computers Learn to See and Smell Us,” from Independent, January 16, 1996, describes the ability of neural nets to differentiate between unique characteristics.
As will be discussed in chapter 6, “Building New Brains,” destructive scanning will be feasible early in the twenty-first century. Noninvasive scanning with sufficient resolution arid bandwidth will take longer but will be feasible by the end of the first half of the twenty-first century.
For a comprehensive overview and detailed references on the big bang theory and the origin of the Universe, see “Introduction to Big Bang Theory,” Bowdoin College Department of Physics and Astronomy at < 1997/astro4/bigbang.html
Print sources on the big bang theory include: Joseph Silk, A Short History of the Universe (New York: Scientific American Library, 1994); Joseph Silk, The Big Bang (San Francisco: W H. Freeman and Company, 1980); Robert M. Wald, Space, Time & Gravity (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1977); and Stephen W Hawking, A Brief History of Time (New York: Bantam Books, 1988).
The strong force holds an atomic nucleus together. It is called “strong” because it needs to overcome the powerful repulsion between the protons in a nucleus with more than one proton.
The electroweak force combines electromagnetism and the weak force responsible for beta decay. In 1968, American physicist Steven Weinberg and Pakistani physicist Abdus Salam were successful in their unification of the weak force and the electromagnetic force using a mathematical method called gauge symmetry.
The weak force is responsible for beta decay and other slow nuclear processes that occur gradually.
Albert Einstein, Relativity: The Special and the General Theory (New York: Crown Publishers, 1961).
The laws of thermodynamics govern how and why energy is transferred.
The first law of thermodynamics (postulated by Hermann von Helmholtz in 1847), also called the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that the total amount of energy in the universe is constant.
The second law of thermodynamics (articulated by Rudolf Clausias in 1850), also known as the Law of Increasing Entropy, states that entropy, or disorder, in the Universe never decreases (and, therefore, usually increases). As the disorder in the Universe increases, the energy is transformed into less usable forms. Thus, the efficiency of any process will always be less than 100 percent.
The third law of thermodynamics (described by Walter Hermann Nernst in 1906, based on the idea of a temperature of absolute zero first articulated by Baron Kelvin in 1848), also known as the Law of Absolute Zero, tells us that all molecular movement stops at a temperature called absolute zero, or 0 Kelvin (- 273°C). Since temperature is a measure of molecular movement, the temperature of absolute zero can be approached, but it can never be reached.
“Evolution and Behavior” at <
> contains an excellent collection of articles and links exploring the theories of evolution. Print sources include Edward O. Wilson, The Diversity of Life (New York: W W Norton & Company, 1993); and Stephen Jay Gould, The Book of Life (New York: W W Norton & Company, 1993).
Four hundred million years ago, vegetation spread from lowland swamps to create the first land-based plants. This development permitted vertebrate herbivorous animals to step onto land, creating the first amphibians. Along with the amphibians, arthropods also stepped onto land, some of which evolved into insects. About 200 million years ago, dinosaurs and mammals began sharing the same environment. The dinosaurs were far more noticeable. Mostly the mammals stayed out of the dinosaurs’ way, with many mammals being nocturnal.
Mammals became dominant in the niche of land-based animals after the demise of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Mammals are the more intellectual animal class, distinguished by warm blood, the nourishment of their children with maternal milk, hairy skin, sexual reproduction, four appendages (in most cases) and, most notably, a highly developed nervous system.
Primates, the most advanced mammalian order, were distinguished by forward-facing eyes, binocular vision, large brains with a convoluted cortex, which permitted more advanced reasoning faculties, and complicated social patterns. Primates were not the only intelligent animals, but they had one additional characteristic that would hasten the age of computation: the opposable thumb. The two qualities needed for the subsequent emergence of technology were now coming into place: intelligence and the ability to manipulate the environment. It’s no coincidence that fingers are called digits. The origin of the word digit, as used in Modern English and appearing first in Middle English, is from the Latin word
for “finger” or “toe”; perhaps akin to Greek deiknynai, “to show.”
About 50 million years ago, the anthropoid suborder of primates split off. Unlike their prosimian cousins, the anthropoids underwent rapid evolution, giving rise to advanced primates such as monkeys and apes about 30 million years ago. These sophisticated primates were noted for subtle communication abilities using sounds, gestures, and facial expressions, thereby allowing the development of intricate social groups. About 15 million years ago, the first humanoids emerged. Although they initially walked on their hind legs, they used the knuckles of their front legs for balance.
Although it is worth pointing out that a 2 percent change in a computer program can be very significant.
Homo sapiens are the only technology-creating species on Earth today, but were not the first such species. Emerging about five million years ago was Homo
(i.e., “handy” human being), known for his erect posture and large brain. He was called handy because he fashioned and used tools. Our most direct ancestor, Homo erectus, showed up in Africa about two million years ago. Homo erectus was also responsible for advancing technology, including the domestication of fire, the development of language, and the use of weapons.
Technology emerged from the mists of humanoid history and has accelerated ever since. Technologies invented by other human species and subspecies included the domestication of fire, tools of stone, pottery, clothing, and other means of providing for basic human needs. Early humanoids also initiated the development of language, visual art, music, and other means for human communication.
About ten thousand years ago, humans began domesticating plants, and soon thereafter, animals. Nomadic hunting tribes began settling down, allowing for more stable forms of social organization. Buildings were constructed to protect both humans and their farming products. More effective means of transportation emerged, facilitating the emergence of trade and large-scale human societies.
The wheel appears to be a relatively recent innovation, with the oldest excavated wheels dating from about 5,500 years ago in Mesopotamia. Emerging around the same time in the same region were rafts, boats, and a system of “cuneiform” inscriptions, the first form of written language that we are aware of.
These technologies enabled humans to congregate in large groups, allowing the emergence of civilization. The first cities emerged in Mesopotamia around 6,000 years ago. Emerging about a millennium later were the ancient Egyptian cities, including Memphis and Thebes, culminating in the reigns of the great Egyptian kings. These cities were constructed as war machines with defensive walls protected by armies utilizing weapons drawn from the most advanced technologies of their time, including chariots, spears, armor, and bows and arrows. Civilization in turn allowed for human specialization of labor through a caste system and organized efforts at advancing technology. An intellectual class including teachers, engineers, physicians, and scribes emerged. Other contributions by the early Egyptian civilization included a paperlike material manufactured from papyrus plants, standardization of measurement, sophisticated metalworking, water management, and a calendar.
More than 2,000 years ago, the Greeks invented elaborate machinery with multiple internal states. Archimedes, Ptolemy, and others described levers, cams, pulleys, valves, cogs, and other intricate mechanisms that revolutionized the measurement of time, navigation, mapmaking, and the construction of buildings and ships. The Greeks are perhaps best known for their contributions to the arts, particularly literature, theater, and sculpture.
The Greeks were superseded by the superior military technology of the Romans. The Roman empire was so successful that it produced the first urban civilization to experience long-term peace and stability. Roman engineers constructed tens of thousands of kilometers of roads and thousands of public constructions such as administrative buildings, bridges, sports stadiums, baths, and sewers. The Romans made particularly notable advances in military technology, including advanced chariots and armor, the catapult and javelin, and other effective tools of war.
The fall of the Roman empire around 500 A.D. ushered in the misnamed Dark Ages. While progress during the next thousand years was slow by contemporary standards, the ever tightening spiral that is technological progress continued to accelerate. Science, technology, religion, art, literature, and philosophy all continued to evolve in Byzantine, Islamic, Chinese, and other societies. Worldwide trade enabled a cross-fertilization in technologies. In Europe, for example, the crossbow and gunpowder were borrowed from China. The spinning wheel was borrowed from India. Paper and printing were developed in China about 2,000 years ago and migrated to Europe many centuries later. Windmills emerged in several parts of the world, facilitating expertise with elaborate gearing machines that would subsequently support the first calculating machines.
The invention in the thirteenth century of a weight-driven clock using the cam technology perfected for windmills and waterwheels freed society from structuring their lives around the sun. Perhaps the most significant invention of the late Middle Ages was Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the movable-type printing press, which opened intellectual life beyond an elite controlled by church and state.
By the seventeenth century, technology had created the means for empires to span the globe. Several European countries, including England, France, and Spain, were developing economies based on far-flung colonies. This colonization spawned the emergence of a merchant class, a worldwide banking system, and early forms of intellectual property protection, including the patent.
On May 26, 1733, the English Patent Office issued a patent to John Kay for his “New Engine for Opening and Dressing Wool.” This was good news, for he had plans to manufacture his “flying shuttle” and market it to the burgeoning English textile industry. Kay’s invention was a quick success, but he spent all of his profits on litigation, attempting in vain to enforce his patent. He died in poverty, never realizing that his innovation in the weaving of cloth represented the launching of the Industrial Revolution.
The widespread adoption of Kay’s innovation created pressure for a more efficient way to spin yarn, which resulted in Sir Richard Arkwright’s Cotton Jenny, patented in 1770. In the 1780s, machines were invented to card and comb the wool to feed the new automated spinning machines. By the end of the eighteenth century, the English cottage industry of textiles was replaced with increasingly efficient centralized machines. The birth of the Industrial Revolution led to the founding of the Luddite movement in the early 1800s, the first organized movement opposing technology.

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