The Age of Radiance (72 page)

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Authors: Craig Nelson

Tags: #Atomic Bomb, #History, #Modern, #Nonfiction, #Retail

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“there is an emission of rays without apparent cause”
: P. D. Smith.

“My existence has been that of a prisoner”
: Quinn.

“Stas is very funny”
: Ève Curie.

“If [men] don’t want to marry impecunious young girls”
: American Institute of Physics.

“I have fallen into black melancholy”
: Redniss.

“For the children, the dreadful nature of Czarist occupation”
: Ève Curie.

“Constantly held in suspicion and spied upon”
: American Institute of Physics.

“While his wife was being treated”
: Ève Curie.

“Weak as I am, in order not to let”
: Ibid.

“One of the boarders infected Bronya”
: Ibid.

“For many years we all felt weighing”
: American Institute of Physics.

“We sleep sometimes at night”
: Ève Curie.

“My situation was not exceptional”
: Curie,
Pierre Curie

“Pierre’s intellectual capacities were not those”
: Ibid.

“I did not regret my nights”
: Redniss.

“As I entered the room, Pierre Curie”
“noticed the grave and gentle expression”; “had a touching desire to know”; “It would, nevertheless, be a beautiful thing”
: Curie,
Pierre Curie

“It is a sorrow to me to have”
: Quinn.

“I have the best husband”
: Ève Curie.

“I think of you who fill my life”
: Curie,
Pierre Curie

“practical and dark, so that”
: Ève Curie.

“My husband and I were so closely”
: American Institute of Physics.

“my dear little child whom I love”
: Ève Curie.

“the subject seemed to us very attractive”
: Slowiczek and Peters.

“In truth, the red glaze emitted”
: Homer Laughlin Company, response to
Good Morning America
’s report on domestic radiation, March 16, 2011.

“from this point of view, the atom”
: Mme. Skłodowska Curie.

“Neither of us could foresee that”
: American Institute of Physics.

“The life of a great scientist in his laboratory”
: Curie,
Pierre Curie

“We lived in our single preoccupation”
: Ève Curie.

“You can’t imagine what a hole”
“Life is not easy for any”
: Ibid.

“Radium has the power of communicating”
: Mme. Skłodowska Curie.

“Sometimes we returned in the evening”
: American Institute of Physics.

“Viewed through a magnifying glass”
: Marie Curie, “Recherches sur les Substances Radioactives,”
Annales de Chemie et de Physiques
(Paris), 1903.

“read a dozen square yards of newspaper daily”
: Ève Curie.

“A phenomenon of such extended malignancy”
: Tuchman.

“not only as mass, but also”
: Mahaffey.

“would possess a weapon by which”
: P. D. Smith.

“anemia, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthenia, diabetes”
“Such a light as this should shine”
: Redniss.

“I don’t see the utility of it”
: Ève Curie.

“I have wanted to write to you”
: To E. Gouy, January 22, 1904, in Curie,
Pierre Curie

“It’s pretty hard, this life”
: Ève Curie.

“The Radium Water Worked Fine”
: Kean, “Radium.”

“One girl fainted at the sight”
: Harvie.

“The luminosity was brilliant”
: P. D. Smith.

“neither very well, nor very ill”
“had grown so accustomed to the idea”
: Letter to Bronya, August 25, 1903, American Institute of Physics.

“I have been frequently questioned”
: Curie,
Pierre Curie

“Did I eat a beefsteak?”
: Ève Curie.

“a little heartache”
: Quinn.

“His body passed between the feet”
: Ève Curie.

“My son is dead”
: Ibid.

“I enter the room”
: Quinn.

“They brought you in and placed”
: Curie,
Cher Pierre

“Everybody said Marie Curie is dead”
: Borel.

“In science we must be interested”
: Ève Curie.

“There is no connection between my scientific work”
: Redniss.

“Madame Curie is very intelligent”
: Kline.

“The hour when we knew”
: Curie,
Pierre Curie

“In his scientific thinking Langevin”
: “Tribute to Langevin,”
La Pensées
, 1946,
Correspondance françaises

“Often, during meals, M. Langevin”
: Perrin.

“I spent last evening and night”
“I am trembling with impatience”
November 23, 1911.

“You are going to see quite a scandal”
“great friendship angered Mme. Langevin”; “was astounded to see Mme. Curie run”; “shouted threats for everyone to hear”
: Perrin.

“Variegated, virulent, turbulent, literary, inventive”
: Tuchman.

“I spent yesterday evening and night”
, November 23, 1911.

“very difficult to judge the works of Mme. Curie”
Le Petit Parisien
, January 5, 1911.

“under the austere scientist”
: Borel.

“consorting with a concubine in the marital dwelling”
: Perrin.

“I rediscovered in [Pierre Curie’s] daughter”
: American Institute of Physics.

“well-respected but they are industrialists”
: Quinn.

“I miss Irène a lot”
“That young man is a ball of fire”; “My mother and my husband often debated”
: Ibid.

“What fools”
: Segrè,
From X-Rays to Quarks.

“An infinitely tiny particle projected”
: “Les grandes découvertes de la radioactivité,”
La Pensée
, 1957.

“began to run and jump around”
“With the neutron we were too late”; “I will never forget the expression”
(Lisbon), January 10, 1955.

“Then began the harrowing struggle”
: Ève Curie.

3. Rome: November 10, 1938

“completely self-confident, but wholly without conceit”
: Allardice and Trapnell.

“a steamroller that moved slowly”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi.

“There is a Fermi Sea”
: Orear.

“a very very common man”
: Holton et al.

“They were allowed to use the research”
“Fermi, after much reading of the pertinent literature”
: Fermi to Persico, November 29, 1920,
Fermi Papers

“Mechanical proficiency and practical gadgets”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi.

“The location of the building”
: Ibid.

“Fermi worked in the Institute”
: Orear.

“I want to mention the ‘Fermi Questions’ ”
: Ibid.

“if an atom were the size of a bus”
: Aczel.

“Fermi organized a group to do this”
: Orear.

“Radon plus beryllium sources were”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi.

“The experimenters had to run”
: Orear.

“One day, as I came to the laboratory”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi.

“Neutron research led to many surprises”
: Orear.

“Physics was comprehensible, as long as”
: Ibid.

“For the most part, my father”
: Ibid.

“Fermi was completely devoted to physics”
: Ibid.

“Fermi had always said he wanted”
: Holton et al.

“The next winter was the coldest”
: Orear.

“Now they are sending away the Jews”
“Re: Anti-Semitic Campaign”
: Laura Fermi.

“I’m going to cut the throat”
: Kumar.

“not yet hanged”
: P. D. Smith.

“For reasons that you can easily”
: Fermi to Pegram, September 4 and October 22, 1938,
Fermi Papers

“I think that my mother”
: Orear.

“She would not take notice”
: Ibid.

“having transformed the Physics Institute”
: Segrè,
Enrico Fermi

4. The Mysteries of Budapest

“Don’t you think God already”
: Orear.

“It is beneath my dignity”
: Lanouette with Silard.

“leaving his country, perhaps for good”
: Ibid.

“our Madame Curie”
: P. D. Smith.

“I only want to know”
: Hargittai,

“a vivid man about five feet”
: P. D. Smith.

“They should have arrived here”
: Crick.

“Johnny [von Neumann] used to say”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun

“an intellectual bumblebee”
“You didn’t know what he”; “I never met anybody more imaginative”
: P. D. Smith.

“When I worked in the patent office”
“Spinoza’s God who reveals himself”; “work in which I myself”; “He tends to overestimate”
: Lanouette with Silard.

“Hitler and his Nazis are”
: Segrè,
From X-Rays to Quarks.

“practically everybody who came”
: P. D. Smith.

“I’m spending much money”
: Hargittai,

“as I was waiting for the light”
: P. D. Smith.

“I don’t remember him ever”
: Lanouette with Silard.

“We are all agreed that”
: Dael Lee Wolfle,
Symposium on Basic Research
(New York: National Academy of Sciences, 1959).

“something deeply hidden had to be”
: Isaacson.

“how a puddle with a bit of oil”
: Rife.

“the most beautiful and stimulating”
: Sime.

“bordering on fear of people”
: Ibid.

“For many years I never had”
: Hahn.

“My strongest and dearest remembrances”
: Rife.

“a nose for discovering new elements”
: Ibid.

“But I thought you were a
: Hahn.

“it was as if the ground”
: Kumar.

“As soon as we were in”
: American Institute of Physics.

“It was the passport to scientific”
: Meitner, “Status.”

: Sime.

“like an axe in the hands”
: Segrè,
From X-Rays to Quarks

“she had committed a gross error”
: Rife.

“Fermi was a very careful experimenter”
: Teller.

“mystics, magicians and religious fanatics”
: Rittenmeyer and Skundrick.

“I have nothing against the Jews”
: Max Planck, “Mein Besuch bei Adolf Hitler”:
Physikalische Blätter
3 (1947).

“I built it from its very”
: Letter to Gerta von Ubisch, July 1, 1947, Meitner Collection.

“After these three laws were read”
: Rittenmeyer and Skundrick.

“The Jewess endangers the institute”
“nothing more could be done”; “The great misfortune has happened”
: Sime.

“It is considered undesirable”
: Rife.

“is like a sensitive child”
: Letter to Ehrenfest, May 4, 1920, in Albrecht Fölsing,
Albert Einstein: A Biography
(London: Viking, 1997).

“appeared to me like a miracle”
: Paul A. Schilpp, ed.,
Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist
(New York: MJF Books, 1969).

“Bohr loved paradoxes”
: Teller.

“I wanted her to be provided for”
“The danger consisted in the SS’s”
: Hahn.

“You have made yourself as famous”
: Rife.

“No, but I was told”
: Segrè,
From X-Rays to Quarks

“Perhaps you cannot fully appreciate”
: Meitner to Hahn, September 25, October 15, and December 5, 1938, in Krafft.

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